Library of Congress: Science and Technology in the People’s Republic of China
“Science and Technology in the People’s Republic of China,” Tracer Bullet 10-4, Science Reference Series, Library of Congress, 24 May 2010.
This bibliographic guide references English-language sources on scientific and technological developments in China beginning in October 1949, following the Communist revolution. Little was known about the inner workings and policies of the newly-formed government, including its scientific mission and activities until the end of 1978. At that time, China embarked on a path of economic reform under national leader, Deng Xiaoping, who declared “Science and technology are the primary productive force.” Scientists and engineers who had been denounced and dismissed during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) were reinstalled as were the R&D institutions whose work had been disrupted, students of science and engineering who had been unable to leave the country were once again sent abroad for training. Science and technology remain primary to China’s leaders today.
This compilation is based on English-language materials and public access electronic resources available in the collections of the Library of Congress. This and other recent Tracer Bullets are available online from the Science Reference Section at URL: Not meant to be a comprehensive bibliography, this compilation is designed—as the name of the series implies—to put the reader “on target.” …