Archive | Presentations (Selected)

17 June 2024

Honored to Speak at 20th Aspen Ideas Festival!

“U.S. and China: Edging Toward the Brink?”
Panel on Monday, June 24, 2024 (10:20am – 11:50am)

Doerr-Hosier Center, McNulty Room, Aspen Institute, Aspen, Colorado

Click here for the Aspen Ideas Festival agenda.

Register to attend here.

Niall Ferguson, the celebrated historian who predicted Cold War II in 2018, has assembled the sharpest minds from both sides of the Bamboo Curtain […]

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08 June 2024

Watch “The Boiling Moat: Urgent Steps to Defend Taiwan” rollout at Stanford’s Hoover Institution

I was honored to join Matt Pottinger and some of his contributors to “The Boiling Moat: Urgent Steps to Defend Taiwan” at the book’s rollout at Stanford’s Hoover Institution on 30 May 2024. Sponsored by China’s Global Sharp Power Project and Taiwan in the Indo-Pacific Region, the event was hosted and run by Pottinger and Larry […]

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31 May 2024

CLSC Dialogues – Ep 7 – Christopher Sharman and Dr. Andrew S. Erickson – China Center Director Series – China Maritime Studies Institute

Honored to speak with China Maritime Studies Institute Director Christopher Sharman on CMSI’s history, missions, scholars, and offerings! Podcast hosted by Kristen Taylor, Army War College Public Affairs and Colonel Richard Butler, Director of AWC’s rapidly developing China Landpower Studies Center (CLSC).

Click here to listen!
Listen on YouTube here!

Audio by Kristen Taylor
U.S. […]

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30 May 2024

Today at 4–5:30 pm PT (7–8:30 pm ET)! “The Boiling Moat: Urgent Steps to Defend Taiwan” rollout at Stanford’s Hoover Institution

It’s been a great pleasure to be part of the wonderful group of experts assembled by Matt Pottinger for this important and timely volume, from whom I’ve learned so much. I look forward to joining everyone for the book’s rollout at the Hoover Institution at Stanford today (Thursday, 30 May) from 4:00 pm – 5:30 […]

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22 March 2024

Panel on “What Chinese Leaders are Learning from Recent Wars Around the World” at Columbia-Harvard China & the World Program’s 20th Annual Conference

22 March 2024 3:15 PM: PANEL #4 – What Chinese Leaders Are Learning from Recent Wars

Andrew Erickson, U.S. Naval War College
Dawn Murphy, National War College
Tyler Jost, Brown University
Moderator: Alexandra Vacroux, Harvard University


Rethinking China’s International Relations: China and the World Program 20th Annual Conference

March 22 @ 9:00 am – 5:15 […]

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20 February 2024

Special Presentation Today at Harvard—“China-Russia Relations Two Years into Putin’s Ukraine War: How Strong, For How Long?”

Special Presentation – China-Russia Relations Two Years into Putin’s Ukraine War: How Strong, For How Long?


Tuesday, February 20, 2024


5:15 pm – 6:30 pm

Event Category:

Special Event


Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies
This event is co-sponsored by the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University.


CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room, […]

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24 October 2023

Presented at NBR Event: “Assessing U.S.-China Deterrence Dynamics & Crisis Management”

“Assessing U.S.-China Deterrence Dynamics & Crisis Management,” symposium hosted virtually by National Bureau of Asian Research, 11 October 2023.
Click here to watch the event on YouTube.

When Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Beijing this June, his Chinese counterparts once again rejected an offer to establish a military line of communication between Washington and Beijing, an […]

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30 September 2023

Running the Gauntlet: Holding the Line on Taiwan & Beyond through This Decade of Maximum Danger

My latest presentation—summarizes my take on what we’re up against & what we must do, urgently, to hold the line on Taiwan and beyond through the 2020s, a most decisive decade!
Andrew S. Erickson “Running the Gauntlet: Holding the Line on Taiwan & Beyond through This Decade/FYDP of Maximum Danger,” Keynote presentation for Foreign Challenges – […]

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10 March 2023

“Chinese Strategy: Universal or Unique?”—Honored to Present at Naval War College-Vanderbilt University Conference!

Is Chinese strategy part of a universal field of strategic thought, or should it be seen as a distinct intellectual tradition that cannot easily be mapped onto Western concepts of strategy?
Friday 10 March, 1430–1800 & Saturday 11 March, 0900–1700
***Please note: all times are Central Standard Time, one hour behind Eastern Standard […]

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21 February 2023

Harvard Fairbank Center Special Event—2 March: “‘Friends with No Limits?’ The Future of China-Russia Relations”

“Friends with No Limits?” The Future of China-Russia Relations

Date: Thursday, 2 March 2023
Time: 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Venue: Hall A, Science Center, 1 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA 02138

Event Category: Special Event
Click here to watch a video of the event on YouTube.


Andrew S. Erickson, Professor of Strategy and Research Director, U.S. Naval War College (NWC) China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI); Visiting Professor, Government Department, […]

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06 December 2022

Harvard Conference on U.S.-China Relations—18 November 2022—Covered in “The Wire China”

I was honored to join many China scholars and others at a recent event in Cambridge, MA:
“Coexistence 2.0: U.S.-China Relations in a Changing World” Conference. Co-presented by the Harvard University Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies and the Harvard Kennedy Rajawali Foundation Institute for Asia, with support from the Asia Society’s Center on U.S.-China Relations and […]

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17 November 2022

Honored to present on “Panel 4: Competition & Cooperation in Security, Ideas & Rules” at Harvard Conference on U.S.-China Relations, Harvard Law School, 18 November 2022

Honored to present on “Panel 4: Competition & Cooperation in Security, Ideas and Rules,” at “Coexistence 2.0: U.S.-China Relations in a Changing World” Conference.

Co-presented by the Harvard University Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies and the Harvard Kennedy Rajawali Foundation Institute for Asia, with support from the Asia Society’s Center on U.S.-China Relations and UC San […]

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08 October 2022

Harvard Fairbank Center Book Launch & Panel Discussion—“The China Questions 2” & “What Does China’s Rise Mean for the U.S.?”—Thursday, 13 October, 4:30–6:00 PM

Panel Discussion – What Does China’s Rise Mean for the United States?

13 October 2022 @ 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm

Click here to register for hybrid attendance via Zoom.

For decades Americans have described China as a rising power. That description no longer fits: China has already risen. What does this mean for the US–China relationship? For the […]

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16 May 2022

China’s Gray Zone Strategy in the South China Sea: Emerging Trends and Deterrence Strategies

Andrew S. Erickson, “China’s Gray Zone Strategy in the South China Sea: Emerging Trends and Deterrence Strategies,” Kwentong Mandaragat Lecture, Foundation for the National Interest and University of the Philippines Institute for Maritime Affairs and Law of the Sea, via Zoom to Manila, 25 May 2021.


On 25 May […]

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23 November 2021

Great to Speak at CFR Virtual Meeting: “After Glasgow—The Good, the Bad, and the Hopeful”

“After Glasgow—The Good, the Bad, and the Hopeful,” Virtual Meeting, Council on Foreign Relations, 19 November 2021.
Click here to watch on YouTube!

Our panelists review the recent COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, including climate action since the Paris Accords and how governments and businesses can step up to address the complex challenges of climate change and adaptation.
Andrew S. […]

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19 November 2021

Honored to Present Mon. 22 November—Korea Maritime Institute/Harvard Belfer Center Conference—“Maritime Security & Peace on the Korean Peninsula”

Andrew S. Erickson, “North Korea Scenario and PRC Response: Layered Containment and Management of a Collapse-Induced Maritime Exodus,” presented via Zoom at conference sponsored by the Korea Maritime Institute (KMI) and Harvard Belfer Center, 22 November 2021.
Maritime Security and Peace on the Korean Peninsula
Mon., Nov. 22, 2021 | 7:00pm – 9:00pm

Join us for this Zoom Webinar event.
The […]

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03 July 2021

Honored to offer ideas on “Data Sharing & MDA in the Indo-Pacific” for NDU’s Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies

Andrew S. Erickson, “Info-Tech Opportunities: Data Sharing and MDA in the Indo-Pacific,” presented via Blackboard to audience across greater Indian Ocean Region for “Maritime Domain and Technology Transformations: A Workshop on Navigating Technological Applications’,” sponsored by Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies, National Defense University, 17 June 2021.
Pleased to present on […]

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03 July 2021

Presented via East-West Center—“China’s South China Sea Approach”—to Indonesian Journalists (Who Wrote Three Dozen Articles for 16 Million Readers)

Andrew S. Erickson, “China’s South China Sea Approach: Maritime Gray Zone Operations,” presentation for “Threat Assessment of the PRC South China Sea Policy,” East-West Center webinar with Indonesian Journalists via Zoom, 8 June 2021.

Honored to participate in this great event organized by Vice President and Washington Office Director Dr. Satu Limaye and his East-West Center […]

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20 May 2021

The China Maritime Militia Bookshelf: Latest Developments, Statements, Numbers, Analysis, Wikipedia Entry & Music Video

Andrew S. Erickson, “Tracking China’s ‘Little Blue Men’—A Comprehensive Maritime Militia Compendium,” China Analysis from Original Sources 以第一手资料研究中国, 20 May 2021.

As Coronavirus rages on, fishy things have been happening across the South and East China Seas, home to virtually all of China’s unresolved maritime disputes… Since Beijing remains far from being fully forthcoming and transparent, it is to be hoped […]

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