About Andrew Erickson
Dr. Andrew S. Erickson is Professor of Strategy (tenured full professor) in the U.S. Naval War College (NWC)’s China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI). A core founding member, he helped establish CMSI and stand it up officially in 2006, and has played an integral role in its development; from 2021–23 he served as Research Director. Erickson is currently a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University’s John King Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, where he has been an Associate in Research since 2008. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Institute of Maritime Policy & Strategy’s International Advisory Committee, and the Japan-America Society of Southern New England and Japan-America Navy Friendship Association (JANAFA)-Newport’s Board of Directors. Erickson serves on the editorial boards of Naval War College Review and Asia Policy and is a Contributing Editor at 19FortyFive.
Erickson helped initiate, and was part of, the original ‘China Maritime Studies Group’ that approached NWC’s Provost in fall 2004 with the idea of creating CMSI. Following the NWC President’s approval, the Provost established CMSI within the Center for Naval Warfare Studies’ Strategic Research Department on 1 October 2004. Erickson helped draft the above-core issue paper for NWC’s submission to Program Objective Memorandum (POM)08 that secured the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)’s personal approval to inaugurate CMSI formally and sufficient funding to hire four additional faculty during FY 2008. On 1 October 2006, CMSI was launched in accordance with POM08 decisions by the CNO as the Department of Defense (DoD)’s first service-specific China center. In April 2008, Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) Robert Gates invoked CMSI as a model for the Minerva Research Initiative. By December 2008, CMSI held four influential conferences, with edited volumes following for each. These included CMSI’s leadoff cornerstone event, “China’s Future Nuclear Submarine Force” (26–27 October 2005). Among CMSI’s early publications, Chinese Mine Warfare pioneered the validation of open-source methodology, and remains a formative study in the field. CMSI inspired the creation of other analytical centers, which Erickson has advised and supported, including China centers for all other DoD military services; he is a China Aerospace Studies Institute (CASI) Associate.
In 2024 Erickson was awarded the Navy Superior Civilian Service Medal. In 2017 he received NWC’s inaugural Civilian Faculty Research Excellence Award. In 2012 the National Bureau of Asian Research awarded Erickson the inaugural Ellis Joffe Prize for PLA Studies; he subsequently served on the selection committee. His publications have won various awards, including the Samuel B. Griffith Foundation’s 2025 Publication of the Year, the NWC Foundation’s Hugh G. Nott Prize (first & second place), the U.S. Naval Institute General Prize Essay Contest (third prize), and repeated recognition by the Center for International Maritime Security (CIMSEC) and War on the Rocks.
Erickson has taught courses at NWC and Yonsei University. He provides flag officer tailored education for NWC, both on and off campus; including in Honolulu, Taipei, Kaohsiung, and Naples. He advises and evaluates a wide range of student research, theses, and professional development at NWC, Harvard, and other institutions. Erickson contributes curricular instruction, inputs, and guidance to NWC, across the Naval University System, and beyond; particularly in support of SECDEF’s guidance for professional military education regarding China. In 2013, while deployed in the Pacific as a Naval Postgraduate School Regional Security Education Program scholar aboard the flagship aircraft carrier USS Nimitz, Erickson delivered twenty-five hours of lectures. He has also accompanied an allied military air patrol in East Asia. Erickson is coauthor of the Oxford Bibliography (Oxford University Press) on “The People’s Liberation Army (PLA).”
For two decades, Erickson has supported NWC’s scholarly research relationship with Japanese counterparts. In 2014 he helped to escort the Commander of China’s Navy and his delegation on a visit to Harvard. He subsequently helped to establish, escort the first iteration of, and further assist NWC’s first bilateral naval officer exchange program and field studies class in China. Erickson was a scholar escort on a five-member congressional trip to China in 2011. He participates in a range of Track 1, 1.5, and 2 discussions, including as a delegate at the Shangri-La Dialogue; and has joined delegations sponsored by Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
From 2022–24 Erickson was a Visiting Professor in Harvard’s Department of Government, within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. During 2019–22 he was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard’s Fairbank Center. From 2012–17 Erickson was an expert contributor to the Wall Street Journal’s China Real Time Report (中国实时报), for which he authored/coauthored thirty-eight articles. Erickson was the 2010–11 Princeton-Harvard China and the World Program Fellow in residence at Harvard’s Center for Government and International Studies. From 2008–11 he was a Fellow in the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations’ Public Intellectuals Program. In 2005–06, he was a Research Fellow sponsored by the late longtime director of the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment, Andrew Marshall.
Erickson presents at academic, private sector, and government institutions throughout the United States and Asia. He has broadened his knowledge by attending four Zhuhai Airshows, presenting papers in International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) History Symposia at seven International Astronautical Congresses, editing newsletters for a hedge fund, and speaking at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Erickson has briefed a broad array of senior U.S. and foreign policy-makers and principals. Within the U.S. Navy: the CNO and Executive Panel, the Secretary of the Navy, and leaders throughout the Indo-Pacific. Elsewhere in government: the National Security Council’s Deputy National Security Advisor, Senior Director for Asia, China/Taiwan Directors, and Chief of Staff; Ambassador to China and other Executive Branch officials; SECDEF; Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; Air Force Chief of Staff; Marine Corps and Coast Guard Commandants; other agency heads; and many Members of Congress. Internationally: numerous high-level officials, including Japan’s former Defense Minister and future Prime Minister as well as heads of multiple foreign navies and other government organizations. Additionally: the National Academies’ Naval Studies Board.
Erickson testifies before such congressional bodies as the House Foreign Affairs and Armed Services Committees and U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. He has provided inputs for, and reviews of, multifarious government programs, wargaming/simulations, and reports; including in support of the National Intelligence Council’s Global Trends study and DoD’s Annual Report to Congress on China’s Military Power. Erickson’s research, presentations, and recommendations are consumed widely by key principals and have influenced specific aspects of U.S. and allied government military doctrine as well as civilian, military, and interagency assessments, policy, messaging guidance, statements, and actions.
Erickson received his Ph.D. and M.A. in politics from Princeton University (concentrations: China/comparative politics, international relations) and graduated magna cum laude from Amherst College (majors: history, political science; international relations certificate). He took many courses at The Princeton School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA); studied Mandarin in the Princeton in Beijing program at Beijing Normal University’s College of Chinese Language and Culture; and studied Japanese language, politics, and economics in the year-long Associated Kyoto Program at Doshisha University.
Erickson previously worked for Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) as a Chinese translator and technical analyst. He gained early experience interning at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, Consulate in Hong Kong, Peace Corps Headquarters, Senate, and White House. Beijing internship experiences included delivering documents for Colin Powell and climbing the Great Wall with Joe Biden. Erickson has traveled across the Indo-Pacific, from key features, waters, and airspace to China’s Zhongnanhai leadership compound, multiple nations’ military bases near the Korean Demilitarized Zone, and remote hinterlands of Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. He enjoys exploring strategic islands, e.g., Kinmen and Matsu’s Beigan and Nangan. Proficient in Mandarin Chinese and conversant in Japanese, he has lived and performed academic work in China, Japan, and Korea.
Erickson’s research focuses on Indo-Asia-Pacific defense, international relations, technology, and resource issues. He has envisioned, developed, and led a pathbreaking decade-long project to uncover China’s critically important but insufficiently understood Maritime Militia; his coauthored China Maritime Report No. 1—China’s Third Sea Force inaugurated a series of papers exploring topics of emergent interest. Erickson’s coauthored CMSI Note 1—“Admiral Hu to the Helm” initiated a series of timely analyses of recent PRC maritime events. Erickson has published chapters in numerous English- and Chinese-language edited volumes, including the two-part Fairbank Center “China Questions” series (Harvard University Press, 2018; and The China Questions 2: Critical Insights into U.S.-China Relations, 2022/paperback forthcoming 1 July 2025).
Erickson’s work has been published in such peer-reviewed journals as International Security, Journal of Strategic Studies, Orbis, Frontiers in Political Science, Technology in Society, Acta Astronautica, Asian Security, Asia Policy, China Quarterly, Journal of Contemporary China, The China Journal, and Journal of Chinese Political Science. It has also appeared in Foreign Affairs, The Washington Quarterly, The National Interest, Foreign Policy, Joint Force Quarterly, War on the Rocks, H-Diplo (forthcoming), CIMSEC, The Diplomat, IHS Jane’s, Jamestown Foundation China Brief, Geopolitics of Energy, Global Health Governance, RSIS Commentary, IISS Strategic Dossier, Harvard Asia Quarterly, and Peking University’s China International Strategy Review and International & Strategic Studies Report. Erickson has published annotated translations of several Chinese articles on maritime strategy.
Erickson’s coauthored Foreign Affairs print article, “Competition with China Can Save the Planet,” has been read widely in U.S. and Asian policy circles. His National Interest article “Breaking Down the Pentagon’s 2020 China Military Power Report” received over 150,000 page views in its first 24 hours online. “China Reveals Two ‘Carrier-Killer’ Missiles” garnered 65,000 page views within the first day of its publication in The National Interest. Erickson’s RealClearDefense piece “What Sort of Navy America Needs” registered 60,000 page views in its first day of posting.
Erickson is the author of the book Chinese Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile Development (Jamestown Foundation/Brookings Institution Press, 2013). He is coauthor of two other books: Gulf of Aden Anti-Piracy and China’s Maritime Commons Presence (Jamestown/Brookings, 2015) and Assessing China’s Cruise Missile Ambitions (National Defense University Press, 2014). He has coauthored four additional volumes: Charting China’s International Security Activism (Center for a New American Security, 2015), the CMSI monographs Chinese Antipiracy Operations in the Gulf of Aden (2013) and Chinese Mine Warfare (2009), and the CASI monograph The PLAAF’s Campaign for a Bigger Maritime Role (2019). Erickson is the editor of, and a contributor to, three volumes: Maritime Gray Zone Operations (Routledge Cass Series: Naval Policy & History, 2022/paperback 2024), Chinese Naval Shipbuilding (Naval Institute Press/NIP, 2016/paperback 2023), and Proceedings of the 47th History Symposium of the IAA (Univelt, 2015). He is coeditor of, and a contributor to, thirteen volumes. This includes nine (in addition to Chinese Naval Shipbuilding) of the ten “Studies in Chinese Maritime Development” books to date, for which he is the series editor; comprising the NIP volumes China’s Maritime Gray Zone Operations (2019/Japanese translation 2020/paperback 2023/Taiwan Defense Ministry translation 2023), Chinese Aerospace Power (2011), China, the U.S., and 21st Century Sea Power (2010/China Ocean Press translation 2014), China Goes to Sea (2009/China Ocean Press translation 2015/paperback 2021), China’s Energy Strategy (2008/China Ocean Press translation 2015), and China’s Future Nuclear Submarine Force (2007/China Ocean Press translation 2015); and The People of China’s Navy and Other Maritime Forces (forthcoming); as well as the NWC Press books Chinese Amphibious Warfare: Prospects for a Cross-Strait Invasion (2024—named 2025 Publication of the Year by the Samuel B. Griffith Foundation) and Chinese Undersea Warfare: Narrowing the Gaps (forthcoming 2025). It also includes Basing and Forward Presence in the Asia-Pacific (NIP, 2014/paperback 2024), the CMSI volume China’s Near Seas Combat Capabilities (2014), and the NWC Newport Paper China’s Nuclear Force Modernization (2005).
Erickson’s work has been cited widely in scholarly publications and reports from the U.S. government and think tanks such as CSIS and RAND, and featured in a broad range of print, wire service, television, radio, and Internet media. He has been interviewed and quoted extensively in numerous newspapers, magazines, and online sources. He tweets via @AndrewSErickson and is listed among The China Studies Twitterati 50. Erickson is co-founder of China SignPost™ 洞察中国 <www.chinasignpost.com>, an analytic portal covering key PRC-related developments; particularly natural resource, technology, industry, and trade issues; he has coauthored 94 reports. Analyses have anticipated policy options regarding Beijing’s coercive envelopment of Hong Kong (#102), limitations in the implementation and efficacy of Xi-era reforms (#81), China’s 2015 stock market slump (#89), and a long-run S-curved slowdown in China’s economic growth rate and overall development trajectory (#44). Links to these, and Erickson’s other publications, can be found at China Analysis from Original Sources 以第一手资料研究中国 <www.andrewerickson.com>, a website that posts and curates findings—many based on Chinese-language sources not previously assessed by foreign observers—offering insights into China and its impact on the world.
(***Please note: Unless otherwise specified, the views posted, reposted, linked to, or otherwise expressed on Dr. Andrew S. Erickson’s research websites, social media accounts, and other electronic and print sources do not represent the views of any organization with which he is, or has been, affiliated. The views he expresses are his alone and do not necessarily represent the views, policies, or positions of the U.S. Department of Defense or its components, to include the Department of the Navy or the U.S. Naval War College. Retweets, links, or follows, etc., do not imply endorsement or represent organizations in any way. None of these activities should be construed as political statements.***)
Click here for abridged Chinese-language (中文) version of the above biography.
Click here for abridged Chinese-language (中文) traditional list-style biography.
Click here for Japanese-language (日本語) version of biography.
(Disclaimer: the above English-language biography remains the only comprehensive and authoritative version.)
- China’s armed forces
- Chinese national security and foreign policy
- China’s maritime and aerospace activities
- PRC defense science, technology, and industry
- Japan/Indo-Asia-Pacific security and international relations
- Maritime and aerospace technology development: history and current status
- Energy, resources, and geostrategy
- Military basing and power projection
- National mega-projects and other major programs
- Biographical studies of military and technological figures
- Sino-American relations and contemporary policy issues
- Open source information acquisition, curation, analysis, and dissemination
- Intellectual leadership and management of research organizations
Contact Information
Professor of Strategy 战略学教授
China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI) 中国海事研究所
Strategic and Operational Research Department 战略与战役研究系
U.S. Naval War College 美国海军军事学院
686 Cushing Road 库欣路686号
Newport, RI 02841-1207 美国罗德岛州新港市, 邮编: RI 02841-1207
Visiting Scholar 访问学者
Associate in Research 研究员
John King Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies 费正清中国研究中心
Harvard University 哈佛大学
CGIS South Building, First Floor CGIS-South大楼的一楼
1730 Cambridge Street 剑桥街1730号
Cambridge, MA 02138 马萨诸塞州剑桥市, 邮编: MA 02138
Co-Founder, China SignPost™ “洞察中国” 联合创始人
“Andrew Erickson may be the best analyst of the Chinese military in the United States today—he is certainly in the top five. He combines technical sophistication, great language skills, diligent research, and a keen understanding of which military policy issues and debates matter most. In my recent book-writing on the subject with Jim Steinberg, I have found Andrew’s work extraordinarily sophisticated and helpful.”
—Dr. Michael O’Hanlon, Senior Fellow, Center for 21st Century Security and Intelligence; Director of Research, Foreign Policy Program; Brookings Institution
“Your insights and contributions to the national debate once again prove the wisdom of the decision to establish the China Maritime Studies Institute at the Naval War College.”
—Prof. Craig H. Allen, Judson Falknor Professor of Law, University of Washington Law School
“In the 10 years or so that I’ve attended and presented at domestic and international undersea defense conferences; including those at Sydney, Cannes, Hamburg, Glasgow and London; anytime the subject of Chinese naval power came up, so did the name of Andrew Erickson—undisputably one of the world’s foremost experts in this area.”
—Capt. James Patton, USN (Ret.), Owner, Submarine Tactics & Technology, Inc.
“Andrew’s edited volume on Chinese Aerospace Power is one of the most important books on air and space power I’ve ever read. I’m delighted that he has doubled down on his expertise with the equally important history of Chinese statesman and their effective use of airpower. With his combined talents of linguist, researcher and airpower historian, Andrew is leading the way in his field. Please go to his website, www.andrewerickson.com, and you’ll find insights you won’t find elsewhere!”
—Col. Walter J. Boyne, USAF (Ret.), National Aviation Hall of Fame honoree and former director of the National Air and Space Museum; author of Beyond the Wild Blue: A History of the U.S. Air Force, 1947-2007
“My sincere thanks for your advice, your guidance and your support over the last five years.”
–James Barker, First Secretary – Foreign and Security Policy, British Embassy Beijing
“I met Andrew at Harvard five years ago when I was Associate Director of the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies. Andrew’s research and ideas were of great interest to our associated faculty. He regularly was invited to speak to our colloquia. He continues to be invited by Harvard to join other specialists to talk about issues concerning China. China’s naval modernization and the military implications for all other navies, especially for the United States, is a topic we frequently asked him to speak about. But his research extends from that point to also consider the strategic geo-political aspects of China’s naval development. Because of that his audiences are as likely to include scholars of diplomacy and recent history, as well as military experts. At Harvard we noticed that members of the diplomatic community were often in attendance.”
—Dr. Ronald Suleski, Professor of History and Director, Rosenberg Institute for East Asian Studies, Suffolk University
For further assessments of Andrew and his work, see his recommendations on LinkedIn.
Philippe Rogers Chief of Staff at U.S. Military Delegation to NATO, NATO HQ, Brussels, Belgium; Senior Marine at NATO
"I wanted to take the time to write a recommendation for Dr. Andrew Erickson, PhD, who is a Professor of Strategy at the U.S. Naval War College and an Associate in Research at the Harvard Fairbank Center. Dr. Erickson's elective class "China's National Security" and his mentorship while I was at the Naval War College for an academic year were the highlights in a year filled with them. I was - with great luck, fortune, and tons of guidance - the recipient of the distinguished honor graduate award for the War College class and received several writing awards; the only reason why I write this is to give context to the following statement: Andrew's class and his mentorship in helping me get articles published in the Joint Forces Quarterly and The Naval War College Review were the highlights in an incredible year of my life. "China's National Security" was the best class I took all that year - thought-provoking, mind broadening, and of great current event-related immediacy. The depth and breadth of topics we covered in one too-short course, and the discussions we had in a class of 20-plus from all services and interagency entities, armed me with the potential to talk to everything from China's history to its modernization and global-strategic objectives. There has not been a week since I left that course that I have not used the information I garnered from this elective. Subsequent to the course, Dr. Erickson continued to mentor me and helped shepherd my series of writings on China-related subjects (Chinese UN peacekeeping operations and Chinese influence in Africa) into articles that were published in the abovementioned magazines. These articles, in turn, led to me testifying to Congress on Capitol Hill to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, a once-in-lifetime opportunity. He has continued to provide me with guidance and mentorship over the years - a great unexpected benefit. I not only established a vital lifelong academic link with Dr. Erickson but a lifelong friend. I cannot recommend this course and his tutelage enough. Colonel Philippe "Boz" Rogers USMC"
Jimmy Kan Wang International Engagement at U.S. Navy, Chief of Naval Operations
"My name is Lieutenant Commander Jimmy Wang. I am a Navy Foreign Area Officer at U.S. Pacific Fleet (PACFLT), where I am the China Desk Officer. I am writing to let everyone know that Andrew is one of the very best assets that the Naval War College (NWC) is fortunate to have. I attended NWC from 2012-2014, and one of the highlights of my time there was being Andrew’s colleague. I worked with the China Maritime Studies Instituted and noticed Andrew to be both a sharp professional and a good teammate. As a Mandarin linguist, I’m extremely impressed at Andrew’s ability to digest a wide range of Chinese-language sources to find fresh insights that have literally been hiding in plain sight. As Andrew always likes to say, “China is usually more transparent in Chinese” and “So much is knowable from Chinese sources.” I reported to PACFLT International Plans and Policy section in 2014, and we read reports and publications from the NWC and CMSI. My colleagues and I find Andrew’s research and inputs to be extremely relevant useful, and we routinely brief his products to our chain of command. We always look forward to opportunities to discuss China and Asia-Pacific security issues with him, and find it particularly helpful when he comes to our offices to brief us. Andrew’s recent research on China’s Maritime Militia is especially innovative and has been particularly useful to the Fleet. His work is a testament to the value of open source research that takes advantage of this surprisingly underappreciated fact. Bottom line, Andrew is a tremendous asset for the Fleet and NWC, and we are immensely grateful to have him with us. "
Christopher Weuve Naval Analyst at US Department of Defense
"Andrew and I were collaborators on the faculty of the US Naval War College. During that time I was exceedingly impressed by Andrew's skills, networking ability, energy, productivity, and keen judgment. He combined deep understanding with a willingness to seek out expertise on subjects that were not his specialty, with a goal of both improving his skillset and bringing together disparate knowledge in support of better analysis, then making sure that analysis got out to those who needed to see it. Since I have left the USNWC, Andrew's name has continued to come up in discussion with national security colleagues, with whom he enjoys a first-rate reputation for insight and productivity. He has worked with academics and policymakers, engineers and social scientists, military and civilians. His efforts have been of great benefit to his institution, the US Navy as a whole, and indeed the entire US government. If Andrew did not already exist, we would have to invent him."
Doyle Hodges Associate Professor at U.S. Naval War College
"Andrew is a prolific and insightful scholar who conducts, supports, and encourages research of immediate and urgent practical relevance to maritime and security studies in the Asia-Pacific region. I have had the privilege to interact with him when he visited Princeton University, at conferences of the International Studies Association, and at a conference he organized through the China Maritime Studies Institute on Chinese Naval Shipbuilding. In every case, I have been impressed with the energy, insight and scope of his work, as well as his ability to genuinely listen to and incorporate the knowledge of practitioners (Naval officers, intelligence analysts, and others) into his work. He is a catalyst for research into aspects of Chinese maritime security that are often overlooked. His deep knowledge of both the Chinese defense and security sector and the strategic role of maritime forces makes his work among the most important and accessible being done on the region. If I were to select a single scholar to advise me on the practical and strategic implications of Chinese efforts in the SCS and ECS region, it would be Andrew."
Ben Lowsen China Advisor at Air Force Checkmate
"Prof. Andrew Erickson is arguably the world's foremost scholar of contemporary Chinese maritime studies. His work is innovative, highly insightful, and prodigious. He both meets and anticipates the needs of the policy making community within which I work, for example by warning our Navy and Defense leadership of China's Maritime Militia. Any discussion of Pacific naval policy is incomplete without his input. Over the eight years I have known him, he has struck me as a skillful organizer, highly effective communicator, and adept listener. He has my highest possible recommendation as a leader of academic pursuits involving Asia-Pacific security studies."
Steven Park Assistant Professor of Intelligence Studies
"Andrew's analysis is both timely and relevant. I find his products to be enormously useful -- because of his critical insights and strategic considerations. He has substantial credibility as a result of his thorough knowledge and his subject matter expertise. I just recently finished teaching a course on military capabilities and strategies in East Asia. I had students read a number of Andrew's articles in the class -- which were well received and generated useful seminar discussion. I look forward to Andrew's continued work on Asia-Pacific issues. I am confident that he will continue to be a valued leader and contributor to the academic and policy debates on security issues in the Asia-Pacific over the next decade!"
Rob Dahlin Military Professor, Joint Military Operations at U.S. Naval War College
"Dr. Andrew Erickson is one of the top China experts in the United States. He has had a tremendous influence on the U.S. Navy's understanding of China and the Asia-Pacific region over the years. I first met him while I was a U.S. Navy attaché to Tokyo and accompanied a group of Japanese officers to Newport. Dr. Erickson gave detailed presentations to us, which ensured that we shared the same nuanced, forward-looking understanding of the region. His analytical writings caused many of us Asia-Pacific watchers to reconsider the potential challenges posed by China, as he drew conclusions that others did not at the time. Many of the regional security developments and dynamics that Dr. Erickson was the first scholar to identify and probe in-depth have since become conventional wisdom, but it is important to remember how innovative these ideas were when he first brought them to public attention. Several years later, while I was a student at the U.S. Naval War College, Dr. Erickson taught in most of my Asia-Pacific area of focus electives. He was a superb professor who combined an encyclopedic knowledge of the region with a teaching style that motivated both students new to Asia-Pacific studies and those with existing experience in the region. During subsequent visits to Newport as the Intelligence Officer for Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Japan, I saw that even my Japanese counterparts learned a great deal from Dr. Erickson's presentations. Moreover, they were amazed that he was not only proficient in Mandarin Chinese, but could also communicate with them in Japanese--unlike many American experts on the Asia-Pacific. On every visit, I would specifically seek out Dr. Erickson to learn what he was working on and to discuss how we saw developments concerning China and the broader region. For anyone who is interested in understanding China and the Asia-Pacific, I most strongly recommend reading Dr. Erickson's prolific writings, attending his lectures, or having an in-depth conversation with him. Doing each of these things has greatly benefitted my own career, as well as my understanding of the most important area of the world today. "
Scott Cheney-Peters International Policy Advisor at National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office (NMIO)
"I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Dr. Erickson for the past several years. He is a consummate professional and everything the fleet could want from an academic – approachable, relevant, understandable, and pro-active in engagement. His remains some of the most meaningful and impactful outreach from the Naval War College since my graduation, constantly seeking new ways to not only bring the best of NWC to operators and decision-makers, but to also incorporate insights and participation from across the broader maritime stakeholder community. Through CMSI, his own work has often filled an intellectual void on the pressing maritime security questions of the day. His support of the CMSI conference series also performs the valuable service of catalyzing attention on overlooked or underdeveloped areas of concern and importance for the fleet. This work and outreach is held in the highest regard by colleagues at State and the fellow members of CIMSEC and has established Dr. Erickson as one of the leading experts on Asian naval and maritime security issues. "
Tom Crowell Naval Intelligence Officer Transitioning in Summer 2018
"I'd spent a considerable amount of time in Japan and the Pacific and was enthused to better understand China by attending Andrew's course and getting to know him. He far exceeded my expectations! His presentations were insightful, clearly based on deep knowledge augmented by clear understanding of culture and language. Andrew was free with his time - we met outside of class to discuss Chinese capabilities and intentions frequently. I was particularly impressed by Andrew's interaction with the international officers in the class. While at the Naval War College, I knew I would leave to become the N2 at CTF-70/CSG-5 - the Navy's forward-deployed strike group in Japan. Not only did I apply that knowledge at CTF-70, but perhaps more importantly, it aided me in a later assignment as the J2 at US Forces, Japan. The credibility I gained from learning from Andrew were indispensable in my interactions with our Japanese allies. Andrew is a superb communicator, educator, and most importantly, an expert. I have enjoyed, and will continue to enjoy and appreciate Andrew's contributions to our national security."
Raymond Keledei US Army Civilian Employee
"Prof. Erickson’s course was one of the highlights of my time as a student at the Naval War College (NWC). He helped me think of the Asia-Pacific in a new way and subsequently benefitted my career by refocusing my eyes to the rising power of China well in advance of the military’s “pivot to the Pacific”. Prior to attending NWC, most of my tactical, operational and strategic career experience had been focused on the Soviet Union followed by the continuing turmoil in the Middle East. China and the Asia-Pacific region were relative backwaters. After graduating from NWC, my next assignment was with the Naval Mine and Anti-Submarine Warfare Command. I initially served as the Deputy Chief of Staff for Assessments and subsequently as the command’s Chief of Staff. During that assignment, I assessed the U.S. Navy’s anti-submarine warfare (ASW) readiness against the nearest peer competitor, the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). Prof. Erickson’s insight and experience furthered my understanding of the Chinese and the PLAN and this education directly influenced my contributions to the U.S. Pacific Command’s operational and contingency planning vis-à-vis China. Prof. Erickson’s effectiveness as an instructor is incomparable. I can attest to this not only as one of his students but also as the former Dean of Students at NWC. As the former, I can recall his engaging speaking and presentation skills. As the latter, I read countless student reviews of their professors and Prof. Erickson repeatedly stood head and shoulders above his colleagues for his outstanding courses. One of my strongest memories of Prof. Erickson regarded my research paper. Not only was he highly accessible, he also helped guide me to a topic that resonated and suggested fascinating and relevant readings that made the paper enjoyable to research and write. As both an alumnus and former Dean, I can wholeheartedly write, that having a professor of Andrew Erickson’s intellect, engagement, and enthusiasm is a cornerstone of the worldwide reputation the Naval War College enjoys. When I consider the outstanding education I received at NWC, Prof. Andrew Erickson comes to mind as an exemplar of founding president, Rear Admiral Stephen B. Luce’s quote that ,"The War College is a place of original research on all questions relating to war and to statesmanship connected with war, or the prevention of war." "
Ben Purser, PhD DAS in the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation
"Beyond simple classroom instruction, Andrew has mentored a large number of students in Newport and beyond; I am fortunate to count myself as one of them. Back when I was still a Navy officer and trying to determine how to approach doctoral programs, Andrew mentored me. After gaining entrance to multiple doctoral programs, Andrew mentored me in how to approach determining where to go — and how to manage the initial coursework. In preparing for my (doctoral) comprehensive exams, Andrew mentored me. After passing all of my comps, Andrew mentored me on how to put together a dissertation proposal and committee. While working on that dissertation, Andrew mentored me with respect to publishing, research positions (like the summer one I had there at the Naval War College), and how to ultimately defend that dissertation. In all of those conversations, I not only benefited from Andrew’s patience, kindness, and guidance — I learned of other students who were also benefiting from Andrew’s mentorship. Importantly, those students were spread across the Naval War College, the Navy, and the world. I can attest, first-hand, to how much time and energy Andrew has committed to helping with others’ academic and professional development. Whether he was offering strategic guidance about research topics or tactical suggestions with respect to specific methodological issues, Andrew manifested a proficiency with the entire spectrum of expertise necessary for helping students with research. Beyond that, though, Andrew offered extremely valuable guidance with respect to how I should structure the first courses I got to design for my own students. Moreover, Andrew offered important guidance for how to approach the process of publishing research as well as how to prepare for various academic conferences. Before entering a new phase of academic or professional life, I make it a point to touch base with Andrew; for his continuing guidance, I am extremely appreciative. Now that I am a Professional Staff Member for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I have learned to appreciate an entirely different group of people who count on Andrew as a mentor and guide: the Hill staff with whom Andrew takes time to help understand everything from specific elements of Chinese policy to broader maritime patterns or concerns. Ad summum, Andrew’s commitment to mentoring is based firmly in the Naval War College but transcends its walls — helping make him one of the NWC’s greatest assets. "
Todd Freece Senior Program Manager
"I was fortunate to be in Professor Erickson’s course on China’s National Security during my time at the Naval War College. He was an interesting and engaging instructor with a tremendous depth of knowledge in the history, culture, national interests, and military organization of China. His course was invaluable in my following assignment to the Pacific Theater where I engaged directly with PLA officers during a short “exchange” tour for US military officers. It helped me to quickly find areas of common understanding and mutual interest when meeting with Chinese military and government officials. While serving as the Vice Commander for the Pacific Air & Space Operations Center, I used the knowledge gained in Professor Erickson’s class to conduct military operations in the Pacific that supported US interests while avoiding unnecessary flash points between US and Chinese military forces. I have and continue to strongly recommend this course to other officers bound for the Naval War College"
Brenden Kettner Transitioning Veteran
"I graduated from the Naval War College in May of 2008 and without a doubt, my engagement and interaction with the faculty and my cohort significantly enhanced my understanding and perspective of China and Asia-Pacific issues. Prior to beginning my studies, I had worked across agencies in the Middle East and Horn of Africa area and had personal accounts of Chinese engagement and activities in the region. This experience is what drove me to select China and Asia-Pacific studies as a focus area at the Naval War College. Upon graduation I was assigned as the Coast Guard Deputy Sector Commander to the U.S. Territory of Guam located in the midst of growing Chinese soft power expansion. Professor Erickson was an engaging and knowledgeable educator and was skilled at drawing out the experiences of students and focusing those experiences and questions into teachable moments that supported the main theme of the class. During discussions, he took my experience and wove them into the overall assessment of Chinese influence and was able to use that paint the much larger Chinese strategic objective. There is no doubt that Professor Erickson was skilled at transferring knowledge in his course, but more importantly he demonstrated and shed light on the thought process and cultural influences that shaped and drove strategic moves. In the remote islands of Palau, Yap, and Federated States of Micronesia, the influence of China is pervasive. Professor Erickson’s course was critical in preparing me to see how Chinese soft power as well as hard power influenced the region and to what end the influence was being projected. This translated into our interactions with various U.S. Embassies to advance the policies and objectives of the United States. I have always been very proud to have graduated from the Naval War College. The experience and knowledge has influenced my understanding, assessment and actions even as I transitioned out of the military and into the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The education, interaction and experience will always be a part of me. Even following graduation, I was able to reach back to Professor Erickson and the rest of the faculty in the Chinese Asian Pacific program to discuss issues and ideas. I cannot say enough about Professor Erickson’s professionalism and continued support that has significantly continued to my lifelong learning. "
PJ Tech First Officer, 767 & 757, international at American Airlines
"Andrew was my first and most influential mentor in studying China and the Asia-Pacific region. His class, China’s Maritime Development (SE 672), designed as a capstone for the East Asia Studies sub-specialty, was the initial impetus to what has become a life-long desire to better understand the cultural and historical influences that directly affect not only China’s maritime development, but its dynamically evolving role in the world. His influence and example made me a better student, a better Foreign Area Officer, a better teacher, and a better Naval Officer. In the classroom, his infectious enthusiasm and sense of humor capture the attention of every student who has the honor of working with him. The profound depth of his subject matter expertise creates an atmosphere in which each clarified point opens an inexhaustible world of new questions and points of research and discussion. His in-depth understanding of maritime security challenges common to our allies and partners in the Asia-Pacific region guaranteed foreign counterparts from across the region would exchange views, critically debate central strategic tenets, form friendships, and create lasting networks. Between classes, his generosity with his time complements and reinforces the learning cycle, motivating students and colleagues alike to greater understanding of the topic. While I was writing my research paper, Andrew provided exhaustive research support, offering detailed advice during each stage, and critically reviewing the result, always driving for a deeper analysis and understanding. He makes the subject come alive. As a mentor, colleague, and friend, Andrew has enriched my career. His tireless approach helped me become a more effective teacher in my own right as a Military Professor at the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (APCSS). It was always an honor to be able to host him for discussions with our faculty, in which he never failed to provide new perspectives on the Asia-Pacific region. Whether in discussions at APCSS, the East-West Center, PACOM, in China or Taiwan, citing his name and work always invoked recognition and respect. Several times, after an interlocutor had mentioned his work, I was able to elicit reverent awe by mentioning that he was my mentor. His tireless alumni outreach and assiduous maintenance of a vast network of experts and colleagues creates powerful synergies for the Naval War College and the US. "
Robin Schilling Strategic Planning | Relationship Building | Project Management
"I had the pleasure of interning alongside Andrew at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. His dedication to his work, his desire to learn and understand everything occurring around him, his ability and willingness to converse with anyone in Chinese (or Japanese or English, of course), as well as his kindness, gentleness, and good heart made him a great colleague, a great traveling companion, and a great friend."
Don Jagoe Senior Director, Sales & Business Development, Navy
"I have been an admirer--and for a short but stellar period of time, his senior manager (at SAIC). Andrew is an undisputed expert in Chinese history, culture, politics and naval strategy and infrastructure. He is widely traveled, has served on numerous panels and been a highlighted expert at innumerable international fora. Moreover, he has provided expert input into extremely high level politico-military games. Andrew is the consummate professional, is a superb colleague and a terrific team member. He has unparalleled communication skills, in writing and orally, in both English and Chinese languages. He was an absolutely superb employee and I've been so very pleased to maintain a friendship. A complete professional."
Milton J. Singleton - Global Supply Chain and Emergency Mgmt A driven executive leader with a proven track record of directing global operations and supply chain networks.
"I had the unique opportunity to participate with PROF Erickson on the first student exchange between the U.S. Naval War College and the People's Liberation Army (Navy) naval staff college in Nanjing. Throughout the week I was continuously impressed with Andrew's incredible depth of knowledge regarding U.S. / Chinese relations and his ability to interact and communicate effortlessly with our Chinese counterparts. During the week long trip which included Beijing, Nanjing and Shanghai our group met with senior academics at Chinese universities and think tanks as well as senior officers at PLA(N) headquarters. In Nanjing at the PLA(N) naval staff college our group met with our Chinese counterparts to discuss Chinese and U.S. shared maritime security in the region. Dr. Erickson lead our team flawlessly as its primary speaker, translator and interpreter of U.S. national security policy. I have no doubt that thanks to Andrew our Naval War College delegation made significant headway towards improving understanding between the U.S. and China. Very Respectfully, CAPT Milton J. Singleton, USNR milton.singleton@navy.mil"
Timothy K. Atmajian, M.D. Medical Director
"I give my highest recommendation to Prof Andrew Erickson from the US Naval War College. He is an incredible person and professor!!! I had the opportunity to meet Prof Erickson on a one-week intensive trip to China where we participated in relationship building and gained valuable insights into the people and places of China. Books can teach you a great deal, but to experience a place in person is irreplaceable. On our long bus or train rides, I would corner Prof Erickson and we would discuss countless pertinent topics, from politics of China to ethics in Chinese society to understanding the people and places of China and the history behind it. We discussed perspectives in China as well as manners and customs so that we offended none but built relationships with many! Not only does Prof Erickson understand the military and social aspects but he speaks the language fluently; that made our trip much more enjoyable and understandable. Not only did he impact those with him, he also reached out individually so that every member of our group appreciated and was touched by him. Back in Newport after the trip, it is not uncommon to send out an email at any one time and at least half of the group will attend a China group meeting. (The other half only unable because of an exam or class.) In short, Prof Erickson is a most amazing person and I am the better for having been given the opportunity to meet and interact with him and to have been a student at the Naval War College and in the real world of China!"
Jack Hathaway Naval Officer & Test Pilot
"Prof Erickson recently helped lead an exchange between the US Naval War College and its Chinese counterpart institution in Nanjing, in which I had the honor to participate. His role was absolutely crucial to the trip's success. He maintains an in-depth knowledge of the culture and language of the Chinese people generally and the PLA and PLA(N) specifically. The trip consisted primarily of US military officers becoming more familiar with their counterparts in China, and Andrew's knowledge, personality and understanding of both sides of that interaction was critical to facilitating an effective visit. It is rare to find an individual with the academic talent, technical accumen and penetrating insight to be able to read foreign language open source documents--from techncial data reports to think tank policy arguments--and to connect them in a broad and useful way to people studying and watching Asia-Pacific relations with the US."
John F Bradford Active Duty Navy Scholar in Tokyo & President, Yokosuka Council on Asia-Pacific Studies (YCAPS)
"Dr. Andrew Erickson is a national strategic asset. As a naval officer leading Sailors on ships forward deployed to Asian waters, a policy maker working on the U.S. relationships in the Asia-Pacific, and an amateur academic, I rely heavily on Andrew’s prolific writing. He turns absolutely first-rate academic research into highly readable policy-relevant publications with amazing frequency. I can think of few scholars in the field of Asia-Pacific security that go back to the well to refresh their analysis with new foreign language primary research as consistently as he does. It is not hyperbole when I say that U.S. foreign policy would be less informed and less coherent if it were not for Andrew Erickson."
Bill Bunn Instructor, Advanced Maritime OPINTEL Course (AMOC) at United States Navy
"I have been responsible for imparting strategic and operational knowledge of America's potential adversaries to warfighters for over twenty years, and for most of that time, I have turned to Andrew Erickson for analytical expertise and research. Andrew possesses exactly the right attributes and talents at precisely the right time in history. His ability to translate and analyze original source documents, combined with the unprecedented access of such documentation, at a time of upheaval and flux in the Asia-Pacific, makes Andrew "required reading" for anyone interested in understanding the region. In particular, his writings on China's aircraft carrier development, anti-ship ballistic missile program, and anti-piracy operations have provided me invaluable insights I could find nowhere else."
Jessica Weiss Associate Professor at Cornell University
"Andrew is not only one of the most prolific and insightful scholars of Chinese foreign policy that I know. He is also a gifted teacher. Last year he gave a guest lecture to my course at Yale University on China's military and defense modernization. Students raved about his clear, lively, and approachable introduction to the topic. Through the annual Princeton-Harvard China and the World workshop and National Committee on US-China Relations Public Intellectuals Program, I've had the privilege of interacting with Andrew on a semi-regular basis. Conversations with Andrew are invariably stimulating and informative. He is a real asset to both the academic and broader policy discussions of US-China relations."
Tom Fargo Chairman, Huntington Ingalls Ind. (HII)
"Andrew is a valued contributor to our understanding of the PLA Maritime Strategy and Operations. His research and analysis is absolutely top notch and merits our attention."
Cortez Cooper International Policy Analyst
"Andrew is a prolific contributor of insightful analysis on Asia-Pacific security issues in general, and China domestic and foreign policy issues specifically. His articles and his blog contributions have proven especially valuable to me for research projects on Chinese military modernization, and the impact of Chinese military capabilities and concepts on regional and global geo-strategic environments."
Yoichi Kato National Security Correspondent at The Asahi Shimbun
"He is one of the top China military experts in the United States without doubt. When I interviewed commander of PACOM a few years ago and obtained some new infromation on the development of China's Anti-Ship Ballistic Mmissiles, I contactaed him right away for his evaluation. For me, a Japanese national security correspondent, he is the best source to seek comments on the military capabilites of PLA Navy. I have been closely following his works. I know a lot of fellow journalists in the Asia-Pacific region, who do the same."
Lloyd Thrall Scholar in Residence and Associate Director, Cybersecurity Program at CU Boulder
"As evidenced by the remarkable wealth of accolades, publications, and senior recommendations he has generated, Andrew is one of this generation’s foremost thinkers on Pacific geopolitics, security, and seapower. The breadth and depth of Andrew’s work—spanning from global energy geopolitics, naval and joint military strategy, tactical joint warfare, and evolving Chinese security and geopolitical dynamics—is exceptional. The quantity and quality of this research has made Andrew a thought-leader simultaneously in several fields. Andrew’s work is where I, like many, look first for nuanced and forward-leaning insight into this critical and complex region. As stated, all of the above is abundantly clear from a review of Andrew’s research and recommendations. In addition, I would like to add an element perhaps less clear and less directly quantifiable. Andrew has been a fine mentor and guide, helping more junior researchers like myself discover and develop our role in the U.S. national security community. I have known Andrew since 2007, when he gave a week to lead a week-long energy security roundtable for undergraduates. His guidance has since helped me bridge the gap between academia and applied security research and analysis. Both his writings and his openness to junior researchers have helped create the foundational literacy that younger researchers, myself included, have depended upon as we mature as analysts and thinkers. These less tangible effects go beyond the resume-style accolades Andrew has amassed in abundance. Andrew continues to be both a top-tier thought-leader in Asia-Pacific strategic affairs, and a community leader within the U.S. national security sphere. Both roles are of exceptional value."
Paul Godwin Independent International Affairs Professional
"Andrew is without doubt one of the brightest minds to enter the field of Chinese security studies in the past decade and more. Not only are his language skills superb, but he uses these skills to produce clearly written, carefully and exhaustively footnoted, insightful assessments of whatever issue he has chosen to evaluate. Consequently, Andrew's publications are not only respected, but are core reading for all of us working in this particular vineyard. Andrew's analytic skills are not limited to his publications. He is equally valuable at conferences where his intellect, clarity of thought and detailed understanding of the issue at hand add considerably to the quality of discussion and debate. I must add that Andrew's interpersonal skills allow him to present contrary views without offense. These characteristics led his peers to award him the Ellis Joffe Prize in PLA Studies a year ago. In conclusion, I can state I regard Andrew as one of my most valuable colleagues."
Guy Snodgrass Chief Executive Officer at Defense Analytics
"I had the privilege of meeting Andrew while at the U.S. Naval War College. As a service member recently returned from the Asia-Pacific region, I wanted to learn more about the strategic implications of the region. Andrew was the clear frontrunner when I asked college professors for their recommended point of contact and all of my subsequent interactions with him have only reinforced their choice. Andrew is an insightful strategic thinker who remains entirely approachable by students, professors, and staff alike. As a leading Sinologist, we will undoubtedly see more of Andrew as the Asia-Pacific region continues to gain importance."
Kim YongJae Public Relations Officer — Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat
"Dr. Andrew Erickson was a brilliant faculty member and also a friendly team member of the UCSD-IGCC 2013 SITC workshop which we attended together. Thanks to the article "Demystifying China's Defense Spending" which was co-authored by him, I've known his name already but it was not until this workshop that I could interact with him directly. His kindness, understanding on East Asian Cultures, and academic professionalism helped me to enjoy the whole two weeks of workshop. I have strong confidence that Dr. Andrew Erickson, armed with expertise on China, will provide us abundant knowledge and wisom."
Kerrie Dougherty curator, educator, author, science communicator
"Andrew is an expert in Chinese military and policy studies studies, whose language skills have contributed significantly to the Western understanding of Chinese civil and military space activities and their history. Through his ability to study original Chinese language sources otherwise inaccessible to Western researchers, Andrew has, in the past decade, made important contributions to the understanding of Chinese space history with his papers presented at the History of Astronautics symposia held during the International Astronautical Congresses and in other fora. His editorship of the proceedings of the 2013 History of Astronautics Symposium, held in Beijing, will represent a further contribution to our understanding of the background to current Chinese space activites."
Frank Hoffman Senior Research Fellow at National Defense University
"Have been involved with Pacific strategy, Chinese naval modernization, and US strategic interests in the region for some time, and have valued Andrew's research, scholarship, and insights for years."
Claire Topal Strategic messaging | High-impact fora | Global Health
"Andrew is a brilliant, thoughtful, and sincere political scientist with a knack for making the dry details of current political, security, and scientific events fascinating and clear. Andrew contributed a wonderful chapter to an NBR publication on Pandemic Influenza in 2006. He stood out as a highly valuable contributor not only for the quality of his analysis but also for his professionalism, writing skills, project management skills, and graciousness. His contributions to the health security field are significant and worthy of attention."
Eric Holmes Director, Undersea Warfare Capture Management at L3 Technologies
"Andrew Erickson is an invaluable national asset due to his understanding and analysis of the People's Republic of China's military capability. He has shared his insights into the China's mine warfare capabilities, opening the eyes of over 900 people at an NDIA Undersea Warfare conference with information not available elsewhere. Andrew's efforts are of substantial value to the US MIW community."
Andrew Scobell Senior Political Scientist at RAND Corporation and Adjunct Professor of Asian Studies at Georgetown University
"Andrew is one of the most promising young scholars in the field of Chinese security studies. His writings are always based on thorough research and meticulous analysis. His work is must-read for all serious students and observers of Chinese military affairs."
Peter W. Singer Strategist and Senior Fellow at The New America Foundation
"Andrew's research wrestles with key areas of interest to national security, that will only become more important in the coming years. His work stands out by the level of its detail, strong methodology, and general sensibility. He is well respected, both by experts in his domain, as well as the wider community."
G. Ryan Faith PSM for space
"Dr. Erickson is an indispensable member of the intellectual and academic landscape. His work on China space issues stands out as significant and thoughtful, and is an important and necessary part of the larger body of research and debate on those issues. I look forward to his continuing contributions to this and other fields."
John Shissler Principal Professional Staff at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
"I've known Andrew professionally for a number of years. I consider his research to be essential reading for anyone interested in Asian military affairs. His knowledge, insight, and analytic judgement are unsurpassed."
"I have known Andrew Erickson since 2010, when he accepted our invitation to appear at our Maritime Security Challenges conference (http://www.mscconference.com/). Andrew did a superior job speaking on the Chinese navy, leading us to broaden our relationship, including hosting me at the US Naval War College to exchange ideas on Canadian and American strategic naval thought. Andrew kindly returned to Maritime Security Challenges in 2012 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpFdg4LGZak), where he again delivered excellent insight into Chinese naval developments, but our relationship is greater than conference organization: Andrew has consistently provided timely and relevant information on issues of importance to Maritime Forces Pacific and the Royal Canadian Navy. Indeed, Andrew's research is a cornerstone of my work for the Royal Canadian Navy and Department of National Defence, and is one of the first resources I strongly recommend to Defence coworkers and academic colleagues. I cannot possibly recommend Andrew in higher terms."
"I have known Dr Andrew Erickson as a fellow China-watcher for more than a decade. I am an avid reader of Andrew’s writings. Andrew enjoys a solid professional reputation and has a wealth of experience in providing intellectual leadership, teaching, and research in the broad disciplines of Chinese Studies, International Relations, and Defense & Security Studies. He is an internationally renowned scholar known for his superb knowledge of and insights into Northeast Asian issues in general and Chinese military affairs in particular. He is held in very high regard by his peers for his scholarship, intellect, analytical abilities and expertise. His writings are widely quoted in mainstream print and electronic media. In fact, in a short span of time, Andrew has established himself as one of the leading analysts on Chinese military-related issues in the United States and the world. His fluency in both Chinese (Mandarin) and Japanese languages gives him an edge over other China and Japan experts. In addition to having an abundance of intellectual horsepower, Andrew is an extremely hard-working, conscientious and thoughtful scholar. Andrew is the author and editor of several important and widely-quoted studies on Chinese military affairs. His published work constitutes a substantial, original, significant and continuing contribution to knowledge on Chinese military capabilities. Much of Dr Erickson’s work is policy relevant and of immense value to scholars and policymakers."
Matthew Payne Chief Financial Officer at CPFD
"I’ve known Andrew to be interested in making an impact on China-US relations since I had the pleasure of knowing him through Princeton in Beijing, which we attended in the summer of 2003. I have subsequently had the opportunity to build a closer friendship with Andrew, including through his involvement in the Harvard Asia Business Club when I was pursuing my MBA at Harvard Business School. In the more than a decade since we first studied Chinese together, I’ve witnessed Andrew’s passion for understanding the more complex themes that shape US-China relations and now fully appreciate why his chosen area of research and education is so important to fostering understanding between the two countries. From my perspective as an interested reader of Andrew’s publications and a friend with substantial business experience in the U.S., China, and the Asia-Pacific, the unique value Andrew brings to his field is his ability to combine detailed and rigorous academic research with a highly personable and sincere approach to building relations with people that is greatly facilitated by his cultural skills and sensitivity. If the relations between the US and China as countries stand to be influenced ultimately by real relationships between Chinese and Americans —as opposed to only policy and politics, particularly at higher levels—I believe Andrew is among the few people who will have the capability to achieve this through the mediums of research and scholarship, building cross-border relations among public and private institutions, and demonstrating a strong determination and capacity for understanding and navigating deeper cultural issues. Andrew is an ambassador in the fullest sense and someone who will help lead the way forward into the new era of the China-US relationship."
Alanna Krolikowski Assistant Professor of Political Science, Missouri S&T
"Dr. Erickson is an unparalleled academic authority on China's naval and air-force modernization and large-scale technology development programs. His articles, books, and online contributions are invaluable resources for any specialist or generalist studying contemporary China and its security relations with the United States or the rest of the Asia-Pacific region. In particular, Dr. Erickson's research makes effective and transparent use of primary sources in Mandarin. This feature sets it apart from other work on these topics. I have frequently cited Dr. Erickson's scholarship in my work. In my own experience, Dr. Erickson is a supportive colleague and mentor to junior scholars and students. I would give my highest recommendation to Dr. Erickson for any project or position related to China and defense affairs."
Christopher Yung Donald L. Bren Chair of Non-Western Strategic Thought at Marine Corps University
"Andrew is one of the up and coming rising stars of the China analysis profession. His writings on the subject of Chinese military developments can only be described as extremely prolific and insightful. Andrew's work is frequently cited by those of us in government, in private think tanks and in the private sector. That his China military peers think highly of Andrew's work is best exemplified by the fact that Andrew won, among a number of highly qualified candidates, the Ellis Joffee award for excellence in PLA studies. That is NO MEAN FEAT!"
Amy Chang China / Asia / Cybersecurity Specialist || Vice President at JPMorgan Chase
"Andrew is one of the leading scholars on Chinese defense and Asian security issues. Specifically, he has made significant contributions in the fields of Chinese aerospace and naval research. Andrew's work has become invaluable to individuals studying Chinese military and Chinese security policy for the incisive research and analysis apparent in each of his publications. His incredible publication record reflects his commitment to expand knowledge on and promote discourse of China and Asia. Andrew is well known for his savvy in investigating under-utilized credible sources to delineate critical trends that have great implications on U.S.-China relations and U.S. military posture. As someone who has had the pleasure to work with Andrew in various capacities, I can testify to his nuanced knowledge of trends in Chinese military development and U.S.-Asia relations. Andrew continually pushes the boundaries of U.S. scholarship on China and Asia. Andrew also possesses sharp insight as a manager and practitioner who works well with individuals of all backgrounds and experience levels. Andrew is generous with his time and endeavors to promote greater understanding of China through his interactions with scholars, policymakers, businesses, and service members. The analytic community is lucky to have an individual with such capacity and potential contributing to this field."
Kenneth Lee Asian Equities
"Andrew's publications and insights on China SignPost have consistently been a unique source on topical issues in China. Andrew approaches his work with extreme academic rigor but also provides a pragmatic sensibility to his publications."
Justin Mikolay Director of Communication for the Secretary of Defense at United States Department of Defense
"Andrew is a dear friend, and I’ve been privileged to associate myself with him and his extraordinary work for the past 12 years. I’ve also been fortunate to collaborate with him on a handful of scholarly activities, including our joint interest in America’s defense strategy in the Asia-Pacific region. We’ve co-written and published several articles in peer-reviewed journals, including Asian Security and the Naval Institute Proceedings. Andrew and I have known each other since 2001, when we were both graduate students at Princeton University. At that time, Andrew was a Ph.D. candidate in the Politics Department, and I was an MPA student at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. Over the course of his doctoral studies, Andrew took six courses at the Woodrow Wilson School, and we took several of those courses together. Andrew has a deep appreciation for the curriculum and mission of professional schools of international affairs, especially members of APSIA. He is a passionate and articulate teacher, and his perspectives have had profound impact on impact on me throughout my career in the military and government. He has influenced my work at U.S. Central Command and at the Pentagon, where I was a speechwriter for Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta. On his frequent visits to Washington, he always made time to educate me on his current research and ideas. He often presented his latest findings to senior military officers and civilian officials throughout the Department of Defense and the broader policy community. He is familiar with the full range of U.S. government institutions, and he has become one of the most influential and trusted sources of information and analysis on U.S.-China relations, Asia-Pacific affairs, and Chinese military culture and development. I can attest that he has helped shape defense policy speeches on the Asia-Pacific region, including Secretary Panetta’s remarks at the Asia Security Summit known as the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore. I have often called Andrew for his perspective and assessments during my time in government, and he has provided his honest counsel without any political agenda. I’m grateful to Andrew for his work and friendship, and I look forward to his continued contributions to teaching, scholarship, and public service."
Sam Roggeveen Editor, blogger, strategic analyst
"Andrew's research on China's military-industrial complex and military-technology development are indispensable for anyone interested in these topics. And Andrew knows how to communicate with influence; he balances scholarly publications with an excellent record of publications in the mainstream media and new media outlets."
Brian Weeden Director of Program Planning
"For the last several years, Andrew has been an indispensable source of information and analysis on Chinese military space activities. Andrew's ability to go to the source documents and present them for an English-speaking audience in a clear, concise, and unbiased manner is invaluable to my work on space policy and space security issues."
Kevin Pollpeter Research Scientist at CNA
"I have known Andrew Erickson for a number of years now and it is my pleasure to write a recommendation for him. Andrew is one of the top intellectual leaders on China’s military and a foremost expert on Asian security issues and he is easily the most prolific scholar on China’s military. He is well-respected globally and is frequently asked to write or present at conferences around the world. Andrew possesses a formidable intellect. His publications are well-argued, insightful, and impactful and always uncover new information or present known information in a new light. He has a strong record of providing policy relevant analysis that provides a nuanced view of the many complex problems associated with China’s rise as a global power. This is aided by Andrew’s superb Chinese language speaking and reading skills. Long gone are the days in which China analysis could be done without knowing Chinese. Andrew’s language abilities not only give him the ability to exploit Chinese language sources accurately and with ease but also to discuss and develop a rapport with interlocutors and to develop relationships that lend even more depth to his analysis. Andrew’s analytical ability is matched by his undying work ethic. His energy and enthusiasm for studying China is seemingly boundless. He is relentless in his pursuit of knowledge and publishes over a wide range of venues. This includes scholarly peer-reviewed journals, books and manuscripts, news outlets, the internet and social media. Like no one else I know, Andrew demonstrates the ability to reach multiple audiences, from those in academia to high level government officials to a broader public and the wider China-watching audience around the world. And I would be remiss if I were to neglect Andrew’s great interpersonal skills and friendly demeanor. He is able to interact effectively with a wide range of personalities, including experts, government officials, business people, and colleagues. Andrew is thus not only well-respected in his community, but is also able to establish long-term relationships that act as a “force multiplier” for his analytical efforts. In sum, Andrew possesses the universe of skills that make him a valuable and trusted China scholar who produces some of the finest analysis of issues relevant to US national security."
John Campion Politcal Science Instructor at United States Naval Academy
"Andrew Erickson's teaching and mentoring have been instrumental to my development as a naval officer. Andrew has helped me cultivate the tools I need to grow into an important actor in the Sino-American maritime relationship. As a midshipman at the US Naval Academy, I grew increasingly interested in Sino-American maritime affairs. As this interest grew, numerous professors recommended that I become familiar Andrew's work. I frequently read articles written by Andrew and also attended guest lectures he gave at the Naval Academy. As I wrote my honors thesis on using maritime cooperation as a mechanism for avoiding great-power conflict, I reached out to Andrew and asked him to serve as an adviser for my thesis. While thesis advisers are generally only Naval Academy professors, Andrew eagerly agreed to advise me. He provided invaluable insight and editing of my work. I received the 2010 Naval Intelligence Foundation Award, given to the midshipman of the graduating class who has the highest level of academic achievement among those students participating in the honors program. I largely credit this distinction to Andrew's assistance. Andrew continued to mentor me throughout my graduate education. Andrew's recommendation of the Peking University-London School of Economics joint masters in International Affairs was pivotal in my decision to enroll in this program and allowed me to study under such influential Chinese scholars as Wang Jisi, Zhu Feng, and Pan Wei. Andrew continued to advise me on the two theses I wrote for this program, the first on the development of Chinese naval diplomacy and the latter on the London Naval Declaration of 1909. As a naval nuclear submarine officer, I continue to rely on Andrew to remain informed on Sino-American maritime affairs. While my current career focus is on becoming a proficient nuclear operator, Andrew's regular e-mails and the articles he posts on his website provide me with the impetus to continue to think critically about Sino-American maritime affairs. Continuing to monitor China's naval development under Andrew's guidance ensures that I will be a better informed officer down the line when I am called upon to play a larger role in Sino-American relations. Andrew's tutelage has been critical to my development as a naval officer. Andrew's expertise in international relations, maritime history, and naval technology has helped me not only become more knowledgeable about these matters but has also helped me develop the tools I need to frame the questions I ask and the results I find in my research on these topics. While Andrew's knowledge on Sino-American maritime affairs is unrivaled, I am most grateful for the time and energy he has devoted to my development. While I am still only a junior officer in the Navy, Andrew has consistently taken time out of his busy schedule to mentor me. I know that I am not the only one to receive this attention, and I truly value this effort."
Scott Truver Director, TeamBlue National Security Programs, Gryphon Technologies LC
"Andrew is a highly skilled and experienced research-analyst, broadly focused on international relations and national security affairs, but specializing in Chinese military/naval subjects. In that he is world class. We have collaborated on Chinese Navy research focusing on comparative USN/PLAN mine warfare capabilities. He is very articulate in speaking and writing. I cannot recommend him more highly."
Walter Ladwig Assistant Professor (UK: Lecturer) of International Relations at King's College London
"I have known Andrew for more than a decade, dating back to our days as graduate students in Princeton. Even while he was a PhD student, Andrew demonstrated an ability to combine rigorous analysis with attention to policy-relevant conclusions—equally at home in the Politics Department and the Woodrow Wilson School. As an academic he has carried these twin imperatives into his scholarly work which is notable for both its rigor and its sheer volume. Andrew’s reputation as one of the foremost analysts of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)—particularly naval issues—is well established here in the UK: my own graduate students and colleagues who study the Chinese military frequently reference his writings in their own work. Having collaborated with Andrew on several articles and book chapters, I can also say that he is an affable and diligent colleague who not only brings out the best in other’s work, he is a genuine pleasure to work with. In short, Andrew is the kind of prodigious scholar and engaging personality that everyone wants in their department. If I thought I could woo him away from the Naval War College, I would…."
Drew Thompson Senior Research Scientist at CNA Corporation
"Andrew Erickson is a prolific author who has made valuable contributions to our understandings of China’s maritime strategy and naval modernization. His products are consistently of a very high-quality reflecting his exacting methodology and analytical rigor."
Benjamin Armstrong Assistant Professor at United States Naval Academy
"Dr. Erickson's work is widely consumed in military and government circles because of his expert knowledge and analysis. On a personal level, his willingness to engage with junior members of the policy and naval analysis community sets him apart in helping to encourage future generations of analysts and officers."
Dr. Marc S. Aviation industry executive | Business school academic
"It is my absolute pleasure to write on Andrew's behalf. I have known Andrew since both of us spent a year at Harvard during the academic year 2010-2011. At the time, I had decided to take an academic leave from the aviation industry where I had served most recently as Senior Vice President, Airlines Operations Solutions, at Lufthansa Systems, the IT services business segment of Lufthansa Group. Andrew is an absolutely first rate scholar who distinguishes himself by virtue of his deep domain knowledge across an extraordinarily broad range of issues in Chinese and Asian-Pacific affairs, his ability to deep dive into arcane empirical details and to maintain a view for broader theoretical and strategic themes at the same time, his extraordinary scholarly productivity, his knack for translating academic research for the benefit of a broader audience, and his talent for identifying and communicating policy-relevant aspects of his research. Equally important, Andrew is an exemplary mentor of younger scholars who gives generously of his time to help younger colleagues and students develop their own research and professional careers. At Harvard, Andrew has gone far beyond the call of duty in terms of supporting the "Harvard Asia Quarterly", an academic journal of Asian studies which is affiliated with the Harvard University Asia Center and advised by its Director, Professor Arthur Kleinman, and for which I had the pleasure of serving as Deputy Editor-in-Chief. As a former industry executive, I would like to highlight Andrew's extraordinarily impressive interest in and grasp of technical details and developments that is rarely found outside industry and that inform and distinguish Andrew's research and policy recommendations. Last but certainly not least, Andrew is a true team player with whom it is a true pleasure to collaborate and whose outstanding track record as a scholar, mentor, and policy advisor has not affected his sense of humility and groundedness. I consider myself fortunate to have had - and to continue having - the opportunity to work with and learn from Andrew."
Tobias Harris Japan analyst at Teneo Intelligence
"I have followed Andrew's work on the Chinese military for several years now. He is an indispensable source of analysis on China's military modernization and one of the first stops I make when trying to understand its regional consequences."
Vernon Bashaw Research Staff Member at Institute for Defense Analyses
"I first met Andrew while studying at the Naval War college, and have benefited from his insightful writings and analysis in a series of positions afterwards, including as the Seventh Fleet N2. Andrew's work is indispensable to anyone following the Chinese military particularly Chinese naval developments. I would not hesitate to say that the information Andrew derives from public sources would cost millions if it had to be obtained by intelligence means."
Peter Dutton Professor and Director, China Maritime Studies Institute, U.S. Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island
"Andrew Erickson is quite simply one of the very finest scholars of Chinese and Asian security affairs active in the field today. Every day I rely on his insights and thoughtful analysis to deepen my own understanding of China-related security matters, as do many of America’s most senior officials and scholars. Andrew has an extraordinary track record of publication across a range of China-related disciplines, including security affairs, international relations, Asian studies, and economics. Each publication presents highly sophisticated, policy-influential research and his writings often set the agenda for the development of US-China and Asia-Pacific policies. In particular, in the field of the national security implications of China’s aerospace development, Andrew has no peer. Andrew’s research often represents the first serious work on a given subject and sometimes challenges conventional wisdom. He is repeatedly the first to recognize and analyze critical developments in an era in which the rapidity of Chinese technology and weapons advancements surprises the vast majority of scholars and analysts. His work on the development and deployment of a Chinese an anti-ship ballistic missile and Chinese mine warfare capabilities are both definitive and authoritative. He wrote the first-ever scholarly analysis of China’s space event support ships and associated tracking infrastructure, the most advanced, comprehensive analysis to date on Chinese aero-engines. Andrew is an outstanding colleague and team member. He played an integral role in the founding and development of the China Maritime Studies Institute, assuming collaborative leadership over many of the Institute’s key functions. He has been especially instrumental in demonstrating the research value of electronic databases, developing and applying innovative analytical methodologies, and selecting and acquiring Chinese-language books, periodicals, and newspapers. Andrew possesses highly sophisticated Chinese (Mandarin) language skills and a working knowledge of Japanese. These skills enable Andrew to develop and maintain valuable relations with a wide range of academics, officials, and public intellectuals throughout Asia, allowing Andrew to develop insights from an ‘insider’s’ point of view. Andrew is an experienced educator in a wide range of venues. At the Naval War College he co-taught two courses: China’s Maritime Development, and China’s National Security. He leads groups of mid-career professionals in the University of California Institute for Global Conflict and Cooperation’s annual summer studies of innovation and technology in China. Andrew is the consummate professional scholar and educator whose extraordinary portfolio of accomplishments demonstrates his deep dedication to producing the highest quality China-related national security research. His professionalism, collegiality, and work ethic make it a pleasure to work with him."
Courtney J. Fung Assistant Professor of International Relations at The University of Hong Kong
"I turn to Andrew's webpage to read his of-the-minute analyses of China's security issues. Always succinct and clear in his treatment of contentious matters, Andrew's writings are an excellent resource for researchers of contemporary Chinese security and defense affairs."
Thomas Henderschedt Naval Attache at U.S. Embassy Beijing
"Andrew Erickson is THE authoritative open-source voice on the PLA Navy and Chinese maritime strategies, perspectives, and developments. As a former military attaché in Beijing, and still very much involved in issues regarding the PRC, I eagerly read every paper that Andrew publishes, and consider every blog entry he pens. While not always in agreement, I am always thankful that Andrew works with such energy and passion, possesses such objectivity on his areas of expertise, and utilizes such broad and deep resources. He is the academic with whom I discuss my theories and thoughts on PRC maritime issues. I have known Andrew for several years, and can say from very direct experience, that his research is not only consumed by the US security establishment, but the academic community also regards his work as authoritative, all-encompassing, and unprecedented. He is the recognized expert on Chinese maritime matters in and outside of the Navy, and possesses enviable worldwide contacts that serve to broaden his perspective and facilitate his novel views. I do not provide endorsements on this site; Andrew is the exception. If you want to understand developments in China you must follow his work. His finger is on the pulse of China’s maritime developments. Simply stated, he is the best!"
Stanley Weeks Adjunct Professor, U.S. Naval War College
"Andrew is an exceptionally knowledgeable and insightful analyst of China and its security and military development--indeed, I consider him among the top four young China analysts in the United States and globally. He is unusually skilled in focusing on the key analytic issues, and articulating them clearly and concisely. Andrew is a national asset for US security policy."
Jean Hyun DPhil Candidate at the University of Oxford
"I had the pleasure of getting to know Andrew at Harvard. Not only is Andrew one of the foremost experts in Asia-Pacific security, but better yet, he is also an excellent communicator who can discuss complex research issues clearly and impressively in multiple languages. Authoritative as he is accessible, Andrew was a great mentor and active contributor to intellectual life at Harvard."
Kabir Sehgal Author, Banker, Record Producer
"Andrew is a leading light in understanding the most pressing security issues facing the US. He is an expert on China/Asia-Pacific security, and is able to marshal his knowledge to inform and advise policy makers and investors alike to make better decisions. Andrew is diligent, assiduous, and brilliant."
Alan Park SaaS Entrepreneur and Co-Founder at Enux
"I have been fortunate to know Andrew for almost 10 years now, ever since first meeting Andrew at a conference on US-China relations. Even back then, it was obvious that he was a rising star who had amazing insight into East Asia, along with an incredible ability to bring people together under a common goal. Even so, what he has accomplished since then boggles my mind. His prolific, ground breaking, and insightful scholarship on East Asia is a go to resource for thinkers and policy-makers who are serious about China. His deep knowledge of Chinese culture and language enables him to infuse his work with original research, perspective, and insights which can't be found anywhere else. As someone involved in Chinese language education, I also admire his tremendous prowess in developing his online presence through influential medial channels like China Signpost. Andrew is already an influencer of the influencers and I am excited to see his next steps."
chris heber Pilot at US Air Force
"I have known Dr. Erickson for several years. He is one of the preeminent scholars working on Chinese military capabilities and intentions, and what this means for both the Northeast Asian region and the world as a whole. Critically, Dr. Erickson’s work bridges the gap often present between the theoretical and practical, making him a relevant and oft-cited source for today’s military leaders and policy makers."
Kristen Gunness CEO at Vantage Point Asia, LLC
"Andrew's work on Chinese maritime and security issues has been some of the most well-researched and informed work in the field. Given the high quality of his analysis, I often selected his research papers and academic articles to send to the Chief of Naval Operations and other navy leaders to inform their perspective on China. Andrew's work has greatly contributed to the Navy's and DOD's understanding of China's maritime issues and military modernization programs. I would not hesitate to recommend him or his work to anyone who wants an in-depth, thoughtful, and well-researched perspective on these issues."
Jason Yuki Osuga U.S. Naval Attaché to Japan
"Professor Erickson is extremely dedicated to training and mentoring the next generation of Naval Officers through his passion to teach various disciplines in the maritime, security, and Science & Technology realms. As an academic, Andrew never spins the facts to fit any one agenda. His knowledge base spans the whole of the Asia-Pacific region, and across many functional domains. His analysis is cogent, timely, and piercing. Andrew is a true asset to the Naval War College, US Navy, the Defense establishment, and the national security think-tanks worldwide."
June Teufel Dreyer Professor at University of Miami
"Like Dr. Erickson, I have an interest in the Chinese military. His work in this area is consistently of the highest quality: well-informed, astute analysis, and objective in tone. The work that Dr. Erickson and his colleagues at the Naval War College's Maritime Studies Institute is invaluable for those engaged in policymaking"
Gabriel Collins Baker Botts Fellow in Energy & Environmental Regulatory Affairs, Baker Institute for Public Policy -- Rice University
"I've known Andrew since 2001: first as a fellow Chinese-language student at Princeton and Beijing Normal University, then as a Research Fellow helping Andrew at the Naval War College from 2006-08, and most recently as a coauthor on numerous publications and co-founder of China SignPost, a research newsletter that we've published together since 2010. Andrew is a superb China scholar and a well-respected rising star--not just in the U.S., but in the global China and Asia-Pacific studies community as well. He has a keen intellect, strong language skills, and deep intercultural understanding. His analytic work reflects a powerful desire to seek the truth and apply it to help craft practical solutions to pressing, complex problems. Deeply incisive in his scholarly approach, Andrew identifies the key issues very rapidly in even the most complicated situations, then applies his unparalleled work ethic. The result is that his scholarly range is broad, but he can also dive deep on a wide spectrum of important subjects. I have seen no other China scholar who is able to do this; Andrew's one-of-a-kind capabilities set his work apart. His prolific research consistently embraces and shows the multidisciplinary impact China's growth and development have on myriad U.S. and global interests. Andrew also has an exceedingly rare trait for someone with a top-caliber scholarly mind: he is a superb organizer. With a strong track record of bringing people together for international China conferences, educational exchanges, and other activities, Andrew executes such events in top-notch fashion--even when balancing these efforts with a consistently prodigious research workload. The same applies to his classroom skills. For several years now, he has taught well-regarded courses to U.S. and international officers at the Naval War College and advised countless student research projects in Newport, Cambridge, Washington, and beyond--despite shouldering a research and organizational load that few others could sustain. Finally, Andrew has a unique ability to interact effectively with a wide range of officials, experts, and businesspeople across the Asia-Pacific, individuals who all too often do not communicate consistently or effectively among themselves. His earnest pursuit of empirically-grounded scholarship, coupled with his deep respect for people regardless of their background, culture, or politics, make him a trusted interlocutor for both the U.S. government decision-makers who rely on his counsel and the Asian officials and professionals--including those in China and its military--who likewise seek to discuss important matters with him. For anyone needing a leader who can produce first-class China scholarship while serving simultaneously as a cornerstone of classroom and curricular activities and an effective organizer and credible convener of major events, Andrew is absolutely my first choice. He should be yours as well."
Joel Wuthnow Research Fellow at National Defense University
"Andrew Erickson is a remarkably prolific and talented scholar of Chinese security and defense issues. He has made valuable contributions both in the academy and in public policy discussions. His research is particularly impressive because he utilizes a broad range of often overlooked Chinese language sources and is able to distill them for both specialist and generalist audiences. I would recommend his research and teaching skills without reservations."
David A. Deptula Dean, Mitchell Institute for Aerospace studies
"As a leader, strategist, commander, and scholar of airpower, I have participated in, and watched developments in Asia-Pacific closely, with the most authoritative sources at my disposal. As China continues to have a profound military-political impact in that domain, I know of no scholar offering better analysis on the subject than Dr. Andrew Erickson. In my current efforts, I value Andrew's work using Chinese-language open sources for its cutting-edge insights on Chinese aerospace developments and perspectives, which are simply unequaled elsewhere. Andrew's path-breaking study on Chinese statesmen and their use of airpower explains how Beijing's leaders have finally assembled a wide range of increasingly-capable air assets to support their statecraft. Andrew's just-published book on Chinese ASBM development contains a particularly valuable chapter documenting the PLA's rapid progress in building an advanced C4ISR network to support its operations. I endorsed his edited volume on Chinese Aerospace Power as a "must read," and I commend him to you now as the foremost scholar on Chinese aerospace development."
Abraham Denmark Director of the Asia Program at The Wilson Center
"Andrew is outstanding researcher and analyst, and is one of America's leading experts on China's military. A prolific and highly talented writer, Andrew's body of work has already made several important contributions to the acadmiec community and has provided important insights to American strategists and policymakers focused on China. For his outstanding contributions to the understanding of China’s military, Andrew was elected by representatives of the Chinese seucirty studies community to receive the inaugural 2012 Ellis Joffe Prize for PLA Studies. The prize honors the memory of Ellis Joffe, a founding figure in the study of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), and recognizes a rising scholar who has enhanced the field of China security studies and who demonstrates Dr. Joffe’s traits of grace and civility. Dr. Erickson distinguished himself by the volume and quality of his work, signaling a promising future in PLA studies. Andrew is an extraordinary talent and a highly valued leader in the Chinese security studies community. He has my strongest recommendation."
Joshua H. Ho Head of HR, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
"Andrew has always been very prolific in his publishing of and interpretation of the military activities and force development plans of the PLA and especially of the PLAN. His analysis is insightful and is always referred to as primary material when writing or speaking about the PLAN. In terms of the names of scholars who you would refer to for expert opinion on the PLAN, his would be the first few names that would come to mind as well. He will definitely be or if not already is a leading scholar of the Chinese Military and its Navy in particular."
Gary Sampson Ph.D. Candidate, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
"I knew Andrew by reputation years before I had the pleasure of meeting him in person. While I was a full-time graduate student at National Sun Yat-sen University in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Andrew's research and scholarship concerning the Chinese anti-ship ballistic missile was instrumental in my own master's degree research efforts. His works were the highest quality, most abundant source for reputable information about the DF-21D which I referenced as I wrote my master's thesis focused on China's anti-access and area denial (A2AD) capabilities. Later, when I found myself at the Naval War College for a brief visit, he took time out of his busy schedule to meet with me and talk about China. Not just a reputable and formidable scholar on Chinese weapons systems, defense and security issues, and East Asia in general, he is also a true gentleman. While my current graduate research into the Chinese nuclear weapons program has diverged somewhat from the A2AD realm, I find earlier scholarship by Andrew about Chinese nuclear systems to be helpful aids once again. I recommend Andrew wholeheartedly and without reservation."
Hans Kristensen Director, Nuclear Information Project at Federation of American Scientists
"Andrew is an outstanding analyst and resource for understanding Chinese defense programs and developments, policy, and related security issues. His productivity and professionalism are highly impressive."
Jan van Tol Senior Fellow at CSBA
"Andrew is extraordinary researcher and prolific writer on defense and national security issues pertaining to China as well as to the Asia-Pacific region more generally. His work on the evolution of the PLA Navy and other military forces continues to be cutting edge, and is tremendously useful both for military professionals and for others working in the national security/defense communities. Much official work in these areas is necessarily classified, so what makes Andrew’s open source research especially valuable is that his writings present very thorough, highly detailed analysis of important trends, issues, and challenges pertaining to the US-China relationship, including the military balance in the Western Pacific, to inform a wide range of audiences having diverse interests in how that relationship evolves. I recommend him most enthuastically!"
Timothy Heath Senior International Defense Research Analyst at RAND Corporation
"Andrew Erickson is without question one of the top experts in the field of PLA studies. I value Andrew's analysis and expertise when conducting my own research. His articles and books are insightful, thoughtful, and timely."
Joshua Rovner Associate Professor
"Andrew Erickson was a terrific colleague when we worked together at the U.S. Naval War College. He was always willing to reach out across disciplinary and departmental lines in order to seek out other researchers. Andrew is a diligent scholar and a serious analyst of Chinese strategy and defense politics. I recommend him without reservation."
Bryan McGrath Managing Director, The FerryBridge Group
"Andrew Erickson is the preeminent scholar on the capability and capacity of the People's Liberation Army. His research spans a broad spectrum from naval capability to cyber operations, and his contacts within the People's Republic of China are unmatched. Andrew's use of primary Chinese sources in his work lends an unparalleled authenticity to the conclusions he reaches. Leading the U.S. Navy Strategic Actions Group from 2006-2008, I leaned heavily on Andrew for his assessments of Chinese naval power and intent as we crafted the nation's Maritime Strategy. Andrew's writing and thinking are clear and comprehensive, but it is in his approach to discussion and debate where he rises to the top. Always prepared, he conveys his points eloquently and simply, always with great respect for the work and opinions of his interlocutors. He is the ideal panelist, mixing deep insight, considerable enthusiasm, good manners and humor in a package that demands attention."
Brendan Mulvaney Strategic Policy Leader focused on the Asia Pacific
"I've worked with Andrew over the last several years on all manner of topics related to China. Most recently he was an active participant in the Minerva program to study Science, Innovation, and Technology in China. As one of the leading experts in the fields of Chinese naval and aviation endeavors, Dr. Erickson continues to make lasting contributions to our understanding of the PRC ways, means, and ends. His in-depth knowledge of technical hurdles facing China, and some they have overcome, is coupled with his broad understanding of Chinese long term goals. His research continually advances the field, and serves as a signpost for experts, policymakers, and generalists all to follow."
Sumit Ganguly Professor at Indiana University
"Andrew Erickson is easily one of the most talented, productive and knowledgeable authorities on the PLAN's naval modernization, expansion and current capabilities. He writes with authority, clarity and verve on these matters."
John Holden CEO at The US-China Strong Foundation
"Andrew is one of the very best China analysts in his generation, and already in his career has added immensely to American understanding of China and Sino-American security issues. Andrew is unusually productive, and his work is innovative and insightful."
Alessio Patalano Reader in East Asian Warfare & Security at Department of War Studies, King’s College London
"I had the opportunity to work with Andrew on an international project on seapower in East Asia which is currently under review for publication. Andrew is the outstanding scholar on the evolution of Chinese naval technology and on Chinese domestic debates on seapower of his generation. He's meticulous in his research, razor-sharp in his analysis and feedback, and very approachable as an individual. I was delighted we had a chance to work together and I do look forward to more opportunities to work together in the future."
Xiaoyu Pu 蒲晓宇 Assistant Professor at University of Nevada Reno
"Andrew is an extremely productive and talented scholar. I have met him at the CWP annual workshop and have cited him in my own publications. His analysis is always balanced, nuanced, reliable, and extremely insightful. His scholarship has made extraordinary contributions to China studies, international security studies, and US-China relations"
Ian Easton Research Fellow at Project 2049 Institute
"Put quite simply, Andrew is a national treasure. The field of China studies and the national security establishment as a whole have benefited beyond measure from his prescient analyses and intellectual courage. His research is superb, his writing prolific, and his methods innovative. More importantly, Andrew has had the guts to say (sometimes very unpopular) things that the Navy needed to hear about the implications of China's ASBM program. Speaking truth to power is never easy, and he did it when many others wouldn't. As a result, the entire community underwent a paradigm shift. People forget that many of the key working assumptions we now take for granted about the emerging A2/AD environment in the Pacific seemed impossible back in 2010 and earlier when Andrew was writing about them. I have been a student of his work for many years, and feel fortunate to have had him as a reviewer of mine. He is an analytical force multiplier. His depth and breadth of expertise is truly remarkable. He also has a gift for the Chinese language and understands the cultural, historical and psychological drivers of PRC behavior in a way that a vanishingly few other Americans do. His contributions to the community are unparalleled and he is a true intellectual leader in our generational cohort."
Wendell Minnick Senior Asia Correspondent at Shephard Defence Media
"Having worked with Andrew at both the 2010 and 2012 Zhuhai Airshows, I can assure anyone that his 'boots on the ground' is unique within the academic community dealing with China. Few feel the need to mix it up directly with Chinese defense industry officials and companies. Wendell Minnick, Asia Bureau Chief, Defense News"
Julian Snelder Partner, Amiya Capital
"I attended the UCSD-IGCC 2013 SITC workshop at which Dr. Andrew Erickson was a key faculty member. I have followed his work closely over the years, such as his China Signpost website and his numerous posts on WSJ Real Time Report and The Diplomat. I have read all his open source materials including most recently his book on ASBM. It was a great honor to meet him in person at the SITC workshop and to interact with him in real time. As a financial professional based in Hong Kong, my primary interest is in the civilian and commercial aspects of high-tech innovation economies in Asia. Although Erickson comments mainly on military and security matters, I find his knowledge and relevance to be highly relevant to non-military (or dual-use) fields. For example, Erickson has intimate knowledge of the aviation engine industry, which is an engineering discipline I also happen to have training in. His writings on China's defense aerospace sector could be mirrored in a discourse on the C919 program, for instance. As an investor in the Chinese aerospace sector, I have benefited directly from accessing his know-how. Erickson also has a rare strategic perspective on East Asia and the ability to integrate/synthesize multiple disciplinary thinking. This is exactly the sort of analysis which investors like myself find valuable. Specifically, he is highly familiar with economic, political and commercial issues and is able to write extensively on topics like sea-lane access, energy economics and China's overseas resource investments. These happen to be exactly at the sweet spot of interest for Asian analysts and portfolio managers. Erickson writes with a precision and practicality that makes him a must-read for anyone working hands-on in this part of the world."
Yanzhong Huang Senior Fellow for Global Health at Council on Foreign Relations
"Andrew is one of the leading scholars on the PLA, and probably the best young scholar on China's naval power."
Oriana Skylar Mastro Assistant Professor at Georgetown University
"Andrew Erickson is one of the leading experts on the Chinese military in the field. His work is not only rigorously researched and clearly written, but it is influential in both the policy and academic realms. I have assigned his work in my course at Georgetown on the Chinese military, specifically his research on the Chinese navy's deployment to the Gulf of Aden and his work on the ASBM. In my career with the United States Air Force, we also rely on Andrew's prolific writings on Chinese airpower - one of the few serious scholars that are writing on this important topic. Andrew is truly a public intellectual as well as a respected scholar of strategy and military studies."
Adam P. Liff, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Indiana University School of Global and International Studies (SGIS)
"Andrew is an extraordinarily talented researcher and one of the hardest-working and most knowledgeable scholars on China defense issues. He also has extensive knowledge of Japan, India, and the Asia-Pacific more broadly; and maintains robust professional relationships across the region. His research sets the standard for his field, in terms of quality, rigor, depth, and policy-relevance. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to co-author several pieces with Andrew over the past several years, and I look forward to doing so again in the future."
Andrew Kennedy Senior Lecturer, Crawford School, The Australian National University
"Andrew is a top-flight analyst of international security in Asia and a marvelously prolific scholar. He brings a remarkable range of expertise to his work; in fact, it is hard to think of many scholars in his field who can bring to bear comparably broad erudition. His training in political science and international relations is complemented by an impressive knowledge of China and Asia, as well as a strong understanding of such diverse subjects as military history, economic development, corporate strategy, and technological innovation. He is also tremendously diligent and passionate about his work, as well as an excellent colleague. I have been fortunate enough to know Andrew for more than five years, and I value his insights enormously."
Tom Crowell Naval Intelligence Officer Transitioning in Summer 2018
"The open source expert on the PRC. His bottomless understanding of the PRC is equally matched by his clear instruction and interaction with colleagues and students. It's professors like Andrew that give my diploma and the War College its value. A true national asset."
Steve Loeffler Senior Lecturer, Faculty, Naval Postgraduate School
"As Director of the Naval Postgraduate School's Resgional Security Education Program (RSEP) for deploying Naval Forces, I selected Professor Erickson, on the recommendation of the President of Naval War College, to particpate in a program for the NIMITZ Carrier Strike Group deploying to the Western Pacific and Indian Oceans. His program of 12 different hour-long lectures on China and Northeast Asia were exceptionally well received by Rear Admiral Mike White, Commander Carrier Strike Group 11 and the officers, Sailors and Marines of the NIMITZ Strike Group. At the request of the strike group commander, we worked together to build and deliver briefs on the North Korean missile and nuclear crisis issues. He is a great asset to the Navy and the Nation and I look forward to working with him again with other deploying forces."
James Kraska, S.J.D. Chairman and Howard S. Levie Professor, Stockton Center for International Law
"Simply, Andrew is widely recognized as the #1 scholar on Chinese aerospace and maritime and naval policy and strategy of his generation. There is no one else that does as well at coupling exceptional scholarship and original research with policy-relevant analysis, which makes his high productivity all the more remarkable. Dr. Erickson is a national asset."
Ian Chong Faculty
"Andrew is one of the leading experts on Chinese military technology, its development, and application. He has extensive knowledge of China's military and its military-industrial complex, topics on which he has been working on for a long time. These areas of expertise have very significant barriers to entry, which involves technical knowledge and familiarity with the politics on top of the requisite language abilities. Andrew consistently demonstrates these skills through his numerous publications, and various government agencies place substantial value on his advice relating to the Chinese military. His translations of Chinese texts on related topics provide a valuable resource for those conducting research on the Chinese military as well. Andrew is well-positioned to bridge the academic, policymaking, and public worlds in the United States and beyond. The accessibility of Andrew’s work is evident from the fact that policymakers in the United States and elsewhere often seek his views and advice on matters relating to the Chinese military. His experience with the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations makes clear his ability to make the complications of Chinese military development accessible to non-specialist audiences. Andrew’s mastery of Chinese puts him in a position to work with Chinese interlocutors on their own terms. His ties with expert communities across Asia also put him in a very strong position to engage regional politics in Asia both as a scholar and a practitioner. Such abilities are especially valuable given the need to raise general awareness in the United States and elsewhere about the the U.S.-China relationship, which is likely to be key in shaping world politics this century."
Michael Raska Assistant Professor, RSIS
"Andrew's pathbreaking work provides a tremendous source to students of China's defense-industrial and military transformation, such as myself. I have had the honor to learn from Andrew directly in the 2013 Summer Training Workshop on the Relationship between National Security and Technology in China, held at the UC San Diego. His insightful analysis of the latest trends and developments in China's sector specific defense industries, discussions in breakout groups, and contributions to the course reader, have been more than helpful. Andrew's pursuit of teaching and research excellence has inspired my interests in the subject."
Scott Tait Surface Warfare Officer, U.S. Navy
"As Exec Assistant to the Commander of US 7th Fleet I worked with Dr. Erickson on several projects related to the US Navy-China relationship. His research is superb, providing relevant, practical, timely information that has significant influence and impact. His direct support to fleet planners is exceptional. Dr. Erickson is a priceless and trusted partner who provides accurate and nuanced insights that would not otherwise be available to us. He has a unique ability to work with equal effectiveness in both academic and practitioner arenas."
Michael Chase Senior Political Scientist at RAND Corporation
"Andrew is one of the hardest working and most talented young China analysts I've had the pleasure to work with over the years. Andrew's work is first rate and covers a broad range of subjects, from Chinese foreign policy debates to the latest developments involving the PLA Navy and China's missile force. He is also a great colleague. Anyone who has worked with Andrew at the Naval War College would surely agree that he is very generous with his time, whether to offer another faculty member detailed feedback on their work or to assist a student with a paper. Please feel free to contact me directly for a more detailed recommendation."
Felix Boecking Senior Lecturer in Modern Chinese Economic and Political History at The University of Edinburgh
"Andrew combines intense attention to detail with the ability to communicate clearly and concisely, from a thirty-second summary of a complex problem in conversation to a comprehensive policy brief or research paper. In his research and policy work, he demonstrates that relevance and public interest does not have to come at the expense of high-quality research."
PJ Tech First Officer, 767 & 757, international at American Airlines
"Andrew's analytic skills, enthusiasm, and outstanding work ethic are evident to every student who has the honor of working with him at the Naval War College. His expertise in teaching Professional Military Education has already shaped an entire generation of officers from all services, particularly those working in the Asia-Pacific region. As a Military Professor at the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, it was always an honor to be able to host Andrew for discussions with our faculty, in which he never failed to provide new perspectives on the Asia-Pacific region. Although he is noted world wide for his work on China, his understanding of the larger region is truly remarkable and valuable. Please feel free to contact me directly if you would like to further discuss the immense respect I have for Andrew and his work."
Austin Strange Ph.D. Candidate, Harvard University
"I have been fortunate to work under Professor Erickson’s tutelage since 2011 at the China Maritime Studies Institute. His intimate knowledge of China and Asian international relations, as well as his intellectual rigor, interdisciplinary dynamism and policy leadership are an extraordinary combination. His mentorship, in addition to catalyzing my growth as a young scholar of Chinese IR and security studies, has equipped me with the motivation and tools needed to ask vital questions about the world’s most dynamic power. In particular, Professor Erickson inspires his colleagues and students by demonstrating unrelenting dedication to his craft. His energy and curiosity for China studies are truly contagious and remind those around him why this field is so important. Second, Professor Erickson understands the delicate balance between faculty guidance and student responsibility essential for successful academic collaboration. Finally, the rigorous academic expectations he imposes on himself and his collaborators are balanced by his dynamic personality, which allows him to work effectively with students, professors and policymakers. I recommend Professor Erickson most highly as an educator of China and Asia-Pacific affairs."
Jed Horwitt M.B.A., M.P.H., C.R.A.
"I've held a high professional opinion of Dr. Erickson throughout the ten year period we've known each other. I am continually struck by his dedication to academic and scholarly pursuits, his impressive work ethic, constructive attitude, upbeat humor, and enthusiasm as a teacher, researcher, and thought leader. Dr. Erickson keeps young in heart and mind, and challenges his colleagues to think in new and interdisciplinary ways. His knowledge and publication record on Asian subject matter, particularly that of China, is impressive."
Kathleen (Kate) Walsh Professor of National Security Affairs at US Naval War College
"Andrew is an excellent researcher and China analyst. Happy to recommend him. For a proper recommendation, contact me directly."
Walter Ladwig Assistant Professor (UK: Lecturer) of International Relations at King's College London
"Andrew Erickson is a diligent and intelligent scholar with a prolific publication record. As a senior colleague on several collaborative research projects, Andrew provided excellent guidance and mentorship to me as a junior scholar and has also proactively assisted with my professional and career development. I would actively seek to collaborate with Andrew again in the future."
Anthony Mastalir Deputy Director at Space Security and Defense Program
"Dr Andrew Erickson is an extraordinarily gifted researcher and an equally talented writer. I had the pleasure of completing an Advanced Research Project under his guidance and mentorship as a student at the Naval War College. His passion for his research is contagious and his work ethic is second to none. He's a team player, coach, and advisor all in one. Perhaps most impressive is his ability to effectively communicate with both faculty and students at any level. His modesty makes him approachable while his determination and focus makes him a tremendous ally. He's earned my strongest recommendation for nearly any position in academia. Fight to get him on your team!"
Principal Affiliations
The U.S. Naval War College (NWC)’s missions are developing strategic and operational leaders, helping the Chief of Naval Operations define the future Navy, strengthening maritime security cooperation and supporting combat readiness. The oldest institution of its kind in the world, NWC has pioneered strategic thinking about maritime issues for well over a century. Since the first class met on 6 October 1884, in an austere loft with nine students, more than 24,000 U.S. military and international officers, as well as hundreds of senior federal service civilian executives, have graduated from NWC. Throughout its history, the College has acted on the belief, first articulated by its founding president, Rear Admiral Stephen B. Luce, U.S. Navy, that, “The War College is a place of original research on all questions relating to war and to statesmanship connected with war, or the prevention of war.” Each year, approximately 600 specially-selected mid-career level officers of the Navy, other U.S. services, civilian federal agencies, and international naval officers come to NWC as resident students to pursue a rigorous 10-month course of postgraduate studies. More than half the graduates of the college’s senior international course, the Naval Command College, have subsequently become flag or general officers, and more than 190 have headed their respective services. The college’s Center for Naval Warfare Studies, in which the China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI) is located, is central to the Navy’s research efforts in maritime strategic thinking.
The Center for Naval Warfare Studies (CNWS) contributes to the Naval War College’s mission by serving as a home for fresh research, innovative thinking, and creative problem solving. Founded, in the words of Rear Admiral Stephen B. Luce as “a place of original research,” one of the primary functions of NWC is to conduct research, analysis, and gaming to support the requirements of the Secretary of the Navy and others. CNWS is dedicated to assisting the Chief of Naval Operations in defining the future Navy and the Navy’s contribution to national strategy. This, in turn, supports NWC’s “Guiding Vision: We inform today’s decision-makers and educate tomorrow’s leaders.” CNWS comprises several departments—the Strategic and Operational Research Department (SORD), the Wargaming Department, the Stockton Center for International Law, and the Naval War College Press—each with its own mission and specific study/research groups.
The Strategic & Operational Research Department (SORD) produces forward-thinking and timely research, analysis, and gaming that anticipates future operational and strategic challenges. Its faculty develop and assess strategic and operational concepts to overcome challenges by providing analytical products that inform the Navy’s leadership and help shape key decisions. Regional areas of focus include Eurasia, the Indo-Asia-Pacific, and the greater Middle East. Faculty members not only possess in-country experience and historical knowledge, but also facility in critical languages such as Russian, German, French, Chinese, and Japanese. SORD contains dedicated centers of expertise and research concerning both Beijing and Moscow’s seapower strategy and policies: the China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI) and the Halsey Alfa Group, and the Russia Maritime Studies Institute (RMSI) and the Holloway Group. SORD is also home to other impactful research centers that dive deeper into issues of interest to the U.S. Navy, such as the Cyber and Innovation Policy Institute and the Institute for Future Warfare Studies. Faculty-led special advanced research programs offer domestic students a chance to participate in gaming, research, and other real-world scenarios pertaining to strategy, planning, and operations. This focus on conducting “loosely coupled” research—akin to wide-beam scanning and tracking radar—allows SORD to anticipate and address emerging problems and needs for the U.S. Navy and Department of Defense.
The China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI) supports the research needs of the U.S. Navy and was established in 2006 to increase knowledge and understanding of the maritime dimensions of China’s rise. CMSI scholars perform academic research from Chinese-language sources to develop deeper insight into key aspects of China’s maritime power. CMSI publishes research to inform the U.S. Navy and engage the nation; CMSI faculty also advise current leaders and educate the Navy’s next generation. CMSI is based in the U.S. Naval War College (NWC), which contributes a broad based, multi-dimensional research, analysis and gaming environment with significant linguistic and technological capabilities. It is located in the Strategic & Operational Research Department, and represents one of the Department’s mature enterprises, within NWC’s Center for Naval Warfare Studies. CMSI’s mission is to better understand China’s approach to building and using maritime power in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. It involves the following activity areas:
- Conducting research in primary source, Chinese-language materials and scholarly literature.
- Writing and publishing books, monographs, and articles on Chinese maritime and strategic developments, prioritizing content that is valuable to the fleet.
- Advising current Naval, joint, and civilian national security decision-makers, including the Chief of Naval Operations, fleet commanders, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the National Intelligence Council, the National Security Council, and Congress.
- Educating future Naval, joint, and civilian national security decision-makers through participation in the U.S. Naval War College core and electives curriculum, research groups, lectures of opportunity, and faculty development.
- Engaging with U.S. allies and partners and interacting with both the wider academic and professional communities as well as the public.
CMSI is located at the nexus of the academic, policy, and operational communities. The close proximity of many of the nation’s leading academic institutions offers the potential for unmatched intellectual synergies. In seeking to more fully understand the complexities of China’s emerging role in Indo-Asia-Pacific, CMSI continues to seek expanded collaborative relationships with government research centers, civilian academic institutions, and other relevant organizations. These partnerships facilitate research on China’s development as a maritime power.
The Asia-Pacific Studies Group (APSG) consists of faculty and students at the Naval War College with expertise, experience, or an interest in mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, North and South Korea, Russia, Southeast Asia, Australia, Oceania, regional maritime affairs, and U.S. policy and military strategy in the Asia-Pacific region. The APSG acts as a catalyst, coordinator, and implementer of research to serve the needs of the Navy, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, and other elements of the U.S. Government responsible for formulating policy, strategy, and planning related to Asia and the Pacific. At the Naval War College, the group serves as a focal point for information sharing related to major policy developments within the region and U.S. policy. In addition to assisting U.S. national security policy makers, the APSG serves as one of the Naval War College’s primary forums for addressing a full range of Asia-Pacific strategy and policy issues. The APSG hosts guest speakers and convenes periodic seminars for members to report on current research . The group performs an important outreach function for the college by facilitating faculty participation in major conferences and research activities in the Asia-Pacific region and in the United States. APSG works with the China Maritime Studies Institute, the Indian Ocean Studies Group, and the John A. van Beuren Chair of Asia-Pacific Studies at the Naval War College to promote greater regional awareness. Furthermore, the APSG undertakes periodic interactions with other military colleges across the region and with major research organizations devoted to Asia and the Pacific. Finally, APSG performs a coordinating function with the academic electives program on the growing array of course offerings on the region and on U.S. Asia-Pacific strategy, enabling students to increase their knowledge of this important region and to fulfill the requirements for the College’s Asia-Pacific Studies Concentration. The Asia-Pacific area of studies offers a broad selection of courses from basic surveys on specific countries to more specialized topics of importance to the Navy such as Chinese maritime development.
The John King Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University has historically been a post-graduate research center. From the start, its purpose has been to support and advance cutting-edge scholarship in the field of Chinese Studies through sponsoring seminars and conferences, through assisting in the publication of research results, and by welcoming postdoctoral fellows, visiting scholars, and associates in research to the Center. The Center is now adding an additional mission, to include undergraduate and graduate students in its intellectual life, by awarding grants to students and student organizations, by inviting student groups to co-sponsor Center events, and by holding functions for students. The Center participates in many of the student-focused activities on campus that have a China component. The Fairbank Center is a unit of Harvard University’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The Center works closely with other Asia-focused institutions within the University including the Asia Center, the Harvard China Fund, the Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, the Korea Institute, the South Asia Initiative, the Harvard-Yenching Institute and the Harvard-Yenching Library.
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher. CFR’s current membership of nearly 4,700 is divided among those living in New York, Washington, DC, and across the country and abroad. For those between the ages of thirty and thirty-six there is the Stephen M. Kellen Term Member Program. The Corporate Program serves an international membership of about two hundred leading global corporations. The David Rockefeller Studies Program—CFR’s think tank—is composed of more than eighty full-time and adjunct fellows who cover the major regions and significant issues shaping today’s international agenda. The program also includes recipients of several one-year fellowships. The Studies Program is organized into more than a dozen program areas and centers that focus on major geographical areas of the world or significant foreign policy issues, including the Maurice R. Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies, the Center for Preventive Action, the International Institutions and Global Governance program, the Civil Society, Markets, and Democracy initiative, and the Renewing America initiative. Access to CFR’s high-level discussions—with world leaders, U.S. government officials, CEOs, policy analysts, and others—is available through select videos, audio recordings, and unedited transcripts. Outreach initiatives target constituencies increasingly important to the national foreign policy debate: educators and students; religious and congregational leaders; state and local officials; and nonprofit, civic, and community leaders. The Washington Program actively engages decision-makers in Congress, the executive branch, and the diplomatic community. The bimonthly Foreign Affairs is widely considered to be the most influential magazine for the analysis and debate of foreign policy and economics. Its website, ForeignAffairs.com, publishes original daily features and hosts the complete archives going back to 1922. Independent Task Forces work to reach consensus on how to deal with critical foreign policy challenges. CFR’s website is a trusted, nonpartisan source of timely analysis and context on international events and trends. CFR.org publishes backgrounders, interviews, “first-take” analysis, expert blogs, and a variety of multimedia offerings that include videos, podcasts, interactive timelines, and the Emmy-winning Crisis Guide series. The site also presents the work of CFR’s Think Tank, including books, reports, congressional testimony, and op-eds, as well as audio, video, and transcripts of CFR events. Each weekday morning, the Daily News Brief delivers subscribers an authoritative digest of global news and analysis compiled by CFR.org’s editors.
The Columbia-Harvard China and the World Program offers post-doctoral fellowships to encourage exceptional advanced graduate students and new Ph.D.s to integrate their knowledge of international relations as a discipline with their knowledge of China. The program provides an opportunity for scholars to advance their research, to develop a stronger sense of community with others working on both China and international relations, to forge interdisciplinary ties with China experts in other fields as well as with policy makers and intellectuals without China expertise, and to access the first-class resources in international relations and China that both Princeton and Harvard have to offer.
The Public Intellectuals Program (PIP), launched by the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations in 2005, is dedicated to nurturing the next generation of China specialists who, in the tradition of earlier China hands, have the interest and potential to venture outside of academia to engage with the public and policy community. Through a varied set of activities spread out over two-and-a-half years, the program helps twenty young American scholars and specialists working in various disciplines to expand their knowledge of China beyond their own interests by introducing them to other each other as well as specialists from outside their fields. The program offers unique opportunities for professional development, mentoring by senior scholars, networking, and exposure. PIP fellows gain access to senior policymakers and experts in both the United States and China, and to individuals and fields they would not typically be exposed to, including, for instance, the emerging business and nonprofit sectors in China, as well as the media. The program’s ultimate objective is to upgrade the quality of American public understanding of China by strengthening links among U.S. academics, policymakers, opinion leaders, and the public.
Favorite Quotations
“不是我不明白, 而是世界变得太快.” – 崔健
“It’s not that I don’t understand, it’s just that the world is changing so fast.”
– Cui Jian, father of Chinese rock music
“A people which does not possess the power to innovate will never take its place among the advanced nations of the world.”
– Jiang Zemin, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, 1989-2002; President of the People’s Republic of China, 1993-2003; Chairman of the Central Military Commission, 1989-2005
– Joseph G. Gavin, Jr; director, Apollo Lunar Module Program; president, Grumman Corporation, 1976-85
“We in this country, in this generation, are—by destiny rather than choice—the watchmen on the walls of world freedom. We ask, therefore, that we may be worthy of our power and responsibility, that we may exercise our strength with wisdom and restraint, and that we may achieve in our time and for all time the ancient vision of ‘peace on earth, good will toward men.’ That must always be our goal, and the righteousness of our cause must always underlie our strength. For as was written long ago: ‘except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.’”
– John F. Kennedy, final paragraph of undelivered speech, Dallas, Texas, 22 November 1963
“The wheels of history roll on; the tides of the times are vast and mighty. History looks kindly on those with resolve, with drive and ambition, and with plenty of guts; it won’t wait for the hesitant, the apathetic, or those shy of a challenge.”
– General Secretary Xi Jinping, in speech at the Chinese Communist Party’s 19th National Congress, 18 October 2017
“He who struggles with joy in his heart struggles the more keenly because of that joy. … We are not the first to face problems, and as we face them, we can hold our heads high.”
– Vannevar Bush, science and education visionary and administrator who headed American wartime R&D through the U.S. Office of Scientific Research and Development, in the Foreword to his last book, Pieces of the Action (1970)