30 September 2023

Running the Gauntlet: Holding the Line on Taiwan & Beyond through This Decade of Maximum Danger

My latest presentation—summarizes my take on what were up against & what we must do, urgently, to hold the line on Taiwan and beyond through the 2020s, a most decisive decade!

Andrew S. Erickson “Running the Gauntlet: Holding the Line on Taiwan & Beyond through This Decade/FYDP of Maximum Danger,” Keynote presentation for Foreign Challenges – China Session, SENEDIA Defense Innovation Days 2023, Newport, RI, 29 August 2023.


Humbled to share the stage with key leaders:

Defense Innovation Days 2023

28-30 August 2023 – Marriott Newport, RI

[Videos of Sessions – click on speaker name]

Opening Remarks – Senator Jack Reed (RI), Chair, Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC)

Climate and Resiliency Innovation – Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (RI), Chair, Senate Budget Committee

Keynote Speaker – The Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy

Keynote Speaker – Mr. Nickolas Guertin, Director, DoD Operational Test and Evaluation

Keynote Speaker – Admiral Lisa Franchetti, Vice Chief of Naval Operations

Foreign Challenges – China – Dr. Andrew Erickson, Naval War College, China Maritime Studies Institute

AUKUS Panel – Vice Admiral William Houston, Commander, Naval Submarine Forces; Ms. Lisa Radocha, Executive Director, PEO Attach Submarine

Driving the Navy’s RDT&E Enterprise – Dr. Brett Seidle, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, Test, and Engineering

Task Force 59 – Unmanned and Artificial Intelligence Integration – Captain Colin Corridan, Commodore, Task Force 59

Keynote Speaker – Congressman Seth Magaziner (RI), House Committee on Homeland Security; Rear Admiral John Mauger, Commander, First Coast Guard District, US Coast Guard

Keynote Speaker – Ms. Marie Bussiere, Acting Technical Director, Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Division Newport

Keynote Speaker – Brigadier General David C. Trybula, Deputy Commanding General, Combat Capabilities Development Command/Senior Commander, Natick Soldier Systems Center

Keynote Speaker – Dr. William LaPlante, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment