
Erickson has been interviewed and quoted extensively in numerous newspapers, magazines, and online sources, including The Wire ChinaScienceThe BBCThe Financial Times, Aviation Week & Space Technology, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, The Economist, Xinhua, Reuters, China Daily, AP, The New Yorker, South China Morning Post, PoliticoDer Spiegel, The Washington Post and its Monkey Cage blog, AFP, Fortune, Radio Free Asia, The Times of India, The Hindu, Wired, The Japan Times, El País, The Taipei Times, NewsweekThe Straits Times, Business Insider, KompasDefense News, The Australian, Le Monde, Navy Times, The Atlantic, Canberra Times, Yahoo News, Real Clear Politics, The Washington Times, China Radio International, The Asia Times, The Globe & Mail, The Guardian, Aerospace America, Time, Breaking Defense, UPI, China Post, The Nelson Report, and The New York Times.

Erickson’s work is also featured in a broad range of print, wire service, television, radio, and Internet media. He has published op-eds with CBS and the Asahi Shimbun (Japanese– and English-language editions), and has appeared on CNN, C-SPAN, CCTV, NHK, Al Jazeera, Voice of America, The Australian Broadcasting Corporation, ABC News 24Bloomberg TV, National Public Radio, and The John Batchelor Show.

“Experts Discuss Security Risks,” Newsline, NHK World, 16 October 2015.