19 January 2014

Transcript of Admiral Locklear’s Speech at the Surface Navy Association Conference

The full text of Admiral Locklear’s recent speech is well worth reading. Thanks to CDR John Bradford, USN for bringing this to my attention.
Admiral Samuel J. Locklear III, Commander U.S. Pacific Command, Speech at the Surface Navy Association Conference, 15 January 2014.
It’s great to be back at SNA. I’ve had a long time affiliation with […]

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18 January 2014

Wishlist for a New Naval Cooperative Strategy

Robert Farley, “Wishlist for a New Naval Cooperative Strategy,” The Diplomat, 17 January 2014.
Chatter suggests that the U.S. Navy will soon release an update to the Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower.  The Cooperative Strategy envisioned the maritime commons as a space for collective action, in which productive rules of the road could lead to partnerships that […]

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16 January 2014

PACOM Chief: Uncontested U.S. Control of Pacific is Ending

Andrew Tilghman, “PACOM Chief: Uncontested U.S. Control of Pacific is Ending,” Navy Times, 15 January 2014.
The four-star commander of U.S. Pacific Command says the era when the U.S. military enjoys uncontested control over the Pacific’s blue water and its airspace is coming to an end.
Adm. Sam Locklear told a Navy conference in Virginia that the […]

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16 January 2014

China Daily: “China Seeks to Calm US fears over Missile”

Zhou Wa, “China Seeks to Calm US fears over Missile,” China Daily, 16 January 2014.
The Ministry of National Defense issued a statement on Wednesday dismissing media reports that China’s recent ultrahigh-speed missile test flight was aimed at delivering warheads through the missile defenses of the United States.
“It is normal for China to conduct scientific experiments […]

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14 January 2014

(Re)Defining the “New Type of Major Country Relationship” between the United States and China

Ely Ratner, “(Re)Defining the ‘New Type of Major Country Relationship’ between the United States and China,” Center for Strategic and International Studies PacNet 4, 13 January 2014.
The US response to China’s call for a “new type of major country relationship” remains one of the most controversial and misunderstood components of the Obama administration’s China policy. […]

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10 January 2014

China and the Far Seas: China’s Far Seas Presence Enables it to Escort Syria’s Chemical Weapons Marked for Destruction

Andrew S. Erickson and Austin M. Strange, “China and the Far Seas: China’s Far Seas Presence Enables it to Escort Syria’s Chemical Weapons Marked for Destruction,” The Diplomat, 10 January 2014.
While the U.S. and its allies perceive Beijing’s conduct as increasingly destabilizing in the Yellow, East, and South China Seas (“Near Seas”), China continues to […]

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08 January 2014

U.S. State Department Asia-Pacific Rebalance Fact Sheet

Fact Sheets: The East Asia-Pacific Rebalance: Expanding U.S. Engagement
By Newsroom America Feeds at 16 Dec 2013
The East Asia-Pacific Rebalance: Expanding U.S. Engagement
Fact Sheet
Bureau of Public Affairs
December 16, 2013
“As a Pacific nation that takes our Pacific partnership seriously, the United States will continue to build on our active and enduring presence.”  – Secretary of State John Kerry
Recognizing that […]

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07 January 2014

Why China’s Gulf Piracy Fight Matters

Andrew S. Erickson and Austin M. Strange, “Why China’s Gulf Piracy Fight Matters,” Global Public Square, CNN, 7 January 2014.
Editor’s note: Andrew S. Erickson is an associate professor in the Strategic Research Department at the U.S. Naval War College. Austin M. Strange is a research associate at the China Maritime Studies Institute. The views expressed are the authors’ alone.
December 26, […]

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05 January 2014

Xinhua: PLA to Establish Joint Operational Command System; Experts Expect Naval Prioritization

Yang Yi, “New Joint Command System ‘On Way’,” Xinhua, 3 January 2014.
BEIJING, Jan. 3 (Xinhuanet) —  The Chinese military is to establish a joint operational command system “in due course”, with observers saying this will result in more-coordinated and combat-capable forces to efficiently respond to a crisis.
Setting up the system is a basic requirement in […]

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04 January 2014

Capability Surprise for U.S. Naval Forces: Initial Observations and Insights: Interim Report

National Research Council, Capability Surprise for U.S. Naval Forces: Initial Observations and Insights: Interim Report (Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2013).
Committee on Capability Surprise for U.S. Naval Forces; Naval Studies Board; Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences; National Research Council
A letter dated December 21, 2011, to National Academy of Sciences President Dr. Ralph Cicerone […]

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02 January 2014

No Substitute for Experience

Andrew S. Erickson and Austin M. Strange, “No Substitute for Experience,” Guest Blog Post for Elizabeth C. Economy, Asia Unbound, Council on Foreign Relations, 2 January 2014.
This guest post is by Andrew Erickson, an associate professor in the Strategic Research Department at the U.S. Naval War College, and Austin Strange, a researcher for the College’s China Maritime […]

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01 January 2014

China’s Near-Seas Challenges

Andrew S. Erickson, “China’s Near-Seas Challenges,” The National Interest 129 (January-February 2014): 60-66.
THE U.S. National Intelligence Council forecasts that China will become the world’s largest economy (measured by purchasing-power parity) in 2022. Jane’s predicts that by 2015 People’s Liberation Army (PLA) funding will double to $238 billion, surpassing that of NATO’s eight largest militaries after the United States […]

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23 December 2013

China SignPost™ “Greatest Hits” #6: Mining & Minerals

Andrew Erickson and Gabe Collins, “China SignPost™ ‘Greatest Hits’ #6: Mining & Minerals,” China SignPost™ (洞察中国) 78 (23 December 2013).

China SignPost™ 洞察中国–“Clear, high-impact China analysis.”©
China’s rise as a top global mineral consumer and producer creates three key dynamics that we believe investors and policymakers should follow closely.
First, the pursuit of minerals is bringing Chinese miners and energy […]

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23 December 2013

China SignPost™ “Greatest Hits” #5: Industrial & Technical Development

Andrew S. Erickson and Gabriel B. Collins, “China SignPost™ ‘Greatest Hits’ #5: Industrial and Technical Development,” China SignPost™ (洞察中国) 77 (23 December 2013).
China SignPost™ 洞察中国–“Clear, high-impact China analysis.”©
A bevy of recent developments in China’s shipbuilding and aerospace sectors highlights important dynamics playing out in its overall technical-industrial growth and development.
On the shipbuilding front, Chinese naval yards are now […]

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23 December 2013

China SignPost™ “Greatest Hits” #4: Macro and Strategic Assessments

Andrew S. Erickson and Gabriel B. Collins, “China SignPost™ ‘Greatest Hits’ #4: Macro and Strategic Assessments,” China SignPost™ (洞察中国) 76 (23 December 2013).
China SignPost™ 洞察中国–“Clear, high-impact China analysis.”©
China SignPost anchors its China macroeconomic research with a tight focus on the sustainability of Chinese economic growth. The country’s comprehensive national power is ultimately predicated on having an economy robust […]

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23 December 2013

China SignPost™ “Greatest Hits” #3: Agricultural & Consumer Markets

Gabriel B. Collins and Andrew S. Erickson, “China SignPost™ ‘Greatest Hits’ #3: Agricultural & Consumer Markets,” China SignPost™ (洞察中国) 75 (23 December 2013).
China SignPost™ 洞察中国–“Clear, high-impact China analysis.”©
Legacies of restrictive farmland ownership policies, in addition to land and water resources overtaxed by pollution and urban development, constrain China’s agricultural production potential significantly. Famine and grain supply problems […]

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23 December 2013

China SignPost™ “Greatest Hits” #2: Military and Security Developments

Gabriel B. Collins and Andrew S. Erickson, “China SignPost™ ‘Greatest Hits’ #2: Military and Security Developments,” China SignPost™ (洞察中国) 74 (23 December 2013).
China SignPost™ 洞察中国–“Clear, high-impact China analysis.”©
In the three years since we established China SignPost, Beijing’s military developments—both in technical and operational terms—have been nothing short of astounding. We’ve covered the most important milestones closely, offering insights […]

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23 December 2013

China SignPost™ “Greatest Hits” #1: Energy & Transportation

Gabriel B. Collins and Andrew S. Erickson, “China SignPost™ ‘Greatest Hits’ #1: Energy & Transportation,” China SignPost™ (洞察中国) 73 (23 December 2013).
China SignPost™ 洞察中国–“Clear, high-impact China analysis.”©
To conclude 2013 on a high note, we are publishing six category-based compilations, each containing five of the China SignPost™ research pieces that we believe to have been the “greatest hits” […]

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21 December 2013

Towards the Same End, With Considerable Potential: Considering Future Sino-American Cooperation Regarding Sea Lane Security in the Gulf of Aden

美国海军战争学院副教授 艾立信 [Andrew S. Erickson, U.S. Naval War College], 奥斯丁·斯特兰奇 [and Austin M. Strange], “相向而行, 潜力可观–面向未来的中美亚丁湾海上通道安全合作” (Towards the Same End, With Considerable Potential: Considering Future Sino-American Cooperation Regarding Sea Lane Security in the Gulf of Aden), 国际战略研究简报 [International and Strategic Studies Report] (北京大学国际战略研究中心主办) [Center for International and Strategic Studies, Peking University] 86 (13 September 2013): 1-4.
亚丁湾的反海盗行动, 包括美国和中国及其他许多国家海军的合作, 是一个 保障海上通道(SLOCs)的国际合作的成功案例。美中两国海军在打击海盗方面的合作有何优势和缺点? 其在亚丁湾护航的经历能为中美在其他海域保障海上通道 的联合行动提供何种经验教训? 围绕上述问题, 本文拟对美中两国反海盗行动的方式、双方迄今为止所进行的反海盗合作的性质、亚丁湾护航案例为未来美中管理海上公域提供的经验教训, 以及对双边合作的指导原则的启示等进行考察。 。。。
Anti-piracy efforts in the Gulf […]

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