06 September 2011

Feng, PLA Blogspot: “China and Vietnam”

Feng, China and Vietnam,” PLA Blogspot, 21 August 2011.

This is the second part in my series to talk about what I gathered from the recent readings. Since last year, there have been increased amount of noise from ASEAN countries about China’s increased assertiveness in the area. The most vocal of those countries is Vietnam. That really is not surprising given that China’s most recent major conflict was with Vietnam in 1979. This entry will attempt to look back on the role of the air force in security situations between the 2 countries. …

…as we look back on the performance of PLAAF in the 1979 vs now, it is easy to see how much things have changed. Back then, PLAAF could even provide air denial for PLA, because it was kept within the borders. Now, PLAAF can be quietly used as a tool apart from the army to show hard power. I’m not here to advocate this kind of behaviour or another, but to show the change in philosophy within PLA.

For more information on one of the books referenced here, see: Andrew S. Erickson and Lyle J. Goldstein, eds., Chinese Aerospace Power: Evolving Maritime Roles (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2011).

For Feng’s evaluation of CMSI Volume 5 see, “Review of Chinese Aerospace Power: Evolving Maritime Roles,” Information Dissemination, 16 August 2011.