Book Review: The Impact of Chinese Naval Modernization and the Future of the United States Navy
Andrew S. Erickson, review of Ronald O’Rourke, The Impact of Chinese Naval Modernization and the Future of the United States Navy (New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2006), Naval War College Review 61.1 (Winter 2008): 130-31.
Well written, succinct, and timely, this balanced assessment of Chinese naval weaknesses and strengths offers specific technological development and procurement alternatives to inform Washington’s decision making. O’Rourke is a naval issues analyst for the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. Specialists will want to consult his related product, China Naval Modernization: Implications for U.S. Navy Capabilities—Background and Issues for Congress. First published in November 2006, the latter report has been updated regularly. Each report contains details that the other does not. …
It should be noted that Nova published O’Rourke’s research without his participation; this was possible because copyright may not be claimed for products produced for the U.S. Government.