13 February 2011

Center for National Policy Conference Wed. 9 Feb. 2011: “The Rise of China’s Military: Consequences for the U.S. and Our Allies”–Webcast & Transcript Posted

The Rise of China’s Military: Consequences for the U.S. and Our Allies

Andrew S. Erickson, “Beijing’s Maritime-Aerospace Revolution: Trajectory and Implications,” Presented at “The Rise of China’s Military: Consequences for the U.S. and Our Allies” panel discussion, Center for National Policy, Washington, DC, 9 February 2011.

Complete webcast and transcript of panel discussion available here.

Center for National Policy
One Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Suite 333
Washington, DC  20001

Click here

Feb 09   12:00 pm – 1:15 pm

In a panel discussion on 9 February 2011 at the Center for National Policy in Washington, DC, Andrew Erickson, Abraham Denmark, and Roger Cliff discussed the PRC’s naval and air capabilities and how their development impacts the security interests of the United States and its regional allies. Following presentations by the speakers, CNP Vice-President Scott Bates will moderated questions from the audience.


Andrew Erickson
U.S. Naval War College

Abraham Denmark

Roger Cliff,
RAND Corporation