Benefits of Joining the Law of the Sea Convention
Wise words from one of America’s foremost maritime leaders. Senate ratification of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is long overdue!
Adm. Bob Papp, Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, “Benefits of Joining the Law of the Sea Convention,” The Hill, 19 April 2012.
My fictional hero, Capt. Jack Aubrey, of Patrick O’Brian’s “Master and Commander” series of books always maneuvered his ship to “Hold the weather gage.” In the days of sail, the ship with the weather gage was at a tactical advantage relative to other ships. The ship with the weather gage had greater ability to maneuver, was better able to maintain its position of advantage, and dictated the terms of naval engagement. Joining the Law of the Sea Convention will provide the U.S. with the weather gage to address emerging challenges that threaten the nation, and enhance the Coast Guard’s ability to safeguard the American people, our environment, and ocean resources that benefit all Americans. …