Chinese Translation Now Available: “Chinese Mine Warfare: A PLA Navy ‘Assassin’s Mace’ Capability”
Andrew S. Erickson, Lyle J. Goldstein, and William S. Murray, Chinese Mine Warfare: A PLA Navy ‘Assassin’s Mace’ Capability, Naval War College China Maritime Study 3 (June 2009).
Chinese translation (traditional character/繁體字/繁体字) now available: Andrew S. Erickson, Lyle J. Goldstein, and William S. Murray, “中國水雷作戰: 中國海軍的「殺手鐧」,” 美海軍戰院中國海事研究第3號 (2009 六月), translation by 蘇文啟 [Su Wen-Chi], ROC Navy officer (retired).
Japanese translation also available: 米海大論文 「中国の機雷戦」の紹介.
2009 六月
作者:Andrew S. Erickson, Lyle J. Goldstein, and William S. Murray
美國羅德島新港市(Newport, Rhode Island)
解放軍的海軍戰略家宣稱水雷戰具有「易佈難掃、隱匿效果強、破壞力高及長期威脅價值」等特色3。解放軍對於水雷攻擊策略的關鍵目的在於「封鎖敵人基地、港口及航道、摧毀敵人海上運輸能力、攻擊或限制敵艦行動、削弱或耗盡敵人戰力」4 ,就未來沿海作戰而言,普遍地認為「水雷是各國海軍的主要威脅,對於航母作戰群及潛艦更加為甚」5。且這點更加呼應解放軍在作戰評估上認為「相對於其他種類作戰,(美國海軍)水雷戰能力極弱」6。中國海軍戰略家認為二次世界大戰以來,遭擊沉或嚴重損害的18艘戰艦中就有14艘是被水雷所破壞7。如同解放軍報所稱「當軍事專家放眼於開闊海域作戰時…隱匿的潛艦魚雷攻擊及水雷的巧妙部署依然是現代海軍的主要作戰工具」8。當代解放軍準則中「佈雷」這個名詞 ,在2008年的中國國防白皮書中使用了不下3次,由此可見被重視的程度9。正當多數國家投入於研究水雷反制時,仍有少數國家枉顧普世價值而追求攻勢水雷作戰10。例如2006年出版的戰役學(著重於解放軍準則作戰及戰略的研究)中,提到「(我們必須)全面地運用(水雷)…前進至敵港及經濟航道,以進行大規模地佈雷」11。
聯合潛艦作戰能力後,中國似乎正努力地提升其水雷作戰的技術。相較之下,潛艦體積大更難隱匿,加上其他軍事強權的情報機構磨刀霍霍般掌控解放軍潛艦發展的狀況。相對地,水雷作戰的能力較易隱藏,因此可稱為軍事手段上的「殺手鐧」12。美國的說法中,就是解放軍的「銀彈」(silver bullet)。這個術語在某些中國消息來源,包含解放軍本身13都明確地使用於水雷作戰中14。目前的解放軍僅靠水雷就已經能夠將台灣及西太平洋海域重要的海運航線完全封鎖。如Thomas Christensen (柯慶生)曾發表「台灣海域鄰近中國大陸…台灣在貿易上對海運的依賴…掃雷本身的困難性,及美國極弱的掃雷能力,特別在(太平洋)作戰區…等等因素,讓水雷封鎖..對於中國來說…是一個極具誘惑的策略」15。水雷作戰除強化其他作戰能量之外,的確對於美國海軍在東亞軍事版圖上是一個致命的重大挑戰。 依上述論點,此報告中對其他近期發表的研究報告,例如:中國的水雷作戰能力被過度誇大,在對台作戰想定中不具決定性因素之說法提出質疑16。該研究報告的結論可能在過去某段時間內成立,但此說法現在已過時,並輕忽了水雷戰對部署於亞太區域的美國海軍造成嚴重威脅的可能性。
除了1895年中日甲午戰爭中遭受大敗的清朝艦隊外,中國在近代海軍史舞台中並非主要角色。中國的軍事理論家因此深感中國海戰經驗及實戰知識的不足。最明顯的是二次世界大戰時,中國並無能力迎戰橫越太平洋到中國沿海的大型艦隊。難怪國防分析家習慣將中國敘述為「大陸強權」(continental power)。
1978年以來,因中國的開放政策,中國專家有系統地吸收外國經驗,並提供政策家(planners)海軍發展的研究分析。這些研究樹立了水雷戰的重要性。根據中國水雷戰教材,二次世界大戰期間約佈署了81萬枚水雷,擊沉了約2,700艘艦艇17。 此外中國海軍戰略家更是讚嘆在單次戰役中,德國就因同盟軍的水雷而喪失了27艘U型潛艦18。中國海軍戰略家也對1945年美國對日本的水雷戰有極大興趣19,認為這項策略對日本無條件投降有極大影響。他們認為美軍共部署了12,053枚水雷,擊沉了670艘日本艦艇20。中國海軍戰略家認為了福克蘭戰役中,阿根廷因未使用水雷對抗英國皇家海軍,是其戰敗的主因21。
中國戰略家所分析的許多軍事戰役中,波灣戰爭(1990-91年)特別的重要。此戰震驚了經歷鄧小平時代下國防預算削減、軍事技術低、戰備貧乏階段的人民解放軍。根據David Shambaugh(沈大偉)所說「在人民解放軍70年歷史中,只有韓戰讓人經歷了如此全面性的再思考」22。這個衝擊「對人民解放軍有如當頭棒喝」。Shambaugh解釋:「(解放軍的)政策家從未想像美國所發展的新型高科技可如此運用…幾乎任何軍事觀念都提醒著解放軍高層其未逮之處」23。這些研究中有個值得注意的現象被忽略,但卻暗自影響了中國海軍之後發展;因此,中國分析家詳細的分析了1990-91年的軍事衝突中的海軍戰役。24中國軍事著作引用此戰役中水雷破壞了兩艘美軍戰艦的例子,認為水雷戰幾乎是全面的25。
以眾多水雷戰及水雷反制著作聞名的中國軍事專家傅金祝,在1992年3月中國船舶重工集團公司(CSIC)的「現代艦船」期刊上,發表了一篇關於波灣戰爭在水雷戰的全面性分析26。傅認為水雷戰非預期性地扮演了一個重大的角色,突顯出水雷是小國能對抗大國最有效的方法之一,但傅也小心地指出大國亦可有效地部署水雷27。傅認為成功地讓黎坡里號(USS Tripoli) 及普林斯頓號(USS Princeton)觸雷,說明了美軍在水雷反制上「相對地勢弱」。他認為此論點在伊拉克水雷戰失敗中特別明顯,傅列出了在作戰規劃及整備上的不足,例如未佈署足夠數量的水雷(伊拉克「僅」佈署了1,100枚水雷),錯用了繫留雷,不夠巧妙地隱匿水雷作戰或實施長距離水雷作戰等因素。雖然認同伊拉克在水雷戰中善用了民船,但同盟軍的空優則是阻礙伊拉克從空中佈雷的主因,並消耗了大量伊拉克水雷數量。此外,傅更加確認此歷史事件本質上顯示出「反水雷艱巨性」。
在波灣戰爭的海軍作戰中亦有篇研究報告呼應上述論點28。此分析報告強調,其諷刺之處在於波灣戰爭普遍地被認為是「高科技作戰」,然而傳統武器(如水雷)卻扮演了重要的角色。作者認為水雷戰具驚人的經濟效益,並以「價廉物美」來形容它。認為水雷對中國來說為特別適切的武器,不僅在守勢作為上,更因中國具有長且複雜的海岸線,因此也適用於攻勢作為,可製造封鎖敵港、破壞海上交通線的機會29。如同傅金祝,此分析家強調可師法伊拉克經驗,因為「水雷也應該運用高科技」。在改善的方法及技術當中,以反水雷反制裝備為先、接續為「智能化水雷」、快速佈雷、及「多載台佈雷手段」等。如前所述,第二份研究分析也相當地不讚賞同盟軍的水雷反制作為:「雖然四個國家共佈署了13艘艦艇,結果仍未達期望,這批聯軍受制於各艦艇作業能力不同,因此(在對抗伊拉克水雷上) 只有緩慢的進展」。
西方及中國戰略家都同樣熟悉在元山戰役時的聯軍掃雷作戰45。中國消息明確指出北朝鮮成功佈下了3千枚水雷,並暫時延緩了美軍攻進沿海的時間46。聯軍成功地掃雷或摧毀了225枚水雷,但也付出了慘痛的代價。4艘美軍掃雷艦及1艘艦隊拖船被擊沉,五艘驅逐艦受到嚴重的損害。水雷也擊沉了南韓的掃雷艦YMS-516,並傷害了幾艘南韓艦艇47。在此役中帶領前進兵力的美海軍准將Allan Smith,這樣敘述此事件:「這個國家在沒有海軍,僅靠一次大戰前的武器及過時的船隻的狀況下,就讓我們喪失了制海權」48。
人民解放軍在韓戰期間初次進行了水雷戰,這是一個被西方廣泛忽略的事實。在1953年2月,北京海軍司令部派遣了一隻派遣隊佈署水雷屏障,預防美國兩棲滲透兵力進入共產黨領土。4月6日,5艘艦艇組成的分遣隊抵達清川江口,並根據俄國準則試圖佈雷(因環境參數影響而適時調整,並革新戰術)。49 經此開端後,共產黨在韓戰的作戰經驗成了中國近代水雷戰的濫觴。解放軍海軍引進俄國水雷同時也決定開始仿製。
在韓戰期間制定的國家政策決定,在此戰役結束後購買不同型的外國掃雷艦。1951年制定的政策,對於解放軍海軍的發展有著長久的影響,讓中國決定「從蘇聯獲得技術轉移權利並自製軍艦」到「從仿製(艦艇)到半本國自製」,而最後「一步一步地從半本國自製到完全自製」。50 中國因此購買並改裝了二次大戰的掃雷艦,以及蘇聯在1948年造的數艘掃雷艦。在此動機下,中國同時將漁船改裝成掃雷艦,並開始製造首艘專用獵雷艦。根據1953年中俄協定51,莫斯科將6605及6610型掃雷艦的造艦計畫及裝具交付中國,而後於武昌造船廠組建。在1960年代起開始量產。52
在1972年5月9日,美國海軍在越南海防港佈雷。中國立即回應河內的求助,並於5月12日時正式地譴責封鎖行動62。中國接下來在研討後,不尋常地派兵至戰區,注意當時中國在水雷反制上是缺乏經驗的。而且他們亦坦率地承認文化大革命折損了中國原有的實力63。當月稍後中國水雷調查工作隊抵達了海防港,並開始分析尋獲的美軍水雷。在當年7月到1973年8月之間,解放軍派遣了12艘掃雷艦、4艘支援艦及318名官兵到越南。64 在多名傷患及至少一人死亡的狀況下,中國的掃雷艦航行了27,700海浬,運用了音響觸發、水下作業員及其他方式等,清除了46枚美軍水雷。65這些清除水雷的經驗讓解放軍在越戰後期已經相當熟悉美軍水雷戰的工法及硬體架構。中國在美國對北越的水雷戰中學到的經驗還包含了:夜間時空中佈雷的戰術,以求出人意料的效果。並在心理戰上以「佈多說少、佈少說多」的手段取得上風66。中國後來也在1974到75年間,利用這項水雷反制的經驗幫助柬埔寨的赤柬67。
照片1 (渦池級水雷反制艦。詹氏年鑑內列有六艘,由兩個船廠興建。設計上與先前中國建造的俄國型式掃雷艦相似,但艦長多出5米。)
在此議題上不應忽略解放軍掃雷艦的發展,據報導於2004年4月20日時,求新船廠生產了新型的六百噸掃雷艦71。解放軍廣州軍區政治部門所發行的日報中報導2005年時,海軍成功地「開發了新型掃雷艦之新裝備訓練及作戰戰法」72。2005年後,解放軍接收了兩種型式的國造新製水雷反制艦:六艘渦池級,及目前僅一艘的渦藏級73。央視的軍事頻道CCTV-7基於某種目的,於2007年上半年播放了中國水雷反制操演的特集中,播出渦藏級使用線傳遙控載具(ROV)進行水下獵雷作業的畫面,此舉顯然是解放軍海軍的第一次。74 根據一名水雷戰專家指出這個遙控載具可能沒有聲納,但似乎能施放引爆炸藥,且可能具備掃雷刀,可割斷水雷的錨鍊。與美軍水雷處理系統相當類似。然而就外觀而言,它並不像是直接從西方水雷反制系統中仿製而來。75東海艦隊的一支掃雷支隊76在2008年時以型式相似的遙控載具支援了水雷反制。77 放大標準來看,使用獵雷無人水下載具(UUVs)雖表示中國在水雷反制能力上是新的進展,但相對於當世水準上來說,複雜程度不高。
照片2 東海艦隊掃雷戰隊指揮官張建明與獵雷遙控載具。此型遙控線接式獵雷載具在外觀上像義大利的冥王(PLUTO)系統,在前端的「泡泡」處有掃雷刀裝置,可用於割斷水雷鍊,在「泡泡」內有攝影鏡頭,也可能在其下方的黑色金屬殼處運用炸藥引爆沉底雷。
中國目前的水雷儲備包含許多致命性武器。公開、不保密的水雷存量總數約五萬到十萬之間。81 然而值得注意的是水雷可輕易隱匿儲放位置。因此上述估計量因謹慎視之。
繫留雷:典型水雷,從一次世界大戰開始使用在軍事上。1991年及1988年時分別破壞了美軍黎坡里號(USS Tripoli)及山姆羅勃號(USS Samuel B. Roberts)可證明其殺傷力依舊。83 繫留雷漂浮在海平面下,透過錨固定於定點。通常用直接接觸艦艇或舊式的引爆機制來實施引爆。繫留雷中,例如中國的EM 31型及EM 32型受限於錨鍊(纜)長度及水深不超過兩百米。84水雷錨鍊及引爆簡單等特徵,讓此類水雷在獲知佈放情報後,即便以一般掃雷艦也可輕易掃除。85
漂-2型這種小型、自動、穩定、深浮水雷是由710研究所開發,由大連起重機廠生產。漂-2型水雷的外觀為長型火箭體,容量相對較小、淨重125到150公斤、可漂浮於固定深度,主要用於攻擊中小型水面艦艇。漂-2型可實施分解,俾利人工佈雷,可利用小艇或漁船之類簡單的載台作業。漂-2型原設計用於沿海作戰及封鎖海上航道。有跡象顯示中國已經開發了第三代漂雷。漂-3型:漂浮深度在2到7米間。87 此型漂雷可能將特別用在封鎖台灣東部海域的水面艦艇航道,因其深度太深而不適用上升水雷。
型式 |
引信 |
類型 |
佈放載台 |
攻擊深度(米) |
任務目標 |
尺寸/彈頭 |
壽限(年) |
開發歷史 |
改良型式 |
開發技術 |
開發單位 |
C-1 500 1000 |
音響頻率 磁感信號 |
沉底雷 |
水面艦 飛機 水面艦 潛艦魚雷 |
6–30 6–60 |
攻擊水面艦及潛艦 | 495公斤; 300公斤炸藥; 直徑533 MM1080公斤; 700公斤炸藥; 直徑533 MM |
4 |
1965年起服役 | 仿製俄國非接觸深沉底音響誘發雷 | 710研究所;西安東風儀表廠;汾西機械廠 | |
C-2 500 1000 |
低音波(<20Hz) |
沉底雷 |
水面艦 潛艦 |
6–50 6–100 |
攻擊中大型沿海艦艇 | 直徑533 MM |
2 |
1965年起開發;1966年海上實測;1975年研發計畫終了 | 針對因淤泥沙掩蓋而降低靈敏度進行多種改良 | 中國第一個使用電晶體技術的水雷 | 由710研究所設計,先鋒(Vanguard)電器廠;汾西機械廠 |
C-3 500 1000 |
音響頻率 磁感信號 |
沉底雷 |
水面艦 潛艦 飛機 |
6–50 6–100 |
攻擊中大型水面艦、潛艦 | 直徑533 MM |
2 |
1974年11月起服役 | 1982年改良引信;1986年12月的C-3B型改良施放最大深度到200米 | 中國的第一個國制研發的水雷,具抗掃及抗干擾功能 | 由710 研究所設計;上海先鋒電器廠生產 |
C-4 |
磁感信號 低音波 (<20Hz) 水壓感應 |
沉底雷 |
海軍艦艇 民船 人工 |
5–15 |
攻擊中小型艦艇,「人民的海上戰爭」 | 小型、輕型模組化設計 |
4 |
1976年研發計畫終了 | 具強大的抗掃及抗干擾功能 | 由710研究所設計;東風儀表廠製造 | |
C-5 |
超音波感應 水壓感應 |
沉底雷 |
5–15 |
攻擊中小型艦艇 | 小型、模組化、下半部為短筒狀、上半部為半球體:210公斤 |
4 |
1973年繼續開發計畫;1975年服役 | 因1974-75年間協助赤柬奪取柬浦寨政權而在1978年獲得國家科技成就獎 | 由710研究所設計;東風儀表廠製造 | ||
C-6 |
磁感信號 水壓感應 低音波 (<20Hz) 音響頻率 |
10–300 |
仿製義大利MR-80系列 |
EM-52 |
超音波(>20kHz) 磁感信號 使用三種引信: 待機 戰鬥(音響) 爆炸(水壓) |
火箭推進直接上昇 |
水面艦艇 |
2–200 |
反水面及反潛作戰 |
短粗魚雷外型,長度3.7 米、直徑0.45 米、 629公斤、140公斤炸藥 |
1 |
1981年開始研發,1987年積極測試及修改原型,1989年繼續研發 | 改良施放深度(目標500 米),1994年起持續改良炸藥 | 從計畫深度200米到水面時間5秒, 對周圍艦艇達80% 打擊率 ,中國產銷 | 由710研究所管理研發。 |
型式 |
引信 |
類型 |
佈放載台 |
攻擊深度(米) |
任務目標 |
尺寸/彈頭 |
壽限(年) |
開發歷史 |
改良型式 |
開發技術 |
開發單位 |
EM-53 |
音響/磁性, 磁性影響 |
沉底雷 遙控 |
6–60 |
防禦水雷戰鬥陣列,封鎖海灣、海峽及航道等 |
1978年起開發;軍方於1986年接收原型 | 三種功能:-解除啟動-戰鬥-最大戰略彈性引爆 | |||||
EM-54 |
選擇目標:飛機或合適排水量的航母 |
中國艦船研究室研發 | |||||||||
EM-55 |
主動、音響、被動 |
EM-52的 改良型 |
中國產銷 | ||||||||
EM-56 |
音響、震動、壓力 |
自走 |
潛艦 可能由岸基單位發射 |
從13公里到最大45公里,可漂浮發射 |
反水面作戰 |
380公斤 |
中國產銷 | ||||
EM-57 500 1000 |
音響/磁性 |
沉底雷 遙控 改良距離至730公里 |
空中 水面艦 |
6–100 |
反水面及反潛作戰 |
300公斤炸藥 700公斤炸藥 |
500公斤 1000公斤 |
中國產銷 | |||
自動搜尋及判別型式 |
M-1 |
接觸引爆 |
大型繫留雷 |
水面艦 潛艦 |
12–263 |
大型水面艦艇 |
1 |
1962年起服役;停產 | M-1B,新增非接觸引信 | 仿製俄國水雷 |
汾西機械廠 |
M-2 |
接觸引爆 |
中型繫留雷 |
水面艦 潛艦 |
15–110 |
航道及 港口封鎖 |
1 |
1964年起服役;停產 | 新增非接觸引信 | 仿製俄國水雷 |
汾西機械廠 |
M-3 |
接觸引爆 |
大型繫留雷 |
水面艦 潛艦 |
12–430 |
攻擊潛艦 |
1 |
1965年起服役;停產 | 新增非接觸引信 | 仿製俄國水雷 |
汾西機械廠 |
M-4 |
音響信號 超音波 (>20kHz) |
繫留雷 |
水面艦 潛艦 |
200 |
深水封鎖 攻擊中型艦艇、潛艦 |
600公斤 |
2 |
1973年11月研發計畫終了;1974年服役 | 1982年M-4A增加浮力及引信穩定度;1985年11月M-4B型改良引信電路整合 | 中國第一個國產水雷;第一個非接觸深水超音波水雷 |
710研究所研發;汾西機械廠製造 |
M-5 |
接觸、計時、音頻 |
上升水雷 |
200 |
型式 |
引信 |
類型 |
佈放載台 |
攻擊深度(米) |
任務目標 |
尺寸/彈頭 |
壽限(年) |
開發歷史 |
改良型式 |
開發技術 |
開發單位 |
漂-1/2 |
接觸 |
漂浮、中型自動定深 |
人工 小艇 漁船 |
2–8+ |
攻擊中小型船艦 |
長型火箭體 低容量 125–150公斤 |
2 |
中國的漂-1原型缺乏辨別敵我的功能。難以使用,可能已停產 | 710研究所研發;大連起重機廠生產 | ||
漂-3 |
音響、接觸 |
漂浮 |
潛艦 水面艦 |
2–7上下 (+/- 1米) |
反水面作戰 |
130公斤 |
受限於水中最大壽命 |
PMK-1 |
感應、計時、音頻 |
(火箭?) 推進魚雷 |
水面艦 潛艦 |
200–400 (1000米錨深) |
反水面及反潛作戰 |
350 公斤 |
俄國製造 | ||||
PMK-2 |
被動、主動、音響 |
(火箭?) 推進魚雷內裝彈頭 |
空中 潛艦 水面艦 |
400 米 (錨深100–1000米) 可連線 |
反潛作戰 |
相當於110公斤 TNT 炸藥 |
俄國製造,以MPT-1M熱感魚雷為原型 | ||||
T5 |
音響、磁感、水壓 |
自航 |
特 2-1 |
遙控「安全/戰鬥/引爆」等功能 |
遙控 |
6–65 |
1978年開始研發 | 上海交通大學及海軍工程學院協助 | 上海先鋒儀表廠、上海電子裝備自動化研究所、海軍測試基地 | |||||
500型 |
深訓水雷 |
飛機 (特指海軍航空部隊) |
練習海上佈雷 |
1987年12月設計計畫終了 | 可回收 | 710研究所、汾西機械廠、海軍航空部隊 | |||||
訓-1 |
可選擇C-1、-2 及 -3 等引信 |
沉底雷 訓雷 |
潛艦 |
潛艦佈雷練習用 |
1982年11月後繼續開發 | 操演後浮至水面 | 710研究所、汾西機械廠 |
表1. 中國水雷一覽表
來源包含:林長盛「潛龍在淵-解放軍水雷兵器的現況與發展」第22-33頁;Ling Xiang (凌翔)「Raise Mighty Chinese Sea Mine Warfare Ships on the Sea」第152–61頁;詹氏年鑑-水下作戰系統,參考網址 ;Wayne Mason著「Naval Mine Technologies」等。
照片3 「漂型」漂雷。中國海軍已生產了大量的自由漂雷,但目前生產的狀況、存量及部署等都不明。
根據某些中國消息來源,解放軍因漂雷難以控制的特性,已經停止開發。88 但2007年的某中國水雷戰教材中討論了大量漂雷的內容。89而且近期在CCTV-7頻道中亦出現了似乎為近代水雷,且「標示為漂雷」的影像。90
關於漂雷的研發,中國的實際處置及盤算仍不明確。然而上海國際研究機構的報刊「國際展望」的編輯表示「漂雷…能在橋及港口等設施,用以攻擊航行艦及錨泊艦。漂雷並不受限於水深或海上,很可能會漂出海上戰區,並傷及非交戰國的船隻。因此國際條約禁止使用漂雷。當然實際狀況下不會如此理想化。」91 漂雷的確在廣泛認知的軍事衝突法律下是不合法的,主要在於其無差別攻擊的特性:它們可以輕易地將民船誤認為合法的軍事目標般摧毀。而且幾乎無法追蹤位置。海珊(Saddam Hussein)因在波灣戰爭(1990–91)中使用漂雷而受世人譴責。只有在施放後不久即成為惰性的漂雷才有可能合法,即便如此,漂雷中仍有危險的化學物質並持續漂流,也讓人質疑其正當性。92
相當於中國最新的作戰法手冊中,說明1907年海牙第8公約「關於敷設自動觸發水雷公約」限定水雷使用,但是締約國在二次大戰期間仍多有違反此限制。「因而嚴重地破壞此協定的規則」93 最後,這群中國分析家總結國家利益無可避免地高於法律協定。不難想像中國在台灣衝突時,使用「維護領土完整」的理由自外於此類國際公約吧。94
沉底雷:顧名思義可知此型雷直接佈於海底,感應經過船隻的磁場、電場、音響或水壓的變化,在滿足其觸發條件時引爆。95 是一種危險且有效的武器,1991年沙漠風暴時普林斯頓號(USS Princeton)觸雷事件可應證。解放軍某些舊式沉底雷,例如500及1000型等,被評估具有計算通過船隻的功能,在引爆之前最多可感應到15次船隻造成的環境變化。它們也具有啟動延遲的機制,在實際佈署前最多停滯250日,其自毀計時器可設定最多達500天。96中國的C系列沉底雷從1960年中期時的淺水沉底雷開始改良,到1975年後加強深水佈署及多重引信等複雜度。97 中國的沉底雷EM-11及EM-53型較繫留雷更難偵測及從水裡掃除。98 在1991年時,某位水雷專家寫過:「依目前狀況,滿足磁場、音響及水壓等條件順序下,進行掃雷作業幾乎是不可能的。」99,710研究所根據報導,在近期已與巴基斯坦共同開發新世代的靈敏引信沉底雷。100 受限於感應範圍及炸藥等條件,沉底雷被限制佈署在水深200米或更淺的深度。101
遙控雷:某些水雷可透過傳輸編碼音響信號而解除,讓友艦安全通過後可重新啟動,限制敵艦通行。在中國技術文件中明顯有許多關於此功能的研究。102 中國被認為可依此方式控制EM-53及-57型沉底雷。103 遙控雷雖符合守勢水雷的目的,在攻勢作戰中一樣有用。
潛射自走雷:中國具有一定存量,例如EM-56型。可自行移動至最終目標區域。104 中文稱「自航水雷」。 這型水雷可到其他方式無法到達的地點,單純就魚雷殼體裝填彈藥後航至該區。一般使用廢棄的魚雷改製(例如中國YU型系列的早期模型),從潛艦發射。將沿著使用者規劃的航線航行一段時間。當抵達預設的終點時(可能是某港口的中心),魚雷的引擎停機,而雷體就沉到海底。而彈頭就由類似其他沉底雷的引信所控制。如大部分的水雷,這型水雷也限用於淺水區。
上升水雷:另一種型式的水雷,以「上升水雷」得名,可被用於深水區。西北工業大學有關火箭上升水雷的一篇學術論文中提到:「它們可用於深水區以擴大制海範圍,並適用於中國的海洋環境。」105 這型雷以繫留方式固定,但其漂浮炸藥的部分-魚雷或彈頭火箭,將在系統偵測到符合的通行船隻時釋放。而魚雷或火箭從該深度升起後,導向並摧毀其目標,一般目標為潛艦。某消息指出:所謂的「指向性火箭上升水雷」就是一種具有精準控制、導引及主動攻擊能力的高科技水雷…攻擊速率(例如攻擊潛艦目標)可達每秒80米。106 例如中國從俄國進口的PMK-2型上升魚雷水雷,據說能在水深2千米的深度施放。107 而繫留纜材質的改良可能加深最大的錨深。中國已獲得俄國早期的PMK-1型,並可能反向開發出自製型式。中國也已開發出,並出口至少兩種上升水雷。108 伊朗於1994年購買了數量不明的中共EM-52型火箭上升水雷,109據報導至少有兩百米的作戰深度。110
近期對上升水雷研發的關注,顯示出中國「對水雷戰的新認知」:有必要開發有效的廣大深海區域水雷戰,並研發並配備能夠執行…機動攻擊的火箭水雷。111 解放軍正擴儲1970及80年代時,原用以對抗冷戰強權攻擊,防禦沿海區域的水雷存量;這些武器多數「僅能佈署於淺水區」,僅有少數能佈署於略深水域中。解放軍已經「開始籌購垂直火箭上升水雷,並積極研發指向性火箭水雷、火箭上深導引飛彈水雷及火箭助推水雷。」112
無效率的國防產業氛圍不太可能限制中國的水雷開發,因為其國家無法本地開發的部分可能已從俄國獲得。中國已獲得俄國的水雷、技術,很有可能包含俄國工程師,以強化其本身的自製水雷計畫。113 自從冷戰結束後,水雷戰技術「因前蘇聯水雷專家出走及世界市場等因素而快速地擴散」。114 一份中國主要海軍刊物中的文章引述俄國為「世界的水雷王國」。115 傅金祝相信俄國在水雷上的成就甚至超過英美。116 中國分析家舉證三大因素說明俄國的水雷戰特色:天然(地理)屏障因素利於水雷戰、擊潰優勢海軍的能力、以便宜價格大量生產的能力。117 很明顯地,這個分析結果壯盛了中國水雷戰的論點。再者,中國戰略家已經對俄國及蘇聯時期的水雷戰役有相當透徹的研究。118 這些分析檢視了土(耳其)俄戰爭及日俄戰爭中水雷的角色。有眾多研究檢視蘇聯在二次世界大戰時,所設下的約8萬枚水雷所扮演的重要角色。119 延續這個主題,近期在「國際展望」於一篇極詳細的研究中,附上了1941年時在芬蘭海灣所佈署的俄、德及芬蘭雷區圖。120
中國在新的硬體架構中整合了對俄國水雷發展史及準則的認知。中國分析家認為在俄國總理赫魯雪夫執政期間,俄國在水雷企圖上稍有減弱,但於1960年代後期又再次復興,並認為傳統戰爭想定中的水雷將扮演更吃重的角色。121 另有中國消息來源強調俄國「持續開發高速水下火箭科技」。122 根據此消息及其他中國研究顯示,俄國火箭水雷(例如PMK-1)為理想的對抗美國核子潛艦用武器。這些武器具每秒五十米的追殺力,可高速攻擊核動力潛艦 (SSNs),使其無法及時反制。它們也被認為是對抗美製的單船體潛艦的有效武器。據說藉由部署此型武器,即使相對舊型的柴油潛艦也能抗衡核能潛艦,此為傳統的俄國戰略。
而解放軍明顯在訓練中使用R級或明級潛艦,於敵港佈放EM-52型火箭上升水雷,暗示這些潛艦的戰時任務,並說明了中國保存這些潛艦的理由。123 據報有俄國科學家參與中國的水雷計畫。124 在此作戰領域中,俄國廣泛的支援正符合解放軍軍事上的優先發展需求,但其合作的規模仍不可知。
解放軍持續地尋求外國裝備、科技及專業人才等,支援其快速的水雷發展。但中國並不單純滿足於獲得先進的俄國及他國水雷。受其科學及科技革命上的影響,中國已取得了豐富的水雷研究成效。從中國持續的研究焦點,可知她正專注於發展並加強深水上升水雷的效果。125 中國於1981年開始研發火箭上升水雷,1989年生產第一型。青島潛艦學院的學者已於近期計算出,在某特定海域中,需多少自走雷可完成封鎖。126 而實際上,在潛射機動水雷(SLMM)領域上亦有廣泛的研究127,特別是其障礙或反制作為。128中國海軍航空工程及大連海軍學院的科學家已發展出預測火箭推進水雷攻擊可能性的方法。129 另外有許多研究分析發射載台穩定性130、水下火箭推進131、及發射軌跡路徑132等。如其他國家,中國也廣泛地測試水雷戰模型。測試領域有「水雷封鎖戰」133、水雷反制(MCM)134及軍艦磁場等。135 某些關鍵的數學模型證實了中國水雷戰及水雷反制是「基於五十年來解放軍自身及研究他國海軍的成果」。136
中國710研究所作為水雷研發中心已有多年。近幾年來,研究人員研發了引信觸發137及影像等議題。138 並幫水雷設計出了USB型式的「高容量內部記錄器」。139 在與大學及多國機構合作下,開發出「水雷深度量測及控制系統」。140值得注意到,他們推崇在水雷軟體開發中採用「國家軍事標準」。141 同樣地,哈爾濱工程大學的某個學生提倡發展可靠的「軍用自動測試系統」,以確認武器戰備。142 其他水雷研究則針對目標追蹤143、爆炸半徑144、最大化145及對艦損害程度146等研究。某中國頂尖的科技大學研究人員則分析在何種程度下,目標能反應並迴避深水上升水雷。147 且他們建議使用目標艦艇的被動特性來瞄準水雷。148
另有某些觀點認為潛艦適合作為上升水雷的發射載台;在大連海軍學院的一篇文章中建議解放軍將興趣放在潛射機動水雷上。149 某位705研究所研究員提倡獲得封裝魚雷式水雷,類似美國冷戰期間使用的卡普托水雷(Captor)。此型水雷可部署在深水區域,攻擊經過的潛艦。150 技術上的需求可經由實地測試確認:
特定新型水雷的潛艦測試曾於中國南海執行。此測試領域的資深工程師Zhang Zhaokui及Jin Shujun在狹隘的魚雷發射艙間內工作超過2個月,並精確地收集到每個群組資料。之後由海軍的軍事訓練部將這些及珍貴的技術參考資料納進作戰手冊內,提供新裝備使用上的科學基礎。151
引信是中國研究的另一個主題。水雷設計師設計出較精密的引信系統,來解決早期水雷易掃的問題。中國正將其舊型水雷翻新為現代化、高性能,實際上不可能掃除的型式。152 這解決了中國大批庫存瀕臨汰除的水雷問題。其成效就是「聰明」或「智慧型」水雷,更能抵抗水雷反制外,亦可具選擇特定艦型目標。153 其中一個重要的研究方向就是數位引信,154 這是使用神經網路作為強化抗掃性的一種方法。155 在710研究所及海軍工程大學的研究員研討改良水雷引信壓力感應的方法。156 其他研究包含偵測艦艇弱磁場的改良方法。157 中國的M型繫留雷系列就展示了這個開發過程:早期在1960年代的最先兩種舊式雷,據推測是因容易掃除而不再使用,而M-4A及-B型在1980年代升級時引進了更新、更精密的引信。改良後的引信造就了更加強大的沉底雷。使用這種方法,搭配其他措施,解放軍持續與時俱進,抗衡外國更加精密的水雷反制作為。158如解放軍報所報導:
從空中佈雷亦是一個日益重要的主題。舉例來說,值得注意在2007年發行的有關水雷戰教材發展的共同計劃中,參與的五所大學其中兩所就有附屬的航天研究機構,分別是西北工業大學及北京航空航天大學。160 無人飛行器的研究所已進行水雷降落傘軌跡參數的研究。161太空科技也投入降落傘設計中。162 西北工業大學及中北大學的研究者已於近期發表數篇研究報告,以空投水雷撞擊水後的影響為模型。163 某位中國專家已設計出精密的數學模型,可決定空中佈雷的最佳參數。164 因此,如同其他研究領域,也已透過實測來決定最佳的施放方法:
中國分析家細心地跟隨美國海軍發展的腳步,持續研究美軍的弱點。166 廣泛的中國水雷偵測研究中,167 包含青島潛艦學院的概率論水雷反制決策研究168、海軍工程大學的壓力與水雷觸發參數研究169等,都可適用於此領域上。令人不安的是海軍分析中有些假設性研討,考慮在水雷中使用戰略性核子武器。例如在2007年的水雷戰教材中就觸及了上述議題。170 在論及俄國水雷戰的某篇類似分析報告中就談及了核子水雷可將敵核動力潛艦於2千米外距離擊沉,而核子水雷亦可從7百米外距離將航空母艦或其他大型艦船摧毀。171 第二篇研究中發現核子彈藥在邏輯上是個增加水雷破壞力的方式。172 而第三篇研究中則認為核能水雷戰特別有望運用在未來深水反潛戰中。其結論為「許多國家在此時正積極研究這類極強大的核能水雷」。173 在2006年7月的解放軍海軍期刊-「當代海軍」中有篇文章,討論解放軍海軍在水雷運用的未來發展,也提及到核子水雷的潛在性戰鬥價值。174 尚有其他證據顯示相關的基礎研究,像是某篇水下大爆炸的研究報告。175 這種武器除了違反1971年的海床公約外,也牴觸了中國不先動武政策,並削弱其歷史性的核子武器中央集權管控力量。雖無直接證據顯示中國存有這樣的海軍戰略核子武器計畫,仍有必要緊密監控她是否有任何朝此方向發展的跡象。
中國的研發者顯然進行破壞力較低,但更具作戰潛力的航空器攻擊水雷-特別是反直升機的水雷開發。176 某位中國分析師解釋,直升機因其明顯的優勢,使其成為水雷反制的理想工具。然而文中更一步說明,在實施水雷反制時,直升機通常以8到25節飛行速度,並維持在80到100米的高度,這正提供了反直升機火箭上浮水雷的攻擊機會。177 此型水雷會受直升機的音響特性觸發。178 根據消息來源指出,「現已知710研究所已進入『火箭上浮導引飛彈水雷』研發的進階階段」179在2007年水雷戰教材中也論及此型「導彈式水雷」,可以新方式攻擊水面艦。180 此型水雷似乎比反直升機水雷更加複雜,且可能攻擊水面艦艇及海上巡邏艇及其他飛行器。根據這個觀念,飛彈透過水雷發射到空中,然後靠降落傘在空中保持位置直到可鎖定目標。作者宣稱此型先進水雷尚未進入到工程研發階段,但解放軍「仍堅定執行此型水雷的計畫…因此問題就在於什麼時候會開發成功了」。181
關於這些計畫,值得注意的是在2002年中國海軍百科全書中,已描繪出上述兩種對空水雷觀念圖。182 另一個潛在的水雷戰發明,則是據報中國正研發「火箭助投水雷」,希望在380公里的距離外,在大約幾小時內將此種水雷佈署到敵港外。183 綜合上述觀點,這些論調實質上暗示著中國目前已走在水雷科技發展的尖端。
解放軍的許多水面艦艇都配有佈雷的裝備,包含四艘現代級驅逐艦(可配載最多40枚水雷)、12艘旅大級驅逐艦(38枚水雷),及約27艘的江湖級護衛艦(最多6枚水雷)。中國並不使用其最先進的江凱II級護衛艦,或旅洋II/旅洲級驅逐艦實施佈雷。而她們似乎確未配有執行此類任務的裝備。解放軍中數百艘「汰除」、老舊及小型炮艦(例如上海級及海南級)、掃雷艦及魚雷艦等,每艘都能攜帶並佈放少量水雷。解放軍的專用水雷艦(舷號814)據報導能攜帶最多300枚水雷。185 使用水面艦佈雷的優點在於她們的攜行量大、人員受過訓練及指揮管制上較單純等。缺點則是缺乏隱匿、速度受限及易受攻擊等。186
照片4. 施放訓練用沉底雷。如同照片中的沉底雷操演的環境因素一樣,施放水雷的條件包含了吊架、合適的甲板空間、全球定位系統及海象等條件。
艦型 |
載台型式 |
水雷攜行量 |
現存量 |
備考 |
海岸掃雷艦 082型 |
水面艦艇 |
10枚 M-1型或8枚 C 1000型 |
2艘 |
佈雷軌道 |
艦隊掃雷艦5、10型 (T43) |
水面艦艇 |
10枚 M-1型或8枚 C 1000型 |
37艘 |
佈雷軌道 |
海珠級驅潛艇 037 I型 |
水面艦艇 |
12 枚M-1型或C 500型 |
2艘 |
佈雷軌道 |
滬新級驅潛艇 037型 |
水面艦艇 |
12 枚M-1型或8枚 C 1000型 |
? |
佈雷軌道 |
黃河級(Huanghe)登陸艦037型 |
水面艦艇 |
60枚 M-1型或51枚 C 1000型 |
? |
江湖級 1 型 053-H 型號 |
水面艦艇 |
最多60枚 |
12艘 |
佈雷軌道 |
江湖級2 型 053-HI型號 |
水面艦艇 |
最多60枚 |
7艘 |
佈雷軌道 |
江湖級3 型 053-HG型號 |
水面艦艇 |
最多60枚 |
3艘 |
江湖級5 型 053-H II型號 |
水面艦艇 |
最多60枚 |
3艘 |
佈雷軌道 |
旅大級 1型 051型號 |
水面艦艇 |
38枚 |
10艘 |
佈雷軌道 |
旅大級2型 |
水面艦艇 |
12枚 M-1型或20枚 C 1000型 |
4艘 |
旅海級 167 |
水面艦艇 |
18枚M-1型或30枚 C 1000型 |
2艘 |
旅滬級112、113 |
水面艦艇 |
18枚M-1型或30枚C 1000型 |
2艘 |
海巡艇037 IS型 |
水面艦艇 |
12 枚M-1型或C 500型 |
2艘 |
? |
汕頭級砲艇 101型 |
水面艦艇 |
8 枚M-1型或6枚 C 1000型 |
? |
佈雷軌道 |
現代級導彈驅逐艦 |
水面艦艇 |
24枚M-1型或40 C 1000型 |
2艘 |
佈雷軌道 |
艦型 |
載台型式 |
水雷攜行量 |
現存量 |
備考 |
沃雷級佈雷艦 |
水面艦艇 |
200 枚M型 |
1艘 |
佈雷軌道 |
G級潛艦 |
潛艦 |
40枚 |
1艘 |
漢級核潛艦 |
潛艦 |
28枚 |
4艘 |
基洛級636型 |
潛艦 |
24 枚AM-1型 |
10艘 |
基洛級877型 |
潛艦 |
24 枚AM-1型 |
2艘 |
明級潛艦035型 |
潛艦 |
28–32枚 |
11艘 |
明級潛艦(改良型)035 G型 |
潛艦 |
28–32枚 |
8艘 |
R級潛艦SS33型 |
潛艦 |
28枚 |
8艘 |
商級核潛艦 |
潛艦 |
28 枚(?) |
2艘 |
攜行量應類似漢級 |
宋級潛艦 |
潛艦 |
24–30枚 |
13艘 |
攜行量應類似基洛級 |
元級潛艦 |
潛艦 |
24–30枚 |
3艘 (持續建造中) |
攜行量應類似基洛級 |
H-6 轟6轟炸機 |
飛機 |
最多到18枚(?) |
估算可能為100架 |
JH-7/7A 戰鬥轟炸機 |
飛機 |
最多到12枚 250公斤等重型式(?) |
估算可能為100架 |
表 2. 解放軍海軍佈雷載台一覽表。
來源包含:海林「島內軍事利物利載防務專家預測」頁次17、18;詹氏年鑑戰鬥艦艇資料庫,參考網址 及。
中國海軍戰略家似乎相當看重潛艦佈雷。例如某位分析家表示「在兩次世界大戰中,所有國家的潛艦兵力都進行了潛艦佈雷,而且成效顯然相當卓越」。187 該分析家進一步說明「在敵方控制下的海域及防衛區內作業的潛艦能夠實施攻勢佈雷,進而製造奇襲及長期威懾的效果」。18 解放軍的所有潛艦都能夠攜帶水雷,包含約20艘的汰除及噪音大的R級潛艦也能攜帶28枚水雷。而約為19艘型式類似,但更新、更安靜的明級潛艦可攜帶最大量到32枚水雷;約10到12艘現代化宋級潛艦則可攜帶到約30枚水雷。中國擁有的12艘基洛級潛艦能夠攜帶24枚水雷。目前3艘或以上數量的新型元級潛艦可攜帶約最多30枚潛艦,剩餘的四艘核動力漢級潛艦攜行量為28枚。189
據說解放軍潛艦使用的感應水雷沉-1、-2、-3及-6型,適合部署在近港口外海。T-5型自走雷則適合佈於港外海域及港口航道上。而俄製PMK-1型及中國製的錨-5型火箭上升水雷適用於港外,水深可高達15公里範圍內。190 如下圖所示,改良的PMK-2型水雷也加入潛用水雷系列。潛艇外掛佈雷艙:是一種外掛式的艙間,設計於攜帶並施放大量水雷,能裝掛於潛艦上。據某消息來源表示「過去幾年來,相關的解放軍專家均明確地表示出對於潛艇外掛佈雷艙的興趣…解放軍很有可能已發展出潛艇外掛佈雷艙」。191
照片 5.潛艦水雷:正在裝載PMK-2推進水雷到宋級柴油潛艦上,攝於青島。
經過系統化分析各種佈雷載台的優缺點後,中國分析家們的結論看來,特別在長距離上,潛艦佈雷是攻勢水雷的最佳方式。利用潛艦佈雷的優點包含了她們的隱匿性、精確佈雷的能力,以及她們穿越困難目標的能力(可能是透過自走水雷來達成)。另外應注意的是,潛艦佈雷的高準確率及成效能以較少量的水雷來達到(其他方式)一樣的效果。192根據一則分析報告指出「空中及海上兵力對於潛艦(活動)的限制相對較小,所以進入敵後佈雷比較容易」。193 而根據另一篇報告,此載台(潛艦)「具有最高的隱匿性及奇襲能力…因為潛艦停在距港口外10-15公里、水深約40米處,就能發射一枚有戰力的自走雷並突破該港」。194 由中國國防大學學者所著作的「戰役理論學習指南」中,設想使用潛艦並利用「水雷的定時功能及隱匿的手段,將水雷佈署在敵主要港口及重要航道。它們將在進行封鎖後開始發揮作用…可在進行封鎖約10天前開始實施(佈雷)…1-2天前較合適」。並可在敵反潛兵力遭遇惡劣天候,或在離開警戒區域的空隙時,暗中進行水雷補放。195
北京擁有超過百架轟-6轟炸機,即使其中有因太多任務而需汰除,但每架都可以攜載12到18枚500公斤水雷。197 雖無法得知轟-6機是否會被賦予這樣的任務,但近期此機型常被用於許多佈雷操演中。198 中國數量有限的轟-5轟炸機也可能扮演對台灣進行佈雷的角色。中國超過百架的JH-7/7A戰鬥轟炸機,每架都可攜載最多到20枚250公斤炸彈。199 根據解放軍海軍稱,此型機可在「近海」執行佈雷,意指第一島鏈,也就是從日本島嶼經台灣到菲律賓。200 這些機型以及其他機型都可輕易地攜帶水雷,其不外乎是將重力炸彈裝上磁感應或其他引信。201 根據某消息來源指出「解放軍目前沉-1到沉-6型感應水雷,及錨-1到錨-5型繫留雷的備儲量適用於飛機佈雷」。202 在這個類別中,亦可以加進精密的PMK-2型水雷。空中佈雷的優點,如同美國軍隊從1944年就了解到,就是可以快速地施放大量水雷並設立雷區。主要的缺點則是需先建立空優的難度,以及使用現代化戰機執行佈雷任務的機會成本。
雖然較早的分析家曾檢視中國利用水面艦及潛艦佈雷的能力,但沒有分析家認真地考慮中國是否會透過飛機來佈雷。自解放軍海軍在1949年4月起成立了一支佈雷轟炸機分隊起,空中佈雷就已享有其專屬的作業載台。203中國的某份主要海事期刊中,詳細地解析美國如何在二次大戰時使用空投水雷加速日本的戰敗,並在之後以相同手段癱瘓北越的運輸。204 某位解放軍空軍指揮學院的教授,在中國最具聲望的軍事刊物-「中國軍事科學」中發表的一篇文章,對於空中佈雷的價值也提出類似的論點。205 幾篇中國技術論文中,非常細膩地論述實際飛機佈雷較艱澀難懂的面向。206 在一場解放軍海軍航空能力的討論中,北海艦隊的副軍團司令員朱光宏(英譯:Zhu Guanghong)在最近指出「海軍軍機具極低高度飛行的優越能力。他們能夠執行…港口佈雷任務」。207 一支北海艦隊航空部隊的艦載機部隊甚至因「首次直升機使用操雷打聲靶」而得到「創造解放軍空中反潛歷史」美譽的表揚。208 Gidropribor.com網站及詹氏年鑑目前討論了從飛機佈放中國及俄國類似水雷的內容。209 在近期中國海軍刊物中有一篇相當詳細的文章,討論中國水雷庫儲中,哪些可用於空中佈雷。210 最後,戰役理論學習指南主張「從空中集中佈雷」,特別是在「潛艦難以潛入的區域」。211 它認定「佈雷封鎖兵力」通常包含「海軍及空軍轟炸航空部隊」。212 很清楚可知,中國掌握著空佈水雷戰的效用,且正在思索如何將它具體地運用在作戰中。
在上述強大的能力上錦上添花的是可強徵使用的數千艘中國漁船及商船。2003年,煙台警備區副司令員榮森芝在一篇軍事科學學院附屬刊物中,主張使用民船進行掃佈雷作業。213 中國2008年國防白皮書中將「掃雷及獵雷」列為解放軍海軍四大後備部隊之一。214根據一篇文章指出「中國目前有3萬艘鐵殼機械拖漁船(每艘可攜載10枚水雷),以及5萬艘漁帆船(每艘可攜載2到5枚水雷)」。215 「戰爭科學(Science of Campaigns 2006年)」中就相當明確地指出這一點:「佈雷任務通常指派具相對良好隱匿性的潛艦及航空部隊執行,但民間船隻也可以執行…佈雷任務」。216 中國的文章中經常提到將民用運輸船納入例如水雷戰之類的軍事用途中。217 一篇2005年的文章中用照片描述在許多解放軍海軍基地內,經常舉行的大型「民兵」操演中,使用漁船作為佈雷艇。218
照片 6. 民兵(船)佈雷。兩艘在中國海上常見的民間漁船正在施放水雷,這是2004年12月解放軍三亞基地的大型「民兵」操演的一部分。此類操演定期的在不同的解放軍海軍基地實施。在中國港口的周圍建立守勢雷區時,將使用全球定位系統協助準確佈雷,即使是民兵也能實施。
某中國消息來源指出「約100-200噸位間的漁船」適用實施水雷戰,因為他們符合數量充足、「小型目標」、機動性及掩護性佳等特徵。219 此大小之漁船可輕易作業於整個東亞沿海區域,亦可涵蓋整個台灣的周遭海域。只需要「稍微改裝」就能夠「安裝簡易的佈雷裝備…且漁民非常熟悉海域」,因此能夠善用「地形、海勢及天黑」等優點。220 另一中國消息來源則認為「解放軍已經有效地組織,並指揮機動拖漁船,在戰時能架設佈雷軌道,並利用絕佳的偽裝實施水雷作戰」。此消息來源的結論是「這種非傳統型式的水雷佈放載台,雖然佈放數量不多,但在派出大量船隻或再補雷時,仍可建立一個廣大的雷區」。221 或許在看到這位中國出色的海軍策略家-解放軍海軍軍事學術研究所的李杰大校,近期於2008年5月時解放軍贊助的期刊「中國民兵」中所發表的「水下武器的新發展」之主題論文時無需太過訝異。222 此外,(中國)於法律基礎上也已經建立戰時動員民船之依據,包含1995年所公布的國防運輸法,及1997年的中華人民共和國國防法等。此項立法措施根據解放軍海軍條款,顯然已於2003年時就再次修訂了。223水雷戰因此能夠支援終極的「海上人民戰爭」。224 中國也因此具備所有實施侵略性水雷作戰的實際需求要素,包含持續改良的大量水雷存量、充足的佈雷載台等等條件。但這並非事物全貌,畢竟硬體若無人員及經驗因素也是枉然,而此條件只能透過訓練及操演來加強。
解放軍支持操演內容涵蓋水雷。225 解放軍海軍專家柯爾教授(Bernard Cole)注意到解放軍不像其他國家,中國水面艦艇年年都實施佈雷演練,但無法確定其操演實際的規模。 226 近期公開的資料顯示解放軍實際上正積極地擴大此類操演,並讓此類操演逼近真實狀況。227中國近期的水雷操演更納入潛艦、空中、水面等兵力,甚至民船等載台。此類操演詳細地記錄在解放軍的海軍官方報紙-人民海軍報中。
中國海軍認為潛艦佈雷為「潛艦作戰最基本的要求」。228 佈雷已成為近期加強的中國潛艦兵力訓練的一環229,官兵們努力進行的訓練具多樣化且益發複雜,並與當地環境、水文地理及天氣狀況相結合。230 在中國海軍的觀念中,認為潛艦佈放水雷是未來水雷封鎖作戰的關鍵。231 2002年時,水雷佈放已成為最普遍的解放軍潛艦戰鬥手段之一,並讓官兵透過訓練操控載有大量水雷的潛艦。232 操演的變化中,包含了「隱匿行蹤並於深水中佈雷」233並配合魚雷發射等類型作戰。234 對抗港口目標的縱深佈雷也是重點235,以假設突破敵人防衛為先決條件。236
解放軍海軍官員認同「突破敵人的反潛兵力及敵後佈雷」的固有難度。根據某位艦長的說法「隱密地潛入敵人佈署的聯合機動陣列,是完成佈雷任務的先決條件」。237 某些證據顯示,中國可能對執行攻勢佈雷的潛艦採取集中管控。一位中國分析家指出,在執行攻勢水雷封鎖中,「大部分的潛艦兵力主要以單艦、獨立作戰模式,若有一個陸岸潛艦指揮所來執行潛艦整體航向的指揮及導引,則不僅將確保其隱匿性,並可改善…所佈的水雷之攻擊效率」。238
中國海軍正努力加強其潛艦官兵的本質,包含他們對於水雷作戰的熟練度。青島潛艦學院的指參學官密集地學習佈雷。239 潛艦隊已演練「高難度的新戰略,例如於極深水中佈雷」,240 並藉由如「大深度隱匿佈雷戰法」241等技術持續破新深度紀錄。中國官方電台宣稱解放軍潛艦特遣隊的魚水雷官趙忠義(英譯:Chao Chunyi)在水下佈雷訓練中達成了16項研究成果、將水雷搭載時間減半、並開發出水雷移動控制裝置。242宋級潛艦314號艦長馬立新是中國海軍官媒的名人,近期帶領一支東海艦隊潛艦特遣隊「發展革新戰略」。馬立新在前年已研究並開發出超過10項新戰法,「包含如何執行封鎖,以及如何使用傳統潛艦佈雷」。在2005年初,馬立新「帶領他的部隊參與海上實操…他(們)抵達預定區域…(佈放)水雷」。243 2005年初的水雷操演中,馬立新負責迴避「敵」反潛機、雷區,以及最困難的-敵潛艦,以遂行近海區域佈雷的任務。他成功掌握當地環境、使用最低雜音航行速度、避開「敵」潛艦及岸基雷達,在規定時間內完成了佈雷任務。244在潛艦上安全地處理水雷,很自然地成為青島潛艦學院一個重要的研究領域。245 另有研究報告討論現代潛艦中常見的「艦首魚雷管佈放水雷」等安全議題。246 目前為止在某些極有意思的文章當中,某篇詳細地記錄2006年3月12日,似乎南海艦隊的某艘「新型潛艇」透過潛射機動水雷(SLMM)實施了「水雷試射」。雖然這是此型潛艦的初次測試,可容許一些犯錯空間,但根據報導試射成效相當地準確。247
中國空中兵力透過益增頻繁、規模及多樣化等方式實施水雷作戰。1997年美國國防部的解放軍發展報告中提到,中國的軍機實施空投水雷。248 東海及南海艦隊航空軍團的訓練計畫已於近期內涵蓋了佈雷249戰法,包含採用不同的機種250,以及敵空中封鎖等手段。251 在2002年8月的一次南海艦隊操演中,演練了「真實」狀況下對抗敵軍,並於不熟悉的地點使用轟炸機投放水雷。此操演所包含的戰鬥機群由3架轟炸機分隊、1架電子干擾機及護衛戰鬥機等組成。使用電戰機干擾敵方雷達,當戰鬥機群採最低飛行高度戰法時,快速投放數十枚水雷及魚雷。252 另一篇很有可能針對相同操演的報導中指出,「紅軍」轟炸機於中國南海域執行佈雷任務時,遭「藍軍」戰鬥機攔截及攻擊。253從2006年3月起,南海艦隊轟炸機軍團便開始演練「遠海佈雷封鎖」。254 在2006年6月6日,作為「複雜氣象條件下遠海島礁導彈打擊模擬演練」的一部分,一支南海艦隊海軍航空部隊實施「海上佈雷」。其飛行員也受過「霧天遠海佈雷」訓練。255 同樣於2006年時,一支南海艦隊海軍航空部隊演練「雨天海上佈雷」。256 在2008年8月下旬,4架近期翻新的南海艦隊航空戰鬥機模擬「在複雜的電磁環境下」,及不同的天氣應變時「於港口及航道實施攻勢佈雷」。257 在2009年1月初,根據軍事訓練及評估新綱要,一支東海艦隊轟-6轟炸機部隊「實施新戰法訓練:突破遠海深層防禦,並完成低空攻勢佈雷任務」。該部隊「探索出一些新的戰法,例如…夜間大機群攻勢佈雷」。258同年(2009年) CCTV-7 台報導解放軍海軍航空部隊的「水上飛機能夠執行…佈雷」。259
解放軍佈雷手段中有一個令人不安的因素,就是利用民間協助來補強軍事資產的概念。在過去幾年,每個海軍基地都將民兵單位(視為「未來海戰的重要兵力」組成)編入訓練裝備、管理、運用及保安部隊運用,給予經驗並發展新戰法,「以完成任務上的需求」。 中國的2008年國防白皮書中,明確地提出後備部隊有可能用於水雷戰中(包含佈雷及掃雷)。260 在某次使用民船的東海艦隊操演中,其中一項重點是清除不同種類的水雷。261 某本中國海事期刊可能披露了第一張於水雷戰中使用民船的照片。在2004年12月,三亞海軍民兵的緊急維修及佈雷特遣隊262 動員了6艘民船,執行了一項包含(在許多活動外)偵蒐、「漁船佈雷」、及戰鬥中軍艦不靠港而於海上補給等操演項目。263解放軍於2005年9月264設立在浙江省寧波的第一個後備掃雷支隊,在2006年7月初時在東中國海執行了一個月的訓練。在緊急徵召命令下達後,兩百位海軍後備軍士官兵在半日內就整備了16艘徵用漁船。由兩位主要軍官領軍訓練了七個項目,包含「指揮所轉移」、「防空疏散」、「掃雷」、及「反特種作戰」等。透過東海艦隊黨委員會協調,此實驗性質的操演由不同的當地組織支援,並徵召「當地漁民中的後備士官兵及退伍軍人」。並在經濟現實下給予補助:「一艘高馬力漁船綁在碼頭一天要幾千塊人民幣(約幾百元美金) 」。少一次出海捕魚損失的價值超過10萬人民幣($12,500美元)。265 在2006年後期,蓬萊市(山東省)透過漁業協會及公司,成立了佈雷民兵戰鬥特遣隊。這是根據解放軍總參謀部「關於調整民兵組織的意見」。266 在2007年3月,某東海艦隊掃雷部隊與加裝掃雷裝置的漁船,共同執行了聯合水雷反制作戰操演。267 循此步調,在2008年12月時,一個海軍後備支隊演練在困難狀況下快速佈雷的操演項目。268
水雷倉庫官員也在近期實施了突發性操演。271 某南海艦隊魚水雷倉庫下達新的任務,實施「四種變革」以改善高速、長程機雷的運輸。272 某東海艦隊魚水雷倉庫執行了獨立、機動全天候操演,其目標在於遭空襲時仍能確保水雷的高速運輸。官員們協助發展合適的偵測系統及測試儀具。他們利用地勢、天氣及夜間來實施偽裝。273 某北海艦隊後勤支援基地成立了一支潛艦水雷的「技術服務團隊」,專精於「無船塢時當地緊急加油」。274在2006年3月16日,某北海艦隊魚水雷倉庫的「新號手」們進行了「夜間魚雷應急保障訓練」,顯示此單位的這項作業在實際狀況中屬於常態。2006年11月下旬,某行政官員報告,廣州支援基地(南海艦隊)從基地外超過5百公里的某個「臨時補給陣地」實施了水雷機動緊急再補給。275 海軍工程大學已於近期提供,改善水雷管理、技術支援及備料等相當大的幫助。276
水雷戰是水面艦隊的主要任務。解放軍海軍已加強提升速度、277自動化及電子化278、及「全天候」佈雷能力。279 江湖級護衛艦已執行過佈雷任務,作為其反潛戰訓練的一部分。280 掃雷艦的艦長們在旅順海軍基地的特訓中心接受訓練。281 掃雷單位已於近期演練佈放不同型式的繫留雷及深水沉底雷作為快節奏、對抗操演中的一環。某個南海艦隊掃雷部隊已於近期參與超過10次類似的操演,並於操演中「取得了26項科學研究成果」。這是為了與「新全球軍事革命」並肩同行,當中包含「網路集中訓練」及「水雷的思維」。 282 的確,解放軍很明顯地視裝載「魚雷」(機動)水雷的掃雷艦為一個可行的反潛載台。此想法亦勾勒出「舊裝備 + 網路 + 才能」的潛力,並可「完全說服」那些相信「不可能以舊裝備配置載台執行資訊化操演」的人。283 在2002年,北海艦隊下轄813及811掃雷艦的某部隊,併用「國產及外國魚雷水雷」並在「百分百成功率」下攻擊了潛艦。284中國的三大艦隊更於近期使用了疑似先進機動水雷施訓。在2005年12月北海艦隊官兵被拍到吊起「新型水雷」,很有可能要配載到潛艦上。285 此水雷類似美國的Mark 25 Mod 2型水雷,反映出美國及俄國科技對解放軍水雷發展的影響。286
照片 7. 水雷倉庫內含實彈及訓雷。在圖片左側的98枚水雷的條紋顯示為訓練彈,可支援高強度的操演。在右側數量相仿的水雷固定的顏色顯示為實彈。
照片8. 解放軍掃雷艦。
中國水雷戰仍留有相當的改進空間。水雷操演中有時依然會發生故障。287 裝備支援教材有時只有外國語文(例如俄文),而且需透過翻譯或研析。288 而政治工作也消耗了一些時間,儘管比起以往可能較少。289 但很明顯地對於解放軍模擬真實戰鬥狀況的操演政策仍有些阻力。290 甚至在水雷戰操演中有證據顯示,解放軍持續經歷轉移到現代化、專業化組織時的挑戰。291 但解放軍海軍的領導人清楚地了解,硬體的進步在沒有相關的人力改善下是不完整的。292 解放軍海軍官員決心要改善水雷作戰能力293,設計新訓練方式294,並練習更有彈性的程序。295 在2001年初,南海艦隊814號掃雷艦改變了其未任命官員的職前準備方式,藉由「不同階級及水準的訓練」,配合先前的經驗,避免不必要的重複訓練。296 掃雷艦852號則透過競爭及考試來改進官兵評比。297在2005年4月底,某解放軍的掃雷艦設定了「未來作戰環境的訓練」,在「不熟悉的海域」的全天候狀況下,演練了掃雷及佈雷。298
某些單位因訓練的革新而受到獎勵。某南海艦隊掃雷艦單位「旗艦」,舷號809就連續達成解放軍海軍楷模而受獎。299 該單位建立了「帶領小部隊的夜間訓練」以增加訓練挑戰。該單位的官員使用全球定位系統、雷達及手持式定位系統(包含羅盤及六分儀)等,在不熟悉的海域下抵達了指定地點的2米內。300 利用多種航海系統(裝備),似乎是應用戰鬥時任一系統無法使用時的手段。在2000年,為了因應現代化高科技戰爭,809號掃雷艦設立了「戰爭及訓練方式討論小組」,此小組研習電子干擾反制、高性能敵水雷、視距外飛彈攻擊、假想敵的觀念,以及現有及未來中國裝備的使用等。從2001年起,809號掃雷艦已經發展出12種「抗電子干擾」、抵抗先進敵水雷及視距外飛彈攻擊的新戰法。301 在2003年,「人民海軍」報導809號艦已執行了解放軍的初次實佈實掃水雷操演,包含對抗敵軍部隊及非戰時等狀況,掃除了比其他解放軍艦更多的水雷。到了2003年,809號掃雷艦已常規性並成功地於日夜間、各種天候下掃除了各型式的水雷,可在許多不確定及真實狀況下當機立策。302 根據媒體報導,另一艘同樣出色的掃雷艦- 804號艦;該艦已有與被稱為「新型掃雷裝置」的遙控獵雷水下無人載具操演的經驗,似乎配有精密、高頻、主動數位聲納。303
照片9. 解放軍804號反水雷艦。為中國最現代化的反水雷艦艇之一,此艦曾使用遙控獵雷水下無人載具進行操演,並配有精密、高頻、主動數位聲納。
依上述的掃雷艦作業可以了解,有戰力的水雷戰需要有效的水雷反制。特別是中國在水雷反制科技上仍落後西方國家,研究者仍在研析先前西方國家的(反制)手段,包含水下火箭炸彈(RBUs)等。307 解放軍知道這個缺點並因應整備。308 因此雖然海軍底下有才能的反水雷/水雷戰年輕軍官可能無法潛艦(官員)的戰力相比,但他們也同樣受到栽培。309基於未來戰爭中不可避免受損的前提之下,解放軍在緊急應變上做縝密的安排。310 或許這就是官兵接受不同的武器系統訓練,並讓副艦長練習艦長職務的原因。311 在2005年4月10日一場北海艦隊反潛操演中,據報導有一組「水雷小組」,演練從「潛獵艦」上發射火箭及深水炸彈。312 在一場2005年6月東海艦隊掃雷艦陣列操演的描述中,分析家援用中國的越南掃雷經驗強調,『掃雷艦被認為是海戰中的「敢死隊」;它的角色極重要』。313 水雷在解放軍海軍的相對新領域-紅藍軍對抗訓練中,正扮演著逐漸重要的角色。在2002年中國南海,某「水下護衛艇」對抗反潛艦、飛機及一場水下雷區封鎖。該艇在發射「一種新中國製魚雷」後成功逃脫。314
某些操演中假設『「敵艦艇」已在特定海域佈下水雷,以封鎖我戰艦通行』。315 水雷反制及水雷戰艦艇角色上似乎可互相交換,因此解放軍的掃雷艦亦經常演練佈雷。316掃雷艦訓練已於近期納入「白天深水掃雷」、「夜間掃雷」及單一船團「通過複合式雷區」等項目。317
照片10. 反潛艦上的操控台。這部操控台很可能來自804號反水雷艦,具有搖桿及遙控觀測攝影機的功能。它可觀察來自獵雷無人載具所回傳的影像。
綜合中國水雷戰的歷史發展、目前的能力及先前所述的各項訓練作為,可藉此勾繪出當代解放軍海軍水雷戰準則大致上的輪廓。中國的水雷戰/反水雷期刊「水雷戰與艦船防護」,可能作為宣傳此準則的平台。318 這類專業刊物的存在本身就暗示了對於此型戰爭專業的某種決策。此段之後的準則大綱只是從朦朧難解的中國軍事計畫(包含水雷戰)中描繪出其大致樣貌。下列13點是從許多中國水雷戰論文中擷取出來,具重複出現性質的句子,在其節錄出的論文中被認為具有主要策略及戰略性等重要性質。319
1.「易佈難掃」。 這個簡單的攻勢佈雷優點公式,普遍地使用於中國水雷戰著作中。反映出一個強大的信念,基於歷史性分析及海軍戰爭的趨勢,中國水雷戰的發展已遠超越水雷反制發展,並將持續下去。320這是中國水雷戰中的核心驅動原則,但此原則也同時建立在認定了美國海軍水雷反制上的弱點。但美國海軍在水雷反制技術上仍優於解放軍,而且水雷反制在各國海軍中仍屬困難,及資源集中的基本立場並不會改變。
2. 「不惹人注意」。水雷戰及水雷反制是現代海軍戰爭中最不精彩的部分。向舷外拋下水雷很難與從航空母艦發射戰鬥機的興奮度相比。而且其載台艦艇通常不引起人們的注意。全世界的海軍中,水雷戰事業亦是較少人選擇的道路。除此之外,這些武器基於其易隱匿性,本質上難以監控;中國海軍戰略家意識到其獨特性,並巧妙地利用這些對於水雷戰的世俗觀念,投注於它們強大的攻擊能力將難受到反制,因此可善加運用在戰爭中。321 也不像發展航空母艦,其間最明顯的差異在於,發展水雷並不與中國宣稱的「和平發展」策略相衝突,或是引發假想敵(例如日本)間的軍武競賽。
3.「四兩可撥千斤」。這個中國水雷戰分析中常用的說法可反映出水雷戰的不對稱特性。322 這個諺語也暗示,水雷戰能夠造成的戰略性影響遠大於敵人實際上的戰鬥損失。323 某中國海軍分析家認為,水雷戰可造成敵人的「巨大心理壓力」。324 此結論呼應美國海軍的觀念:「(水雷是)高效率的心理武器,懷疑水雷的存在,通常將可能造成港口或運輸航道管制,攪亂戰鬥計畫,或迫使人員、武器及補給採取其他路線」。325 同此觀點,「戰爭科學」中討論利用「假佈雷」手段混淆敵人,造成敵人浪費其有限的水雷反制資源。326
4.「控在一定時間一定海域」。解放軍的海軍領導者了解,他們無法在絕對制海權上以對稱作戰方式挑戰美國海軍。某位南京海軍指參學院學者在中國軍事科學中發表的一篇2005年的文章中指出,中國對「制海權」觀念上與美國的差異:「在中國的軍事圈中,海權的掌控代表衝突中的一方,在一定的時間內對一定海域有控制權」。327 美國海軍尋求對於海域的完全掌控;解放軍海軍的觀念則較為狹窄。水雷戰在這種策略上,依據其阻礙敵人勢力的巨大潛能,並將敵人導入到特定海域的能力,邏輯上可扮演一個決策性角色。
5.「巨大數量」。 巨大的水雷數量提供解放軍許多作戰上的可能性,特別是相對老舊的水雷若擺在對的位置時,仍可能造成的巨大心理戰因素。依先前引用的解放軍海軍戰略家對於波灣戰爭的分析指出,佈雷數量(1,100枚)相對低的狀況下,限制了伊拉克的水雷戰果。328 記住這個分析也引起了對於開發「水雷高載艦艇」的注意。329 再者,我們已在之前引用了某篇中國的報告,討論潛艇外掛佈雷艙。330中國對於1945年美國以水雷封鎖日本的某篇分析結論,認為「大量的水雷」是關鍵因素。331 目前封鎖台灣所需的水雷數量估計為7千到1萬4千枚間,332 相對低於解放軍海軍的水雷存量總數。「戰爭科學」強調擁有足夠水雷數量的重要性,因此在「聯合封鎖戰爭」時,才可儲有充足的數量對於雷區再補給。333
6.「先制」。「先發制人」的觀念遍佈在解放軍的準則中,特別是與水雷戰相關的部分。這個說法經常出現在中國的水雷戰文章中,暗示(中國)強烈的先發制人傾向。秘密佈雷有造成奇襲的優勢。根據「艦船知識」中的一篇文章,『水雷已成為「第一步控制」…戰鬥的重要因素』。334 在該期刊中的另一篇文章則認為,「改裝後的民船特別適合在敵人了解到我戰略意圖前,實施攻勢佈雷作戰」。335 中國水雷專家傅金祝在評估台灣水雷戰時,便赤裸裸地暗示先制的議題,他宣稱「既然已知台灣的佈雷能力,就應該能夠輕易地掃除」。336而「艦船知識」的另一篇2005年的文章中,則更直接地暗示:「如果佈雷無法快速的實施,則在戰爭爆發之前將可能無法完成水雷戰任務」。337
7.「高低技術」。解放軍的海軍論文中經常提到水雷戰的成本效益性質。某張在2004年「艦船知識」文章中的圖,將伊拉克在波灣戰爭中使用的水雷成本(1千5百元到1萬元美金)與受雷損的美軍艦艇修復成本(高達9千6百萬元美金)相列。338同樣重要的是2004年中「人民海軍」的論述,「中國並非伊拉克…她具有先進的水雷」。339 如前所述,中國已獲得也開始生產世界上最先進且致命的水雷。綜合運用這種高低技術後,水雷戰將讓任何假想敵在水雷反制上更加複雜並棘手。340 解放軍尋求透過引信改裝,並將最先進的水雷用於最困難的任務等方式,來最大化其水雷戰能力。
8.「潛載雷為隱蔽,空載雷為多快」。 中國戰略家已細心地考慮到,不同佈雷載台相對的優勢。他們對於波灣戰爭中伊拉克水雷戰的分析強調,水面艦艇實施佈雷所面臨的弱勢。341就潛艦無可比擬的隱匿性而言,潛艦佈放被認為是水雷打擊硬體目標,例如港口及基地等的最理想方式。342 「潛艦最出名的特色就是其高度隱匿性,可確保(潛艦佈放的)雷區比起由飛機或水面艦投放的(雷區)對敵人來說更加的危險。」343 本文先前提及潛艦水雷戰需要高水準的訓練。雖然潛艦能夠相當精確佈放水雷,然而其承載量並不大,且出動率低。相對之下,飛機能以更大的速度及效率投放水雷,也可到達潛艦無法進入的淺水區。344 中國分析家也了解,佈放特定型式水雷在特定位置功效上的影響因素。345 大連海軍學院專家舉例這些因素,有「水深、海床地質、海床形式、潮、流、風、波浪、海水能見度、水溫、海水鹽分、海洋生物、噪音、地震(及)磁暴等」。346
9.「軍民聯合」。中國的歷史分析從二次世界大戰到波灣戰爭中,找到許多戰時使用民船執行水雷戰及水雷反制的例子。中國分析家更舉出國共內戰期間實際使用民船清除河道水雷的例子。347 根據2004年在「當代海軍」中的一篇文章,「組織快速且有效的民船參與戰爭是海軍戰役中勝利的重要保證」。 接著說「中國沿岸(民用)船隻現在有豐富的資源…(因此組成)巨大的海戰兵力」。文中最後認為水雷/反水雷任務,應作為將民船改裝升級做戰鬥用時的第一優先考量。348 本文之前舉出的演習操演說明了這些想法並非單純理論。此外,水雷/反水雷中的軍民結合與中國貫有的戰略文化一致。349
10.「水下衛士」。 雖然中國不敢輕忽美國航空母艦,350但有證據顯示解放軍的海軍戰略家也同樣或更重視美國核子潛艦。351 雖然解放軍潛艦在與美軍潛艦交鋒時可能不佔優勢,但水雷戰被視為具有對抗此威脅的潛在功效。352 即使海軍民兵團的佈雷也被視有同樣能力,雖然其範圍可能侷限於沿海區域。353 中國分析家注意到俄國在冷戰後期復興水雷戰領域,某種程度上是為了對抗美國核子潛艦。某篇中國反潛戰研究解釋新型水雷興起於1980年代,是因為「更加符合現代反潛戰的需求」。354 一篇中國對於俄國火箭水雷的詳細分析的結論,「這型武器將快速攻擊核子潛艦而對方無法即時反制,並且視為能有效對抗美國艦艇的單體船殼構造」。355 中國戰略家提出「潛艦特別易受水雷傷害,因為被動聲納無法有效定位水雷,而且潛艦本身具非常有限的反水雷能力」。356 再者,水雷威脅出奇不意的效果可能降低潛艦反制作為的效果。357在2007年出版的中國水雷戰教材中,重複地強調反潛戰為一項任務,358並已經在紅藍軍對抗操演中演練過。359 「戰役理論學習指南」明確地要求「反潛雷區」的建立。360 如此一來,中國便可動用先進的俄國水雷,例如PMK-2水雷及中國制的其他型式水雷,就是特別針對美國潛艦而設計的。因此水雷便暗中給予解放軍無法以其他形式獲得的「窮人的」反潛能力,並作為北京在獲得更堅強的反潛實力前的一個權宜之計。美國潛艦生存力極強,但敵方的戰略家可以讓其無法遂行任務(mission-kill),透過破壞潛艦也等於是消滅它了。361
11.「水雷管理的信息化」。資訊技術的整合已成為當代中國軍隊改革的一個主要目標,此目標也適用於水雷作戰。362 後勤管理作法是解放軍從韓戰起的一項優先事項,其影響特別的突出。中國海軍分析家強調有效運送大量不同型式水雷的重要性。363 其他報告指出解放軍海軍特別重視水雷作戰後勤,例如革新倉庫領導者,364改善資訊流365及後勤管理,366 定期從水雷庫存中汰除廢棄的武器,367訓練軍士官技術檢查及部署整備等。368 中國認定後勤在水雷作戰中的重要角色,在1994年海軍後勤部的「海軍後勤庫儲職業管理規定」中規定,從事水雷技術任何工作的幹部及士官兵,包含庫存管理、維修及處理廢棄武器者都需受高等訓練。369 解放軍的海軍彈藥支援部(Ordnance Support Department)已公佈實施進一步的規定,可讓「一個水雷戰備等級轉換到另一個的時間減少」。370 從2008年起,對於某南海艦隊水雷儲庫的電子「管家」來說,僅僅知道儲庫中的水雷確切存量已不符需求,他們應該能在不同的複雜狀況下,設計出精心構思且詳細的備援計畫。事實上,由系統自動產生的精確備援計畫,不僅能顯示出彈藥任何零件的特定規格,也可以告知需支援的地點的環境、天候、潮流等資訊。371
照片11. 運用資訊技術。中國技術員使用電腦,連結後方的訓練用雷。電腦可大大增加水雷分配、放置及設定特色(例如啟動延遲、艦船計數器及其他功能)的準確性,因而最佳化其功效。
據傳某個青島後勤基地「已與軍隊內外約20個學校、30個研究機構及40個裝備生產工廠建立了良好的工作關係」,在資訊化下支援實際訓練,並且於解決裝備開發及維持上取得了極大的進步。且因此『開發出「自動化水雷檢查系統」及「海軍艦艇裝備自動化維保系統」…贏得了全海軍的後勤裝備技術模範第一級與第二級獎』。372解放軍也已開發出「掃雷艇模擬訓練系統」。373 在中國期刊「水雷戰與艦船防護」中,許多文章展現強烈的中國信念,認為在武器無法可靠的工作下,水雷戰無法達成效果。374
12.「佈掃雷互相支持」。中國海軍戰略家了解,在水雷反制上中國傳統的弱點,以及其所造成的漏洞。據觀察「敵人將極容易…沿著中國東南沿海,沿著眾多島嶼及港口,佈下大量的水雷」。375 中國水雷反制在近期的未來,仍無法達到西方國家水雷反制的技術水準。雖然現在新的載台及技術已引進到中國的水雷反制範疇,但基本的手段很可能仍維持與西方國家的差異性。376 但先前所提到的操演例子確實顯示出復興水雷反制的決心,例如近幾年(參考前文)解放軍已接收了數艘新型掃雷艦。另外對於水雷反制研究,似乎也正進行中。377 這項研究包含運用先進的技術,例如直升機378及無人載具379執行水雷反制。「戰爭科學」觀察,中國海軍基地有可能成為敵人水雷攻擊的目標。380 而水雷反制及水雷作戰之間所存在的互補關係,似乎也成為了一個基本信仰,中國的水雷反制基本上將支持扎實的水雷作戰。某篇人民海軍的文章便替這個觀念背書,將其能力視為「雙面刃」。381 實際上,為了支持2005年3月到9月的掃雷及佈雷操演,解放軍「對於艦船執行掃雷及獵雷的整體作業上,進行系統化訓練編組、觀察並交換角色」。382 反映出他們在中國水雷作戰的重要性,也徵用了民船參與水雷反制的操演。383
13.「衛星航海」。知道水雷的確切地點,對於建立安全航道並維持安全通過雷區,以及未來掃雷或再佈雷來說都是很重要的。過去的水雷作戰有個很大的問題就是誤襲友軍。戰時在通信或航行上的失誤亦經常導致水雷作戰艦艇破壞自己的艦艇。384 值得省思的是全球定位系統科技的問世,能夠如何影響水雷戰的未來功效,例如此項科技能夠更加準確地佈署雷區(或是降低實施水雷戰的老手人力需求),或將這些雷區的參數透過資訊傳輸給我方單位等。385 關於解放軍報告中與全球定位系統相關的訓練操演,包含夜間及惡劣天候的水雷戰及水雷反制操演等,可能表示這項新科技能夠成為水雷戰的關鍵角色。386 某掃雷大隊發展可以「提高準確度及掃佈雷的作戰能力的水雷內部記錄儀」也可作為此論點的佐證。387
照片 12. 掃雷操演。2008年5月時,解放軍東海艦隊反水雷艦的船員操作噪音器的拖體,此拖體用於掃除音響觸發雷。水中的是標示浮標。甲板吊架的右邊可見水雷軌道。
當前局勢看來,以美國的水雷反制兵力迅速打擊中國水雷作戰的前景並不樂觀。大部分的美國海軍水雷反制部隊離戰場較遠。最近的反制部隊為駐地在日本佐世保的兩艘(不久後將增編為四艘)掃雷艦。他們離台灣只有一天半的航程。但即使他們抵達也無法稍微改變這不安的情況。美國海軍的大部分獵雷部隊,最近才將駐地從德州移至加州聖地牙哥基地。388 而可較快抵達戰區的水雷反制直升機,若在爭奪制空權的環境下作業,則將面臨嚴重的威脅。389 如「戰役理論學習指南」中倡導,戰場指揮官「組織海上及空中機動兵力,併離島及沿海火力發動多輪、多向攻擊,以求絕對粉碎敵人掃雷及屏衛企圖」。390
可以肯定的是,美國海軍目前正處於水雷反制計畫的歷史上,最激進的過渡期中。這次的過渡期將在未來十年內,將所有專業美軍反水雷艦艇除役,並以濱海戰鬥艦(LCS)取代。此型艦是透過「模組」工程的設計來強化戰鬥力,能力在於不同的作戰任務套件(mission packages)下可接受不同的模組。濱海戰鬥艦的原型艦-自由號(LCS 1)於2008年11月服役,具備改良的「有機化」水雷定位及處理能力,配有先進的聲納系統,及可執行水雷定位任務的無人水下及水上載具。濱海戰鬥艦搭載配有空中雷射水雷偵雷系統的MH-60S直升機,可搜索水雷。在偵測後,可從專門直升機載機槍發射超空泡射彈(supercavitating projectile),或是透過光纖導引的可拋式炸藥UUV摧毀水雷。391 其他水面艦級潛艦也將配載強化的聲納系統,可讓他們更有效地偵測及迴避水雷。
從專業水雷反制艦改變為「有機」水雷反制,這個過渡期在設計上反應出(水雷反制)領域的主要趨勢。水雷反制最傳統形式是使用簡單的裝置切斷繫留雷的錨鍊。然而就沉底雷而言,則需要更進步的方法,像是模擬通過的船隻所產生的觸發信號。因此直升機拖曳橇(tow sleds)及掃雷艦拖行之掃雷器(tow drogue),產生可滿足引爆標準的磁感及音響信號,並將水雷無害引爆。但如先前所述,這種除雷法因沉底雷的邏輯電路及軟體日趨精密及難以欺騙,因此難有功效。所以當前的作法是透過高解析度聲納搜索沉底雷後,以炸藥摧毀之。這種方法被稱為「獵雷」,是一種費時及艱巨的過程,不僅需要及準確的測深定位,在可疑海域的海床上每個似雷的物體都代表辛苦的調查過程。需要先進、昂貴的科技,專業訓練及高水準的準確定位能力。392
美國海軍正依規劃於2010會計年時籌購至7艘濱海戰鬥艦,並達最終55艘艦艇的目標前進,393 這是美國國防部長蓋茲強烈背書的一個計畫。394 依此看來,對濱海戰鬥艦的承諾可認為是對水雷反制作為的強烈保證。畢竟濱海戰鬥艦將納入目前最先進的水雷反制科技,此型艦的最後部署數量應超過專業反水雷艦的現有數量。再者,濱海戰鬥艦的觀念是建造一個相對價廉的艦艇,可強行進入高強度戰鬥淺灘區,一般有利於水雷反制任務。395 但濱海戰鬥艦的實驗性質及整體「模組」的概念,確實對於官兵熟練度及訓練、艦艇及模組的真實任務上帶來一定程度風險。很不幸地,即使這個過渡期達到最佳預期成效後,美國海軍仍難以有效抗衡這份研究中所提出的威脅。預期的濱海戰鬥艦數量確實可應付另一場沙漠風暴,甚至可在伊朗軍事衝突中開啟霍爾木茲海峽。但是這個預想的戰鬥部隊在對抗解放軍數以百計,甚至千計的佈放載台,以及大量水雷時也將力有未逮。可靠的因應作為可能意味著大幅增加濱海戰鬥艦的預算,用以建立一支發生軍事衝突時,可替打擊群在進入潛在重度佈雷西太平洋海域前開路的兵力。但依目前的財政限制,這樣的部隊不太可能實現。
台灣在對抗中國水雷戰的前景則更加嚴峻,她的反水雷兵力弱,且極易受戰機及飛彈攻擊。與受戰壕保護的中華民國空軍(ROCAF)戰鬥機不同(雖然其飛行跑道很容易破壞),台灣的水雷反制部隊暴露在外,很可能成為解放軍的優先目標。台灣只有12艘水雷作戰艦艇。其中四艘為翻修過的永陽級掃雷艦,原於1950年代中期在美國建造。某中國消息來源評估,這四艘艦艇具有「偵測磁場、磁感、音響及傳統水雷的其他引爆裝置的能力。這型艦的USQS-1聲納…具偵測繫留雷的能力,但無法偵測(沉底)雷」。396 台灣的水雷作戰兵力中也包含了四艘較小,但較現代化的德製MWV 50 (永豐級)獵雷艦。397 同一個中國消息來源宣稱,這些艦艇的獵雷聲納功效不佳,但認為他們的遙控操作炸藥-水雷引爆裝備具有某種程度的能力。398 最後,台灣的四艘老舊的美國製大鸛級掃雷艦,詹氏年鑑在1996年評估為「多少已到達使用年限了」。399
綜合美國和台灣在反制能力上的限制,無疑地將促使華盛頓及台北尋求其他可協助之同盟。很明顯的支援就是日本與其26艘反水雷艦,這些艦艇作為東京對於水雷反制上的堅定承諾,都是1980年代或較新的舊型艦。401 在2005年2月時,美國與日本的聯合聲明中「(持續)支持台灣海峽議題透過和平對話解決」,此「普遍戰略性目標」在某種程度上,可以相信東京可能考慮於某些想定中,有限的軍事支援如掃雷類(的協助)。402 然而日本與中國間持續成長的經濟互賴,日本政策中的永續和平主義(伴隨日本領導者沒有處理軍事政治危機上的經驗),更不用說中國潛在的報復行為等(可能包含水雷的使用),上述因素都是日本起而對抗中國水雷戰的窒礙。但很明顯的中國海軍戰略家了解日本在整體太平洋水雷作戰平衡上的重要立場。舉例來說,「艦船知識」最近便用了一篇9頁的專文單獨分析日本水雷反制的發展。403
另外值得注意的是,中國研究家緊緊地盯著美國海軍404及其他西方國家405的水雷反制趨勢及能力。解放軍的海軍研究家便努力地了解最先進的美國研究機構下之研究計畫,例如羅德島的海軍水下作戰中心。406 中國分析家亦緊迫地觀察美國海軍從專業到有機水雷反制載台之過渡期,試著解析其策略性弱點。407 中國研究家也密切地隨著不同的外國無人水下載具(UUV)設計及發展的腳步。408他們對於無人水下載具的戰鬥能力特感興趣,例如長期潛伏在敵港附近實施偵蒐,並可接戰目標的能力。409 他們也敏銳地察覺出反水雷直升機在美軍準則中的重要性,因而緊迫盯人地注目著新系統研發及測試的各項細節。410 他們對於維吉尼亞級潛艦也非常有興趣,特別是其水雷反制能力。411
很少人注意在未來朝鮮半島軍事衝突時,中國對於海事情勢的潛在影響。然而,鑒於朝鮮鄰近於中國北部,這種衝突將直接衝擊到中國的安全利益。如果北京在危機發展的初期並沒有立即訴諸大規模使用武力,並試圖釋出其主導意圖時,則水雷戰在邏輯上是符合其目標的。412 解放軍可從山東半島尖端到北朝鮮,佈出離38度線不遠的小型雷區。413 若以較具野心的方式也在解放軍的能力範圍內,則是將此水雷區從中國最大的海軍基地之一的青島,直接往東延伸到南韓沿海。任何一種方式都將在程度上表現出保護平壤的決心,且都將不只嚴重限制美海軍在黃海的作戰任務,也將給首爾帶來極大壓力。此區域的淺水深度也顯示出此類戰役相對上的簡便性。
第二種想定中考量中國與東南亞的策略性互動,特別是與中國南海接壤的國家。在此再次說明,當前其外交傾向雖仍相當正面,但潛在的衝突依然存在。越南、菲律賓、馬來西亞及印尼等國,重度仰賴海上淺水區或航道的貿易行為。因此上述國家不管何種想定下,均無法對付中國的水雷。414 而「戰爭科學」中亦曾假定,使用水雷對「珊瑚礁島嶼進行攻勢作戰」。415在面對南沙群島的衝突時,北京可選擇在某些特定島嶼周遭佈下限制水雷區,以加強宣稱其主權;並將之作為派出時間長、昂貴且具潛在挑釁意味的軍艦外另一種選擇。在東南亞的所有國家當中,越南絕對是最易感受到中國水雷作戰壓力的國家。416
在這個想定場景中,最主要的目標將是台灣的港口;鑒於圍繞台灣的海域多為淺水區,故多數港口皆易受水雷攻擊。417 主要的戰鬥大致上將受限於台灣海空軍兵力受敵抑制。「戰役理論學習指南」中敘述,台灣的軍隊假定下列場景:「海空軍封鎖將是不可避免的戰鬥階段,而使用水雷抵抗封鎖將會是最符經濟效率的手段。第一階段的4到6天內,台灣將面臨5千到7千枚水雷的封鎖;在第二階段,7千枚以上水雷將加入封鎖中;兩個階段將佈署低於1萬5千枚水雷,已足夠切斷台灣的國內及國際海上運輸及補給航線」。418 大約在兩天後,高雄、基隆、台中及花蓮港之系統被空投水雷切斷。419某台灣分析家認為「藉由100枚空投非接觸型水雷來封鎖一個軍港或中型港口是可能的,且其價格與一枚反艦飛彈相仿」。420 在同時間或甚至不久之前使用延遲起動型水雷,透過中國的潛艦、水面艦及改裝民船,都可在台灣附近佈下許多水雷。這個想定中,解放軍可以保留其最先進的載台及火箭上升水雷來攻擊台灣東部港口。同時,北京將嚇阻外國勢力介入,藉由宣稱台灣東部海域,一個作為美國及其同盟軍集結海軍兵力的合理位置,已用漂雷,或甚至火箭上升水雷等「大量地佈雷」。鑒於台灣社會早已呈現的分裂感,經濟上對封鎖的脆弱性,中國政治目標的複雜及彈性(例如:大陸無需派兵駐紮台灣)等,這個想定將有合理的成功機會。綜合下列各種因素,這對於北京是相當富有吸引力的:包含其所牽涉的廣大實際距離、水雷本質上無法縮短的排除作業時間、421中國水雷的精密性、中國再次補設雷區,以及美國可用的水雷反制兵力限制等。
如果北京判斷華盛頓將干預台灣事務,則中國可能攻擊美國在太平洋的部隊。可能的作法,包含使用潛艦在沖繩的美軍基地外海、日本其他地區、關島或甚至夏威夷等海域佈雷。某篇中國的反潛作戰研究提倡,對敵潛艦的水雷作戰最好的方式為「將水雷佈在靠近敵基地的出口航線…進而限制敵潛艦出海的能力」422 這些海域範圍都在解放軍潛艦的航程限制內,並可用自走雷佈在有用航道上,利用自走雷難以偵測、自抵目標的能力。423 至於長程攻勢水雷作戰方面,或許值得注意到中國海軍分析家們曾評估二次世界大戰時,德國潛艦沿美國海岸佈雷的「成功」。日本南琉球群島周遭海域也易受中國攻勢水雷作戰。另一篇文章敘述:「在大量的研究基礎上,解放軍相信美國核子潛艦非常的安靜,難以…反擊…(而)必須受到牽制」。424 根據該分析,這個考量一直是中國在自走雷研究的主要動力;並主張在關島附近實施水雷作戰,其優先等級為「在太平洋第一島鏈的每個航道佈下(自走)水雷,連結後形成(一條)封鎖線,(並)防止美國核子潛艦進入到中國周圍海域」。425
中國研究家特別研究過水雷如何用於支持兩棲作戰,426 以及如何使用反登陸水雷對抗敵人。427 根據「戰爭科學」,反水雷作戰是假定中兩棲作戰的關鍵。428 例如台灣的西邊、北邊及南邊水域,以及南琉球群島周遭水域等,皆易受中國攻勢水雷攻擊。429 在這些水域佈雷,能限制美國水面艦及快攻潛艦在台灣東部海域活動;而中國可集中較強大的武器系統於此區域,包含中國先進的柴油潛艦。解放軍分析家明顯地考慮使用水雷建立出一個在第一島鏈內的避難所,在內解放軍艦艇及潛艦可以無懼美國潛艦的攻擊。 430 所以在第二個場景中(最大化軍事手段),水雷作戰的焦點將置於攔截敵海軍兵力;而第一個場景中(最小化軍事手段)則是封鎖台灣的港口。
檢視中國水雷戰在東亞軍事衝突想定中的角色的研究極少。有一篇值得探討的研究,學者Michael Glosny在2004年春天發表在國際安全議題(後續以IS標示)中的論文,他與本文的結論上有極大的差異。Glosny的研究極為有益,因為它點出台灣海峽想定中水下作戰的重要。同樣值得稱讚的是,他以嚴謹的方法工具來處理這些複雜的問題。但很遺憾地,論文的結論認為對台封鎖威脅為「言過其實」,是基於令人質疑的假設,而且至今已顯然不合時宜。
最重要的是2004年的國際安全議題(IS)研究,大多低估了中國水雷作戰的量及快速(成長)。其作者在評估時,忽略了中國大部分的水雷戰可用載台,只留下了特定百分比的東海艦隊潛艦。並指稱中國廣大的空中兵力(解放軍的海軍航空部隊及空軍部隊本身)與此無關,因為他們無法取得「制空權」。431 同樣地,解放軍的海軍艦艇也從水雷作戰的方程式中除去,因為「他們在沒有制空權的狀態下,非常容易受到攻擊」。中國巨大的商船及漁船團也不列入考量因素,因為「他們無法佈放先進水雷,而且(部署商船進行水雷戰)極為複雜」。在將數以千計的水雷佈放可能載台,縮小到少於1百艘解放軍潛艦之後,國際安全議題(IS)的作者更進一步減低此數量,並主張只有東海艦隊的艦艇將涉入(而不含其他兩個主要艦隊的艦艇),而最後再次修改這個數值,以反映各潛艦部隊的通常妥善率。最後他的結論是超過六個月時間下,解放軍海軍能夠佈放水雷最多為1,768枚,大致上應在858枚到1,248枚水雷之間。432 這些數值與伊拉克在1991年波灣戰爭中佈下約1千枚的數量相仿,大大低於北朝鮮在元山佈下的約3千枚的數量;在兩個數值都遠不對稱的狀況下,可說明2004年國際安全議題(IS)的研究非常不準確。本文充分證明中國水雷作戰能力是堅強的,而且在其範圍或廣度上絕不亞於伊拉克或北朝鮮。
其實,2004年國際安全議題研究報告的結論,在它受人質疑的制空權論點上便已垮台。我們主張解放軍若不是在幾個小時內,也可以在幾天內就將台灣全部的空中兵力摧毀,或使其無法使用。433 即使「大膽假設」中華民國空軍有殘存兵力,這項假設還是在解放軍海軍航空部隊(及空軍部隊),在戰鬥空域中執行空投水雷任務的可能範圍內,且為假設中國兵力在承受敵火攻擊喪失某種程度時之狀況。434 本文中指出可觀的證據顯示中國對於動員民船執行水雷作戰是很慎重的。2004年國際安全議題研究報告認為這個說法將會「很複雜」,雖然理論上合理,但卻忽視了中國領導者們已考慮這個想定將近60年的事實。與幾乎同時在世界各個角落進行複雜作戰的美國軍隊所面臨的挑戰相比,特別是在全球定位系統及相關航海科技問世後,中國於沿海遂行水雷作戰、於民船上加裝裝備及組織大型艦隊等議題則相對地單純。最後,我們預想在對台想定當中,解放軍的各大艦隊(實際上也包含解放軍空軍部隊)會全面性的參戰。
在2004年國際安全議題研究報告的其他主要瑕疵,則是台灣抵抗中國水雷作戰的能力。該作者不認同航向台灣的商船在中國片面宣布封鎖海域後,就會停止運輸的傳統看法,他提出歷史資料佐證:「船運公司在戰時藉由進入危險區域製造巨大利益…船貨主會持續運輸」。然而他所提供的歷史案例(克羅地亞、黎巴嫩及兩伊戰爭)與中國封鎖台灣時致命的戰鬥環境迥然不同。435 如果認為世界大戰是這方面更好的指針,則2004年國際安全議題的作者就嚴重誤解了商船及貨主的動機。436 某些貨主在利益趨使下,可能會說服其船長鋌而走險穿越中國封鎖區,但認為海運頻率將與平時相似的想法是站不住腳的。2004年國際安全議題研究報告定量模型的另一個問題,是他們並沒有考量到台灣的水雷反制(或反潛)能力不強。很明顯地在彈道飛彈、巡弋飛彈及其他精準武器之下,中國民國空軍兵力的存活率令人質疑,這個原則同樣地適用台灣海軍部隊;特別在奇襲攻擊下,奇襲的效果可令中華民國空軍更措手不及。在與世界大戰時的英國或德國各種面向比較後,對2004年國際安全議題研究報告的最後一點質疑是,台灣反擊的意志。437 即使台北方面擁有某些主權的外在形象,但英國或德國都不會有軍官團公開地贊同敵人的某些目標,這個奇怪的現象是2004年國際安全議題的作者所承認的。438
本文闡明了中國海軍發展鮮為人知的一面。它揭示了中國水雷戰代表解放軍海軍雄心勃勃及充滿野心的一面,並以快速的步伐邁向現代化。439 顯示出中國在水雷戰上廣泛地吸收外國經驗,並佐以自身驚人的豐富及相關的歷史。
l 在戰術層級上,所有美國海軍艦艇應該完全作好在可能佈雷水域下航行的準備。海軍持續從專業水雷反制兵力轉換到各艦有機作戰能力,表示這個需求是被認可的。這對於潛艦兵力特別的重要,因快攻潛艦無疑將於戰鬥中擔任先發。強烈的證據顯示中國正以部署先進、深水水雷為主,遂行反潛作戰。但美國海軍如果在沒有適當地判斷水雷戰的威脅之前,迅速地投入戰鬥部署是充滿風險的作法,而這樣作則需在痛苦的資源與訓練優先中取捨。對水面艦隊來說,濱海戰鬥艦代表的是美海軍水雷反制的未來,支援此戰鬥技術的模組的籌購應該列為最優先等級。但藉由模組化所獲得的載台彈性不可與較低的訓練標準妥協,或甚至將水雷反制任務邊緣化。最後,中國的技術似乎將美海軍的直升機及海巡艦艇作為水雷戰的可行目標。為了對抗新興且前所未有的威脅,現在將戰略調整還不算太晚。
l 在作戰層級上,美國太平洋指揮部很明顯地缺乏適當的水雷反制兵力,這個弱點在過去十年間很可能鼓勵了中國的水雷戰計畫。在2005年「基地調整及關閉委員會」決議將水雷反制中心從德州英格賽基地遷移到加州聖地牙哥基地,就是走向修正此缺點,且值得稱讚的第一步。而從中再將幾個分隊移防到珍珠港或甚至關島,將會是合理的第二步驟,並對於中國冒險主義起有效威懾作用。在新型有機系統艦船完建並驗收之前,將這些「老」船好好保存,並維持高戰備等級是很重要的。此外,將美國攻勢水雷計畫重啟,包含再次重視透過空軍進行空投水雷的手段。為了讓中國領導人了解對抗美國的聯合(all-out)水雷戰可能為中國帶來的毀滅性後果,此計畫應被考慮作為威懾敵人的手段。大大小小的演習及兵推都應該納入相當的水雷戰元素,包含一個在質與量上強大的敵人、廣闊的地理參數、軍事或非正規部隊目標,及在中國熟練的水雷戰攻擊下,美國海軍潛在的高傷亡數。簡而言之,他們應該面對中國的不對稱海上挑戰之事實。
l 在戰略層級上,美國軍隊及外交領袖必須要了解中國在封台能力上已綽綽有餘。440 此外在過去十年間,中國懲罰在台灣衝突中介入的美國軍隊的能力已激進地上揚,部分是因中國發展中的海軍水雷威脅,但也包含其他的戰力。伴隨著中國軍事挑戰上的諸多面向,地理因素似乎是其中的王牌。這個情形下,美國或其潛在的盟友根本就沒有辦法部署適當的兵力,有效地攔截全面的中國水雷戰攻擊,一如本文所示,在規模上可能極為浩大。一旦水雷被佈放後,對作戰區中的美軍部隊可能造成極大危險。面對這項威脅,特別再加上全球反恐戰爭,及持續進行的大中東地區軍事作戰等主要軍事承諾,華盛頓似乎已無選擇餘地,而只能在台灣議題上採取謹慎的策略,並面對一個難以接受的事實,就是它無法長期地在軍事上捍衛台灣。台北及北京從2008年起便開始重新進入新的對談階段,在台灣軍事上的脆弱事實暴露在戰鬥之前,這個對談過程絕對符合美國的戰略性利益。在支持這種外交方案的同時,華盛頓應該幫助台北強化其水雷反制能力,並鼓勵東京及其他地區的盟軍維持有效的反水雷部隊,以抵抗最壞的打算。不管怎樣,在水雷反制的競技場上,盟軍的協助並不是萬靈丹,且絕不能成為依賴,如此反而抑制了廣泛的美國海軍能力在這個領域下的重要發展。
1. Ronald O’Rourke, China Naval Modernization: Implications for U.S. Navy Capabilities—Background and Issues for Congress, Congressional Research Service [hereafter CRS] Report to Congress, Order Code RL33153 (Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, updated 8 October 2008), p. 12.
2. See, for example, Bill Gertz, “Chinese Produce New Type of Sub,” Washington Times, 16 July 2004, available at
3. 王慧 [Wang Hui], “攻擊航母的武器裝備” [Weaponry and Equipment for Attacking Carriers],當代海軍[Modern Navy], no. 10 (2004), p. 34. Identical phrasing is also found in other sources, for example,劉復森[Liu Fusen] and 王麗 [Wang Li], “美航母七大致命弱點” [Seven Big Weak Points of U.S. Carriers],人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 9 December 2004, p. 3. For additional PRC analyses of the significance of mine warfare, see崔峰,尹小功 [Cui Feng and Yin Xiaogong], “有效的海戰武器—水雷” [An Effective Naval Warfare Weapon: The Sea Mine], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 1 (2001); 傅金祝. [Fu Jinzhu], “水雷戰技術發展研究” [Sea Mine Technology Development Research], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (2000); “現代水雷綜述” [Modern Sea Mine Summary],水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 3 (1999); and 夏立新 [Xia Lixin], “現代水雷的發展趨勢”[Modern Sea Mine Development Trends], 水雷戰與艦船防護[Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 1 (1999). For a recent discussion of sea mine trends, see 廉斌 [Lian Bin], 中國船舶重工集團公司第七一O研究所[710 Research Institute, CSIC], “現代水雷武器的技術特點與發展趨勢” [The Technological Characteristics and Development Trends of Modern Sea Mine Weapons], 水雷戰與艦船防護[Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (2006).
4. 迎南 [Ying Nan], “攻勢佈雷的兵力運用和特點” [The Military Employment and Characteristics of Offensive Mine Warfare], 艦船知識,[Naval and Merchant Ships], no. 40 (September 1999), p. 10.
5. 王偉 [Wang Wei], “歷久彌新話水雷” [Enduring and Yet Fully Relevant: A Discussion of Sea Mines], 國防 [National Defense] (November 2002), p. 58. See also 傅金祝 [Fu Jinzhu], “水雷戰不容忽視” [Mine Warfare Must Not Be Ignored], 現代艦船 [Modern Ships], no. 156 (November 1998), p. 1.
6. 侯建軍 [Hou Jianjun], “美國海軍水雷戰裝備” [U.S. Navy Mine Warfare Equipment],當代海軍[Modern Navy], no. 6 (2003), p. 27.
7. 河山 [He Shan], “‘佛吉尼亞’號能否成為新世紀海上霸主” [Can the Virginia Class Become the New Century’s Maritime Hegemon?],當代海軍 [Modern Navy], no. 10 (2004), p. 21.
8. Shao Delun, Gao Chunzhan, and Xu Feng, “Underwater Firing Range: Torpedoes Become ‘Smarter’ in Drills: A Naval Testing Area Takes Aim at the Future Battlefield and Probes Ways to Enhance the Effectiveness of New Equipment,” 解放軍報 [Liberation Army Daily], 26 November 2006, OSC CPP20061129705003.
9. Information Office of the State Council, People’s Republic of China, “China’s National Defense in 2008,” January 2009, pp. 33, 51, available at
10. 騰兆新, 張旭,錢江 [Teng Zhaoxin, Zhang Xu, and Qian Jiang], “基於理想方案佈雷方案評估” [Evaluation of Minelaying Plans Based on Ideal Plans],兵工學報 [Acta Armamentarii] (November 2007), pp. 1405–408.
11. Zhang Yuliang, Yu Shusheng, and Zhou Xiaopeng, 戰役學 [Science of Campaigns] (Beijing: 國防大學出版社 [National Defense Univ. Press], 2006), chap. 12. There is also a 2000 edition, but this study will refer only to the more sophisticated 2006 edition.
12. The term “assassin’s mace” is best translated in colloquial English as “silver bullet.” It is widely used in the Chinese strategic-studies literature. There is little evidence that it refers to specific hidden capabilities or “black” programs. An intelligent discussion of this issue is found in Alastair Iain Johnston, “Towards Contextualizing the Context of a Shashoujian (Assassin’s Mace)” (August 2002, Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences), available at
13. 閭勇政,張慶洲 [Lu Yongzheng and Zhang Qingzhou], “北海艦隊某艦艇支隊砍掉12個不實用的戰法” [A Certain North Sea Fleet Submarine Flotilla Discards 12 Impractical Combat Methods],人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 11 December 2006, p. 3.
14.孫文德 [Sun Wende], “高科技海上殺手—水雷” [High Tech Maritime Assassin’s Mace: The Sea Mine], 金屬世界 [Metal World], no. 5 (2001); “航母的三大殺手: 潛艇, 水雷, 反艦導彈” [Three Assassin’s Maces for an Aircraft Carrier: Submarines, Mines, and Antiship Missiles], 艦船電子工程 [Ship Electronic Engineering], no. 5 (May 2001), p. 80; 宣恒, 新華 [Yi Heng and Xin Hua], “航母煞星: 對付航母的六大撒手澗” [Six Trump Cards to Cope with Aircraft Carriers], 國際展望 [World Outlook], no. 3 (February 2001), pp. 60–61; 任道南 [Ren Daonan], “潛艇佈雷” [Submarine Minelaying], 現代艦船 [Modern Ships] (February 1998), p. 26.
15. Thomas J. Christensen, “Posing Problems without Catching Up: China’s Rise and Challenges for U.S. Security Policy,” International Security 25, no. 4 (Spring 2001), p. 29.
16. Michael Glosny, “Strangulation from the Sea?” International Security 28, no. 4 (Spring 2004), pp. 125–60.
17. 韓鵬,李玉才 [Han Peng and Li Yucai, eds.], 水中武器概論 (水雷分冊) [Outline of Undersea Weaponry: Sea Mine Volume] (Xian: Northwest Industrial College Press, in cooperation with Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Harbin Industrial College, and Harbin Engineering College, 2007), p. 1. For estimates of 1,100,000 and 3,700 respectively, see 熊武—主編 [Xiong Wuyi, chief ed.], “水雷” [Sea Mine], 當代軍人辭典 [Modern Soldier Dictionary] (Beijing: 新華出版社 [Xinhua], 1988), p. 432. For an estimate of 2,500, see 陸建勛 [Lu Jianxun, ed.],海軍武器裝備 [Naval Weaponry and Equipment] (Beijing: Atomic Energy, 2003), p. 108.
18. 陳冬元 [Chen Dongyuan], “神秘的水下衛士 —反潛水雷的發展” [The Mysterious Underwater Sentry: Developments in Antisubmarine Mines],國防科技 [Defense Science] (January 2001), p. 42.
19. Wang Wei, “Enduring and Yet Fully Relevant,” p. 58. Han Peng and Li Yucai, eds., Outline of Undersea Weaponry, p. 1. Interestingly, Chinese analysts have also studied Japan’s aerial sea-mine operations during the Pacific War:聞舞,邊磊 [Wen Wu and Bian Lei], “目標冲繩:二戰間日本僅有記載的一次航空佈雷行動” [Target Okinawa: Japan’s One Attempt at Air-Dropping Mines during the Second World War], 環球軍事 [Global Military] (March 2007), pp. 54–56.
20. Ying Nan, “Military Employment and Characteristics of Offensive Mine Warfare,” p. 10.
21. 史滇生 [Shi Diansheng], 世界海軍軍事史概論 [A Survey of the World’s Naval War History] (Beijing: Sea Tide, 2003), p. 521. Royal Navy MCM operations in preparation for landings in the Falklands are also reviewed in丁一平[VADM Ding Yiping, PLAN], 世界海軍史[World Naval History] (Beijing: Sea Tide, 2000), p. 771.
22. David Shambaugh, Modernizing China’s Military: Progress, Problems, and Prospects (Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 2002), p. 74.
23. Ibid., p. 69. See also Paul H. B. Godwin, “Change and Continuity in Chinese Military Doctrine,” in Chinese Warfighting: The PLA Experience since 1949, ed. Mark A. Ryan, David M. Finkelstein, and Michael A. McDevitt (London: M. E. Sharpe, 2003), p. 46.
24. See, for example, 茹呈瑤,夏銀山 [Ru Chenyao and Xia Yin Shan], “海灣戰爭中的水雷和反水雷” [Mine and Counter-mine in the Gulf War], 現代艦船 [Modern Ships], no. 64 (April 1991), pp. 51–58; and 陳書海,陳穎濤 [Chen Shuhai and Chen Yingtao], “水雷:多國部隊海上的唯一障礙” [Sea Mines: The Coalition Forces’ Single Naval Obstacle],艦船知識 [Naval and Merchant Ships], no. 141 (June 1991), pp. 28–29.
25. This holds true for articles of scientific nature—for example,田路,陳伏虎,鍾鐵城 [Tian Lu, Chen Fuhu, and Zhong Tiecheng], “反水雷技術的發展概況和聲系統實現構想” [A Survey of MCM Technology and Sonar Development],聲學與電子工程[Acoustic and Electrical Engineering] (April 2004), p. 17; and 劉忠 [Liu Zhong], “網路雷陣及其被動定位員李” [Mine Array Networks and Passive Location Principles], 海軍工程大學學報[Journal of Naval University of Engineering] 13, no. 6 (December 2001), p. 20. It holds true also for naval reference materials, such as in 陸建勛[Lu Jianxun], ed., 海軍武器裝備 [Naval Weaponry and Equipment] (Beijing: Weapons Industry, 2003), p. 108, as well as in the conventional military press—for example, “對付航母戰鬥群的九個招數” [Nine Tactics for Coping with Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups], 當代海軍[Modern Navy] 3, no. 90 (March 2001), p. 33.
26. Unless otherwise indicated, material in this paragraph is derived from傅金祝[Fu Jinzhu], “海灣戰爭中的水雷戰” [Mine Warfare in the Gulf War], 現代艦船 [Modern Ships], no. 75 (March 1992), pp. 30–33.
27. The statement as written is somewhat ambiguous. This could be interpreted as Fu’s suggestion that China, as a “strong country,” should also engage in mine warfare. Another possible interpretation is that Fu is emphasizing that strong states—the United States, for example—have employed mine warfare extensively and could do so against China in the future.
28. Unless otherwise indicated, material in this paragraph is derived from 沈游 [Shen You], “海灣戰爭中艦船裝備‘十思’” [Ten Reflections on Naval Equipment Deployed in the Gulf War], 現代艦船[Modern Ships], no. 67 (July 1991), p. 10.
29. For doctrinal statements that embody this bifurcation, see “172. How Does One Determine the Main Cover Targets in a Naval Base Defense Campaign?” and “191. How to Attack and Block the Enemy’s Unloading Harbors in a Maritime Traffic Sabotage Campaign?” in 薛興林 [Bi Xinglin], ed.,戰役理論學習指南 [Campaign Theory Study Guide] (Beijing: National Defense Univ. Press, 2002). For a discussion of offensive and defensive uses of mines, see傅金祝 [Fu Jinzhu], “防禦佈雷和攻勢佈雷” [Defensive and Offensive Mining], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 4 (2008).
30. 傅金祝 [Fu Jinzhu], “伊拉克水雷失效的哪般” [What Explains the Failure of Iraq’s Mines?], 艦船知識[Naval and Merchant Ships] (August 2004), p. 45. A similar article that highlights U.S. MCM weaknesses is 大鵬 [Da Peng], “難說誰勝誰負” [It Is Difficult to Say Who Won and Who Lost], 當代海軍[Modern Navy] (June 2003), pp. 14–15.
31. Fu Jinzhu, “What Explains the Failure of Iraq’s Mines?” p. 45.
32. Ibid.
33. 劉夏森 [Liu Xiasen], “台海戰爭一旦爆發:美國真敢出兵嗎?” [If a Taiwan Strait War Erupted: Would the U.S. Really Dare to Dispatch Troops?], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 21 August 2004, p. 3.
34. “八,中國海軍援越水雷戰” [China’s Navy Assists Vietnam with Sea Mine Warfare], in 金瑋 李杰 [Jin Wei and Li Jie, eds.], 水雷戰艦艇 [Modern Sea Mine Warships], 艦船知識叢書 [Naval Ship Series] (Beijing: 中國人民公安大學出版社 [Chinese People’s Public Security Univ. Press], 1999), chap. 8, p. 117.
35. Han Peng and Li Yucai, eds., Outline of Undersea Weaponry, p. 1; Joseph Needham and Robert Temple, The Genius of China: 3,000 Years of Science, Discovery and Invention (New York: Prion, 1998).
36. “水底龍王炮” [The Underwater Dragon King Cannon], in 軍事大辭海·上 [Great Military Dictionary], 熊武一,周家法 總編 [Xiong Wuyi and Zhou Jiafa, chief eds.] (Beijing: 長城出版社 [Great Wall], 2000), vol. 1, p. 564; “混江龍” [The All-Capable River Dragon], in Xiong Wuyi and Zhou Jiafa, chief eds., Great Military Dictionary (Beijing: Great Wall, 2000), vol. 2, p. 2787; “水雷” [Sea Mine], in劉秋霖,劉健,王亞新等編[Liu Qiulin, Liu Jian, Wang Yaxin et al., eds.], 中國古代兵器圖說 [Illustrations of China’s Ancient Weapons], (Tianjin:天津古籍出版社 [Tianjin Ancient Book], 2003), p. 408; “China’s Navy Assists Vietnam with Sea Mine Warfare,” in Jin Wei and Li Jie, eds., Modern Sea Mine Warships, p. 116.
37. Srikanth Kondapalli, China’s Naval Power (New Delhi: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, 2001), p. xvii.
38. Stephen Turnbull, Fighting Ships of the Far East: China and Southeast Asia 202 BC–AD 1419 (Oxford: Osprey, 2002), pp. 33–35.
39. 林長盛 [Lin Changsheng], “潛龍在淵:解放軍水雷兵器的現況與發展” [The Hidden Dragon in the Deep: The Present Situation and Development of PLA Mine Weaponry], 國際展望 [World Outlook], no. 9 (May 2005), p. 22. This article is perhaps the most comprehensive analysis to date of PRC sea-mine capabilities. Although this is a PRC source, Lin is actually a former Taiwanese military officer who recently spent time in the United States on a research fellowship. While Lin includes frank analysis of continued PRC weakness in such areas as ASW, he also offers more recent details unavailable in other publications. Some are currently impossible to confirm and will be referred to accordingly in this article. For Lin’s background, see William Chien, “U.S. Military—Iraq,” VOA News Report, 22 April 2003, available at and Lin’s other publications include “Counting China’s ICBMs,” Studies on Chinese Communism 37, no. 7 (July 2003), pp. 80–90.
40. 王廣仁 [Wang Guangren], “東局子史話” [A History of the Eastern Bureau, Part 4], 汽車運用 [Automobile Applications] 102, no. 4 (2001), p. 49.
41. 胡勝利 [Hu Shengli], “國共兩黨軍隊合作佈水雷考” [Kuomintang–Chinese Communist Cooperation in Inspecting the Laying of Sea Mines],江淮文史 [Jianghuai Literature & History], 2001, no. 2.
42. Unless otherwise specified, material in the PRC sea-mine history, development, and research sections to follow is derived from 凌翔 [Ling Xiang], 第六章 “揚威海上的中國水雷戰艦艇” [Chapter 6: Raise Mighty Chinese Sea Mine Warfare Ships on the Sea], in 當代水雷戰艦艇大觀 [Modern Sea Mine Warships Spectacle], 當代水雷戰艦艇大觀叢書之五[Modern Warship Spectacle Book Series, vol. 5] (Beijing: World Knowledge, 1995), pp. 152–61 (p. 152 for this reference).
43. 汪光鑫,陳逸靜 [Wang Guangxin and Chen Yijing], “東海目擊:軍民聯合海上掃雷演練” [On the Scene in the East China Sea: A Joint Military-Civilian Mine Sweeping Exercise], 艦船知識[Naval and Merchant Ships] (January 2001), pp. 5–6.
44. For the Yangtze and Shantou operations, see also “China’s Navy Assists Vietnam with Sea Mine Warfare,” p. 92.
45. Han Peng and Li Yucai, eds., Outline of Undersea Weaponry, p. 1; 曾筱曉,董愛群 [Zeng Xiaoxiao and Dong Aiqun], “日本曾在朝鮮戰爭中出兵” [Japan Dispatched Troops to the Korean War], 環球軍事[Global Military], no. 20 (2002), p. 29.
46. 張寶善 [Zhang Baoshan], “水雷封鎖—打擊‘台獨’圖謀的一種選擇” [Mine Blockade: An Option to Foil the Conspiracy of “Taiwan Independence”], 現代艦船[Modern Ships], no. 149 (April 1998), p. 10; 王維廣 [Wang Weiguang], “‘水中伏兵’—水雷” [‘Underwater Ambush’: Sea Mine], 國防 [National Defense], no. 4 (1996), pp. 36–37.
47. Gregory K. Hartmann with Scott C. Truver, Weapons That Wait: Mine Warfare in the U.S. Navy (Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1991), pp. 80, 106.
48. Edward J. Marolda, “Mine Warfare,” Naval History and Heritage Command,
49. Unless otherwise indicated, information in this paragraph is derived from 林有成 [Lin Youcheng], “億赴朝鮮西海岸清川江口佈設水雷” [Recollection of Laying Sea Mines at the Qingquan River’s Mouth on Korea’s Western Seacoast], 軍事歷史 [Military History], no. 5 (2003), pp. 65–66. The seventeen soldiers from China’s Huadong Military Region were unsure of the depth at which their Soviet-manufactured moored buoyant mines should be laid and found that the methods suggested by their Soviet navy adviser were “inappropriate for immediate mission conditions.” They were forced to improvise, and in the process learned the value of basing their methods on actual conditions.
50. Srikanth Kondapalli, “China’s Naval Equipment Acquisition,” Strategic Analysis 23, no. 9 (December 1999).
51. Soviet guidance and assistance were secured by the February 1950 Treaty of Friendship, Alliance, and Mutual Assistance. The Chinese Communist Party launched its first Five-Year Plan for industrial and agricultural development and production in 1953. By soliciting extensive Soviet aid and focusing on the development of heavy industrial plants and equipment, China doubled its industrial capacity within five years and established a comprehensive, if rudimentary, military-industrial base. Soviet advisers were withdrawn in September 1960 following deterioration of the bilateral relationship.
52. Ling Xiang, “Raise Mighty Chinese Sea Mine Warfare Ships on the Sea,” p. 158.
53. Deng Liqun et al., eds., China Today: Defense Science and Technology (Beijing: National Defense Industry, 1993), vol. 1, p. 32.
54. 海林 [Hai Lin], “島內軍事利物利載防務專家預測—2010台島困死水雷陣:解放軍水雷戰戰力評估” [Taiwan’s Own Military Affairs Experts’ Forecast: In 2010 Taiwan Will Be Surrounded with a Sea Mine Battle Array: An Evaluation of the People’s Liberation Army’s Sea Mine Warfare Combat Strength],國際展望 [World Outlook], no. 9 (May 2005), p. 16.
55. Kondapalli, China’s Naval Power, pp. 98–99.
56. Kondapalli, “China’s Naval Equipment Acquisition.”
57. Ling Xiang, “Raise Mighty Chinese Sea Mine Warfare Ships on the Sea,” p. 159.
58. Kondapalli, China’s Naval Power, pp. 98–99.
59.竹繁 [Zhu Fan], “中國海軍出國掃水雷” [China’s Navy Goes Abroad to Sweep Mines], 炎黃春秋 [Yanhuang Chunqiu], no. 4 (1997), p. 35.
60. Preparation for “early war, big war, and all-out nuclear war” caused Mao to order roughly half of military production dispersed among a “Third Line” network in China’s vast interior. This process, which occupied much of the 1960s and ’70s and may have consumed as much as half of defense expenditures, dispersed scarce human and material resources and further challenged China’s then-limited transportation infrastructure. The Cultural Revolution threw all but the most highly prioritized weapons programs into disarray, dividing bureaus into rival factions and even threatening rail links critical to the development of advanced weapons systems.
61. Ling Xiang, “Raise Mighty Chinese Sea Mine Warfare Ships on the Sea,” pp. 154–55.
62. Qiang Zhai, China & the Vietnam Wars, 1950–1975 (Chapel Hill: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 2000), p. 203.
63. 蔡朋岑 [Cai Pengcen], “人民海軍援越掃雷始末” [The People’s Navy’s Minesweeping Operations in Support of Vietnam from Beginning to End], 艦載武器 [Shipborne Weapons] (March 2007), p. 34.
64. Zhu Fan, “China’s Navy Goes Abroad to Sweep Mines,” p. 35.
65. 雷冬 [Lei Dong], “中國海軍掃雷紀實 (二): 援越掃雷揚軍威” [A Record of PLAN Minesweepers (Part 2): Helping Vietnam Raise Impressive Military Minesweeping Strength], 現代艦船 [Modern Ships] (October 2004), pp. 32–34.
66. Cai Pengcen, “People’s Navy’s Minesweeping Operations in Support of Vietnam from Beginning to End,” p. 34.
67. Zhu Fan, “China’s Navy Goes Abroad to Sweep Mines,” p. 37; Ling Xiang, “Raise Mighty Chinese Sea Mine Warfare Ships on the Sea,” p. 155.
68. Information in this paragraph from Ling Xiang, “Raise Mighty Chinese Sea Mine Warfare Ships on the Sea,” pp. 153–54, 160.
69. Ibid., p. 160.
70. Observations concerning hull 814 are derived from Lin Changsheng, “Hidden Dragon in the Deep,” p. 32.
71. Mikhail Barabanov, “Contemporary Military Shipbuilding in China,” Eksport Vooruzheniy, 1 August 2005, OSC CEP20050811949014.
72. “Chronicle of Events of Military Training,” Guangzhou Zhanshi Bao, 27 December 2005, pp. 1, 3, OSC CPP20060224318002.
73. Jane’s Fighting Ships, 9 February 2009,
74. See post 38 of 1 March 2007 by “Xinhui” in the “PLAN Mine Warfare Threat” section of the Forum, at
75. George Pollitt, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory mine warfare expert, e-mail exchange with authors, February 2009.
76. A zhidui (支隊) is a division-leader level organization (using the PLA’s fifteen-grade structure, which is based on army terminology). The best English translation is “flotilla.” A dadui (..) is a regiment-leader level organization; the best English translation is “squadron” for naval vessels and “group” for PLAN aviation, coastal defense, marine corps, and maintenance troops. For a detailed explanation of these and related terms, see Office of Naval Intelligence, China’s Navy 2007, pp. 4–5.
77. 鄭振麒,方立華 [Zheng Zhenqi and Fang Lihua], “反水雷作戰淌出實戰化訓練新路—東海艦隊某掃雷艦大隊創造4項海軍記錄” [Anti-Mine Operations Set Out on a New Path of Training Made Realistic to Actual War: A Certain East Sea Fleet Minesweeper Squadron Sets Four Navy Records], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 31 October 2008, p. 1.
78. Hai Lin, “In 2010 Taiwan Will Be Surrounded with a Sea Mine Battle Array,” p. 18.
79. Lin Changsheng, “Hidden Dragon in the Deep,” p. 26.
80. Thomas R. Bernitt and Sam J. Tangredi, “Mine Warfare and Globalization: Low-Tech Warfare in a High-Tech World,” in Sam J. Tangredi, ed. Globalization and Maritime Power, (Washington, D.C.: National Defense Univ. Press, 2002), p. 395. The authors do not recognize that China has this weaponry.
81. See Bernard D. Cole, The Great Wall at Sea: China’s Navy Enters the Twenty-first Century (Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 2001), p. 103, for the high estimate and “Naval Mine-Hunting Unit Featured,” Lien-Ho Pao, 20 April 1997, OSC FTS19970716000491, for the low. Both these guesses are now roughly a decade old.
82. Hai Lin, “In 2010 Taiwan Will Be Surrounded with a Sea Mine Battle Array,” p. 16. For PRC research on remote-control sea mines, see 龍興祖 [Long Xingzu], “遙控水雷及其在未來海戰中的特殊作用” [Remote-Control Sea Mines and Their Use in Future Special Sea Warfare], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 1 (2000); 陳川 [Chen Chuan], “激光致聲在水雷遙控中的應用研究” [The Sound-Sending Laser in Remote-Control Sea Mine Applied Research], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 3 (1999).
83. 茹呈瑤 [Ru Chengyao], “水雷” [Sea Mine], in 陳德第, 李軸, 庫桂生主編 [Chen Dedi, Li Zhou, and Ku Guisheng, chief eds.] 國防經濟大辭典 [National Defense Economy Dictionary], (Beijing: 軍事科學出版社 [Military Science], 2001), p. 906.
84. The depth limitations of Chinese mines are not known but are probably quite similar to those of Russian mines. The deepest waters in which most Russian bottom mines can be effectively laid range from fifty to two hundred meters. See Anthony Watts, “Russian Federation Underwater Weapons,” Jane’s Underwater Warfare Systems, 21 January 2005,
85. Minesweepers can tow submerged cables with cutting devices attached. This apparatus, dragged through a suspected minefield, snags and severs the cables that attach the mines to their anchors. The Russian mine-manufacturing firm Gidropribor offers such sweeping mechanisms for sale; see its website,
86. Chinese sources, including Lin Changsheng, “Hidden Dragon in the Deep,” also refer to a “701 Research Institute” (中國艦船研究院701研究所), likewise located in Yichang. Confusing the matter further, the most detailed article available on the Institute’s location calls it the “701 Research Institute” in English and the “710 Research Institute” in Chinese. See 劉見, 張瑋, 齊小丹 [Liu Jian, Zhang Wei, and Qi Xiaodan], “中國船舶重工集團公司七一O研究院” [Plan and Building Design of CSIC-No.701] (original English title), 華中建築 [Huazhong Architecture], no. 4 (2006). For an earlier reference to a “701 Institute,” see “七O一研究院引進計算機輔助設計系統” [701 Research Institute Introduces Computer-Aided Design System], 船海工程 [Ship and Ocean Engineering], no. 4 (1985). For purposes of clarity, this study uses the term “710 Research Institute” throughout.
87. The paragraphs on Piao-1 and -2 are derived primarily from Lin Changsheng, “Hidden Dragon in the Deep,” p. 24; and Wayne Mason, “Naval Mine Technologies,” (briefing, Mine Warfare Association Spring 2009 Regional Conference, Panama City, Fla., 19 May 2009).
88. Ibid.
89. Han Peng and Li Yucai, eds., Outline of Undersea Weaponry, pp. 137–42.
90. The video clip, originally at, has been removed from the CCTV website. An image from the television footage has been posted on China Defense Forum at .php?showtopic=160&st=75.
91. See Lin Changsheng, “Hidden Dragon in the Deep,” pp. 24–25.
92. The authors thank Professor Peter Dutton for these legal insights.
93. The following text is excerpted from 趙培英 [Zhao Peiying, ed.], 當代軍人國際法基礎 [Basis of International Law for Modern Soldiers], “全軍軍事科研工作‘八五’計畫列項課題” [Armywide Military Affairs Research Work Eighth Five-Year Plan Study Subject] (Beijing: 解放軍出版社 [PLA Press], 1996), pp. 258–59. “(2) Rules Regarding the Usage of Sea Mines and Torpedoes“At the beginning of the 20th century sea mines were widely used in naval warfare, posing an enormous threat to international shipping and the interests of neutral nations. Consequently, their use had come under the regulation of international law. According to the 1907 Hague Convention (VIII) relative to the Laying of Automatic Submarine Contact Mines, although it is impossible to forbid the employment of sea mines, it is nevertheless desirable to restrict and regulate their employment in order to mitigate the severity of war and to ensure the security of peaceful navigation in times of war. The Convention prohibited the laying of unanchored automatic contact mines, except when they were so constructed as to become harmless one hour at most after the person who laid them ceases to control them. It prohibited the laying of anchored automatic contact mines which did not become harmless as soon as they have broken loose from their moorings; or the use of torpedoes which did not become harmless when they have missed their mark. Likewise it was forbidden to lay automatic contact mines off the coast and ports of the enemy, with the sole object of intercepting commercial shipping. When anchored automatic contact mines were employed, every possible precaution must be taken for the security of peaceful shipping. Neutral Powers which laid automatic contact mines off their coasts must observe the same rules as were imposed on belligerents, and they must inform ship owners and the Governments where mines have been laid through the diplomatic channel. The belligerents were likewise obliged to notify ship owners of the danger zones should their mines cease to be under surveillance, as soon as military exigencies permitted. At the close of the war, the Contracting Powers were obliged to remove the mines which they have laid, each Power removing its own mines. At the time a total of 44 nations became signatories to the Convention, although during the two World Wars both sides employed sea mines on a massive scale, declaring danger zones all around the world, thereby seriously undermining the rules of the Convention.”
94. See ibid. See also 劉進 [Liu Jin], “水雷使用中涉及的國際法” [The Involvement of International Law in Sea Mine Use], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 1 (2000); 夏立新 [Xia Lixin], “水雷和軍備控制” [Sea Mines and Arms Control], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 3 (2000).
95. Lin Changsheng, “Hidden Dragon in the Deep,” pp. 22–23.
96. Rob Hewson, “Type 500 and 1000 Mines, Underwater Weapons,” Jane’s Air-Launched Weapons, According to this source, these mines also have “eight operating modes, which are believed to be mixtures of fuze and logic settings to meet different operational or environmental conditions.”
97. Ling Xiang, “Raise Mighty Chinese Sea Mine Warfare Ships on the Sea,” pp. 154–55.
98. This has not always been the case. The first U.S. Destructor mines laid in Haiphong Harbor (simply converted gravity bombs detonated by magnetic signature change) were so sensitive, having been adjusted to destroy passing trucks when used against land targets, that a solar magnetic storm detonated the entire field prematurely. Hartmann with Truver, Weapons That Wait, pp. 72–80, 244.
99. Ibid., pp. 72–80, 129.
100. Lin Changsheng, “Hidden Dragon in the Deep,” p. 24.
101. As implied in note 84 above, the very deepest that any of the very large Russian bottom influence mines can be laid is two hundred meters. Seventy meters is the maximum depth for the smaller Russian bottom mines. See Watts, “Russian Federation Underwater Weapons.”
102. See, for example, 王偉,郭大江 [Wang Wei and Guo Dajiang], “基底頻搖控 水雷全向數字接收機的研究” [Research on All-Around Digital Receiver for Very Low Frequency Remote-Controlled Naval Mines], 現代電子技術 [Modern Electronics Technology] (December 2007), pp. 1–3.
103. See U.S. Defense Dept., Future Military Capabilities and Strategy of the People’s Republic of China (Washington, D.C.: November 1998), p. 14, available at
104. U.S. Defense Dept., Annual Report on the Military Power of the People’s Republic of China (Washington, D.C.: June 2000), p. 16, available at
105. 肖敏 [Xiao Min], 西北工業大學, 交通運輸規劃與管理 [Northwest Polytechnic University, Communications and Transportation Planning and Management], “主動攻擊水雷魯棒控制和仿真研究” [Research on Robust Control for Initiative Attack Mine and Simulation] (master’s thesis, 9 June 2006); 肖敏, 史忠科 [Xiao Min and Shi Zhongke], 三峽大學, 西北工業大學[Three Gorges University, Northwest Polytechnic University], “主動攻擊水雷魯棒跟蹤控制研究” [Research on the Tracking and Robust Control of Initiative Attack Sea Mines], in中國航空學會控制與應用第十二屆學術年會論文集, 2006 . [The Collected Works of the China Aviation Institute’s Twelfth Annual Academic Meeting on Control and Applications, 2006].
106. Lin Changsheng, “Hidden Dragon in the Deep,” p. 27.
107. Watts, “Russian Federation Underwater Weapons.” Gidropribor more modestly claims a maximum depth of one thousand meters for its PMR-2 rising torpedo mine and for its PMR-2E rising rocket mine. See
108. See Richard Fisher, “Chinese Notes from AeroIndia and IDEX,” International Assessment and Strategy Center, 28 February 2005,
109. Samuel Morison, Guide to Naval Mine Warfare (Arlington, Va.: Pasha, 1995), pp. 88–89.
110. Rob Hewson, “EM 52 Mine, Underwater Weapons,” Jane’s Air-Launched Weapons, 14 April 2005, This depth is probably a significant understatement of the true maximum operating depth, since a two-hundred-meter depth would severely limit its versatility and usefulness.
111. Lin Changsheng, “Hidden Dragon in the Deep,” p. 26.
112. Ibid.
113. Ibid., p. 28.
114. U.S. Navy Dept., U.S. Naval Mine Warfare Plan, 4th ed. (Washington, D.C.: 2000). See also 李寶祥 [Li Baoxiang], “俄羅斯水雷武器的現狀和未來” [The Present Situation and Future of Russian Sea Mine Weapons], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 1 (1999).
115. “俄羅斯:世界上的‘水雷王國’” [Russia: The World’s Sea Mine Kingdom], “外國海軍縱橫” [Foreign Navy Crisscross], 當代海軍 [Modern Navy], no. 6 (2003).
116. 傅金祝[Fu Jinzhu], “俄羅斯的火箭上浮水雷” [Russia’s Rocket Rising Sea Mines], 艦載武器 [Shipborne Weapons] (April 2004), p. 65.
117. 焦方金 [Jiao Fangjin], “雙頭鷹的水中伏兵” [The Double-Headed Eagle’s Ambush at Sea], 國防科技 [Defense Science] (July 2003), p. 90.
118. Ibid.
119. See, for example, ibid.
120. 鄭宇 [Zou Zi], “芬蘭潛艇: 裝備與作戰歷史” [Finnish Submarines: Equipment and Fighting History], 國際展望 [World Outlook], no. 490 (May 2004), p. 56.
121. Jiao Fangjin, “Double-Headed Eagle’s Ambush at Sea,” p. 91.
122. This quote and the remainder of this paragraph are drawn from 李克峰 [Li Kefeng], “俄羅斯火箭上浮水雷” [Russian Rocket Rising Sea Mines], 艦船知識[Naval and Merchant Ships] (October 2002), pp. 34–36.
123. 劉新民,徐紅明 [Liu Xinmin and Xu Hongming], “新厲潛艇佈戰雷” [Firsthand Experience with Submarine Minelaying], 艦船知識 [Naval and Merchant Ships] 285, no. 6 (June 2003), pp. 6–7; “EM-52 Fast Rising Rocket Mine,” For details on a commanding officer of a Ming submarine practicing how to evade ASW defenses to “mine an ‘enemy’ harbor” (likely a Taiwan port), see李振林,張聖江 [Li Zhenlin and Zhang Shengjiang], “隱踪洋底練絕殺—312艇艇長胡文明;蔡一清式一線指揮員風采錄27” [Hiding the Trail at the Bottom of the Ocean to Practice Unique Kill: Submarine 312 Captain Hu Wenming; Series on Gallantry of Frontline Commanders in the Style of Cai Yiqing, Part 27], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 22 July 2008, p. 2.
124. Lin Changsheng, “Hidden Dragon in the Deep,” p. 28.
125. See 茹呈瑤[Ru Chengyao], “現代魚雷,水雷技術發展研究” [Modern Torpedo and Mine Technology Research], 艦船科學技術 [Ship Science and Technology] 25, no. 4 (August 2002), p. 42; 任德奎 [Ren Dekui], “水雷技術保障系統發展研究” [Sea Mine Technology Safeguard System Development and Research], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 3 (1999); and傅金祝 [Fu Jinzhu], “21世紀水雷發展預測” [Developments in Mines Expected for the 21st Century], 現代艦船 [Modern Ships], no. 140 (July 1997), p. 26.
126. 劉檢,黃文斌 [Liu Jian and Huang Wenbin], “一種自航水雷布概率的計算方法” [A Method of Calculating the Dispersion Probability of Self-Propelled Mines], 魚雷技術 [Torpedo Technology] 13, no. 3 (September 2005), pp. 43–45.
127. See, for example, 倪永杰,王建國[Ni Yongjie and Wang Jianguo],大連艦艇學院裝備系統與自動化系 [Dalian Naval Vessel Academy, Equipment and Automation Systems Department], “潛艇佈自航水雷障礙的效力計算方法” [Effectiveness Calculation Method for Submarine-Laid Self-Propelled Sea Mines], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 1 (2007); and 許三祥 [Xu Sanxiang], 710 Research Institute, CSIC,“自導水雷及其自導裝置發展初探” [The Development of Self-Guided Sea Mines and their Guidance Devices], 艦船科學技術 [Ship Science and Technology] (February 2008).
128. See 盧楠,張旭 [Lu Nan and Zhang Xu], “自航水雷雷位誤差對障礙傷概率影響分析” [Analysis on the Influence of an SLMM Position Deviation as It Relates to the Destruction Probability of a Mine Barrier],指揮控制與仿真 [Command Control and Simulation] (May 2008); and朱江波, 宋保維, 趙娥 [Zhu Hong, Song Baowei, and Zhao E], “一種自航水雷障礙效力的計算方法” [A Calculation Method of the Effectiveness of the SLMM Barrier],彈艦與製導學報 [Journal of Projectiles, Rockets, Missiles and Guidance] (April 2007).
129. Ni Yongjie, Wang Jianguo, “Effectiveness Calculation Method for Submarine-Laid Self-Propelled Sea Mines,” Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense, no. 1 (2007); 洪星,洪志平,馬愛民 [Hong Xing, Hong Zhiping, and Ma Aimin], “定向攻擊水雷打擊概率模型研究” [Striking Probability of Directional Attack Sea Mines], 情報指揮控制系統與仿真技術 [Information Command Control System and Simulation Technology] 26, no. 5 (October 2004), pp. 50–52, 60; 孫明太 [Sun Mingtai et al.], “應用統計法計算主動攻擊水雷命中概率的仿真研究” [Application of Calculation of the Hitting Probability of Floating Rocket Mines by Simulation Methods], 彈艦與製導學報[Journal of Projectiles, Rockets, Missiles and Guidance] 22, no. 2 (2001), pp. 48–51; 孫明太[Sun Mingtai et al.], “應用統計法計算主動攻擊水雷命中概率的仿真研究” [Simulation Study of the Active Attack Mine’s Hitting Probability Using Statistical Methods], 系統仿真學報 [Journal of System Simulation] 12, no. 6 (November 2000), pp. 678–84.
130. 張宇文, 謝建輝 [Zhang Yuwen and Xie Jianhui], “自航水雷沉底穩定性與自航性能的兼容性問題” [The Problem of Compatibility between Stability of Self-Propelled Mines on the Ocean Floor and Their Moving Performance], 艦船工程 [Ship Engineering] 5, 1997, pp. 46–49.
131. 陳雄洲, 舒旭光, 廉斌 [Chen Xiongzhou, Shu Xuguang, and Lian Bin], “水下火箭發動機噴管出口壓強研究” [Study on the Pressure Strength of Nozzle Exit for Underwater Rocket Motor], 艦船科學技術 [Ship Science and Technology] 26, no. 6 (December 2004), pp. 38–40; 劉樂華 [Liu Lehua et al.], “自主攻擊水雷發射流場分析與數值仿真” [Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Automatic Attacking Mines’ Jet Flow Field], 實驗力學 [Journal of Experimental Mechanics] 17, no. 4 (December 2002), pp. 488–91.
132. 劉樂華, 張宇文 [Liu Lehua and Zhang Yuwen], “深海垂直發射內彈道研究” [Study on the Interior Trajectory for Vertical Launch under Deep Sea], 艦船科學技術 [Ship Science and Technology] 26, no. 1 (February 2004), pp. 24–26; 李體方, 張志峰 [Li Tifang and Zhang Zhifeng], “海浪作用下的水下彈道數學模型” [Mathematical Modeling of the Effect of Sea Waves on an Underwater Missile Trajectory], 彈道學報 [Journal of Ballistics] 11, no. 3 (September 1999), pp. 47–51; 袁緒龍, 張宇文, 查展鵬, 劉樂華 [Yuan Xulong, Zhang Yuwen, Zha Zhanpeng, and Liu Lehua], “機於高端平台的水雷彈道視景仿真研究” [Torpedo Sea Mine Trajectory Visual Simulation Based on High-End Platforms], 艦船科學技術 [Ship Science and Technology] 26, no. 1 (February 2004), pp. 35–38.
133. 張旭, 騰兆新 [Zhang Xu, Dalian Naval Vessel Academy; and Teng Zhaoxin, Northwestern Polytechnical University], “水雷封鎖作戰決策科學化的思考” [Thoughts on Scientific Decision Making in Mine Blockade Warfare], 軍事運籌與系統工程 [Military Operations Research and Systems Engineering] (June 2008), pp. 59–62.
134. 王容, 李慶民, 李華 [Wang Rui, Li Qingmin, and Li Hua], Department of Weaponry Engineering, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan, supported by the National Defense Preliminary Research Fund, “馬爾科夫鏈掃雷效果評估模型可信度驗證” [Validation of Credibility of Markov Chain Mine Sweeping Effectiveness Evaluation Model], 海軍工程大學學報 [Journal of Naval University of Engineering] 19, no. 6 (December 2007), pp. 108–12.
135. 胡紅波, 馬愛民 [Hu Hongbo and Ma Aimin], Dalian Naval Vessel Academy, “MATLAB神經網絡的艦船磁場強度估算” [Estimation on Intensity of Magnetic Field around Warship Based on NN in MATLAB], 火力與指揮控制 [Fire Control and Command Control] 32, no. 2 (February 2007), pp. 77–79.
136. See 趙曉哲, 沈治河主編 [Zhao Xiaozhe and Shen Zhehe, chief eds.], 海軍作戰數學模型 [Mathematical Models for Naval Warfare] (Beijing: National Defense Industry, 2004), foreword, pp. 25–37, 44–45.
137. 陳孟君, 趙治平, 譚華 [Chen Mengjun, Zhao Zhiping, and Tan Hua], 710 Research Institute, CSIC, “通電二電極對水雷的干擾性研究” [Research on Two Electrodes’ Interference on Sea Mines], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (2007).
138. 吳中平,韓召,賴建芸 [Wu Zhongping, Han Zhao, and Lai Jianyun], 中國船舶重工集團公司第七一O研究所[710 Research Institute, CSIC], “高速攝影的照明測試與分析” [Illumination Testing and Analysis of High-Speed Photographs], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 1 (2006).
139. 胡敏 [Hu Min], 中國船舶重工集團公司第七一O研究所 [710 Research Institute, CSIC], “一種新型大容量水雷內記儀” [A New Large Capacity Mine Internal Recorder], 艦船科學技術 [Ship Science and Technology], no. 2 (2007).
140. 楊翠云, 李永紅, 閭建生, 張玉東, 熊志紅 [Yang Cuiyun, Li Yonghong, Yan Jiansheng, Zhang Yudong, and Xiong Zhihong], 中北大學電子工程系; 科泰微技術有限公司技術中心; 中國船舶重工集團公司第七一O研究所 [Zhongbei University Electronic Engineering Department; Elcoteq Micro Technology Co., Ltd. Technology Center; and 710 Research Institute, CSIC], “水雷用定深測控系統的設計和實現” [Design and Implementation of a Sea Mine Depth Measurement and Control System], 微計算機信 [Microcomputer Information], no. 28 (2007).
141. 彭荊明, 李興生; 中國船舶重工集團公司七一O研究院[Peng Jingming and Li Xingsheng, Yichang Testing Technique Research Institute/710 Research Institute, CSIC] and 帥高山, 海軍駐宜昌地區軍事代表室, 湖北宜昌 [Shuai Gaoshan, Military Representives Office of the Chinese Navy in Yichang], “國軍標在水雷軟件工程化中的應用” [National Military Standard and Its Application in Mine Software Engineering], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 1 (2007).
142. The system should be based on “analog circuit fault diagnosis techniques.”趙延安 [Zhao Yanan], 西北工業大學, 檢測技術及自動化裝置 [Northwest Polytechnic University, Detection Technology and Automation Devices], “某型水雷引信故障診斷技術研究及測試系統設計” [Research on Fault Diagnosis Techniques for Certain Mine Fuses and Design of a Testing System] (master’s thesis, 23 May 2007). For similar research, see 寇京月, 艾華, 宋磊 [Kou Qiongyue, Ai Hua, and Song Lei; Mailbox 1014 18, Beijing 102249] and 黃天啖, 95202部隊計量站[Huang Tianyan, PLA Unit 95202, Guangdong 528227], “水雷專用測試設備計量校準系統的設計與實現” [Design and Realization of the Metrological Calibration System for Special Sea Mine Test Equipment],電子測量技術[Electronic Measurement Technology], no. 11 (2008).
143. 周丰 [Zhou Feng et al.], “卡爾曼濾波在水雷引信目標定位中的應用” [Application of Kalman Filter to Target Location of the Mine Fuse], 海軍工程學院學報 [Journal of Naval University of Engineering] 89, no. 4 (1999), pp. 21–25.
144. 劉軍, 王樹宗 [Liu Jun and Wang Shuzong], “兩種水雷破壞半徑計算方法比較與實力分析” [Two Methods of Calculating a Mine’s Blast Radius: A Comparison and Sample Analysis], 艦船科學技術 [Ship Science and Technology] 27, no. 4 (August 2005), pp. 59–61.
145. 劉進 [Liu Jin], “水雷殼體厚度對水雷性能的影響” [The Influence of Sea Mine Shell Thickness on Sea Mine Function], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 3 (2000).
146. 騰兆新, 張旭 [Teng Zhaoxin and Zhang Xu], Dalian Naval Vessel Academy, “水雷對艦船的毀傷概率計算模型及仿真” [Model for Calculating the Damage Probability of Sea Mines against Warships], 系統仿真學報 [Journal of System Simulation] 20, no. 16 (August 2008), pp. 4241–43; 描錦, 帥高山 [Miao Jin and Shuai Gaoshan], “水面爆炸損失模型的探討” [Evaluation of a Surface Explosion Model], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 1 (2008); 張志宏 [Zhang Zhihong], “預測航線上的水壓水雷對艦船損傷的新方法” [A New Way to Calculate Damage to Shipping by Hydraulic (Water Pressure) Sea Mines in Shipping Lanes], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (2000).
147. 方毓景, 馮陵波, 劉維基, 李青梅 [Fang Yujing, Feng Linbo, Liu Weiji, and Li Qinmei], “火箭上浮水雷噪聲特性測量分析” [The Measurement and Analysis of the Noise Characteristics of Rocket-Propelled Rising Mines], 現代引信 [Modern Fuses], no. 1 (1998), pp. 58–62.
148. 王海燕 [Wang Haiyan], “利用目標噪聲頻域信息的定位方法研究” [Research on Localization Method Using the Information of Frequency Domain of a Target-Radiated Noise], 現代引信 [Modern Fuses], no. 2 (1998), pp. 46–49.
149. 張旭, 冷相文 [Zhang Xu and Leng Xiangwen], “自航水雷雷為次序座標散布特性” [The Distributed Characteristics of Ordering Coordinates of a Submarine-Launched Mobile Mine’s Position], 火力與指揮控制 [Fire Control and Command Control] 29, supplement (June 2004), pp. 47–48, 51;張云海 [Zhang Yunhai], “水雷潛佈彈道研究” [Submarine-Laid Sea Mine Trajectory Research], 艦船科學技術 [Ship Science and Technology], no. 1 (1995), pp. 26–31.
150. 劉旭暉 [Liu Xuhui], “水魚雷發展趨勢探討” [Mine Torpedo Development Trends], 魚雷技術 [Torpedo Technology] 11, no. 2 (June 2003), pp. 4–7.
151. Shao Delun, Gao Chunzhan, and Xu Feng, “Underwater Firing Range.” For similar effort expended in perfecting “safety support and underwater tracking and positioning” for “a high precision and long-range mine test,” see Mao Jinxiong, Xiao Delun, and Chen Wanjun, “Miraculous Sword Holding Up Sea and Sky,” Liaowang, no. 41, 13 October 2008, pp. 52–53, OSC CPP20081023710017.
152. This process is conceptually similar to the addition of a JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition)tail kit or the U.S. upgrading of “dumb” bombs into Destructor mines through use of film transistors as magnetic fuses for employment in North Vietnam’s Haiphong Harbor.
153. See, for example, 詹廣平, 倪華, 張光法 [Zhan Guangping, Ni Hua, and Zhang Guangfa], “專家系統在智能水雷引信中的應用研究” [Applications Research Concerning Expert Systems on Intelligent Mine Fuse Systems], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 4 (2007).
154. 謝磊, 上海船舶電子設備研究所 [Xie Lei, Shanghai Marine Electronic Equipment Institute] and 李秀坤,哈爾濱工程大學 [Li Xiukun, Harbin Engineering University], “水雷目標的亮點信息提取及融合研究” [Research on the Extraction and Fusion of Sea Mine Highlight Information], 聲學技術 [Technical Acoustics] 27, no. 5, part 2 (October 2008), pp. 508–509.
155. 周穗華 [Zhou Suihua et al.], “智能化水雷引信及其評估方法” [The Intelligized Sea Mine Fuse and its Fuzzy Evaluation Method], 海軍工程大學學報 [Journal of Naval University of Engineering] 16, no. 1 (February 2004), pp. 48–53, 82; 李艷麗, 程賽先 [Li Yanli and Cheng Saixian], “人工神經網絡技術在目標識別中的應用” [Application of Artificial Neural Network Based on Target Recognition], 艦船電子工程[Ship Electronic Engineering] 24, no. 5 (2004), pp. 92–95; 韓鵬 [Han Peng et al.], “適於水雷工作的軟件引信研究” [Study on Software Fuses for Mines], 探測與控制學報 [Journal of Detection and Control] 25, no. 1 (March 2003), pp. 44–47; 周穗華 [Zhou Suihua], “現代水雷控制電路中開關器件可靠性分析及其應用” [Reliability of Switching Components in the Mine Control Circuit], 海軍工程大學報 [Journal of Naval University of Engineering] 15, no. 1 (February 2003), pp. 38–41; 傅金祝 [Fu Jinzhu], “水雷的非觸發引信” [Influence Fuses of Mines], 現代艦船 [Modern Ships], no. 137 (May 1997), p. 30.
156. 鄭新明, 郝力勤, 陳剛 [Zheng Xinming, Hao Liqin, and Chen Gang], 中國船舶重工集團公司第七一O研究所[710 Research Institute, CSIC], “基於功率譜的艦船水壓信號檢測方法研究” [A Method of Ship Hydraulic Pressure Signal Detection Based on Power Spectrum], 指揮控制與仿真 [Command Control and Simulation], no. 1 (2008); 張曉兵, 玄兆林 [Zhang Xiaobing and Xuan Zhaolin], “使用雙水壓船感器抗風浪干擾原理” [Principles of Counteracting Wave Disturbance by Two Pressure Sensors], 海軍工程大學學報[Journal of Naval University of Engineering] 15, no. 5 (October 2003), pp. 65–67, 74. See also傅金祝[Fu Jinzhu], “非觸發引信用的流體動力換能器原理樣機的結構與實驗” [Construction and Testing of Prototype Hydrodynamic Transducers for Influence Sea Mine Fuses], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 1 (2008).
157. 王閔, 董大群, 孫玉蘭, 劉葉紅 [Wang Min, Dong Daqun, Sun Yulan, and Liu Yehong], “弱信號自適應檢測技術研究” [Research on the Adaptive Weight Vector Technique of Detecting Weak Signals], 探測與控制學報 [Journal of Detection and Control] 27, no. 2 (June 2005), pp. 45–47, 54.
158. Naval University of Engineering researchers, for example, are studying how to make mines more resistant to sweeping by altering their shapes. 譚新, 玄兆林, 張曉兵 [Tan Xin, Xuan Zhaolin, and Zhang Xiaobing], “水雷不同外形目標強度的計算與測量” [Calculating and Measuring the Target Strength of Different Shapes of Mines], 海軍工程大學學報 [Journal of Naval University of Engineering] 16, no. 2 (April 2004), pp. 69–73; 程錦房, 何希盈, 王文水 [Cheng Jinfang, He Xiying, and Wang Wenshui], “基於艦船聲磁相關的水雷抗掃性能研究” [Sea Mine Antisweeping Performance Research Based on the Correlation of Ship Magnetic Fields and Acoustic Fields], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 3 (2008); 玄兆林, 譚新, 張曉兵 [Xuan Zhaolin, Tan Xin, and Zhang Xiaobing], “水雷總體的升學問題” [The Acoustical Problem of Sea Mine Collectivity], 海軍工程大學學報[Journal of Naval University of Engineering] 14, no.6 (December 2002), pp.10–12, 18. For research concerning sweeping resistance, see 傅金祝 [Fu Jinzhu], “水雷發火判據的數學理論” [Mathematical Theory for Sea Mine Detonation Criteria], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 1 (2000); and傅金祝 [Fu Jinzhu], “海中類似水雷目標引起的聲散射自迴歸分析” [An Autoregressive Analysis of Acoustic Scattering Caused by Minelike Targets in the Ocean], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (1999).
159. Shao Delun, Gao Chunzhan, and Xu Feng, “Underwater Firing Range.”
160. Han Peng and Li Yucai, eds., Outline of Undersea Weaponry.
161. 何詰瑩 [He Jieying], “水雷傘的飛行軌跡研究” [Study on the Flight Path of Mine Parachutes], 南京航空航天大學學報 [Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics] 26, no. 4 (August 1994), pp. 545–50.
162. 高大全 [Gao Daquan], “‘航天器回收技術’在兵器上的應用” [The Application of “Space Recovery Technology” in Armaments], 航天返回與搖感 [Spacecraft Recovery and Remote Sensing] 19, no. 3 (August 1998), pp. 16–20.
163. 韓光智[Han Guangzhi], 中北大學, 測試計量技術及儀器 [Zhongbei University, Testing Measurement Technology and Instrumentation], 空投水雷沖擊過載測試技術研究 [Research on the Impingement Acceleration Test of the Air-Drop Mine] (master’s thesis, 14 October 2008); 宋保維, 杜曉旭, 孟銳, 李家旺, 紹成[Song Baowei, Du Xiaoxu, Li Jiawang, and Shao Cheng], “空投水雷入水衝擊力仿真” [Numerical Simulation of Water-Entry Impact Force for Air-Launched Mines], 魚雷技術 [Torpedo Technology] (March 2008); 潘光,偉剛 ,杜曉旭 [Pan Guang, Wei Gang, and Du Xiaoxu], “空投水雷入水及水下彈道的設計與仿真” [The Design and Simulation of Water Entry and Underwater Trajectory for an Air-Dropped Sea Mine],火力與指揮控制 [Fire Control and Command Control] (March 2007), pp. 85–93.
164.于漢玉 [Yu Hanyu], “飛機佈雷效能評估—數模建立和指數分析” [An Evaluation of Minelaying by Aircraft: An Analysis That Establishes a Mathematical Model and Index], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (1998).
165. Shao Delun, Gao Chunzhan, and Xu Feng, “Underwater Firing Range.”
166. See, for example, 徐陽 [Xu Yang], “國外反水雷技術裝備的發展” [Foreign Development of MCM Technology and Equipment], 艦載武器 [Shipborne Weapons], no. 1 (2002), pp. 39–42.
167. See, for example, 鄭洋 [Zou Yang], 哈爾濱工程大學, 信號與信息處理[Harbin Engineering University, Signals and Information Processing], “水雷目標識別信號融合方法研究” [Research on Methods of Information Fusing for Mine Recognition] (master’s thesis, 21 August 2007); 陳萍 [Chen Ping], 哈爾濱工程大學, 信號與信息處理 [Harbin Engineering University, Signals and Information Processing], “分數階Fourier變換在水雷目標特徵提取中的應用” [The Application of the Fractional Fourier Transform in the Extraction of Mine Characteristics] (master’s thesis, 21 August 2007); 遲慧廣 [Chi Huiguang], 哈爾濱工程大學, 水聲工程 [Harbin Engineering University, Acoustical Engineering], “希爾伯特—黃變換在水雷目標特徵提取中的應用” [The Application of the Hilbert-Huang Transform in the Extraction of Mine Characteristics] (master’s thesis, 21 August 2007); 于妮娜 [Yu Ninuo], 哈爾濱工程大學, 通信與信息系統 [Harbin Engineering University, Communication and Information Systems], “基於支持向量機的水雷目標識別研究” [Research on the Mine Target Recognition Based on Support Vector Machines] (master’s thesis, 2007); 郭麗華,王大成,丁士祈 [Guo Lihua, Wang Dacheng, and Ding Shiqi], “水下目標特徵提取方法研究” [Research Concerning the Extraction of Underwater Targets’ Features], 聲學技術 [Technical Acoustics] 24, no. 3 (September 2005), pp. 148–51, 156; 郭麗華,王大成,丁士祈 [Guo Lihua, Wang Dacheng, and Ding Shiqi], “水雷目標識別中的數據融合技術” [Data Fusion Technology for Recognition of Mine Characteristics], 海洋技術 [Ocean Technology] 24, no. 2 (June 2005), pp. 36–38, 45.
168. 趙祚德 [Zhao Zuode], “基於概率推斷網的水雷戰專家系統” [An Expert System for Mine Warfare Based on a Probabilistic Inference Network], 情報指揮控制系統與仿真技術 [Information Command Control Systems and Simulation Technology] 27, no. 2 (April 2005), pp. 52–56.
169. 繆濤, 張志宏, 顧建農 [Miao Tao, Zhang Zhihong, and Gu Jiannong], 海軍工程大學理學院 [College of Science, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan], “淺水低速艦船通過雷區危險航速的預報模型” [Forecast Model of Dangerous Speed When Ships Pass a Mine Area in Shallow Water at Low Speed], 艦船科學技術 [Ship Science and Technology], no. 5 (2008).
170. Han Peng and Li Yucai, eds., Outline of Undersea Weaponry, p. 4.
171. Jiao Fangjin, “Double-Headed Eagle’s Ambush at Sea,” p. 91.
172. Wang Wei, “Enduring and Yet Fully Relevant,” p. 58.
173. Chen Dongyuan, “The Mysterious Underwater Sentry,” p. 45.
174. 劉衍中, 李祥 [Liu Yanzhong and Li Xiang], “實施智能攻擊的現代水雷” [Carrying Out Intelligent Attacks with Modern Mines], 當代海軍 [Modern Navy] (July 2006), p. 29.
175. 沈國光, 李德袀, 李潤珊, 王繼紅 [Shen Guoguang, Li Deyun, and Wang Jihong], “大當量爆炸興波的數值模擬” [A Mathematical Simulation of a Wave from a Large Explosion], 海洋學報 [Acta Oceanologica Sinica] (September 1996), pp. 128–33.
176. Some European countries have reportedly fielded sea mines with antiaircraft capabilities, and the United States has apparently conducted research in this area as well.
177. Wang Wei, “Enduring and Yet Fully Relevant,” p. 59. This capability is also hinted at in the introduction of Han Peng and Li Yucai, eds., Outline of Undersea Weaponry, p. 1.
178. Wang Wei, “Enduring and Yet Fully Relevant,” p. 59.
179. Lin Changsheng, “Hidden Dragon in the Deep,” p. 28.
180. Han Peng and Li Yucai, eds., Outline of Undersea Weaponry, p. 155.
181. Ibid., p. 29.
182. 李寶祥, 董大群 [Li Baoxiang and Dong Daqun], “導彈水雷” [Guided Missile Sea Mines], in 榮恩杰 [Luan Enjie, chief ed.], 國防科技名詞辭典: 船舶 [National Defense Science & Technology Phrase Dictionary: Shipping] (Beijing: 航空工業出版社/兵器工業出版社/原子能出版社 [Aviation Industry Press/Weapons Industry/Atomic Energy], 2002), p. 78.
183. One article states that the system would use a thousand bottom mines—with sonar, magnetic, or pressure fuses—in six salvoes from twenty-eight launchers to blockade a port in three hours. Hai Lin, “In 2010 Taiwan Will Be Surrounded with a Sea Mine Battle Array,” p. 18. China has over three decades of experience with relatively simple, shorter-range rocket deployment of the smaller types of land mines and has developed advanced multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRSs).沙兆軍 [Sha Zhaojun],炮兵學院南京分院[Nanjing Artillery Academy], “火箭佈雷彈拋撒均勻性評定模型及仿真研究” [Rocket Minelaying Bomb Distribution Assessment Model and Simulation Study], in ed. 陳宗海 [Chen Zonghai], 2007系統仿真技術及其應用學術會議論文集 [The Collected Works of the 2007 Systems Emulation Technology and Applications Science Conference], 高云飛,李小燕 ,王寧 [Gao Yunfei, Li Xiaoyan, and Wang Ning],解放軍理工大學工程兵工程學院 [Engineering Corps Institute, PLA University of Science and Technology, Nanjing], “蒙特卡羅法在火箭佈雷中的應用” [The Application of the Monte Carlo Method in Rocket Minelaying], in陳光亞 [Chen Guangya, ed.],科學發展觀與系統工程—中國系統工程學會第十四屆學術年會論文集, 2006 . [Scientific Outlook on Development and Systems Engineering: Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of Systems Engineering Society of China, 2006],蘭寧遠[Lan Ningyuan], “‘現代雷神’李創 ” [Li Zhao, “The Modern Mine God”], 海內與海外[At Home and Overseas], no. 11 (2004); “中國74式布雷火箭系統” [China’s Type 74 Minelaying Rocket System], 現代兵器 [Modern Weapons], no. 11 (1998); 田思明,申小健 ,陳振有 [Tian Siming, Shen Xiaojian, and Chen Zhenyou; Resident Military Representative Roon in 743 Factory, Taiyuan], “122 mm火箭佈雷系統訓練模擬彈結構設計” [Structure Design of 122 mm Rocket Minelaying System Practice Simulation Projectile], 彈箭技術 [Rocket Technology], no. 2 (1997); “火箭佈雷車” [Rocket Minelaying Truck], “火箭佈雷” [Rocket Minelaying], in Modern Soldier Dictionary, chief ed. Xiong Wuyi, pp. 379, 383–84. Chinese MLRSs include the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology’s A-100 300 mm, ten-tube variant, which is similar to Russia’s Smerch 9K58 300 mm rocket system. For recent research, see 王鋒 [Wang Feng],南京理工大學,兵器發射理論與技術 [Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering, Weapons Launch Theory and Technology], “艦載多功能火箭炮系統分析與研究” [Systems Analysis and Research on Shipborne Multifunction Rocket Launchers] (PhD dissertation, 21 November 2007). A student at Nanjing University of Science and Technology, who has received guidance from a PLA unit and an expert on missiles and submunitions, has conducted research and testing of a rudimentary canister holding two mine-sized objects, which are released one at a time so their trajectories can be observed.江宏壽 [Jiang Hongshou], 南京理工大學[Nanjing University of Science and Technology], 兵器發射理論與技術 [Weapons Launch Theory and Technology Discipline], “空投水雷拋撒過程數值仿真與實驗研究” [Numerical Simulation and Experiment Study of Mine Throwing] (master’s thesis, 6 December 2006). For an article that “puts forward two rocket launchers, a firing switchimplementation mechanism, and technical means” (提出了兩座火箭發射裝置實現調轉發射的機理與技術途徑), see 燕飛,周曉明 [Yan Fei and Zhou Xiaoming], 中國船舶重工集團公司第七一O研究所[710 Research Institute, CSIC], “火箭炮交替調轉發射的機理與實現” [Alternating Reverse Rocket-Launch Mechanism and Implementation], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 1 (2006).
184. A major flaw in Michael Glosny’s analysis is his dismissal of the use of all but East Sea Fleet submarines in a Taiwan-blockade MIW scenario. Why would China invest time and resources in practicing with platforms that it did not intend to use?
185. Lin Changsheng, “Hidden Dragon in the Deep,” p. 32.
186. As a textbook elaborates, “When employing surface vessels to lay mines, they maneuver slowly, passage requires a long time, and they tend to expose the goal of the operations. . . . Only beyond the range of the opponent’s main coastal firepower and with cover from strong naval and airborne forces is it possible to fully utilize [their] advantages . . . such as the ability to carry large quantities of mines, the ability to lay out a long string of mines, accurate positioning of mines, the ability to deploy a tight, large area of mines and obstructions, and the ability to deploy multiple types of mines.” “174. How Does One Determine the Main Attack Targets in a Naval Base Defense Campaign?” in Bi Xinglin, ed., Campaign Theory Study Guide.
187. Ren Daonan, “Submarine Minelaying,” p. 26. See also 劉定平[Liu Dingping], “水雷在戰場上的運用” [The Use of Sea Mines in Battle], 現代兵器[Modern Weapons], no. 3 (2002).
188. Ren Daonan, “Submarine Minelaying,” p. 26. Ren adds that submarine-laid mines can “baffle the enemy, and thus achieve exceptional combat results.”
189. Unless otherwise specified, information in this paragraph is from Hai Lin, “In 2010 Taiwan Will Be Surrounded with a Sea Mine Battle Array,” pp. 17, 18.
190. Ibid., p. 16.
191. Lin Changsheng, “Hidden Dragon in the Deep,” p. 33. Another source notes, however, that “submarines built after World War II rarely carry mines externally.” See “潛艇佈雷” [Submarine Minelaying], 現代艦船[Modern Ships] (July 2002), p. 44.
192. Ying Nan, “Goals of Offensive Minelaying Discussed,” Jianchuan Zhishi [Naval Merchant Ships], no. 241 (September 1999), pp. 10–11, OSC FTS19991022001765.
193. Lin Changsheng, “Hidden Dragon in the Deep,” p. 33.
194. Hai Lin, “In 2010 Taiwan Will Be Surrounded with a Sea Mine Battle Array,” p. 16.
195. “32. How to Conduct Barrier Blockade Combat?” in “II. Blockade Campaign,” in Bi Xinglin, ed., Campaign Theory Study Guide.
196. Ibid., p. 16; Lin Changsheng, “Hidden Dragon in the Deep,” p. 33.
197. This estimate is based on the nine-thousand-kilogram internal payload capacity of the H-6 as reported in “H-6 Bomber,” The estimate of one hundred H-6 aircraft is from “China, Armed Forces,” Jane’s Sentinel Security Assessment: China and Northeast Asia, 12 July 2005,
198. “Military Report,” CCTV-7, 12 January 2009, OSC CPM20090304013025.
199. The payload capacity is based on study of Internet photos.
200. 計生文, 姜毅, 王松濤 [Ji Shengwen, Jiang Yi, and Wang Songtao], “金戈鐵甲嘯海疆—回眸改革開放以來海軍裝備建設成就” [Steel Weapons, Armor Roar through the Coastal Areas and Territorial Seas: Looking Back at the Achievements in the PLA Navy’s Equipment Effort since the Beginning of Reforms and Opening Up], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 6 October 2008, p. 1.
201. China’s seventy-six SU-30MKK fighters could conceivably carry several mines, since they are designed to carry Russian free-fall bombs. However, it is unlikely that such a high-value platform (e.g., fourth-generation aircraft) would be used in this role when less sophisticated aircraft would suffice. PLA Navy aviation force J-8s (numbering approximately fifty) and Q-5s (approximately thirty) could also conceivably perform the MIW mission, as could the two hundred obsolete, and even expendable, PLA Navy aviation force J-6s. If the PLA Air Force (PLAAF) assumes the MIW mission, it will have many more candidate platforms, including J-7s (620), J-8s (184), Q-5s (300), and J-6s (350). But if the objective of aerial mining is the quick placement of large numbers of weapons, platforms that carry significant numbers of mines make much more sense than larger numbers of planes that carry only one or two each.
202. Hai Lin, “In 2010 Taiwan Will Be Surrounded with a Sea Mine Battle Array,” p. 17.
203. Yao Jun, ed., 中國航空史 [A History of China’s Aviation] (Zhengzhou: Dajia, September 1998), pp. 183–89.
204. See Ying Nan, “Goals of Offensive Minelaying Discussed.”
205. Min Zengfu, “A Glimpse at 21st-Century Air Combat,” Zhongguo Junshi Kexue [China Military Science], 20 February 1995, OSC FTS19950220000008.
206. See, for example, the detailed operational parameters suggested in Yu Hanyu, “An Evaluation of Minelaying by Aircraft.” See also the analysis of the effects of parachute drag on the trajectory of a mine dropped from a plane in He Jieying, “Study on the Flight Path of Mine Parachutes,” pp. 545–50, and Gao Daquan, “The Application of ‘Space Recovery Technology’ in Armaments,” pp. 16–20.
207. “Report on Role of China’s Naval Air Force,” “China Today” program, CCTV-9, 2300 GMT, 22 April 2009, OSC CPM20090423017042.
208. 劉文平, 孫櫻, 李斌富 [Liu Wenping, Sun Ying, and Li Binfu], “叱吒海天30載與滿清武報國志; 填補空白18項癡心反潛為打贏; 北航某艦載機團反潛戰術主任趙樹民—堪稱‘航空反潛先鋒’” [Thirty Years of Commanding the Sea and the Sky Filled with a Determination of Serving the Country with Superb Military Skills; Filling in Eighteen Voids by Focusing Whole-Heartedly on Winning in Antisubmarine Warfare; Zhao Shumin, Antisubmarine Tactical Director of an Unidentified Ship-Board Aircraft Regiment of North Sea Fleet Aviation Force: Worthy of Being Called an “Aviation Antisubmarine Pioneer”], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 16 December 2008, p. 1.
209. The Russian series of AMD bottom mines, in production since the late 1950s, is designed to be delivered by air and is believed to have been exported to, and copied by, China. See Watts, “Russian Federation Underwater Weapons,” and Hewson, “Type 500 and 1000 Mines.” Gidropribor’s MDM-2 bottom influence mine and PMR-2 rising influence mine are both designed to be delivered by aircraft. See
210. Lin Changsheng, “Hidden Dragon in the Deep,” p. 32.
211. “32. How to Conduct Barrier Blockade Combat?”
212. “182. What Force Groups are Usually Assembled in a Naval Blockade Campaign?” in “XI. Naval Blockade Campaign,” in Bi Xinglin, ed., Campaign Theory Study Guide.
213. 榮森芝, 煙台警備區副司令員 [Rong Senzhi, Deputy Commander, Yantai Garrison District], “構築海上民兵民船,建用分級保障體系 ” [Construct a Civilian-Ship-Based Sea Militia, Build and Employ Support System with Different Levels],” 國防 [National Defense], 15 September 2003, p. 42.
214. Information Office of the State Council, People’s Republic of China, “China’s National Defense in 2008,” pp. 50–51. This is introduced by Chen Zhou, one of the drafters, as new information. Bai Ruixue, Wang Jingguo, and Xiong Zhengyan, “(Interpreting White Paper on National Defense) Focus the First Time in the New White Paper on National Defense,” Xinhua, 20 January 2009, OSC CPP20090120172004.
215. Hai Lin, “In 2010 Taiwan Will Be Surrounded with a Sea Mine Battle Array,” p. 18.
216. Zhang Yuliang, Yu Shusheng, and Zhou Xiaopeng, Science of Campaigns, chap. 13. More forceful advocacy appears in “148. During a Sea Transportation Defense Campaign, How Does One Rely on Island Shores and Comprehensively Employ Various Forces to Ensure the Safety of Transportation Lines on Nearby Shores?” “VI. Naval Shipping Protection Campaigns,” in Bi Xinglin, ed., Campaign Theory Study Guide.
217. “Military Report,” CCTV-7, 1130 GMT, 19 October 2008, OSC CPP20081019091002.
218. 查春明, 王秋陽 [Zha Chunming and Wang Qiuyang], “海軍某基地 民兵海上訓練紀實” [An On-the-Spot Report of a People’s Militia Sea Drill at a Certain Navy Base], 艦船知識 [Naval and Merchant Ships], no. 3 (5 February 2005), p. 4.
219. Ying Nan, “Goals of Offensive Minelaying Discussed,” pp. 10–11.
220. Ibid.
221. Hai Lin, “In 2010 Taiwan Will Be Surrounded with a Sea Mine Battle Array,” p. 18.
222.李杰[Li Jie], “新秀閃亮水下戰場” [A New Harvest of Weapons for the Undersea Battlefield], 中國民兵 [China Militia] (May 2008).
223. Jia Yeliang and Guo Yike, “A Para-Naval Force from among the People: Civilian Ships,” Dangdai Haijun [Modern Navy] (February 2004), pp. 46–47, OSC CPP20041102000199.
224. The concept of “People’s War at Sea” has been endorsed by recently retired Major General Peng Guangqian—who has served as a research fellow at China’s Academy of Military Sciences and who, as an adviser to China’s powerful Central Military Commission (CMC) and Politburo Standing Committee, has enjoyed significant influence in the shaping of PLA strategy. See Peng Guangqian and Yao Youzhi, eds., The Science of Military Strategy (Beijing: Military Science, 2005), p. 456.
225. Indeed, the PLA has outfitted sea mines for use in sub-laying and air-dropping training. These include the Xun-1 submarine-laid deep-bottom sea mine and the Model 500 air-laid deep-bottom sea mine. Xun-1’s distinguishing feature is its ability to utilize a fuse from either C-1, C-2, or C-3 to mimic those mines in exercises. Ling Xiang, “Raise Mighty Chinese Sea Mine Warfare Ships on the Sea,” p. 156.
226. Cole, Great Wall at Sea, p. 156.
227. See, for example, 李建生 [Li Jiansheng], “考核內容, 海域, 程序不, 予提前通報:某掃雷艦大隊訓練考核從嚴從難” [The Content, Sea Area, and Procedures of the Proficiency Assessment Will Not Be Revealed in Advance: A Certain Minesweeper Squadron’s Exercises Assesses Training in a Strict and Difficult Manner], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 10 November 2006, p. 1; 張建, 李德, 張軍紅 [Zhang Jian, Li De, and Zhang Hongjun], “突圍, 不按‘規則’出牌—北海艦隊某型艦艇佈雷演練目擊記” [To Break Out of Encirclement, Don’t Play Cards according to the “Rules”: An Eyewitness Report of a Minelaying Drill by a Certain Type of North Sea Fleet Submarine], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 18 October 2006, p. 1; and 曹明, 陳建族 [Cao Ming and Chen Jianzu], “某掃雷艦大隊: 戰場逼真火藥味濃,” [A Certain Minesweeping Unit: A Realistic Battlefield with a Strong Smell of Gunpowder], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 18 February 2003, p. 2.
228. 奏泅敬, 徐紅明, 余子富 [Zou Qinjing, Xu Hongming, and Yu Zifu], “馬立新: 大洋深處走蛟龍” [Ma Lixin: The Dragon Cruises the Ocean Depths], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 5 February 2005, pp. 1, 3.
229. Kondapalli, China’s Naval Power, p. 142; 張羅山, 向延波, 彭赳 [Zhang Luocan, Xiang Yanbo, and Peng Jiu], “某支隊新艇首射水雷3發3中” [A Certain Flotilla’s New (Submarine) Boat Launched Sea Mines for the First Time: Three Shots, Three Bullseyes], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 17 April 2006, p. 1.
230. 徐紅明, 劉新民, 邱智勇 [Xu Hongming, Liu Xinmin, and Qiu Zhiyong], “既練 ‘攻擊術’又訓‘隱身法’:東海艦隊某潛艇支隊能打能藏設有‘軟肋’” [Train in Both “Attack Techniques” and “Concealment Methods”: A Certain East Fleet Submarine Detachment Can Attack and Hide without “Weak Spots”], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 9 November 2002, p. 3; 李兵, 向延波 [Li Bing, Xiang Yanbo], “3月下旬,南海艦隊某潛艇支隊軍港保障大隊利用潛艇訓練時機. . .” [During the Last 10 Days of March, A Certain South Sea Fleet Submarine Flotilla Port Support Squadron Seized an Opportune Moment to Carry Out Exercises . . . ], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 21 April 2006, p. 1.
231. 劉榮華, 龍運河, 鍾魁潤 [Liu Ronghua, Long Yunhe, and Zhong Kuirun], “中華第一是官方陣” [China’s First Petty Officers Take Position], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 9 April 2002, p. 2.
232. 特約通訊員 閭勇政[Lu Yongzheng], “某潛艇支隊 臨戰處置能力大幅躍升” [A Certain Submarine Detachment Makes a Great Leap in Battle Management Capability], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 31 October 2002, p. 2.
233. 張羅山 [Zhang Luocan], “案港教練室攻難關:某潛艇支隊長魏學義” [Littoral Port Training Room Attacks Difficulty: A Certain Submarine Detachment Exercises], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 23 March 2002, p. 1.
234. 桂平電, 吳中秋, 唐幸芳, 郝躍民 [Gui Pingdian, Wu Zhongqiu, Tang Xingfang, and He Yuemin], “海軍航空兵:高難科目勵新招” [Navy Airmen: High, Difficult Subjects Sharpen New Recruits], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 8 August 2002, p. 2.
235. 孫施偉, 金偉, 張羅山 [Sun Shiwei, Jin Wei, and Zhang Luocan ], “既能‘一劍封喉’又能‘金蟬脫殼,’某潛艇支隊訓練講求攻防兼備” [Can Already Both “Seal the Throat with One Sword” and “Escape by Cunning Maneuvering”: A Certain Submarine Unit’s Training Stressing Both Attack and Defense], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 20 July 2002, p. 1. Col. Lo Ch’eng-lieh, Air Force Academy, “The Chinese Communist Military Revolution and Inherent Threat,” Kuo Hun, 1 April 1999, pp. 42–45, OSC FTS19990627000936.
236. 虞章才 [Yu Zhangcai et al.], “怒海練劍—探尋某潛艇支隊315艇艇長蔡一清謀打贏之路” [Forge Swordsmanship in the Raging Sea: A Look at How Captain Cai Yiqing of Submarine 315, Subordinate to a Certain Submarine Flotilla of the North Sea Fleet, Sought the Path to Winning Victory], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 22 February 2008, p. 1; 魏垂高, 李德,閭勇政 [Wei Chuigao, Li De, and Lu Yongzheng], “358艇艇長代勝杰—胸懷韜略,駕艇淌過封鎖線” [Dai Shengjie, Captain of Submarine 358: A Strategy That Is Hidden Within; Driving a Submarine through a Blockade], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 24 August 2007, p. 2; 江山, 閭勇政 [Jiang Shan and Lu Yongzheng], “走出淺灘淺入遠海練蛟龍—某潛艇支隊堅持訓戰一致苦練真打本領” [Away from Shallow Waters and into the Distant Sea to Train the Dragon: A Certain Submarine Flotilla Persists in Training-Operation Integration to Practice and Cast Real Capabilities Painstakingly], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 1 May 2006, p. 1.
237. 徐紅明, 劉新民 [Xu Hongming and Liu Xinmin], “‘敵后’佈雷—中國海軍某潛艇突破反潛編隊訓練目擊記” [Lay Mines “in the Enemy’s Rear Area”: An Eyewitness Account of a Certain PLAN Submarine Exercise involving Breaking Through Antisubmarine Formations], 當代海軍 [Modern Navy], no. 4 (2003), p. 38; Liu Xinmin and Xu Hongming, “Firsthand Experience with Submarine Minelaying,” pp. 6–7.
238. Ying Nan, “Goals of Offensive Minelaying Discussed,” pp. 10–11.
239. 劉劍 [Liu Jian], “潛艇學院突出複雜和應急條件下的教學訓練—課堂項訓練場靠攏,教員向戰鬥員轉換” [Submarine Academy Emphasizes Teaching and Training under Complex and Emergency Conditions: Classroom Moves to the Training Ground; Instructors Switch with Warriors], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 15 December 2006, p. 1.
240. Ch’i Le-yi, “Chinese Communists Conspicuously Increase Military Intelligence Gathering on Taiwan,” Chung-Kuo Shih-Pao, 28 May 2002, OSC CPP20030528000033; Zhang Luocan, “Littoral Port Training Room Attacks Difficulty,” p. 1.
241. Lu Yongzheng and Zhang Qingzhou, “A Certain North Sea Fleet Submarine Flotilla Discards 12 Impractical Combat Methods,” p. 3.
242. Kondapalli, China’s Naval Power, p. 143.
243. “PLA Navy Captain Ma Lixin Leads Drill Using New-Type Submarine,” CCTV-1, 27 February 2005, OSC CPP20050302000014.
244. Zou Qinjing, Xu Hongming, and Yu Zifu, “Ma Lixin,” pp. 1, 3.
245. See, for example, 李偉, 錢學東, 王桂芹 [Li Wei, Qian Xuedong, and Wang Guiqin], “面向多對象的水雷保險器綜合參數測試儀研究與設計” [Study and Design on Multi-Objective-Oriented Mine Safety Device Comprehensive Parameter Testing Instrument], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 3 (2008); and 秦鋒, 逢洪照 [Qin Feng and Pang Hongzhao], “基於第二類拉格朗日方程的水雷內未彈道仿真” [Simulation of Interior Trajectory Termina for Sea Mines Based on the Second Lagrange Formulation], 魚雷技術 [Torpedo Technology] (May 2008).
246. “Submarine Minelaying” (July 2002), p. 44. A translation of this article has been produced by Gabriel Collins.
247. Zhang Luocan, Xiang Yanbo, and Peng Jiu, “A Certain Flotilla’s New (Submarine) Boat Launched Sea Mines for the First Time: Three Shots, Three Bullseyes,” p. 1. Three mines reached the “furthest distance” (最遠航行距離) and their “dispersion error” (散步誤差) was “completely within the pre-determined scope” (預設範圍之內). Because this type of mine was “very technical” (科技含量高), because the mines were to be “fired a long distance” (射程遠), and because it was the new type of submarine’s first time carrying out the “furthest distance test launch” (最遠距離試射), the crew members had to meet very high requirements. Also on submarine mine testing, see高春占,肖德倫 [Gao Chunzhan and Xiao Delun], “試驗場騰起烽火硝煙—海軍某試驗區瞄準未來戰場鑑定某新型裝備紀實;科學發展現在海疆:使命,責任”[Flames of War and Smoke of Gunpowder Erupt on Testing Ground: A Certain Navy Test Base Evaluates New Armaments with View to Future Battlefield; Scientific Development Concept on the Coastal Seas and Territorial Waters: Mission and Duty], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 30 January 2008, p. 1.
248. Regarding sea mines, the 1997 report states, “China conducts training exercises using surface ships, submarines, and aircraft in coastal areas and is well-prepared to conduct both mine laying and mine sweeping operations in these areas.” U.S. Defense Dept., Report to Congress Pursuant to Section 1305 of the FY 97 National Defense Authorization Act (Washington, D.C.: 8 April 1997), p. 5, available at The 1998 report states, in part, “The [Chinese] Navy has made some improvements in its sea denial military capabilities, particularly with respect to sea mines and submarines.” U.S. Defense Dept., Future Military Capabilities and Strategy of the People’s Republic of China (Washington, D.C.: 1998), p. 13, available at
249. See, for example, 高宏偉, 寇永強 [Gao Hongwei and Kou Yongqiang], “戰場環境不再似曾相識:南航部隊苦練遠海陌生戰場破敵硬功” [Battlefield Environments Will No Longer Be Familiar Ones: South Sea Fleet Aviation Troops Train Hard to Develop Superb Enemy-Defeating Skills to Be Used on Unfamiliar Battlefields in Distant Seas], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 8 April 2008, p. 1; 張秀錦 [Zhang Xiujin], “超額完成年度訓練任務:東航某飛行團十六大精神指引下” [Accomplish Annual Training Assignment above Quota: A Certain East Sea Fleet Aviation Regiment Vigorously Leads the Way after the 16th Party Congress], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 19 December 2002, p. 2.
250. Kou Yongqiang, “The Building of Fighting Capacity Begins with an Emphasis on Details,” Liberation Army Daily, 14 February 2008, OSC CPP20080225088001; Qian Xiaohu, Liang Qingcai, and Kou Yongqiang, “Forging a ‘Naval Aviation Iron Fist’: Naval Bomber Regiment Seeks Truth from Facts in Training,” Liberation Army Daily, 12 February 2006, p. 1, OSC CPP20060216502001.
251. 張秀錦, 方立華 [Zhang Xiujin and Fang Lihua], “空中鷹長途襲擊深海魚鯊—東航某飛行團大機群陌生海域成功布雷” [Eagles in the Sky Launch Long-Range Attacks on Deep-Sea Sharks: The Air Fleet of a Flight Regiment of the East Sea Fleet of the Chinese Navy Successfully Lays Mines in Unfamiliar Waters], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 27 June 2007, p. 1.
252. Gui Pingdian, Wu Zhongqiu, Tang Xingfang, and He Yuemin, “Navy Airmen,” p. 2.
253. He Yuemin and Xie Xi, “A Unit Organizes Sea-Air 3D Confrontational Exercise to Improve Its Emergency Maneuvering Capability,” Jiefangjun Bao [Liberation Army Daily], 30 August 2002, p. 1, OSC CPP20020830000027. For a similar exercise, see Wang Shijun and Tang Zhongping, “Our Reporter Experiences Actual Combat Confrontation Integrated Training Carried Out by a Certain Regiment of the South Sea Fleet: ‘Flames of War’ Spread over the Ground, Sea and the Sky,” Liberation Army Daily, 12 September 2008, p. 3, OSC CPP20080912710003.
254. 余五海, 章光輝 [Yu Wuhai and Zhang Guanghui],“戰鷹, 子夜起飛—南航某轟炸機團下半夜飛行訓練目擊 ” [Fighting Eagles Take Off at Midnight: Witnessing a Certain South Sea Fleet Naval Aviation Bomber Regiment Conduct Flight Exercises after Midnight], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 24 April 2006, p. 1; Zhang Guanghui, “‘Fighting Eagles’ Take to the Sky on Rainy Night: An Eye-Witness Account of Nighttime Long-Range Precision Bombing Flight Exercises Conducted by a South China Sea Fleet Bomber Regiment,” Liberation Army Daily, 15 August 2006, p. 2, OSC CPP20060815710006.
255. 余賀, 王世均 [She He and Wang Shijun], “空投64枚炸彈全部命中—南航某團複雜氣象展現訓練高水平” [64 Air-Dropped Bombs All Hit Their Targets: A South Sea Fleet Naval Aviation Air Regiment Trains at a High Level under Complex Meteorological Conditions], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 21 June 2006, p. 1.
256. Zhang Jian, Li De, and Zhang Hongjun, “To Break Out of Encirclement, Don’t Play Cards according to the ‘Rules’: An Eyewitness Report of a Minelaying Drill by a Certain Type of North Sea Fleet Submarine,” p. 1.
257. 胡朋, 陳勇 [Hu Peng and Chen Yong], “攻勢布雷課題演練取得突破—南航某師提高複雜電磁環境下遂行作戰能力”[Breakthroughs Are Made in Offensive Mine-Laying Drills: An Aviation Division of the South Sea Fleet Raises the Ability to Fulfill Operational Tasks under a Complex Electromagnetic Environment], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 17 September 2008, p. 2.
258. “Military Report,” CCTV-7, 12 January 2009.
259. “Military Report,” CCTV-7, 1130 GMT, 15 April 2009, OSC CPP20090416091001.
260. Information Office of the State Council, China’s National Defense in 2008, p. 51.
261. Wang Guangxin and Chen Yijing, “On the Scene in the East China Sea,” pp. 5–6.
262. As identified in Du Wenlong, “Look for Militia around You,” Bingqi Zhishi [Weapons Knowledge] (April 2008), pp. 26–27, OSC CPP20080728436001.
263. Unless otherwise specified, information for this paragraph derives from Zha Chunming and Wang Qiuyang, “An On-the-Spot Report of a People’s Militia Sea Drill at a Certain Navy Base,” p. 4.
264. “Military Report,” CCTV-7, 1130 GMT, 26 July 2008, OSC CPP20080727091001.
265. 汪魯迅, 李建生 [Wang Luxun and Li Jiansheng],“海軍預備役部隊首次成建制海上訓練” [The Navy Prepares the First Reserve Unit to Conduct At-Sea Training as an Organization], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 17 July 2006, p. 1. According to the reserve minesweeper squadron’s Political Commisar, Dong Huasen (董華森), more than 95 percent of the reserve officers participating in the training “came from Party and government organizations” (來自黨政機關), 30 percent were former “military members converted to cadre status” (軍轉幹部), and 80 percent were party members. The East Sea Fleet party committee assigned a full quota of “active duty cadres/officers” (現役幹部). Responsible organizations, including the “city Party Committee Organization Department and the transportation and fisheries departments in the city where [the unit] was stationed” ( 駐地市委組織,交通,漁業部門 ), along with the “Military Sub-District” (軍分區) and a “ship squadron(s)” (艦艇大隊), adopted the “area of jurisdiction authorization and allocation method” (屬地編配方法) to requisition ships in advance. Funding came from the public finance budgets of the city and the “county” (縣) and “district” (區). To create at-sea operational capability as quickly as possible and manage the contradiction between production and training, in early 2006, the reserve squadron’s party committee decided to conduct training at the same time as fishing. It developed a full understanding of fishing status before the reserve unit was formed. Itpaid attention to each boat’s fishing goals and set training activities rationally. It used the time when the fishing boats were going out to sea and returning as opportunities to conduct training in driving the vessel and in mechanical and electrical maintenance. It used times when fishing boats were assembling and putting to sea as opportunities to conduct training in assembling, forming up for a voyage, and changing formation. In 2006, the squadron arranged for more than two hundred reserve officers and enlisted personnel to go aboard a minesweeper in groups for training. Standardized training corrected the reservists’ peacetime tendency to rely on their senses and experience and got them in the habit of plotting courses as required, keeping a voyage log, and plotting course-change points.
266. 鄭廣科, 何名享 [Zheng Guangke and He Mingxiang], “遂行任務由陸地向海空拓展—山東省蓬萊市民兵組織結構發生新變化” [Fulfilling the Expansion of Missions from Land to Sea and Air—The Structure of the Militia Organizations in Shandong Province’s Penglai City Undergoes a New Transformation], 解放軍報 [Liberation Army Daily], 31 March 2007,
267. 代宗鋒, 鄭光輝, 武新廣, 譚依娜 [Dai Zongfeng, Zheng Guanghui, Wu Xinguang, and Tan Yina], “掃雷艦與漁船聯合掃雷” [Minesweepers and Civilian Fishing Boats Work Together to Sweep Mines Jointly], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 1 March 2007, pp. 30–31.
268. 李高建, 孫櫻 [Li Gaojian and Sun Ying], “預備役船隊成為海上訓練新銳—海軍某預備役大隊主動為破解訓練難題” [Reserve Ship Unit Becomes New Force for Training At Sea—Naval Reserve Squadron Takes the Initiative toward Resolving Difficult Problems], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 15 December 2008, p. 2.
269. 牛朋, 孫飛 [Niu Rong and Sun Fei], “中國海軍918型佈雷艦” [The Chinese Navy’s Type 918 Minelaying Ship],艦船知識 [Naval and Merchant Ships] 7, no. 310 (2005), p. 11. See also 石景山 [Shi Jingshan], “10月11日, 北海艦隊某水警區進行防空襲條件下艦艇緊急吊裝水雷演練…” [On 11 October, a Certain North Sea Fleet Water Garrison District, under Air-Raid Defense Conditions, Urgently Carried Out a Sea-Mine Hoisting Exercise . . .], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 3 November 2006, p. 1.
270. 孫鐵富 [Sun Tiefu], “某支隊研製成功新型轉雷專用車” [A Certain Flotilla Has Successfully Developed a Special-Purpose Mine-Loading Vehicle], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 30 August 2006, p. 2.
271. 王松岐, 章漢亭 [Wang Songqi and Zhang Hanting], “在轉變中求發展” [Strive for Development in the Course of Transformation], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 1 May 2006, p. 2.
272. 汪祖峰, 盛長峰, 李文喜 [Wang Zufeng, Sheng Changfeng, and Li Wenxi], “南海艦隊某魚水雷倉庫引導官兵:接新使命任務要求主動作為” [A Certain South Sea Fleet Torpedo and Sea Mine Depot Guides Officers: Receive New Mission Assignment Requiring Independent Initiative], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 8 October 2005, p. 1.
273. 高爾健, 宋雲云, 李建生 [Gao Erjian, Song Xueyun, and Li Jiansheng], “東海艦隊某水雷庫立足實戰:練就全天候野外無依托保障” [A Certain East Sea Fleet Sea Mine Depot Has a Foothold in Actual Combat: Training in All-Weather Field [with] Independent Safeguards], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 8 October 2005, p. 1.
274. 張建, 李文杰, 李德 [Zhang Jian, Li Wenjie, and Li De], “現代海戰催生保障新模式” [Modern Naval Warfare Hastens Development of a New Mode of Logistics Support], 解放軍報 [Liberation Army Daily], 26 February 2007, p. 3.
275. 周亞文 [Zhou Yawen], “千里之外崛起臨時保障陣地—南海艦隊某保障基地成功完成新型導彈水雷應急補給”[A Temporary Support Base Arises from Far Away—A Certain South Sea Fleet Support Base Successfully Accomplishes Emergency Supply for New Types of Missiles and Sea Mines], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 5 December 2006, p. 2. For a similar exercise, see Shi Yuanming, “Ordnance Technical Support Team Uplifts Mobile Support Capacity,” Liberation Army Daily, 24 March 2008, OSC CPP20080325702016.
276. 高廣, 譚依娜 [Gao Qing and Tan Yina], “ 軍民一體,精確高校—海軍新型魚水雷保障能力大幅提升 ” [The Military and the Civilian Work Together to Ensure Precise and Highly Efficient Support Work—The Chinese Navy Significantly Improves Its Support Capability for New-Type Torpedoes and Sea Mines], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 2 December 2008, p. 2.
277. 林在連, 王亞軍, 張文西, 張漢亭 [Lin Zailian, Wang Yajun, Zhang Wenxi, and Zhang Hanting], “時不我待立硬功—北海艦隊某掃雷艦大隊抓緊點滴時間訓練” [Time and Tide Await No Man Sharpening Good Achievements: A Certain North Sea Fleet Minesweeper Squadron Pays Close Attention to Training Times], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 5 June 2006, p. 2.
278. Kondapalli, China’s Naval Power, p. 141.
279. 張軍紅 [Zhang Junhong], “冰海之中破雷陣:北海艦隊某水警區在-16C進行掃雷訓練實錄[Destroying a Mine Array in Icy Water: A Certain North Sea Fleet Water Garrison District Sets a Record by Conducting Minesweeping Exercises in -16C],” 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 18 April 2006, p. 1.
280. “突出副長訓練提高副訓質量:北海艦隊某軍艦讓副長挑訓練‘大樑’” [Outstanding XO Exercise Improves Complex Training Quality: Some North Sea Fleet Frigates Let XOs Lead Training “Big Bridge”], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 23 February 2002, p. 2.
281. Chen Wanjun and Zhang Wenxi, “The Chinese Navy Established the First Ship Captain Training Center at Lushun Naval Base,” Xinhua, 24 October 2006, OSC CPP20061024442016.
282. 杜喜爾, 宋曉彪 [Du Xier and Song Xiaobiao], “穿過‘死亡海’” [Passing Through “Deadly Seas”], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 25 January 2005, p. 2; 成斌 [Cheng Bin], 謀打贏風采錄—有獎攝影比賽:新職手勵兵忙 [A Splendid Record of Strategizing to Fight and Win—Photography Contest: Rookies Busy Honing Their Crafts], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 22 January 2005, p. 1. For additional evidence of the PLAN MCM force’s embracing of revolution of military affairs, see 程建華, 劉健忠, 陳澤錦 [Cheng Jianhua, Liu Jianzhong, and Chen Zejin], “明確新要求—接受新挑戰:某掃雷艦大隊緊貼軍事改革實際淬鍊黨員先進性” [Understand Well the New Requirements and Accept the New Challenges: A Certain Minesweeper Squadron Forges the Vanguard Character of Party Members in Strict Adherence to Military Reforms], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 29 July 2004, p. 1. On “intelligization,” see also 高春占, 肖德倫 [Gao Chunzhan and Xiao Delun], “讓魚水雷越打越‘聰明’—某實驗區瞄準未來戰場提高水下靶場實驗效能紀實” [Making Torpedoes and Sea Mines More and More “Intelligent”—An On-the-Spot Report of a Certain Test Area Taking Aim at the Future Battlefield and Raising the Experimental Efficacy of an Underwater Shooting Range], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 24 November 2006, p. 2.
283. 孫濤, 喬燕飛, 吳超 [Sun Tao, Qiao Yanfei, and Wu Chao], “帆正自可行千里—某掃雷艦大隊推進信息化建設的一段經歷/謎題一串:掃雷艦怎拿了那麼多第一?/謎底揭開:原來他們有信息化幫忙/謎的背後:信息化老裝備上‘著陸’” [Set the Sail Right and You Can Travel for a Thousand Leagues: A Certain Minesweeper Unit’s Experience in Carrying Out Informationalization Construction/A String of Puzzles: How Did the Minesweeper Capture So Many First Places?/Unraveling the Puzzles: They Had the Help of Informationalization/Behind the Puzzles: Informationalization Makes Its Landing on Old Equipment], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 1 November 2003, p. 2.
284. Ibid.
285. 張守軍, 王松岐, 王龍起 [Zhang Shoujun, Wang Songqi, and Wang Youqi], “大洋深處歷精兵” [Ocean Depths Sharpen Crack Troops], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 27 December 2005, p. 3.
286. See photograph of AD-2 Skyraider at Pawtuxet River, Maryland, in 1949, at
287. Liu Ronghua, Long Yunhe, and Zhong Kuirun, “China’s First Petty Officers Take Position,” p. 2.
288. 范保峰, 張慶洲 [Fan Baofeng and Zhang Qingzhou], “具有多種彈型技術保障能力-某導彈技術對教導員耿焱” [Possessing the Ability to Support Many Types of Missile Technology—Geng Yan, [Battalion Level] Political Instructor of a Certain Missile Technology Group], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 25 October 2006, p. 2.
289. 范保峰, 廖天保, 孫政 [Fan Baofeng, Liao Tianbao, and Sun Zheng], “知權利義務明肩上責任—某魚水雷倉庫採取多種形式組織黨員學習黨章” [Knowledge Is a Right and a Duty, Brilliantly Shoulder the Responsibility: A Certain Torpedo and Sea Mine Depot Adopts Multiform Formation of Party Members Studying the Party Constitution], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 18 February 2006, p. 3.
290. 陳啟正, 羅明新, 周湧軍, 張劍 [Chen Qizheng, Luo Mingxin, Zhou Yongjun, and Zhang Jian], “目標鎖定未來戰場—九一七O八部隊某掃雷艦大隊勇闖雷陣練硬功紀事” [The Goal is to Lock in on the Battlefield of the Future: Recording a Certain Minesweeper Brigade from Unit 91708’s Heroic Efforts at Difficult Minesweeping Exercises], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 21 March 2002, pp. 1–2.
291. 代宗鋒, 余子富 [Dai Zongfeng and Yu Zifu], “守著水庫洗澡難, 住在山上上山難—某掃雷艦大隊10萬元營造三戰士舒心環境” [Have a Reservoir but Can’t Take a Bath, Being Stationed on a Hill That is Difficult to Climb: A Minesweeping Squadron Invests 100,000 Yuan So That Three Enlisted Soldiers Will Have a Comfortable Environment], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 12 May 2006, p. 2.
292. See, for example, 李根苗, 代宗鋒 [Li Genmiao and Dai Zongfeng], “多個訓練弱項發尾‘回爐’:東海艦隊某掃雷艦大隊組織1個月補差訓練” [“Return to the Furnace” [to Be Recast after] Many Deficiencies in Training at the End of the Year: An East Sea Fleet Mining Squadron Organizes a Month of Remedial Training], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 29 November 2006, p. 2; 桂喜爾, 周擁軍 [Gui Xier and Zhou Yongjun], “把軍事比武融入訓練全過程—某掃雷艦大隊立足現有裝備和未來實戰” [Integrate the Military Contest into the Whole Process of the Training—A Certain Minesweeper Squadron Has a Foothold in Both Existing Equipment and Future Combat], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 9 February 2006, p. 2; and李大軍 [Li Dajun], “水雷戰艦的總指揮” [Commander of Mine Warfare Vessels], 現代艦船[Modern Ships], no. 129 (September 1996), p. 18.
293. 劉備戰, 林在連, 劉文平 [Liu Beizhan, Lin Zailian, and Liu Wenping], “劍膽琴心—記某護衛艦大隊大隊長王濱” [Brave Sword: Recording a Certain Frigate Unit’s Commander Wang Bin], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 28 March 2002, p. 1; 劉備戰, 北海戰記者林在連 [Liu Beizhan and Lin Zailian] “一部新大綱幾多新景觀: 值更官走上操艦台” [A New Set of Guidelines and Many New Outlooks: Watch Officers on Duty Engage in New Ship Exercises], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 7 March 2002, p. 1.
294. 林在連, 孫飛, 崔軍 [Lin Zailian, Sun Fei, and Cui Jun], “實踐先進性高揚先鋒旗—某掃雷艦大隊八一四艦黨支部發揮戰鬥堡壘作用紀實” [Put the Vanguard Status into Practice and Raise High the Banner of the Pioneer: A Firsthand Report on How the Boat 814 Party Branch Fulfilled Its Duty as a Combat Stronghold], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 30 March 2002, p. 3.
295. 蔣敏軍, 梁廣才 [Jiang Minjun and Liang Qingcai],“借得東風好行船—南海艦隊某驅逐艦支隊新大綱試訓改革實錄” [Take Advantage of the East Wind to Navigate Well: A Firsthand Record of New Outline Test Exercises by a Destroyer Detachment from the South Sea Fleet], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 5 March 2002, pp. 1–2.
296. Lin Zailian, Sun Fei and Cui Jun, “Put the Vanguard Status into Practice and Raise High the Banner of the Pioneer,” p. 3.
297. 溫上京, 王志海, 陳建族 [Wen Shangjing, Wang Zhihai, and Chen Jianzu], “852建創新訓法取得實效” [Warship 852 Obtains Substantial Results in Innovating Training Methods], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 11 May 2002, p. 2.
298. 張佐委, 儲建國, 崔小龍 [Zhang Zuowei, Chu Jianguo, and Cui Xiaolong] “‘海上工兵’磨勵硬功” [“Sea Engineers” Temper Themselves through Meritorious Service], 艦船知識 [Naval and Merchant Ships], no. 310 (July 2005), p. 3.
299. Information in this paragraph is derived from 曹明, 梁廣才 [Cao Ming and Liang Qingcai], “隨南海艦隊‘809’艦海上掃雷” [Following South China Sea Fleet Unit “809” Ship Sweeping Mines at Sea], 當代海軍 [Modern Navy], no. 4 (2003), pp. 18–19; Chen Qizheng, Luo Mingxin, Zhou Yongjun, and Zhang Jian, “The Goal is to Lock in on the Battlefield of the Future,” pp. 1–2.
300. For an identical paragraph describing Unit 91708’s achievements, see 羅明新, 周擁軍, 張劍 [Luo Mingxin, Zhou Yongjun, and Zhang Jian], “和平時期,他們在海上淌雷” [In Times of Peace, They Are at Sea Measuring Mines], 當代海軍 [Modern Navy] (April 2002), pp. 2–3.
301. Research along these lines includes 李志遠, 趙治平 [Li Zhiyuan and Zhao Zhiping], “水雷相關引信技術及其干擾研究” [Research Related to Fuse Technology and Jamming], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 1 (2007).
302. The last three sentences are derived from曹明, 梁廣才 [Cao Ming and Liang Qingcai], “809艦: 為戰場開道” [Ship 809: Clearing the Way for the Battlefield], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 22 February 2003, pp. 1–2.
303. Qian Xiaohu, Wang Luxun, and Mao Zhaosheng, “Boom! With a Noise as Loud as Thunder, the Channel Was Open—Officers and Men of a Certain East Sea Fleet Squadron Set Off Urgently on a New Type of Minesweepers,” Jiefangjun Bao [Liberation Army Daily], 30 January 2007, p. 11, CPP20070130710007; Qian Xiaohu, Wang Luxun, and Mao Zhaosheng, “Experiencing the Chinese Navy’s New Type of Minesweeper,” Zhongguo Guofang Bao [China Defense News], 30 January 2007, p. 5, OSC CPP20070205721039.
304. 傅金祝 [Fu Jinzhu], “MINEA—先進的非觸發教練水雷系統” [MINEA: The Advanced Multi-Influence Exercise Mine System], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (2008).
305. 代宗鋒, 余子富 [Dai Zongfeng and Yu Zifu], “重獎之下為何難覓勇夫?—某掃雷艦大隊鼓勵官兵崗位成才的一段經歷” [Why Is It Difficult to Seek Courageous Workers When Emphasizing Awards?—The Experience of a Certain Minesweeping Group Encouraging Officers and Enlisted to Grow into Accomplished Talents at the Post], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 25 March 2006, p. 3.
306. Mao Zhaosheng, Yu Zifu, and Wang Luxun, “A Point Man in Mine Clearance and Obstacle Elimination—Record of Zhang Jianming, the Commander of a Certain Mine Sweeper Squadron, East Sea Fleet, Chinese Navy,” Dangdai Haijun [Modern Navy], April 2007, pp. 46–49, OSC CPP20070620325003.
307. 龍小航, 中國船舶重工集團公司江蘇自動化研究所, 江蘇連雲港 [You Xiaohang, Jiangsu Automation Research Institute of CSIC, Lianyungang], “艦載申彈武器系統發展思路探討” [Discussion on Development of Ship-borne Depth Charge Weapon System], 指揮控制與仿真 [Command Control & Simulation] 28, no. 3, June 2006, pp. 1–5.
308. 毛敬雄 [Mao Jingxiong], “目擊艦艇抗大當量戰雷實爆試驗” [Bearing Witness to Live Tests of Mine Countermeasures Equipment], 現代艦船 [Modern Ships] (January 2008), pp.4–5.
309. One officer, for example, was twice profiled in People’s Navy in 2006. See 汪魯迅,毛昭勝 [Wang Luxun and Mao Zhaosheng], “‘雷海先鋒’有新作為—記 ‘海軍十杰青年,’ 某掃雷艦大隊大隊長張建明” [The Sea Mine Vanguard Has a New Accomplishment: Recording One of Navy’s Most Outstanding Youth, Zhang Jianming, Commander of a Certain Minesweeper Squadron], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 8 September 2006, p. 8.
310. 賈峰華, 閭勇政 [Jia Fenghua and Lu Yongzheng], “以優異成績迎接黨的十六大召開: 北海艦隊某潛艇支隊自設困境苦練自救能力” [Greeting the 16th Party Congress with Excellent Performance Records: A Certain Submarine Detachment from the North Sea Fleet Trains Hard to Improve Survivability through Self-Designed Contingencies], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 31 August 2002, p. 2.
311. 桂喜爾, 周擁軍 [Gui Xier and Zhou Yongjun], “某掃雷艦大隊立足現有裝備和未來實戰—把軍事比武融入訓練全過程” [A Certain Minesweeper Group Has a Foothold in Both Existing Equipment and Actual Future Combat—To Integrate the Military Contest into the Entire Process of Training], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 9 February 2006, p. 2.
312. “Military Report,” CCTV-7, 30 April 2005, OSC FBS20050430359682.
313. 毛昭勝, 蔡善明, 吳羅春 [Mao Zhaosheng, Cai Shanming, and Wu Luoqun], “掃雷艦部隊:走向深海‘敢死隊’” [Minesweeper Unit: The “Dare-to-Die Corps” Heads for the Deep Sea], 當代海軍 [Modern Navy], no. 143 (August 2005), pp. 14–15.
314. 劉相林, 虞章才, 許森, 米晉國, 李德 [Liu Xianglin, Xu Sen, Mi Jinguo, and Li De], “騎鯨蹈海競風流—記北海部隊某潛艇基地‘水下先鋒艇’ (下)” [Reporting on a Certain North Sea Fleet Submarine Base’s “Underwater Vanguard Boat” (Part 2)], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 14 October 2004, p. 2.
315. 李義保, 張善標, 代宗鋒 [Li Yibao, Zhang Shanbiao, and Dai Zongfeng], “點擊834掃雷艇艇長朱德保我海軍深海掃雷能力迅速提升” [A Brief Introduction to 834 Minesweeper Captain Zhu Debao: China’s Deep-Sea Minesweeping Capability Rapidly Elevates], 當代海軍 [Modern Navy] (January 2005), pp. 16–18; 郭江山,李義保 [Guo Jiangshan and Li Yibao], “攻潛計畫臨時更改之後” [The Plan to Attack Submarines after Temporary Changes], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 30 March 2002, p. 3; “PLA Maritime Engineering Unit Conducts Rapid Minesweeping Exercises,” Jiefangjun Bao [Liberation Army Daily], 10 July 2003, OSC CPP20030712000062.
316. “一次布掃水雷‘大戰’—東海艦隊某掃雷艦大隊訓練素描” [A “Big War” of Laying and Sweeping Sea Mines: A Sketch of a Certain East Sea Fleet Minesweeper Exercise], 當代海軍 [Modern Navy] (September 2000), pp. 38–39.
317. 周亞文, 陳建族 [Zhou Yawen and Chen Jianzu], “心系‘數字戰場’” [Core System “Digital Battlefield”], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 13 July 2002, p. 1.
318. This quarterly publication was established in early 1993. It is published by CSIC’s 710 Research Institute, a major center of Chinese sea-mine development. Information derived from journal abstracts and,,, and For this study, this journal’s abstracts were consulted, as full-length articles were unavailable.
319. Phrases in quotation marks represent specific Chinese-character phrases; phrases without quotation marks represent ideas that are conveyed through various sets of characters.
320. See 肖占中 [Xiao Zhanzhong], “對抗獵雷技術的機器人水雷” [Anti–Mine Hunting Technology Robotic Sea Mines], 機器人技術與應用 [Robotic Technology and Application], no. 3 (2001).
321. Lin Changsheng, “Hidden Dragon in the Deep,” p. 22.
322. See, for example, Shen You, “Ten Reflections on Naval Equipment Deployed in the Gulf War,” p. 10.
323. 趙太勇, 馮順山, 董永香 [Zhao Taiyong, Feng Shunshan, and Dong Yongxiang], “水雷武器的現狀及發展趨勢” [Summary of Modern Development Trends for Sea Mines], 中北大學學報 [Journal of the Northern University of China] (December 2007), pp. 27–30.
324. 徐陽 [Xu Yang], “水雷武器過時了嗎?” [Is Sea Mine Weaponry Obsolete?], 國際展望 [World Outlook], no. 10 (1996), p. 27.
325. “Mine Warfare: Understanding the Basics,” USS Pioneer (MCM 9),
326. Zhang Yuliang, Yu Shusheng, and Zhou Xiaopeng, Science of Campaigns, chap. 12.
327. 劉一建[Liu Yijian], “控制權理論及發展趨勢” [Theory of the Command of the Sea and Its Trends of Development], 中國軍事科學 [China Military Science] 18, no. 1 (2005), p. 43.
328. Fu Jinzhu, “Mine Warfare in the Gulf War,” pp. 30–33.
329. Shen You, “Ten Reflections on Naval Equipment Deployed in the Gulf War,” p. 10.
330. Lin Changsheng, “Hidden Dragon in the Deep,” p. 33.
331. Ying Nan, “Goals of Offensive Minelaying Discussed,” pp. 10–11.
332. Chen Fu-cheng, “Mine and Anti-Blockade Operations,” book excerpt, Fang-wei Ta Tai-wan, 1 November 1995, pp. 226–35, OSC FTS19990317001886.
333. Zhang Yuliang, Yu Shusheng, and Zhou Xiaopeng, Science of Campaigns, chap. 12.
334. Wang Guangxin and Chen Yijing, “On the Scene in the East China Sea,” pp. 5–6.
335. Ying Nan, “Goals of Offensive Minelaying Discussed,” pp. 10–11 [emphasis added].
336. Fu Jinzhu, “Taiwan’s Problematic Mine Warfare Capability,” Jianchuan Zhishi [Naval and Merchant Ships], 4 October 1999, pp. 33–34, OSC FTS19991108001755.
337. Niu Rong and Sun Fei, “Chinese Navy’s Type 918 Minelaying Ship,” p. 11.
338. Fu Jinzhu, “What Explains the Failure of Iraq’s Mines?” p. 45.
339. Liu Xiasen, “If a Taiwan Strait War Erupted,” p. 3.
340. Zhang Yuliang, Yu Shusheng, and Zhou Xiaopeng, Science of Campaigns, chap. 12.
341. Fu Jinzhu, “Mine Warfare in the Gulf War,” p. 32.
342. Ying Nan, “Goals of Offensive Minelaying Discussed,” pp. 10–11.
343. “Submarine Minelaying” (July 2002), p. 44.
344. Ying Nan, “Goals of Offensive Minelaying Discussed,” pp. 10–11.
345. 陳建華 [Chen Jianhua, ed.], 艦艇作戰模擬理論與實踐 [Naval War Gaming Theory and Practice] (Beijing: National Defense Industry, 2002), pp. 150, 196.
346. 胡紅波, 邱繼進, 馬愛民 [Hu Hongbo, Qiu Jijin, and Ma Aimin], “機於德爾菲法的未知水雷性能分析” [Performance Analysis of an Unknown Mine Based on the Delphi Method], 情報指揮控制系統與仿真技術 [Information Command Control System and Simulation Technology] 27, no. 2 (April 2005), pp. 12–14. Campaign Theory Study Guide alludes to some of these factors, adding enemy navigation routes, the influence of enemy bases and harbors on PLAN surface ships, and the enemy’s schedule and defenses, which determine opportunities for attack. “205. What Major Situations Shall Be Ascertained and What Main Issues Shall Be Verified by Campaign Commanders in the Preparation Stage of a Maritime Shore-Raiding Campaign?” in “XIII. Maritime Shore-Raiding Campaign,” in Bi Xinglin, ed., Campaign Theory Study Guide.
347. Wang Guangxin and Chen Yijing, “On the Scene in the East China Sea,” pp. 5–6.
348. Jia Yeliang and Guo Yike, “A Para-Naval Force from among the People: Civilian Ships,” pp. 46–47.
349. Notions concerning the comingling of the Chinese military and society can be traced to Mao Zedong’s writings from the 1930s.
350. 田國壘, 喬玉明 [Tian Guolei and Qiao Yuming], “現代航母的六大‘剋星’” [The Modern Aircraft Carrier’s Six Great “Nemeses”], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 6 November 2006, p. 4.
351. Lin Changsheng, “Hidden Dragon in the Deep,” p. 31. For further details, see Andrew Erickson, Lyle Goldstein, and William Murray, “China’s ‘Undersea Sentries’: Sea Mines Constitute Lead Element of PLA Navy’s ASW,” Undersea Warfare 9 (Winter 2007), pp. 10–15; and Gabriel Collins, Erickson, Goldstein, and Murray, “Chinese Evaluations of the U.S. Navy Submarine Force,” Naval War College Review 61, no. 1 (Winter 2008), pp. 68–86.
352. Of flagship minesweeper 809’s fifteen major training missions over the past few years, for instance, four involved responsibility for “submarine escort” [護潛任務]. Cao Ming and Liang Qingcai, “Ship 809,” p. 1.
353. 唐水福, 張彥中 [Tang Shuifu and Zhang Yanzhong], “從保障單一陸軍向保障三軍轉變從保障陸戰場向保障立體作戰轉變我國民兵隊伍中有了‘海空軍’” [Transformation from Exclusively Supporting Ground Forces into Supporting the Three Armed Branches, from Supporting Land Battlefields into Supporting Multi-Dimensional Operations; Our Militia Forces Now Have Their ‘Naval Forces, Air Forces, and Ground Forces’”], 解放軍報 [Liberation Army Daily], 30 September 2006, p. 1.
354. See also 袁茂錢 [Yuan Maoqian], 西南交通大學, 光學工程 [Xinan Communications University, Optical Engineering], “水雷反潛中探測技術的研究與分析” [Study and Analysis of Detection Technology on Antisubmarine Mines] (master’s thesis, 13 November 2008).
355. Li Kefeng, “Russian Rocket Rising Sea Mines,” pp. 34–36.
356. Chen Dongyuan, “The Mysterious Underwater Sentry,” pp. 42–43.
357. Ibid.
358. Han Peng and Li Yucai, eds., Outline of Undersea Weaponry, pp. 2, 4, 27.
359. 張劍, 袁珍軍 [Zhang Jian and Yuan Zhenjun],“‘海戰實驗室’打響現代海戰—東海艦隊某驅逐艦支隊網上戰術對抗演習目擊記” [“Sea Warfare Laboratory” Wins Initial Success in Modern Warfare: An Eyewitness Account of a Certain East Sea Fleet Submarine Chaser Flotilla Network Tactics Confrontation Exercise], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 28 June 2006, p. 1.
360. “168. How Is the Defense System Structure Established in a Naval Base Defense Campaign?” in Bi Xinglin, ed., Campaign Theory Study Guide.
361. As a recent article notes, “submarine[s] . . . cannot use all the mine-clearing tools available to surface ships. . . . [P]re-cursor sweeping before transiting a minefield is generally not an option.” John Holmes, “Underwater Stealth: Mine Countermeasures’ Ace in the Hole,” Undersea Warfare (Spring 2006), available at
362. See, for example, 薛大偉, 周開華, 徐先勇 [Xue Dawei, Zhou Kaihua, and Xu Xianyong], “水雷戰信息化建設初步探討” [Primary Discussion of Mine Warfare Informationization Construction], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 3 (2007); and 鄭鍇, 陸文駿, 童利標 [Zheng Kai, Lu Wenjun, and Tong Libiao], “聯網水雷陣及其關鍵技術研究” [Study on Key Techniques Related to Mine Networks], 兵工自動化 [Ordinance Industry Automation] (January 2008).
363. Niu Rong and Sun Fei, “Chinese Navy’s Type 918 Minelaying Ship,” p. 11.
364. 汪祖峰, 盛長峰, 李文喜 [Wang Zufeng, Sheng Changfeng, and Li Wenxi], “一年打了翻身仗—某魚水雷倉庫分庫教導員徐和平帶領‘一班人’改變後進面貌紀事” [Turning Around Weaponry in One Year: A Record of a Certain Torpedo and Sea Mine Depot Instructor Xu Heping Leading “Squad Members” to Transform Backwardness], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 22 October 2005, p. 2.
365. 黃艷儒, 曾志鵬, 盧杏忠 [Huang Yanru, Zeng Zhipeng, and Lu Xingzhong], “廣州軍區航務軍代處積極探索一體化聯合作戰保障新模式—為保障打贏當好‘代表’” [Guangzhou Military Region Military Traffic Representative Office Actively Explores New Patterns of Integrated Joint Operations Support: Being Good “Representatives” in Support of Fighting and Winning], 解放軍報 [Liberation Army Daily], 3 January 2007, p. 3.
366. 周擁軍, 成斌, 桂喜爾 [Zhou Yongjun, Cheng Bin, and Gui Xier], “為了雷場奏凱歌—某掃雷艦大隊黨委求真務實抓裝備管理紀實” [A Victorious Song for the Minefield: An On-the-Spot Report of a Certain Minesweeping Squadron’s Party Committee Demanding Concrete Work in Equipment Management], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 9 February 2006, p. 1.
367. 張存先 [Zhang Cunxian], “淺談水雷倉庫技術兵的培訓” [A Discussion of the Training of Sea Mine Depot Technology Soldiers], 海軍院校教育 [Education of Naval Academies], no. 1 (1995), pp. 68–70.
368. “南海艦隊某基地—‘高級藍領’成為練兵‘磨刀石’” [A South Sea Fleet Base’s “Senior Blue Collar” Personnel Become “Whetstones” for Sailor Training], in Qian Xiaohu and Zhou Yawe, “三軍開訓 亮點頻現” [Three Services Start Training, Bright Spots Seen Everywhere], 解放軍報 [Liberation Army Daily], 8 January 2007, p. 2.
369. Zhang Cunxian, “Discussion of the Training of Sea Mine Depot Technology Soldiers,” pp. 68–70.
370. Wu Dengfeng and Guan Jingchong, “Chinese Naval Ordnance Support Forces Possess All-Weather Support Capabilities,” Xinhua, 27 October 2006, OSC CPP20061027329006.
371. Li Gencheng, “Naval Vessel Ordnance Depot Enhances Support Capability,” Liberation Army Daily, 1 July 2008, OSC CPP20080702702004.
372. 李文杰, 李德, 范保峰 [Li Wenjie, Li De, and Fan Baofeng], “讓戰鬥力成為敲動革新的支點—青島保障基地探索科研與戰鬥力接軌的一段經歷” [Make Combat Strength the Lever for Shifting Renovation’s Center of Balance: A Qingdao Logistics Base’s Experience in Exploring Ways to Link Scientific Research and Combat Strength], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 16 May 2007, p. 3.
373. Mao Zhaosheng, Yu Zifu, and Wang Luxun, “A Point Man in Mine Clearance and Obstacle Elimination,” pp. 46–49.
374.周開華, 徐先勇, 李鴻雁 [Zhou Kaihua, Xu Xianyong, and Li Hongyan], “影響水雷操作可靠性常見問題及解決對策” [Common Problems Influencing Mine Operation Reliability and Solutions], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (2008); 左傳友, 劉海波 [Zuo Zhuanyou and Liu Haibo], “淺析水雷備件儲備量” [Analysis of the Storage Quantity of Mine Spare Parts], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (2008); 徐森丰, 任德奎 [Xu Senfeng and Ren Dekui], “基於層次分析法的水雷效能灰色評估” [Gray Evaluation of Mine Efficiency Based on AHP], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 1 (2008); 尹美方, 李鴻雁, 郭東, 白正勤 [Yin Meifang, Li Hongyan, Guo Dong, and Bai Zhengqin], “水雷設計中的人性化問題思考” [Humanization in Mine Weapon Design], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 4 (2007); 馬莉, 劉成, 程志 [Ma Li, Liu Cheng, and Cheng Zhi], “基於虛擬儀器技術的水雷引信測試系統” [Mine Fuse Test System Based on Virtual Instrument Technique], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (2007); 于文峰 [Yu Wenfeng], “水雷用一次鋰池組的安全保護” [Protection of Primary Lithium Battery Packs for Sea Mines], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (2007).
375. Wang Guangxin and Chen Yijing, “On the Scene in the East China Sea,” pp. 5–6.
376. The different Chinese MCM approach is likely the result of lower force capitalization, higher tolerance for casualties, different operational goals, and, most fundamentally, the primary anticipated conflict scenarios.
377. China is also conducting significant MCM research. The synergies with MIW research are readily apparent. See, for example,徐維川, 馬愛民[Xu Weiquan and Ma Aimin], “機率條件下雷區範圍估計研究” [Study on the Evaluation of the Scope of a Minefield Using Probability],指揮控制與仿真[Command Control and Simulation] (May 2008); 薛山花,田杰,李宇,黃海寧,張春華 [Xue Shanhua, Tian Jie, Li Yu, Huang Haining, and Zhang Chunhua], “基於時變AR預白綠坡處理的水雷飛水雷識別算法” [Classification Algorithm for Sea Mines Based on an Autoregressive Model],微計算機應用 [Microcomputer Applications] (February 2008);徐維川, 馬愛民[Xu Weiquan and Ma Aimin], “虛假雷區判別研究” [Research on Discrimination of False Minefields], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (2008); 倪永杰,徐曉剛 [Ni Yongjie and Xu Xiaogang], “基於粒子系統的水雷沖刷掩埋過程三維仿真方法” [3D Simulation Method of Mine Burial Process by Scouring Based on Particle System], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (2008); 倪永杰,徐曉剛[Ni Yongjie and Xu Shaogang], “水雷掩理研究” [Research on Mine Burial], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 3 (2007); 馬愛民, 郭偉民,洪星[Ma Aimin, Guo Weimin, and Hong Xing], “高頻聲納回波影像仿真技術” [Sound Reflection and Sound Shadow Simulation Technology of High-Frequency Sonar], 系統仿真學報 [Journal of System Simulation] (December 2006), pp. 3342–45;佳水[Jia Shui], “以光子系統排除水雷” [Using a Photon System to Remove Sea Mines],激光與光電子學進展 [Laser and Photoelectron Research Progress], no. 11 (2001); 夏立新 [Xia Lixin], “掩埋水雷電磁探測的可行性分析” [Feasibility Study of Buried Sea Mine Electromagnetic Probes], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (2001);劉進[Liu Jin], “使用極低頻電磁場探測淺水水雷的可行性研究” [Feasibility Study: Using an Ultra-Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Field to Survey Shallow-Water Sea Mines], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (2000);王金根,李林[Wang Jingen and Li Lin], “手持式水雷穿透系統” [Handheld-Style Sea Mine Penetration Systems], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (2000); 傅金祝[Fu Jinzhu], “對水雷和未爆武器進行磁探和磁性識別的進展” [Progress Concerning the Carrying Out of Magnetic Surveying and Recognition on Sea Mines and Unexploded Weapons], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 3 (1999);是海梅[Shi Haimei], “水雷通用自檢儀中艦船模擬信號設計探討” [A Discussion on the Design of Simulated Vessel Signals in General Self-Testing Devices for Sea Mines], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 1 (1999);張智 [Zhang Zhi],“艦船的電磁特徵及其減少措施” [Electromagnetic Signatures of Ships and How to Effect Their Depression],現代艦船[Modern Ships], no. 142 (September 1997), p. 29; 刁海龍 [Diao Hailong], “反水雷新途徑:快速探測航道” [Rapid Channel Detection: A New Approach to Mine Countermeasures], 現代艦船[Modern Ships], no. 129 (September 1996), p. 27.
378. 李凝 [Li Ning], “利用護衛艦上的直升機艘所水雷” [Organic Mine Searching with Helicopters from Frigates], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (2007).
379. 崔榮鑫, 徐德民, 嚴衛生 [Cui Rongxin, Xu Demin, and Yan Weisheng], “一種自主水下航行器路徑規划算法” [Path Planning Algorithm for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle], 系統仿真學報 [Journal of System Simulation], (December 2006), pp. 3373–76.
380. Zhang Yuliang, Yu Shusheng, and Zhou Xiaopeng, Science of Campaigns, chap. 26.
381. 王冰川, 王亞軍 [Wang Bingchuan and Wang Yajun], “貼近實戰演練,盯著問題完善—北海艦隊某保障基地30余種新戰法推向演兵場” [Conducting Exercises That Closely Approximate to Actual Combat, Perfecting Combat Methods by Focusing on Problems—A North Sea Fleet Support Base Puts Some 30 New Combat Methods to Use on the Exercise Field], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 3 June 2008, p. 2.
382. “Chronicle of Events of Military Training,” Guangzhou Zhanshi Bao, 27 December 2005, pp. 1, 3, OSC CPP20060224318002.
383. Wang Guangxin and Chen Yijing, “On the Scene in the East China Sea,” pp. 5–6.
384. See, for example, Arnold S. Lott, Most Dangerous Sea (Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1959), p. 77. Zhang Yuliang, Yu Shusheng, and Zhou Xiaopeng, Science of Campaigns, chap. 12, demonstrate an understanding of this crucial problem, noting that “one must conduct close monitoring of our own mine obstacles that have been dispositioned.”
385. See, for example, 陳可志 [Chen Kezhi], “GPS在水道掃雷中的應用” [Application of GPS Techniques to Hydrographic Minesweeping], 地礦測繪 [Surveying & Mapping of Geology & Mineral Resources] 17, no. 3, pp. 43–45.
386. Cao Ming and Liang Qingcai, “Following South China Sea Fleet Unit ‘809’ Ship Sweeping Mines at Sea,” pp. 18–19; Chen Qizheng et al., “The Goal is to Lock in on the Battlefield of the Future,” pp. 1–2.
387. 孫濤 [Sun Tao], “某大隊研制水雷內部記錄儀” [A Certain Unit Develops a Sea Mine Interior Recording Instrument], 人民海軍 [People’s Navy], 4 December 2004, p. 1.
388. See Fifi Kieschnick, Naval Station Ingleside Public Affairs, “Mine Warfare ‘Shifts Colors’ to Southern California,” Pentagon Brief, -colors-to-southern-california/. Four U.S. mine countermeasure ships are now based in Bahrain. See MCM and MSC links at the new Naval Mine and Anti-Submarine Warfare Command,
389. These two mine countermeasures helicopter squadrons, located in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and in Ingleside, Texas, each have ten aircraft.
390. The textbook adds: “When the enemy unfolds minesweeping and barrier clearing forces, campaign commanders shall organize mobile forces from the Navy and Air Force operating groups, coastal missile and coastal artillery forces, and far-range artillery troops to seize the favorable opportunity to resolutely launch attack when the enemy ships towing minesweeping tools are blocked by barriers and are not easy to maneuver. The best time to attack the enemy minesweeping helicopter carrier and minesweeping hovercraft carrier is when the enemy enters our inshore sea and when the minesweeping helicopters and minesweeping hovercraft have not yet left the carrier.” Bi Xinglin, ed., Campaign Theory Study Guide, pp. 448–49.
391. See U.S. Navy Mine Warfare Plan, 4th ed., For a cogent description of the future of U.S. mine countermeasures, see Paul Ryan, RADM, U.S. Navy (Ret.), “LCS Will Transform Mine Warfare,” U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings (December 2004), pp. 37–39.
392. The requirement to map or survey an area suspected of containing mines suggests that the vehicle performing the mapping must itself have sufficiently small signatures that it can operate in the presence of sensitive mines without causing their detonation. Furthermore, the vehicle must know its location precisely, so that if it detects a minelike object, the suspected object can be accurately located to later be identified and reported. The mapping vehicle must also have sufficient endurance and speed to map the desired waters in an operationally useful length of time. These requirements tend to increase the size, complexity, and costs of candidate systems, making them difficult to develop.
393. Ron O’Rourke, “Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background, Oversight Issues, and Options for Congress,” CRS Report for Congress, Order Code RL3741, updated 17 November 2008, p. 1.
394. Bettina H. Chavanne, “DDG-51 and LCS Winners in Gates Budget,” Aviation Week and Space Technology, 7 April 2009,
395. According to the consultant described in an earlier footnote, the initial LCS ships will both cost between $700 and $900 million each. As the program enters serial production, the unit cost is expected to become as low as $350 million.
396. Fu Jinzhu, “Taiwan’s Problematic Mine Warfare Capability,” pp. 33–34.
397. Taiwan purchased the Yung Fung vessels from Germany in the early 1990s as “offshore oil support vessels.” Taipei subsequently converted the ships into mine hunters by installing remotely operated underwater vehicles and advanced high-frequency sonar systems. See Commodore Stephen Saunders, RN (Ret.), “Yung Feng (MWV 50) Class Minehunters-Coastal (MHC),” Jane’s Fighting Ships, 17 February 2005,
398. Fu Jinzhu, “Taiwan’s Problematic Mine Warfare Capability,” pp. 33–34. See also岩文 [Yan Wen], “台灣水中兵器研製揭密” [Taiwan’s Undersea Weapons Development Revealed], 艦船知識[Naval and Merchant Ships] 295, no. 4 (April 2004), p. 9.
399. Raymond Cheung, “Fleet Review, Standing Guard across the Taiwan Strait,” Jane’s Navy International 101, no. 8 (October 1996), p. 48. The intervening decade has not improved these vessels’ condition or Western appraisals of them. “All are in very poor condition,” states Stephen Saunders, Commodore, RN (Ret.), in “Adjutant and MSC 268 Classes,” Jane’s Fighting Ships, 17 February 2005,
400. Hai Lin, “In 2010 Taiwan Will Be Surrounded with a Sea Mine Battle Array,” pp. 19–21.
401. This inventory includes twelve of the Sugashima- class coastal minesweepers, three of the Yaeyama- class ocean mine hunter/sweepers, and eleven Hatsushima/Uwajima-class mine hunter/sweepers. Jane’s Fighting Ships, 28 February 2008,
402. See U.S. Department of State, “Joint Statement of U.S.-Japan Security Consultative Committee,” 19 February 2005,
403. See, for example, 陶愛月 [Tao Aiyue], “日本水雷戰艦艇綜覽” [A Survey of Japanese Mine Warfare Ships], 艦船知識 [Naval and Merchant Ships], no. 312 (September 2005), pp.44–47; 傅金祝 [Fu Jinzhu], “數量最多, 更新最快:日本海上自衛隊的反水雷實力” [Greatest Quantity, Fastest Renewal: The JMSDF’s MCM Strength], 艦船知識 [Naval and Merchant Ships], no. 312 (September 2005), pp. 48–49; 侯建軍 [Hou Jianjun], “挑戰智能水雷的570噸級新型獵掃雷艇” [A New Type of 570 Ton Mine Hunter/Sweeper to Challenge Intelligent Sea Mines], 艦船知識 [Naval and Merchant Ships], no. 312 (September 2005), pp. 50–51; 傅金祝 [Fu Jinzhu], “體現反水雷裝備發展方向的日本新型S-10獵雷據” [Japan’s New Type of S-10 Mine Hunting Tool Reflects the Development Direction of MCM Equipment], 艦船知識 [Naval and Merchant Ships], no. 312 (September 2005), pp. 52–53.
404. See, for example, 侯建軍[Hou Jianjun], “美國海軍水雷戰裝備” [United States Navy Mine Warfare Equipment], 當代海軍[Modern Navy], no. 6 (2003); 張云廣 [Zhang Yunqing], “航空激光水雷監測系統的進展” [The Development of an Aviation Laser Sea Mine Monitoring System], 光電子技術與信息[Optoelectronic Technology & Information], no. 4 (2002); 夏立新 [Xia Lixin], “掩埋水雷探測研究” [Buried Sea Mine Detection Research], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 4 (2001); 傅金祝[Fu Jinzhu], “美海軍的中等深度濱海水雷開發” [U.S. Navy Medium-Depth Surf-Zone (Shallow Water) Mine Development], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 3 (1999); 夏立新[Xia Lixin], “美國的反水雷,水雷和特種戰計畫” [American Mine Countermeasures, Sea Mines and Special Operations Plans], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 1 (1999); 劉平,楊洋,王青 [Liu Ping, Yang Yang, and Wang Qing], “國外反水雷艦艇裝備現況及發展趨勢” [The State-of-the Art and Development Trends of Equipment of Foreign Mine Countermeasures Ships], 艦船工程[Ship Engineering] 26, no. 6 (2004), pp. 1–3; and張豪娟[Zhang Haojuan], “美國海軍對電池的需要及研製” [U.S. Navy
Battery Requirement and Development Efforts], 電池工業 [Battery Industry] 4, no. 2, April 1999, pp. 71–74.
405. For analyses of other Western MCM developments, see 王曉娟[Wang Xiaojuan], “最新水雷對抗系統” [The Latest Counter–Sea Mine Systems],情報指揮控制系統與仿真技術 [Information Command Control System and Simulation Technology], no. 10 (2001); 張寶善[Zhang Baoshan], “多國部隊未來水雷對抗作戰研究” [The Future Sea Mine Opposition Warfare Research of Various Countries’ Militaries], 情報指揮控制系統與仿真技術[Information Command Control System and Simulation Technology], no. 7 (2001); 夏立新 [Xia Lixin], “英國的水雷全仿真系統” [England’s Complete Sea Mine Simulation System], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 3 (2001);趙祚德 [Zhao Zuode], “澳大利亞的三維聲水雷成像聲納” [Australia’s Three-Dimensional Acoustic Sea Mine AMI Sonar], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (2000); 趙祚德[Zhao Zuode], “英國的‘鋪路者’綜合水雷戰武器系統” [British Comprehensive Mine Warfare Weapon System], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (2000); 傅金祝[Fu Jinzhu], “探測混水中水雷的聲成像系統” [The Turbid Water Sea Mine Sound Imaging System], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 1 (1999); 付偉[Fu Wei], “國外激光水下偵察設備發展綜述” [A Survey of the Development of Foreign Underwater Laser Surveillance Equipment],艦船電子對抗[Ship Electronic Resistance], no. 6 (2001), pp. 21–23;周智超[Zhou Zhichao et al.], “水面艦艇對水雷防禦訓練評估的AHP-Fuzzy方法” [The AHP-Fuzzy Evaluation Method of Training on Surface Ship Anti-mine Defense],系統工程與電子技術[Systems Engineering & Electronics] 23, no. 9 (September 2001), pp. 56–59; 范軍,萬琳,湯渭霖[Fan Jun, Wan Lin, and Tang Weilin], “沉底水雷目強度預報” [Predicting Target Strength of Mines Lying on the Seabed], 聲學技術 [Technical Acoustics] 20, no. 4 (2001), pp. 145–48; and張曉兵, 周穗華[Zhang Xiaobing and Zhou Suihua], “一種基於模糊理論和神經網絡的水雷狀態識別方法” [A Method of Mine State Classification Based on Fuzzy Sets and Artificial Neural Networks], 海軍工程大學學報[Journal of Naval University of Engineering] 92, no. 3 (2000), pp. 77–80.
406. 錢東 [Qian Dong], “美國海軍水下戰中心NUWC” [The U.S. Naval Undersea Warfare Center], 魚雷技術[Torpedo Technology] 11, no. 2 (June 2003), pp. 50–51; 錢東 [Qian Dong], “美國未來的大型UUV—MANTA” [The Future U.S. Large-Scale Unmanned Undersea Vehicle—MANTA], 魚雷技術 [Torpedo Technology] 11, no. 1 (March 2003), pp. 47–50; 傅金祝 [Fu Jinzhu], “利用敵方水雷開發有效的反水雷方法” [Using an Effective Anti-mine Method from Enemy Sea Mine Development], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 4 (1999).
407. 周麗萍 [Zhou Liping], “水下‘獵雷者’—美國AN/WLD-1型遙控獵雷系統” [Underwater ‘Mine Hunter’—The U.S. AN/WLD-1 Remote Control Mine Hunting System], 環球軍事 [Global Military], pp. 26–27; 黃江飛 [Huang Jiangfei], “AN/WLD-1型遙控獵雷系統” [The AN/WLD-1 Remote Control Mine Hunting System], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 3 (2000).
408. 喬迿超, 張旭; 海軍大連艦艇學院研究生隊,海軍大連艦艇學院水武與防化系 [Qiao Changchao, Graduate Student Team; Zhang Xu, Department of Underwater Weapons and Chemical Defense Systems; Dalian Naval Vessel Academy], “AUV探查水雷搜索模式仿真比較研究” [Research on Comparison and Simulation of Mine Detection Search Mode by AUVs], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 4 (2008); 傅金祝 [Fu Jinzhu], “反水雷自主式水下航行器” [Anti-mine Independent AUVs], 艦船知識 [Naval and Merchant Ships] 292, no. 2 (2004), p. 39.
409. 李杰[Li Jie], “新型無人潛艇的戰力” [The Battle Power of a New Type of Unmanned Submarine], 當代海軍 [Modern Navy], no. 10 (2004), pp. 48–50; 孫云利 [Sun Yunli], “美國海軍的水下無人潛水器展望” [The Prospects for Future U.S. Navy Submarine UUVs], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 4 (2003).
410. See 楊毅 [Yang Yi], “美國海軍航空反水雷的發展趨勢” [The Development Trend of U.S. Navy Aviation MCM], 航海 [Navigation], no. 2 (2003), pp. 41–42; 夏立新 [Xia Lixin], “美國直升機反水雷的研究和開發” [The Research & Development of U.S. Helicopter MCM], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (1999).
411. He Shan, “Can the Virginia Class Become the New Century’s Maritime Hegemon?” pp. 18–21.
412. At the moment, Beijing is playing a relatively positive role in the Six-Party Talks. However, a future return to a more belligerent posture that involves siding explicitly with Pyongyang cannot be ruled out at this time.
413. This would be consistent with the PLA’s Cold War effort to defend the Bohai Sea by fortifying the Miaodao and Changdao islands between the Shandong and Liaodong peninsulas. Interview, Beijing, 2007.
414. For a Chinese analysis of Southeast Asia’s vulnerability to sea mines, see 夏立新 [Xia Lixin], “水雷對東南亞地區的潛在威脅” [The Potential Sea Mine Threat to Southeast Asia], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (2001).
415. Zhang Yuliang, Yu Shusheng, and Zhou Xiaopeng, Science of Campaigns, chap. 14.
416. This is determined by the shallow littoral waters, for example, in the Gulf of Tonkin, and also, of course, by Vietnam’s proximity to Chinese bases, particularly on Hainan Island. Japan might also become a target of a limited Chinese MIW campaign under worst-case circumstances. Clearly, submarines (and perhaps civilian vessels) would have to lead such operations given the potentially high-intensity battle environment and the distances involved. However, one-third of the Chinese submarine force (approximately twenty vessels) fully loaded could deliver almost 500 sophisticated mines, enough to close several ports or sea lines of communication for at least a week or two, causing substantial damage, possibly in the form of psychological-strategic effects.
417. The bathymetry of the waters proximate to Taiwan immediately reveals that the Taiwan Strait itself, as well as waters to the immediate north and south (adjacent to the island’s largest ports), are shallow enough to create a wholly appropriate environment for the use of all types of mines. Although Taiwan’s eastern coast has deeper waters, the authors nevertheless believe that by relying on a combination method of deployment (air, surface, submarine, and civilian) a major Chinese MIW campaign could efficiently blockade Taiwan, especially if working in concert with the PLA Navy’s submarine force. Chinese analysts, moreover, assess that Taiwan’s MCM are inadequate to this challenge and that efforts by Taiwan to deploy its own mines could be dealt with by the PLA.
418. “16. How Is Sea Mine Warfare and Anti-blockade Combat Carried Out?” in “One. The Basic Combat Theory of the Taiwanese Army,” in Bi Xinglin, ed., Campaign Theory Study Guide. Another source states that “the PLA can execute offensive mining against any of Taiwan’s ports [naval, commercial, oil off-loading areas], sea channels or adjoining sea areas, cutting off Taiwan’s sea lines of communication, destroying its economy and energy lifeblood.” Hai Lin, “In 2010 Taiwan Will Be Surrounded with a Sea Mine Battle Array,” p. 16.
419. A discussion of how Taiwan’s air force could be rendered ineffective by current Chinese weapons is included in William S. Murray, “Revisiting Taiwan’s Defense Strategy,” Naval War College Review 61, no. 3 (Summer 2008), pp. 13–38.
420. Mei Lin, “Analysis of the CPC Armed Forces’ Development of New Methods of Operations,” Taipei Chung Kung Yen Chiu, 15 November 1997, pp. 50–60, OSC FTIS19980310000807.
421. Technology does not appear to ameliorate this enduring reality, according to one practitioner. See Lt. Cdr. Patrick Molenda, U.S. Navy, “Don’t Forget Dedicated Mine Countermeasures,” U.S. Navy Institute Proceedings (October 2001), p. 41.
422.丁信成 [Ding Xincheng], “高技術戰爭中的反潛戰” [Anti-submarine Warfare under Circumstances of High-Tech War], 中國民兵 [China Militia], (December 1996), p. 37.
423. In WWII, Germany successfully mined several U.S. ports via submarine, and closed the ports to traffic for periods of roughly two weeks. See Hartmann with Truver, Weapons That Wait, pp. 69–70. Special MIW operations of this nature—limited, but high-profile strikes—could have important psychological effects early in a Sino-American military crisis, for example dramatically shifting U.S. Navy resources toward protecting sea areas closer to home, and thus enabling China’s swift conquest of Taiwan. As the recent 2003 Iraq War (not to mention Hurricane Katrina) so powerfully demonstrates, strategists and military planners must work with worst-case, not best-case, assumptions for planning purposes.
424. Lin Changsheng, “Hidden Dragon in the Deep,” p. 32.
425. Ibid., p. 30.
426. 周洪光, 徐維川, 曾松林 [Zhou Hongguang, Xu Weichuan, and Zeng Songlin], “淺析登陸作戰中水雷武器的使用” [Simple Study on the Use of Sea Mine Weapons in Landing Operations], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 2 (2007).
427. 楊掠 [Yang Qiong], “抗登陸水雷” [Anti-landing Mines], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 3 (2007). A detailed survey of Taiwan’s sea-mine capabilities is reviewed in the PRC article 鄧又輝 [Deng Youhui], “水雷—‘台獨’幻想的救命稻草,” [Sea Mines—The Illusory Lifesaving Sustenance of “Taiwan Independence”], 環球軍事 [Global Military] (2005), pp. 22–23.
428. Zhang Yuliang, Yu Shusheng, and Zhou Xiaopeng, Science of Campaigns, chap. 13.
429. The continental shelf extends from China about 250 miles out into the East China Sea (more than halfway to Japan) enabling the use of relatively primitive (shallow water) minefields.
430. Lin Changsheng, “Hidden Dragon in the Deep,” p. 31. For PLAN Submarine Academy research on this topic, see 趙祚德 [Zhao Zuode], “水雷障礙封潛作戰的效率評定模型” [An Assessment Model for the Effectiveness of Sea Mine Barriers in Antisubmarine Warfare], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 4 (2002).
431. Quotations in this paragraph from Glosny, “Strangulation from the Sea?” pp. 133, 140, 143.
432. See figures in “Total Mines Laid” in Table 4, “Results of Mine-Laying Analysis (after 6 months),” p. 144. These figures are for “scenarios one and two.” In footnote 81, Glosny rejects the maximum finding of 10,166 mines for scenario 3, “[a] situation that looks worse for Taiwan,” because this scenario involves “heroic assumptions.” Glosny, “Strangulation from the Sea?” p. 145.
433. Murray, “Revisiting Taiwan’s Defense Strategy,” pp. 13–38.
434. USAF doctrine has long promulgated the notion that all missions are secondary to achieving “air dominance.” This was not the case in World War II (before 1944) when massive raids were undertaken under dangerous circumstances. If the ROCAF survives the initial attack, moreover, its aircraft will be preoccupied with defending high-priority targets (leadership, air bases, missile defense sites, population centers) rather than chasing Chinese aircraft sowing mines at sea.
435. Glosny, “Strangulation from the Sea?” p. 148.
436. Sailors of the U.S. merchant marine had a higher proportion of deaths in combat than any other service in the Second World War. See
437. See, for example, Glosny, “Strangulation from the Sea?” p. 145.
438. Glosny, “Strangulation from the Sea?” p. 150.
439. On the imperative of accelerating PLAN MIW development, see 張光法,黃江華 [Zhang Guangfa and Huang Jianghua], “充分利用研製資源 促進在研水雷盡快形成戰鬥力” [Make Full Use of Development Resources, Accelerate Existing Sea Mine Research to Form Fighting Capacity as Quickly as Possible], 水雷戰與艦船防護 [Sea Mine Warfare and Ship Self-Defense], no. 4 (2001).
440. “Blockade,” defined narrowly, simply means a very significant reduction in sea borne trade, because of the closing of ports by adversary forces.