Towards the Same End, With Considerable Potential: Considering Future Sino-American Cooperation Regarding Sea Lane Security in the Gulf of Aden
美国海军战争学院副教授 艾立信 [Andrew S. Erickson, U.S. Naval War College], 奥斯丁·斯特兰奇 [and Austin M. Strange], “相向而行, 潜力可观–面向未来的中美亚丁湾海上通道安全合作” (Towards the Same End, With Considerable Potential: Considering Future Sino-American Cooperation Regarding Sea Lane Security in the Gulf of Aden), 国际战略研究简报 [International and Strategic Studies Report] (北京大学国际战略研究中心主办) [Center for International and Strategic Studies, Peking University] 86 (13 September 2013): 1-4.
亚丁湾的反海盗行动, 包括美国和中国及其他许多国家海军的合作, 是一个 保障海上通道(SLOCs)的国际合作的成功案例。美中两国海军在打击海盗方面的合作有何优势和缺点? 其在亚丁湾护航的经历能为中美在其他海域保障海上通道 的联合行动提供何种经验教训? 围绕上述问题, 本文拟对美中两国反海盗行动的方式、双方迄今为止所进行的反海盗合作的性质、亚丁湾护航案例为未来美中管理海上公域提供的经验教训, 以及对双边合作的指导原则的启示等进行考察。 。。。
Anti-piracy efforts in the Gulf of Aden represent a successful example of international cooperation to secure sea lines of communication (SLOC), which involves cooperation between the U.S. and China and with the navies of many other nations. What are the strengths and weaknesses of U.S. and Chinese naval cooperation in the fight against piracy, and what lessons does each nation’s experience in the Gulf of Aden offer for future Sino-American joint efforts to safeguard SLOCs in other maritime regions? This article introduces piracy as a shared non-traditional maritime security threat, surveys PLAN anti-piracy operations and Sino-American approaches, examines the nature of U.S.-China antipiracy cooperation to date, discusses lessons offered by the Gulf of Aden case for future U.S.-China maritime commons governance, and offers larger principles to guide bilateral cooperation. …
For further analysis of current and potential Chinese anti-piracy contributions, see:
Andrew S. Erickson and Austin M. Strange, “Piracy’s Next Frontier: A Role for China in Gulf of Guinea Security?” The National Interest, 10 December 2013.
Andrew S. Erickson and Austin M. Strange, “Erickson and Strange: China’s Far Seas ‘Five-Year Plan’,” Guest Blog Post for Elizabeth C. Economy, Asia Unbound, Council on Foreign Relations, 15 November 2013.
Andrew S. Erickson and Austin M. Strange, No Substitute for Experience: Chinese Anti-Piracy Operations in the Gulf of Aden, Naval War College CMSI China Maritime Study 10 (November 2013).
Andrew S. Erickson and Austin M. Strange, “China and the International Antipiracy Effort,” The Diplomat, 1 November 2013.
Andrew S. Erickson and Austin Strange, “Learning by Doing: PLAN Operational Innovations in the Gulf of Aden,” Jamestown China Brief 13.21 (24 October 2013).
Andrew S. Erickson and Austin M. Strange, “Pragmatic Partners, the Unsung Story of U.S.-China Anti-Piracy Coordination,” Guest Blog Post for Elizabeth C. Economy, Asia Unbound, Council on Foreign Relations, 24 October 2013.
Andrew S. Erickson and Austin M. Strange, “The Relevant Organs: Institutional Factors behind China’s Gulf of Aden Deployment,” Jamestown Foundation China Brief 13.20 (10 October 2013).
Andrew S. Erickson and Austin M. Strange, “Sunk Costs: China and the Pirates,” The Diplomat, 26 September 2013.
Andrew S. Erickson and Austin M. Strange, “Spring Training for the Big Leagues,” Guest Blog Post for Elizabeth C. Economy, Asia Unbound, Council on Foreign Relations, 9 September 2013.
Andrew S. Erickson, A Statement before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, Panel III: “China’s Political and Security Challenges in the Middle East,” “China and the Middle East” hearing, Washington, DC, 6 June 2013.
Andrew S. Erickson and Austin M. Strange, “Learning the Ropes in Blue Water: The Chinese Navy’s Gulf of Aden Deployments Have Borne Worthwhile Lessons in Far-Seas Operations—Lessons that Go Beyond the Antipiracy Mission,” U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 139.4 (April 2013): 34-38.
Andrew S. Erickson and Austin M. Strange, “‘Selfish Superpower’ No Longer? China’s Anti-Piracy Activities and 21st-Century Global Maritime Governance,” Harvard Asia Quarterly, 14.1/2 (Spring/Summer 2012): 92-102.
Andrew S. Erickson, “From Shanghai to Somalia: China’s Contributions to the Security of Seaborne Commerce in Asia and Beyond,” in 沈丁立, 张贵洪, 主编 [Shen Dingli and Zhang Guihong, eds], 亚洲国际关系的重构 [Restructuring of International Relations in Asia](Shanghai: 上海人民出版社 [Shanghai People’s Press], 2011), 241-75.
Andrew S. Erickson, “Chinese Sea Power in Action: the Counter-Piracy Mission in the Gulf of Aden and Beyond,” in Roy Kamphausen, David Lai, and Andrew Scobell, eds., The PLA at Home and Abroad: Assessing the Operational Capabilities of China’s Military(Carlisle, PA: U.S. Army War College and National Bureau of Asian Research, July 2010), 295-376.
Andrew S. Erickson, “积极保护航海安全: 中国在亚丁弯海域打击海盗的贡献” (Actively Safeguarding Sea Lane Security: China’s Contribution to Fighting Piracy in the Gulf of Aden), in 中国孙子兵法研究会 [China Research Society on Sun Tzu’s Art of War], 孙子兵法与和谐世界–第八届孙子兵法国际研讨会论文集 [Sun Tzu’s Art of War and a Harmonious World—Collected Papers from the 8th International Symposium on Sun Tzu’s Art of War] (Beijing: 军事科学出版社 [Military Science Press], 2010), 616-21.
Andrew S. Erickson and Justin D. Mikolay, “Welcome China to the Fight Against Pirates,” U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 135.3 (March 2009): 34-41.