USCC Hearing: “China’s Military Modernization and its Implications for the United States”—Thurs. 30 January 2014, 9 AM-3 PM, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room 608
Hearing: “China’s Military Modernization and its Implications for the United States”
U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room 608
Washington, DC 20002
Hearing Co-Chairs: Senator James M. Talent and Commissioner Katherine C. Tobin, Ph.D
9:00a – 9:15a Co-Chairs’ remarks: Senator James M. Talent and Commissioner Katherine C. Tobin, Ph.D
9:15a – 10:45a Panel I: Inputs to China’s Military Modernization
- Dr. Andrew Erickson, Associate Professor, and founding member, China Maritime Studies Institute, U.S. Naval War College
- Ms. Maggie Marcum, Independent Consultant, Marcum Studies
- Dr. James Lewis, Senior Fellow and Director of the Strategic Technologies Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies.
10:45a – 11:00a Break
11:00a – 12:30p Panel II: China’s Current and Future Military Capabilities
- Mr. Jesse Karotkin, Senior Intelligence Officer for China, Office of Naval Intelligence
- Mr. Donald L. Fuell, Technical Director for Force Modernization and Employment, National Air and Space Intelligence Center
- Mr. Mark Stokes, Executive Director, Project 2049 Institute
12:30p – 1:30p Lunch Break
1:30p – 3:00p Panel III: Strategic Impact of China’s Military Modernization and U.S. Options
- Dr. Roger Cliff, Nonresident Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council
- The Honorable David Gompert, Distinguished Visiting Professor, U.S. Naval Academy
- Mr. Thomas Donnelly, Resident Fellow and Co-Director of the Marilyn Ware Center for Security Studies, American Enterprise Institute
3:00p Adjourn
Relevant readings and media:
Andrew S. Erickson, “China’s Near-Seas Challenges,” The National Interest 129 (January-February 2014): 60-66.
Andrew S. Erickson, “China’s Naval Modernization: Implications and Recommendations,” Testimony before the House Armed Services Committee Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee, “U.S. Asia-Pacific Strategic Considerations Related to PLA Naval Forces” hearing, Washington, DC, 11 December 2013. Click here for oral statement.
Adam P. Liff and Andrew S. Erickson, “Demystifying China’s Defence Spending: Less Mysterious in the Aggregate,”The China Quarterly 216 (December 2013): 805-30.
Nathaniel Austin, “Lifting the Shroud on China’s Defense Spending: Trends, Drivers, and Implications—An Interview with Andrew S. Erickson and Adam P. Liff,” Policy Q&A, National Bureau of Asian Research, 16 May 2013.
Andrew S. Erickson, “China’s Defense Budget: A Richer Nation Builds a Stronger Army,” Inaugural Presentation in “China Reality Check” Speaker Series, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Washington, DC, 8 April 2012.
Andrew S. Erickson and Adam P. Liff, “China’s Military Development, Beyond the Numbers,” The Diplomat, 12 March 2013.