19-20 May CMSI Conference on “China’s Naval Shipbuilding: Progress and Challenges”
UPDATE: Click here to download final conference agenda.
U.S. citizen guests, please register via link here to attend this conference. Kindly note: international attendance is by invitation only.
Dear Prospective Attendees,
We are pleased to announce that registration for the 2015 Naval War College China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI) conference “China’s Naval Shipbuilding: Progress and Challenges,” to be held in Newport, RI on 19-20 May, is now open.
CMSI’s annual conference is a key function of the institute and has the aim of stimulating focused research on Chinese maritime development. To this end, it traditionally focuses on China’s naval and maritime capabilities and their strategic implications for the Asia-Pacific region and the United States. The 2015 conference, CMSI’s tenth such event, will continue our study of these developments by focusing on the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)-directed topic of China’s naval shipbuilding industry. This topic is a logical progression from the past three annual conferences (“China’s Evolving Surface Fleet,” “China’s Strategy for the Near Seas,” and “China’s Far Seas Operations”) and supports CMSI’s core research efforts.
Given China’s substantial economic resources, rapid naval development, and uneven but improving defense industrial base, we believe that this is a timely and important subject for CMSI to examine. The conference will contain focused panels on China’s Shipbuilding Foundation and Resources, Shipyard Infrastructure, Naval Architecture and Design, Remaining Shipbuilding Challenges, and a wrap-up panel focusing on possible Alternative Futures.
The conference website can be found here: LINK. Please register online as soon as possible.
For the convenience of conference attendees, we have arranged a block of rooms at the Hotel Viking in Newport at the current government per diem rate of $165/night. The cut-off date to reserve rooms in this block is Friday 17 April 2015. Please contact the hotel to reserve your room by calling 800-556-7126 (mention that you are attending the “Naval War College CMSI Conference”) or online before the cut-off date to ensure availability.
For Department of Defense (DoD) employees in need of the DoN/AA approval to travel, the Naval War College has submitted a request to the DoN/AA for approval of the 2015 CMSI Conference as a Department of Defense-sponsored conference. ONCE THIS APPROVAL IS RECEIVED, DOD CONFERENCE ATTENDEES WILL NOT NEED SEPARATE/INDIVIDUAL CONFERENCE APPROVAL TO ATTEND.
For all prospective attendees, it is important that you register online early. Naval War College event coordinators will forward a copy of the approval memo to all registered DoD attendees as soon as it is received so that they may finalize travel orders. Please be aware that our experience from past conferences suggests that approval could be delayed until approximately two weeks before the conference date. This should not preclude online registration or hotel reservations indicating intent to attend; however, travel funds should not be obligated until conference approval is received.
If you have any questions, please contact LCDR Michael Cheng at michael.cheng@usnwc.edu.