17 February 2017

U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commission Holds Hearing on China’s Advanced Weapons, Thurs. 23 February 2017, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Rm. 419


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room 419

Washington, DC

Here is the link to the video of the hearing if it does not autoload above:


Hearing Co-Chairs: Chairman Carolyn Bartholomew and Senator James Talent

9:35 AM – 11:05 AM:         Panel I: China’s Hypersonic and Maneuverable Re-Entry Vehicle Programs

11:05 AM – 11:15 AM:       Break

11:15 AM – 12:45 PM:        Panel II: China’s Directed Energy and Electromagnetic Weapons Programs

12:45 PM – 1:45 PM:          Lunch Break

1:45 PM – 3:15 PM:            Panel III: China’s Counterspace, Unmanned, and Artificial Intelligence Weapons Programs

3:15 PM – 3:20 PM:            Closing Remarks

3:20 PM:                              Adjourn