12 January 2021

Tune in Tonight—U.S.-Japan Relations: Policy Challenges for the Biden Administration

The 21st Century Japan Politics & Society Initiative (21JPSI) at the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies, Indiana University Bloomington is hosting a special event with the Brookings Institution this evening:

U.S.-Japan Relations: Policy Challenges for the Biden Administration” (Part 1 of 2: National security & politics)

Online expert panel (co-organized by 21JPSI & the Brookings Institution) discussing foreign policy challenges for the U.S. and Japan under the new U.S. administration (Panel 1 of 2)

Event Summary: With a new U.S. administration to be inaugurated January 20th, this panel will convene four leading experts from the United States and Japan for a frank discussion about the pressing national security and political challenges facing the U.S. and Japan today.

  • Washington, DC/U.S. Eastern Time: Tuesday, January 12, 7:30pm-8:45pm
  • Tokyo/Japan time: Wednesday, January 13, 9:30am-10:45am


The expert panel’s opening remarks will be followed by a moderated discussion and Q&A with the online audience.

This event is open to the public and may be recorded. Please register here or at the link below: https://iu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cl9yaFbcRDKsUe2nBmsxQA

This event is hosted by the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies’ 21st Century Japan Politics & Society Initiative (21JPSI), in partnership with the Brookings Institution’s Center for East Asia Policy Studies. Generous financial support comes from the Japan Foundation’s Center for Global Partnership.




1月13日午前9時半: 安全保障 https://iu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cl9yaFbcRDKsUe2nBmsxQA

1月20日午前9時半: 経済や貿易

@SheilaSmithCFR, @tnak0214, @YukaKoshino, @AndrewSEricksonをお招きし、@hamiltonlugarの @AdamPLiffがモデレーターを務めます。

再来週、@wendyscutler, @jnakanoenergy, @Mie_Oba, @Yves_Globalをお招きし、ブルッキングズ研究所の@solis_msolis にモデレーターを務めて頂きます。