Alexandre Sheldon-Duplaix Reviews Chinese Aerospace Power in Marine Technology
Alexandre Sheldon-Duplaix; review of Andrew S. Erickson and Lyle J. Goldstein, eds., Chinese Aerospace Power: Evolving Maritime Roles (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2011); in Marine Technology (April 2012): 86-87.
This book presents 27 papers from the fourth annual conference on China’s naval developments organized by the United States Naval War College’s China Maritime Studies Institute in 2008. Uniquely dedicated to naval issues, the institute is one of several groups of experts in America providing open sources analysis on the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). At least 12 of the 35 authors are active or retired U.S. military personnel. The editors are both professors at the Naval War College.
The book addresses, successively, the maritime context for China’s rapid aerospace developments, its intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) implications; future maritime missions (including anti-submarine warfare, so far a major weakness for China); force projection (aerial replenishment and carrier developments); tactics for China’s anti-ship cruise and ballistic missiles; and the consequences for U.S. operations. As Lieutenant General Daniel Leaf, USAF, Ret., points out in his preface, “this is important work.”
The strategic context for these issues is Washington’s commitment to the defense of Taiwan and Beijing’s efforts towards reunification. China’s military modernization complicates a successful U.S. intervention to safeguard Taiwan from mainland’s “liberators.” It has already prevented Taipei from proclaiming independence, and discouraged attempts by Taiwan’s supporters in Washington to defeat the one China policy.
Is China’s military modernization “well beyond defensive requirements” as General Leaf writes? For Beijing, it is aimed at solving the Taiwan issue and not at threatening neighbors. Authors of the papers in this book show that China’s Second Artillery can deliver warheads accurately all around China’s borders (a substitute for bombers) and that attacking U.S. bases in Japan, South Korea and Guam would be a prerequisite for success in Taiwan, despite the risks of bringing Tokyo and Seoul into the conflict. Heavily influenced by U.S. concepts of network centric warfare, the PLA sees Information Warfare as a mean to both win and limit the scale of a Taiwan confrontation with America. A relative erosion of Taiwan’s military capabilities could lead Beijing to take greater risks in Cross straight relations, but the new Air Sea battle doctrine may convince Beijing that it cannot win even if it subdues Taiwan. Other authors in the book review China’s attempts to deny airspace over its Exclusive Economic Zone to American reconnaissance aircraft, and China’s efforts to assert legal control of maritime airspace.
Some of the authors think that China military modernization goes beyond Taiwan, and that the country is developing capabilities that could alter the strategic landscape well beyond the Asia-Pacific region. This would surpass Taiwan, Japan, India, and even U.S. forces operating in the Western Pacific with a set of aerospace systems that includes microsatellites, unmanned aerial vehicles, and missiles, and which already challenges U.S. maritime dominance in East Asia. Time and money are on China’s side. Editor Goldstein refers to some “future Chinese expeditionary force operating off Africa.” One of the authors reminds us that the former Russian carrier Varyag cannot compare with a U.S. Nimitz-class carrier, and would most likely have a regional role in the South China Sea. But the author does not mention the Varyag’s original mission under the Soviet “bastion concept” of creating a sanctuary where noisy strategic submarines could be defended. So far, Beijing is bound by policy statements that it would not station forces abroad nor use carriers for global reach like the United States. The authors tend to overestimate the Malacca dilemma, China having always the option to take longer sea routes at a fraction of the cost of building vulnerable pipelines or dispatching a fleet.
Authors assess the yet unproven anti-ship ballistic missiles (ASBM) as a game changer that, over the next 10 to 15 years, would give the PLA a precision strike capability versus aircraft carriers and other U.S. and allied ships operating within 1,500-2,000 kilometers of China’s coasts. But they do not refer to the Soviet Union’s far superior anti-carrier defenses, with 1,500 cruise missiles already available in 1991 aboard nuclear submarines, long range bombers, and strike cruisers, all directed by aircraft and satellites. Yet the USN was then confident to prevail with AEGIS cruisers and interceptors. Could Chinese ballistic missiles do better against U.S. carriers moving well above 35 knots?
A moderating Admiral Eric McVadon concludes “that US-China relations are sufficiently important that we cannot afford simply to point to Chinese intransigence and live with the repeated disruptions.” He calls for “achieving habits of cooperation rather than those of confrontation,” and emphasizes that conflict is “neither inevitable nor likely.” Taking Beijing at its word, the admiral would like to create enough trust to prevent an arms race in space.
Overall, Chinese Aerospace Power: Evolving Maritime Roles is an outstanding and important book.
Alexandre Sheldon-Duplaix was naval analyst at the French Ministry of Defense, and is now a researcher at the French Defense Historical Service and a lecturer at the Paris’ Ecole de Guerre. He is the author of several books and studies on the Chinese navy.
Andrew S. Erickson and Lyle J. Goldstein, eds., Chinese Aerospace Power: Evolving Maritime Roles (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2011).
Japanese summary translation now available: 中国の航空宇宙パワー海洋任務への発展.
Highlighted in’s Special Selections.
For a video introducing the volume’s contents, watch Prof. Andrew S. Erickson, Eight Bells Book Lecture, Naval War College Museum, 8 September 2011.
China’s aircraft carrier program is already making major waves well before the first ship has even been completed. Undoubtedly, this development heralds a new era in Chinese national security policy. While Chinese Aerospace Power presents substantial new insight on that particular question, its main focus is decidedly broader in scope. This book offers a comprehensive survey of Chinese aerospace developments, with a concentration on areas of potential strategic significance previously unexplored in Western scholarship. It also links these developments to the vast maritime battlespace of the Asia-Pacific region and highlights the consequent implications for the U.S. military, particularly the U.S. Navy.
The possibility of a future Chinese expeditionary force operating off Africa under the protective umbrella of carrier aircraft is not without consequence for the global strategic balance. However, a simpler set of aerospace systems, from microsatellites to unmanned aerial vehicles to ballistic and cruise missiles are already challenging U.S. maritime dominance in East Asia. Cumulatively, progress in all major aerospace dimensions by various elements of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) signifies a new period in which Chinese forces are now decisively altering the complexion of the military balance in the East Asian littoral.
While many articles and books have previously been written on Chinese aerospace development and many more discuss future U.S. naval strategy in the Asia-Pacific region, no other book connects the two issues, simultaneously evaluating the Chinese aerospace challenge and its implications for U.S. naval strategy.
Chinese Aerospace Power offers both broad strategic context for the lay reader and considerable insights for even the most well-informed specialists, with no fewer than five chapters devoting coverage to significant aspects of China’s development of a “carrier killer” anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM).
Publication date: July 2011
512 pp., 2 b/w photos, 15 illustrations, 6” x 9”
ISBN: 978-159114-241-6
Political Science, International Relations
This is the fifth volume in the Naval Institute Press series “Studies in Chinese Maritime Development” published jointly by the China Maritime Studies Institute and the Naval Institute Press. Click here for information regarding previous volumes in the series.
China, the United States, and 21st Century Sea Power
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China Goes to Sea: Maritime Transformation in Comparative Historical Perspective
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Andrew S. Erickson is an associate professor in the U.S. Naval War College’s Strategic Research Department and a founding member of its China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI). He is an Associate in Research at Harvard University’s Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies and a Fellow in the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations’ Public Intellectuals Program.
Lyle J. Goldstein is an associate professor in the Strategic Research Department at the U.S. Naval War College, and the founding director of the department’s China Maritime Studies Institute. He is proficient in Chinese and Russian, and has published widely in scholarly journals on China, Russia, Central Asia, and surface and undersea warfare.
“In this edited volume, Erickson and Goldstein provide us with a comprehensive survey of China’s ongoing efforts to shift the military balance in the Western Pacific decisively in its favor through the development and application of aerospace power as it pertains to the maritime competition. Drawing upon primary research and Chinese sources, this volume will be a valuable and timely addition to the libraries of those with an interest in this issue of growing geostrategic importance.”
—Dr. Andrew F. Krepinevich Jr., President of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, author of 7 Deadly Scenarios: A Military Futurist Explores the Changing Face of War in the 21st Century
“This coverage of this book is at once broad and deep. It serves well as an introduction to advances in Chinese maritime aerospace technology, and it will also reward expert readers looking for the latest update on these evolving capabilities. Many readers will be surprised by the extent of Chinese progress described by the contributors to this work. Assembling evidence from a necessarily diverse range of sources, they detail the strategic as well as the technical issues that are shaping the Chinese military establishment as it looks beyond the country’s shores, and they examine how it will develop in coming years and decades.”
—Bradley Perrett, Asia-Pacific bureau chief, Aviation Week, Beijing
“Chinese Aerospace Power is an excellent and very readable overview of China’s impressive advances in almost every aspect of air and space operations. Not only have the Chinese developed impressive technical capabilities, but they have also given careful thought to the operational concepts associated with them. There is no reason that China must be an enemy of the United States, but it would be folly on our part if we were to lose to China the across-the-board technology lead that has been vital to our national security for well over a half century. This is a must read for anyone with a concern for American or Chinese military affairs.”
—Col. John A. Warden III, USAF (Ret.), Gulf War I planner, president of Venturist, Inc., author of The Air Campaign and Winning in FastTime
“Chinese Aerospace Power arrives on the scene as the United States is facing declining resources for defense while the Chinese are realizing rapid expansion of its military capabilities in the aerospace and maritime domains. Andrew Erickson and Lyle Goldstein yield timely insight into how these two trends are evolving in these arenas. Resolving the security objectives of the United States and China in the Pacific—and around the world—requires that policymakers and military strategists understand the reality of Chinese military capability, experiences, and perspectives. This work provides that insight and is a must read as Chinese aerospace development is significantly altering the character of the military and political balance in the Pacific.”
—Lt. General David A. Deptula, USAF (Ret.), former USAF Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
“Absolutely the most important book on air and space power I’ve had the pleasure to read. The power of this detailed survey of Chinese Aerospace Power is doubled because it presents both an intelligent American analysis and an insightful view of the ‘Chinese perception’ of the situation. Our two nations have much in common, but the understanding this difference in perception is essential to our selection of our future alternatives. A must have book!”
—Col. Walter J. Boyne, USAF (Ret.), National Aviation Hall of Fame honoree and former director of the National Air and Space Museum, author of Beyond the Wild Blue: A History of the U.S. Air Force, 1947-2007
“China’s air and space development is an area of significant interest for the U.S. Navy. This book elucidates the critical linkage between China’s military aerospace and maritime capabilities. Whereas China’s rapid progress has already rendered many other studies obsolete, this volume connects the latest ‘data point’ dots and puts them in strategic context. Navy leaders and planners should read it today.”
—Admiral Timothy J. Keating, USN (Ret.), former Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Command
“The collection is held together by a common focus on maritime oriented Chinese aerospace military capabilities. Edited by Andrew Erickson, CAP is part of a series of similar volumes on Chinese maritime military issues. Taken together, the essays supply a vision of how the United States and the People’s Republic of China envision high technology warfare against one another. … Interservice conflict invariably produces friction.… The collection does an excellent job of highlighting where the rifts lay, and describing the effect that they’ve had on planning and procurement. … These essays shine a light on how China is thinking about fighting the United States, deterring US intervention in regional conflict, and shaping US behavior in the Western Pacific. Given that the book is the product of a Naval War College colloquium and that it includes the work of many individuals close to the development of USN doctrine and strategy, it also gives good indication of how the United States views the prospect of war against China. It bears note that the book is relevant whether or not we evaluate a war between China and the United States as likely; the technologies, doctrines, and procurement priorities outlined will guide US and Chinese policy for at least a generation, and calculations regarding the likelihood and likely course of war will guide how the two nations related to one another diplomatically.”
—Robert Farley, “Sunday Book Review: Chinese Aerospace Power,” Information Dissemination, 11 March 2012.
“the authors explore the strategic implications of Chinese forces for the US Navy and the military balance in East Asia….”
—“Chinese Aerospace Power: Evolving Maritime Roles,” Brief Notices, Survival 54.1 (February-March 2012): 228.
“Like the others in the series, it is also rich in detail, comprehensive in approach, strong in analytical rigour and light on speculation. … the range of sources is impressive. Nearly always primary source—many translated from Chinese—and including more unusual techniques, such as the analysis of Chinese UAV exhibitions at trade shows, it allows for an authoritative discussion. This authority is, however, self-tempered by the inclusion of a chapter discussing ‘Challenges in Assessing China’s Aerospace Capabilities and Intentions’, which recognises that Chinese military capability remains a difficult area to gain reliable data. Such honest self-assessment is admirable. … [The] final two essays form a good basis for contextualizing all the information presented earlier.… Uninformed and speculative comment on China can be found almost daily in our major newspapers, blogs and magazines. The need to have a deep understanding of what China is—and is not—militarily capable of is therefore growing to ensure that reasoned debate can occur. … Books such as Chinese Aerospace Power provide the basis of that discovery and anyone who is interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the rise of China would benefit from reading it.”
—Captain Gordon A. Andrew, RAN, “Chinese Aerospace Power: Evolving Maritime Roles,” Australian Defence Force Journal 186 (November/December 2011): 100-101.
“this volume evaluates the advances that China has made in its aerospace operations and the implications of this advancement for U.S. naval strategy.”
—Katherine Duke, “Chinese Aerospace Power: Evolving Maritime Roles,” “Short Takes,” Amherst Magazine (Fall 2011): 46.
“This enormously valuable and very up-to-date work… provides a very comprehensive analytical overview of the rapid development of the aerospace functions of the PLA Navy. Politicians, military officers, journalists, naval architects, ship-builders, ship-owners and even businessmen who have any connection with or concern for China would be well advised to buy and carefully study this book.”
—Ausmarine (November 2011): 36.
“offers a broad overview and appraisal of recent developments in Chinese aerospace and maritime power and examines implications for the US military, especially Chinese prowess in fielding advanced cruise missiles and China’s long-range precision-strike capabilities that pose a threat to forces in the Western Pacific theater….”
—“Reference & Research Book News,” Book News Inc. (October 2011), 306.
“This volume has numerous strengths. Its greatest contribution to existing literature is that it uses a great deal of open source Chinese based literature to add credence to the authors ideas. … The work assembles … an all-star cast of scholars to discuss one of the most timely security studies subjects of the 21st century. … When considered as a whole or in part, this work should give US strategic planners a moment of pause. Erickson and Goldstein have created a volume that is balanced, dense in scope but still readable and enjoyable. Combined with the assemblage of a ‘who’s who’ in Chinese security studies, the appeal of such a work is hard to deny. This volume should serve as the textbook to any security studies student who wishes to gain a scholarly perspective on China’s aerospace and military rise to power from a maritime perspective. It is a work I will keep close at hand for years to come.”
—Harry Kazianis, “Review: Chinese Aerospace Power, Evolving Maritime Roles,” 5 Stars, e-International Relations, 6 September 2011.
“… despite the numerous one-off articles, there hasn’t until now been a place in English that brings together all the pieces of the puzzle. That is until the recent publication by the China Maritime Studies Institute of Chinese Aerospace Power: Evolving Maritime Roles. The volume… offers a comprehensive overview of all the latest developments, and touches on the whole spectrum of the Chinese aerospace capabilities…. The essays, from some of the most highly regarded analysts in the field, help provide a good understanding of the state of Chinese aerospace modernization. The book not only examines the technical feasibility of Chinese plans, as well as their strengths and weaknesses, but also delves deep into domestic Chinese debates about the weapons systems in question. The volume manages to get to the core of the issue through open source analysis that compares and contrasts Chinese writings on the topic from a variety of official and unofficial sources, offering a far broader perspective than volumes focusing only on Western analysis. Indeed, Chinese Aerospace Power delves deeply into the Chinese system, examining inter-service rivalries and integration and training issues. … The book is a must-read piece for every government official involved with China-related issues, military or otherwise. If knowing your interlocutor is a prerequisite for successful negotiations, the book should be a big step towards providing a balanced and necessary understanding.”
—Eleni Ekmektsioglou, “Understanding China,” The Diplomat, 26 August 2011.
“…this book was astonishing. …Almost everyone of the paper was informative (make that eye-opening)… Kudos to the authors and editor. But the heart of the book for a novice like myself was the realization of what the Chinese Second Artillery Corps has pulled off. Terminally guided precision Anti Ship Ballistic Missiles (ASBM) have essentially made our carriers obsolete for a war-time Taiwan mission in the Western Pacific. The PLAAF cruise missile, fighter and air defense systems are impressive. All of it feels like the Soviet reconnaissance/strike package implemented by a country that has its act together. This book should be required reading by every staffer in Washington.”
—Tech Historian, “Outstanding! A Must Have on Your Shelf,” 5 Star Rating,, 23 August 2011.
“In the past, I have found works by Andrew Erickson, Lyle Goldstein and the good folks at China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI) to be of the highest quality and this book was no exception. … It does a great job of understanding China’s motivations/intentions, while fairly examining PLA’s capabilities and training. For those seeking for a greater understanding of China’s air force, space development and Second Artillery Command, I think this is a must read. … On top of that, I was pleasantly surprised by all of the new information/analysis that I found in this book regarding China’s ASBM program. I have read many differently analyses on ASBM (including several by CMSI), but this book really provided a much more comprehensive look than anything else I have read. The discussions on subjects like conflict escalation of ASBM, hard kill vs soft kill and non-carrier targets were very refreshing. So, for all those who are interested in learning more about China’s Air Force, space development and Second Artillery, I think this book would be an excellent read.”
—Feng, “Review of Chinese Aerospace Power: Evolving Maritime Roles,” Information Dissemination, 16 August 2011.
“…the papers presented by this installation are of the highest quality with primary Chinese sources. They are written by the most respected authorities on the subject…. While unveiling fancy new equipment can generate headlines, the press generally doesn’t ask the deeper question of how new equipment may change existing PLA doctrine or examine potential implications. This is where the good folks from the CMSI come in and provide analyses that are lacking in the blogosphere….”
—China Defense Blog, 31 July 2011.
“A useful analysis of Chinese air power, especially with regards to the sea. Balanced and highly technical, the book aims neither to hype nor downplay PLA capabilities.”
—David Axe, “Useful Analysis,” 4 Star Rating,, 28 July 2011.
“…Beijing has a brutally simple—if risky—plan to compensate for [its] relative weakness: buy missiles. And then, buy more of them. All kinds of missiles: short-range and long-range; land-based, air-launched and sea-launched; ballistic and cruise; guided and ‘dumb.’ Those are the two striking themes that emerge from Chinese Aerospace Power….”
—David Axe, “China’s Plan to Beat U.S.: Missiles, Missiles and More Missiles,” Danger Room,, 27 July 2011.
Japanese summary translation now available: 中国の航空宇宙パワー海洋任務への発展.
概 説
アンドリュー・エリクソンとライル・J・ゴールドスタインは米国海軍大学の戦略研究部准教授であり、中国海洋研究所の発起人である。彼らは、「中国、米国及び21 世紀のシーパワー」及び「中国は海へ進出」を含む幾つかの書籍を共著している。