Archive | Chinese Language 中文

30 November 2017

“The China Questions: Critical Insights into a Rising Power”—Published by Harvard University Press to Commemorate Fairbank Center’s 60th Anniversary

Jennifer Rudolph and Michael Szonyi, eds., The China Questions: Critical Insights into a Rising Power (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2018).

陆德芙 [Jennifer Rudolph] and 宋怡明 [Michael Szonyi], 编 [Editors]; 余江 [Yu Jiang] and 郑言 [Zheng Yan], 译 [Translators]; 中国36问—对一个崛起大国的洞察 [The China Questions: Critical Insights into a Rising Power] (Cambridge, MA: 哈佛大学费正清中国研究中心 [John King Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University], 2020).

Simplified Chinese translation of my chapter: 艾立信 [Andrew S. […]

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29 October 2017

Full Text of Xi Jinping’s 19th National Party Congress Work Report & Related Documents

On this we should all agree: the historic Work Report that Xi Jinping delivered at China’s 19th National Party Congress on 18 October 2017 bears careful reading.
To that end, here’s the official Chinese-language text:
习近平, “决胜全面建成小康社会 夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利——在中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会上的报告,” 2017年10月18日.
(In case you cannot access the link above or do not wish to do so, please scroll to […]

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25 February 2017

Latest China Security Report from Japan’s National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS) Focuses on Cross-Strait Issues. Access Complete Set of English/Japanese/Chinese Reports (Dating to 2010) Here.

The international community keeps a close watch on China’s security policy and its military trends. The Japanese public has been increasingly aware of the large impact of China’s rising military (and economic) power that may have a huge impact on Japanese security. China, now the second largest economy in the world, has become an essentially […]

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30 August 2016

China Open Source Example: Big Plans for Maritime Militia Base Buildup, as Seen from a Government Proposal Document

“关于在文昌木兰头规划建设三沙战略腹地和民兵渔船停泊港的建议” [Proposal for the Planning and Construction of Wenchang Mulantou Rear Area for Sansha and Harbor for Mooring Maritime Militia Fishing Vessels], submitted to the Hainan Provincial Government, 12 February 2015.
This proposal, as a result of a special assessment made by the Development Research Center of the State Council and submitted to the Hainan Provincial […]

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22 June 2016

Interview by 美国之音 (Voice of America) on 海上民兵 (Maritime Militia) of 潭门镇 (Tanmen Township) & Beyond

萧雨 [Xiao Yu], “南海仲裁在即 潭门渔民集体封口” [South China Sea Arbitration Imminent—Tanmen Fishermen Collective Seals Mouth],  美国之音 [Voice of America], 23 June 2016.

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18 May 2016

“China Security Report 2016” from Japan’s National Institute for Defense Studies

From Japan’s National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS, 防衛研究所), a worthy complement to the U.S. Department of Defense’s annual report to Congress on Chinese military and security issues!
Click here for the full text of the 2016 report.
The international community keeps a close watch on China’s security policy and its military trends. The Japanese public has […]

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11 May 2016

PLA Recruiting Ad: The Rap Video—Annotated Translations by Dr. Kevin Jensen & Prof. Mark Metcalf

PLA Recruiting Ad: The Rap Video
Click here to watch on YouTube
Background and summary from South China Morning Post:
‘Just waiting for the order to kill, kill, kill’: China’s military tries to woo young recruits with slick video featuring rock and rap soundtrack

Excerpts from video translated by Kevin A. Jensen, Ph.D., former Assistant Professor of Chinese, United […]

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16 April 2016

Latest in Series Available in Chinese from Ocean Press: “China, the United States, and 21st Century Sea Power” (CMSI Vol. 4) 中国, 美国与21世纪海权

Andrew S. Erickson, Lyle J. Goldstein, and Nan Li, eds., China, the United States, and 21st Century Sea Power: Defining a Maritime Security Partnership (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2010).
[美] 安德鲁·S·埃里克森 [Andrew S. Erickson], 莱尔·J·戈尔茨坦 [Lyle J. Goldstein], 李楠 [Li Nan], 主编 [Editors]; 徐胜 [Xu Sheng], 范晓婷 [Fan Xiaoting], 王琦 [Wang Qi], 万芳芳 [Wan Fangfang], 黄南艳 [Huang Nanyan], […]

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16 April 2016

Now Published in Chinese by China’s Leading Maritime Press: “China Goes to Sea” (CMSI Vol. 3) 中国走向海洋

Andrew S. Erickson, Lyle J. Goldstein, and Carnes Lord, eds., China Goes to Sea: Maritime Transformation in Comparative Historical Perspective (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, July 2009).
Reprinted in Chinese as [美]  安德鲁·S.埃里克森 (Erickson A.S.) [Andrew S. Erickson], 莱尔·J.戈尔茨坦 [Lyle J. Goldstein], 卡恩斯·洛德  [Carnes Lord], 编者 [Editors]; 董绍峰  [Dong Shaofeng], 姜代超 [Jiang Daichao] (译者) [Translators]; 中国走向海洋 [China Goes to Sea], 海洋战略与海洋强国论丛 [Maritime Strategy and […]

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16 April 2016

Now Available in Chinese via Top PRC Maritime Press: “China’s Energy Strategy” (CMSI Vol. 2) 中国能源战略对海洋政策的影响

Gabriel B. Collins, Andrew S. Erickson, Lyle J. Goldstein, and William S. Murray, eds., China’s Energy Strategy: The Impact on Beijing’s Maritime Policies (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2008).
Reprinted in Chinese as [美] 加布里埃尔·B.柯林斯 [Gabriel B. Collins], 安德鲁·S.埃里克森 [Andrew S. Erickson], 莱尔·J.戈尔茨坦 [Lyle J. Goldstein], 威廉·S.默里 [William S. Murray], 编者 [Editors]; 李少彦 [Li Shaoyan], 姜代超 [Jiang Daichao], 薛放 [Xue Fang], 刘宏伟 [Liu Hongwei], 译者 [Translators]; 中国能源战略对海洋政策的影响 [China’s […]

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16 April 2016

First Volume in Series Available in Chinese from Ocean Press: “China’s Future Nuclear Submarine Force” (CMSI Vol. 1) 中国未来核潜艇力量

Andrew S. Erickson, Lyle J. Goldstein, William S. Murray, and Andrew R. Wilson, eds.,China’s Future Nuclear Submarine Force (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2007).
Reprinted in Chinese as [美] 安德鲁·S·埃里克森 [Andrew S. Erickson], 莱尔·J·戈尔茨坦 [Lyle J. Goldstein], 威廉·S·默里 [William S. Murray], 安德鲁·R·威尔逊 [Andrew R. Wilson], (编者) [Editors]; 刘宏伟 [Liu Hongwei]  (译者) [Translator]; 中国未来核潜艇力量 [China’s Future Nuclear […]

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30 November 2015

Towards “Competitive Coexistence”: Building Operational Trust through Maritime Confidence Building Measures and Non-Traditional Security Cooperation

Andrew S. Erickson and Austin M. Strange, “Towards ‘Competitive Coexistence’: Building Operational Trust through Maritime Confidence Building Measures and Non-Traditional Security Cooperation,” China International Strategy Review 2015, 115–38.          ONLINE VERSION
[美]安德鲁·埃里克森 [美]奥斯丁·斯特兰奇 [Andrew S. Erickson and Austin M. Strange], “迈向‘竞争性共存’: 通过海上建立信任措施–与非传统安全合作构建行动互信” [Towards “Competitive Coexistence”: Building Operational Trust through Maritime Confidence Building Measures […]

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31 May 2015

Speech by Admiral Sun Jianguo, Deputy Chief of PLA General Staff Department, at Shangri-La Dialogue–Full English & Chinese Texts Here

孙建国上将 [Admiral Sun Jianguo], 中国人民解放军副总参谋长 [Deputy Chief of PLA General Staff Department], “携手同护和平 共建安全亚太” [***Rough Translation***: Work Together With Care to Build a Peaceful and Secure Asia-Pacific], 在第十四届香格里拉对话会上的发言 [Speech at 14th Shangri-La Dialogue], Singapore, 国防部网 [China Ministry of National Defense Website], 31 May 2015.

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20 March 2015

New Areas in Asia-Pacific Security Cooperation: Space Security and Cyber Security

Andrew S. Erickson, “亚太安全合作新领域: 太空安全与网络安全” [New Areas in Asia-Pacific Security Cooperation: Space Security and Cyber Security], in Zhao Weibin, Li Shuisheng, and Chen Xuehui, chief eds., Asia-Pacific Security: New Issues and New Ideas [亚太地区安全: 新问题与新思路] (Beijing: Military Science Press [军事科学出版社], 2014), 103-04.

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17 November 2014

China’s Blue Soft Power: Antipiracy, Engagement, and Image Enhancement

Andrew S. Erickson and Austin M. Strange, “China’s Blue Soft Power: Antipiracy, Engagement, and Image Enhancement,” Naval War College Review 68.1 (Winter 2015): 71–91.
Translated in traditional Chinese as:
艾瑞克森 [Andrew S. Erickson] 博士、史崔奇 [Austin M. Strange] 博士生; 譯者: 翟文中 (海軍備役上校) [Translation by Capt. CHAI Wen-Chung, ROC-N (Ret.)], “中國大陸的遠洋軟實力 打擊海盜、國際交往與形象提升(上)” [Mainland China’s Use of Blue Water Soft Power […]

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23 September 2014

Now Published in Chinese by China’s Top Maritime Press: “China, the United States, and 21st Century Sea Power” (CMSI Vol. 4) 中国, 美国与21世纪海权

Andrew S. Erickson, Lyle J. Goldstein, and Nan Li, eds., China, the United States, and 21st Century Sea Power: Defining a Maritime Security Partnership (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2010).
[美] 安德鲁·S·埃里克森 [Andrew S. Erickson], 莱尔·J·戈尔茨坦 [Lyle J. Goldstein], 李楠 [Li Nan], 主编 [Editors]; 徐胜 [Xu Sheng], 范晓婷 [Fan Xiaoting], 王琦 [Wang Qi], 万芳芳 [Wan Fangfang], 黄南艳 [Huang Nanyan], […]

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09 February 2014

Non-Traditional Maritime Security and U.S.-China Confidence Building Measures: An Opportunity amidst Challenges

安德鲁·埃里克森 [Andrew S. Erickson] and 奥斯丁·斯特兰奇 [Austin M. Strange], “非传统海上安全和美中信心建立措施: 挑战中的机遇” [Non-Traditional Maritime Security and U.S.-China Confidence Building Measures: An Opportunity amidst Challenges], 美国问题研究 [Fudan American Review], 1 (2014): 1–32.          FULL TEXT, NO COVER INFO          PART 1, WITH COVER INFO          PART 2 OF […]

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21 December 2013

Towards the Same End, With Considerable Potential: Considering Future Sino-American Cooperation Regarding Sea Lane Security in the Gulf of Aden

美国海军战争学院副教授 艾立信 [Andrew S. Erickson, U.S. Naval War College], 奥斯丁·斯特兰奇 [and Austin M. Strange], “相向而行, 潜力可观–面向未来的中美亚丁湾海上通道安全合作” (Towards the Same End, With Considerable Potential: Considering Future Sino-American Cooperation Regarding Sea Lane Security in the Gulf of Aden), 国际战略研究简报 [International and Strategic Studies Report] (北京大学国际战略研究中心主办) [Center for International and Strategic Studies, Peking University] 86 (13 September 2013): 1-4.
亚丁湾的反海盗行动, 包括美国和中国及其他许多国家海军的合作, 是一个 保障海上通道(SLOCs)的国际合作的成功案例。美中两国海军在打击海盗方面的合作有何优势和缺点? 其在亚丁湾护航的经历能为中美在其他海域保障海上通道 的联合行动提供何种经验教训? 围绕上述问题, 本文拟对美中两国反海盗行动的方式、双方迄今为止所进行的反海盗合作的性质、亚丁湾护航案例为未来美中管理海上公域提供的经验教训, 以及对双边合作的指导原则的启示等进行考察。 。。。
Anti-piracy efforts in the Gulf […]

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12 July 2013

Simplified Chinese Translation Now Available: “Chinese Mine Warfare: A PLA Navy ‘Assassin’s Mace’ Capability”

Andrew S. Erickson, Lyle J. Goldstein, and William S. Murray, Chinese Mine Warfare: A PLA Navy ‘Assassin’s Mace’ Capability, Naval War College China Maritime Study 3 (June 2009).
Chinese translation (simplified character version/简体版) now available: Andrew S. Erickson, Lyle J. Goldstein, and William S. Murray, “中国水雷作战: 中国海军的「杀手锏,” 美海军战院中国海事研究第3号 (2009 六月), translation by苏文启 [Su Wen-Chi], ROC Navy officer (retired).
Chinese translation (traditional character version/繁體版/繁体版) likewise […]

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